When he awoke, he had idea who or where he was. The room he was in was bright white. People were talking around him, but he was struggling to hear what they were saying. His eyes fluttered as he commanded them to focus.

The bright green robes. St. Mungo's Healers? Why...

The pain washed over him violently and he cried out loudly.

"Professor Snape! You're awake!" The woman closest to him said happily. Give me something, you wench!

He grimaced as his eyes adjusted to the lights. She moved to him and allowed him to sip from a small vial, "That will help with the pain a bit. I'm sure you've already guessed that you're in St. Mungo's. You stable now, but unfortunately, your wound is quite severe and you will be staying with us for several weeks at least."

The pain potion made him less focused, unable to think clearly. Why am I here? Why does everything hurt so badly?

"Are you feeling at all up to seeing anyone? You have had quite a crowd of people waiting to see you."


"How long have I been here?" His throat was dry and raspy.

"Oh, only for a few hours now, Professor. That venom wears off medicine like nobody's business. We can't keep you under for long."

What the fuck is going on? Venom? Why can't I remember anything? She's drugged me. This is a nightmare.

"Are you feeling up to visitors?" She smiled at him.

Visitors? Who would be visiting me anywhere?

He shrugged with his right shoulder and winced in pain that even that small movement caused him. She nodded and walked out of the door.

What the bloody hell is going on?

The door to his room opened and the bright light from the hallway blurred his vision again. There were people. Probably a half dozen people. He blinked furiously to be able to tell who was in front of him.

He saw her face. Her beautiful tear stained freckled face. His heart soared. Hermione. No other faces came into focus.

She moved to him quickly, sat at his bedside, and took his right hand into hers. She was dirty, blood smeared on her face and in her hair. She was crying. He looked at the people behind her. They were too. Why? His eyes widened as the memories came back to him. He clenched his jaw.


The Dark Lord.


The war.

The snake.




"Harry?" He rasped as panic rose inside him. He searched her face desperately.

She moved away from him and looked to the crowd of people and he followed her eyes. They moved backward out of the room, and Harry Potter stepped forward.

Snape looked at him. He struggled and grunted in pain, but managed to sit up and hung his legs off of the bed clad only in hospital pants. Adjusting his sling painfully, he breathed deeply. The healer moved toward him and reached out, "You really shouldn't be moving, Professor," He slapped her hand away from him. Hermione shot her a look. The healer held up her hands and left, leaving Hermione, Harry, and Severus alone.

His eyes never strayed from Harry's. He pushed off the bed, swayed and wobbled - pain meds, pain, emotions. Hermione moved toward him in case he fell, but knew him well enough to know that he needed to do this on his own.

Neither green eyes nor black eyes blinked, "Come here, boy," Severus' voice was thick with emotion. Harry.

Harry walked toward him slowly and looked up at the man he had spent so many years hating and mistrusting, and the man who had spent so many years sacrificing for him relentlessly.

Snape's eyes moved over his face. He swayed again and Harry grabbed his right bicep and steadied him. Severus put his hand behind Harry's neck to keep himself still, and stared into his face. His mouth dropped open slightly.

The face was so like his father's, but less sharp, gentler, like his mother. The eyes. Her eyes. It was him. Snape's eyes moved to his forehead. He brought his hand around and pushed the boy's dark bangs out of his eyes. He gasped. The scar that had once been so prominent against his nearly flawless skin had shrunk, paled, and blended more with the rest of his forehead.

Snape met his eyes again and Harry spoke, "We did it."

Three words. That's all the boy said and Snape fell back onto the bed and Harry held him in a seated position. The room was spinning. He was crying in spite of himself and Harry's forehead was against his. Hermione's hand was on his back in comforting circles.

"We did it," Harry repeated, "We did it. We did it."

Severus whimpered as Harry pulled Snape's face into his jacket being mindful of the massive wound on the left side of his body.

"Lily," He whined and clung to Harry's jacket.

"We did it," Harry whispered, "We did it for her."

Hermione talked soothingly into his ear, but he heard nothing that she said, and instead, only recognized her tone. Hermione.

Harry pulled back and looked at him, "You look like hell, Severus. You need to rest. I'll be here. Every day. Annoying the piss out of you," He smiled.

Snape's eyes were puffy from crying and heavy from pain potions and exhaustion. He swallowed.

"We still have much to do, and more to talk about, Snape, so don't take your time in here," Harry said as he stepped back.

I thought it was done. Snape raised his eyebrows and croaked "What do we have to do?"

Harry looked at him, "Life. We have a lot of living to do. Get some rest."

The door swung closed behind him, and Hermione kissed his shoulder, "Lay down, love," She said softly.

He did gingerly and he stared at her face. She moved slightly away from him and he gripped her wrist tightly.

"What's wrong?" She asked, "Does it hurt?"

"Don't leave me," His voice was broken.

She smiled and waved her wand over her body. She was clean now, changed into pajamas and grabbed the blanket by his feet. Hermione expanded the bed and she crawled up next to him, pulling the blanket over both of them, and curled up against his side.

"I thought I lost you, Severus," Her voice shook.

"Me too," His voice was one of quiet disbelief.

"I love you."

"I love you."

We did it. We did it. We did it.