Oaks county Michigan

It was a beautiful day at the ballpark " An it's an out of the park home run!" the announcer shouts over the loud speaker " and that's the game folks Heverton stallions 10 and oaks county bulldogs 14 and the hero of the game number twenty two Lincoln loud!" the announcer says and then turns off the speaker

" alright gather around " the coach says to his team

( Now you must be wondering why is Lincoln playing in a baseball team well it started when his sisters started that pathetic sister fight protocol he was frustrated and angry frustrated that his sisters wouldn't let him help angry that his parents didn't man up and put a stop to the nonsense later that day Lincoln was at the batting cages and was hitting home runs none stop he didn't realize it because he was to busy picturing the base balls as his sisters the coach from the bulldogs like what he saw and asked Lincoln if he wanted to play Lincoln though about it and figure why not everyone in royal woods knew about his sister Lynn being the sport type but he figured why not make himself known in a different community he could become something and even make a name for himself and for eight straight weeks he and the rest of the bulldogs have been on a roll and with a thirty minute drive from he kept under the radar from his sisters especially Lynn)

" Alright every last one of you poured your heart outs in this game" the coach said to his players with ages from eleven to thirteen " and you all did your part to make sure you win without doubting yourself and I'm proud of you for that " the coach said as he pulled out the game ball that was signed by the coaches and the players before the game those who receive the game ball show how hard they worked for it how much effort put in to earn it the coach looks at Lincoln

"Lincoln for the past eight weeks you poured your heart and soul into this team and you saw seven players receive the game ball for there efforts and I would like to make you the eight member to receive the game ball" the coach said to Lincoln as he handed the Lincoln the game ball " thank you coach " Lincoln said as he excepted the game ball and the team applaud him

" alright team party at the pizza palace at five don't be late" the coach said to the team ad the players said "yes coach!" the players said and left the park

Lincoln was walking beside his team mate Austin he was one year older than Lincoln was in middle school at first him and Lincoln didn't get along but they became the best of friends Lincoln had made friends with the whole team and they acted like brothers towards each other and stood by there side no matter what

" Hey Lincoln what time do you want me and my folks to take you back home?" Austin asked as he and Lincoln walked towards his dad truck and put there bags that held the bats helmet and gloves inside " probably around seven I really don't want to be around my sisters" Lincoln said to Austin " I hear yah ten sisters would drive me crazy to when you think about it" Austin said to Lincoln making laugh a little bit

" Hey you wouldn't mine if shower when we get to your place I wanna freshen up before we go to the team party" Lincoln said to his friend " sure did you bring your own stuff to wash yourself with ?" Austin asked " You know it" Lincoln said

One hour later Lincoln and Austin where sitting on the couch in Austin's living room watchin a Celtics and Heats game it had started after they showered the boys where enjoying there time until the doorbell rang " I'll get it" Lincoln said as he got up from the couch and answered the door it was a package Lincoln had ordered he had it shipped to Austin's house because inside where baseball poster of the White Sox's the players and an autographed picture of the stadium he had it shipped to Austin's house because if he had it shipped to his house his sister would have found out

" is it the stuff you ordered?" Austin asked " yup" Lincoln said before any of them could have said anything the door bell rang " did you order anything else?" Austin asked Lincoln who shook his head " then who could it be?" Austin asked as he opened the door

when Austin opened the door Lincoln saw a girl about thirteen years old with golden blonde hair and crystal blue eyes he though he had died and seen an angel

" Oh hey savannah " Austin said to the girl " Hey Austin" savannah said to Austin and gave him a hug Austin broke a way from the hug and turned to Lincoln " Lincoln I would like you to meet my cousin savannah she's from Memphis and she's going to be staying with me and my family for a while " Austin said to Lincoln " Nice to meet you" Lincoln said to savannah as he shook her hand " nice to meet you to" savannah said as she had a small blush on her face little and so did Lincoln

( I'm gonna stop it right here and let me know what you think I would like to say that I did this tory because when I was elementary I played little league base ball until my last year of middle school and I was an umpire so I though of this story anayway let me know what you think of this story and please fell free to review or comment and share how you feel about this story )