Yankee Stadium

It has been a week since Lincoln got out of the hospital and progressed in therapy and True to his word Aaron Boone and the Yankees paid for everything and Know the Loud family where sitting on ground level seats behind third base any closer and they would be on the filed the Stadium was crowded with Die hard Yankee fans as they where playing against the Atlanta Braves.

The Loud's and Lincoln's Team where in there seats with food in there hands " I can't believe Lincoln is doing this " Lana said as she took a bite of a hod that she had gotten before she sat down with her family " Well this is Lincoln's Big day and it is paid for" Lola said to her twin as she drank a soda Lily was eating a Churro like there was no Tomorrow. Leni looked around to see that there where no empty seats in the Stadium.

" Whoa there is like no seats left well except for the one we have for Lincoln" Leni said to her family " Well it opening Day Leni of course it's gonna get packed" Luan said as she had a foam finger over her hand " Howdy y'all " A voice said to them Rita and Lynn Sr.s eyes widen because they knew who's voice it was hey turned around to see Greyson and his two sons with him with both had on jerseys while Greyson wore a cap.

" Ladies and Gentlemen we Welcome you to are first game of the New York Yankees Season now we as that you please Rise for are Nations National Anthem" the Announcer said as everyone stood and placed there right hand over there heart and then a young girl came to the pitchers mound and grabbed the microphone and began to sing.

" O say can you see by the dawn's early light."

" What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming"

" Whose broad stripes and bright stars through perilous fight"

" O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?"

" And the Rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air"

"Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there"

" O say does that star spangled banner yet wave"

" O'er the land of the free and the home of the Brave" As the young girl finished the sound of fighter jets could be heard as people looked up they a squadron of F-15 Eagles fly bu people clapped and cheered as the jets flew over and the girl who finished the anthem.

" Wlane wlane" Lilly said as she looked up pointing at the Jet's Rita smiled as she pulled out a small toy plane and handed it to Lilly.

" Ladies and Gentlemen we know welcome Lincoln loud Of Michigan's Oak County bulldogs to throw the first pitch" the Announcer said.

Then Lincoln walked towards the mound the Yankees pitcher handed Lincoln the ball as the catcher got in the position Lincoln took a deep breath and even though he wasn't playing it seemed to be as if it was his team big game.

" Here's the pitch" the Announcer said as Lincoln threw the ball faster than he would do.

" And It's GOOD Ladies and gentlemen LET'S PLAY SOME BASEBALL!" the Announcer shouted.

The Stadium erupted in a roar of excitement as The season of there Favorite Team began and hope to end the season in October with A World Series Championship and Bragging rights for the year until the next season.

Lincoln was his Biological Father and his mom and dad along with his new brothers and his sisters they sat together and watched the ball game and for some weird felling Lincoln felt a peace He and his Family cheered as the Game went into the night and A Fireworks show to celebrate opening night.

( I'm gonna stop it right there and in the next chapter your gonna be surprise )