Villain Deku chapter 1 here we go. All I can say is that the heroes ain't ready for the enemies they're about to have. Without further ado let's get into it.

Izuku "Deku" Midoriya didn't exactly have the time of his life for the past three months. You see in the past three months a not so pleasant sequence of events came to pass. Izuku's best friend Katsuki Bakugo gained his explosion quirk. As the name implies he could generate explosions from his hands. He was immediately praised by everyone for having a powerful quirk. Soon after Izuku was diagnosed as quirkless. Then Katsuki became a different person who started with the letter b. He became a bully. He used his quirk, you know the one that generates explosions that can oh I don't know hurt people, and turned it on his former best friend for the sole fact that he couldn't fight back. He also called him a useless piece of shit among other things. This type of behavior continued on for 3 months which leads us to today.

Today Izuku was minding his own business going through the lunch line and actually made it through without any fuss. 'You know maybe today is when things start looking up' our green haired protagonist thought to himself. Little did he know that Fate is a fickle little bitch who would not be smiling upon him today. Immediately after he sat down he was surrounded by Katsuki and his posse. The explosive boy himself set a fruit that looked similar to a gourd with swirly patterns covering it on his tray. He then spoke his intentions with a tone of mock kindness.

"Hey there Deku. I know things have been real rough for ya lately so I got you a present eat up buddy" that last word was spoken with undeniable venom promising punishment if the "request" was refused.

Izuku however, while smarter than the average bear, was too young and inexperienced to pick up on such subtleties. "O-oh I really appreciate it Kacchan, but I w-wasn't feeling too hungry t-today so I only got a small lunch."

The explosive blonde took exception to this and did what any sane person would do. He forced the fruit down his ex-friend's throat and verbally flamed him.

"Listen here Deku, you quirkless piece of shit you don't get to turn down my commands you hear that." he said as the green haired boy in question was coughing after being force-fed the weird fruit. He then did the responsible thing and set of an explosion in his face. Everyone watched the spectacle and saw the young boy on the ground crying. But no one did anything it wasn't their problem after all. The rest of the day continued similarly. Katsuki continued to bully Izuku and everyone else pretended not to notice. On his way home, after another verbal beating, Izuku saw All Might -his lord, savior, and heroic inspiration- taking down a villain with a minor flame quirk that only covered his hands up to his forearms. What luck too as he was the only one to see this. Before All Might could leave Izuku called out to him.

"All Might, All Might, Oh my gosh that was so cool can I please get your autograph sir." Izuku asked in a hero worship fueled frenzy. "Why of course my boy what is your name?" the hero asked while signing his fanboy's notebook. "I-izuku Midoriya All Might is it ok if I ask a question?" Allmight chuckled before responding

"But of course Young Midoriya although I must ask that you make it quick as I do need to bring this villain to justice."

Izuku without stuttering and a fire in his eye asked "Can I be a hero even though I'm quirkless?"

With slight hesitation All Might responded "With all the dangers that heroes face day to day and after all the villains I have encountered I have to say no it is far too dangerous for a quirkless person to be a hero. Although that shouldn't stop you from striving to help people perhaps you could join the police force. It certainly isn't as glamorous as being a hero, but it is a noble profession none the less. Goodbye my boy" and with that he took off. Now if Izuku had heard this later in life he might have been able to bear with it, but as a four year old bully victim he couldn't bear it and started crying as he made his trek home. However it seemed that Fate didn't had enough fun yet as he got home to see his apartment on fire. You see the flame villain All Might had beaten and left a spark that grew into a raging inferno. The boy immediately ran towards his door to see if his mother had made it to safety. But what he saw through the window however pushed him over the edge. His mother was on the ground unconcious as the building blazed. He didn't know how, but he knew he needed to get inside and save his mom. So color him surprised when thin nigh-invisible wires sprouted from his fingertips and cut the door to pieces. Not looking the gift horse in the mouth he sent the threads towards his mother, while unconciously changing their properties so they wouldn't hurt her' and pulled her out of the blaze right as the roof collapsed narrowly saving her. He did his damndest to bring her away so the recently arrived firefighters and paramedics could help her. Immediately they got to work trying to save the boy's mother. Mitsuki Bakugo found the boy and comforted him while they waited. Her husband was still at work and her son was still out with his posse. It was only after the firefighters stopped the blaze did one of the paramedics approach the pair.

"Excuse me young man are you related to the woman you brought to us?" Mitsuki was the one who answered for the boy.

"Yea this is her kid Izuku and I'm her best friend Mitsuki, is she okay how is she?" the blonde woman said as she was flooded with worry.

"I'm sorry we tried our best to bring her back, but the smoke inhalation killed her. You have my condolences." and with the bomb dropped the paramedic left the pair to grieve as they broke down. After crying for an unknown amount of time Mitsuki brought Izuku back home with her and drew a bath for him while putting on a brave face for the young boy who was clearly distraught.

"Here's a bath Izuku I know you're sad, but Inko would want you to be strong ya know. Like a hero would be. I know it hurts, but so long as you always keep her in your heart she'll never truly be gone." Izuku sniffled for a bit before giving Mitsuki the best smile he could muster.

"Thanks Aunt Mitsuki I-I'll do my best." he gave the blonde woman another big hug before she left him to his bath. However he started to feel weak as he got into into the bath. It wasn't until Mitsuki came to check on him that she realized the gravity of the situation. There he was under the water unmoving. She immediately pulled him out as he took in several deep breaths thankfully not coughing as no water had made it into his lungs.

Gone was the sympathetic friend and out came the worried mother in the lady. "Izuku would you mind telling me exactly what the actual fuck that little stunt was!?" she questioned not pulling any punches. However Izuku's response perplexed her. "I don't know" he said simply. Mitsuki took exception to this however. "The fuck do you mean you don't know?" "I mean I don't know. Once I settled in I kept feeling weaker and weaker until I couldn't move. It took everything I had to hold my breath." the green haired boy responded. "I don't know how, but I think it might be a drawback for my quirk." this perplexed Mitsuki as last she heard the boy was quirkless.

"I thought the doctors diagnosed you as quirkless."

"They did, but when I saw mom through the window I just thought that I had to save her and then these wires-" he then demonstrated his new found powers to his bully's mother which earned a look of surprise from the lady "- came out of my fingers and cut the door down, but when they wrapped around my mother they didn't hurt her at all which means that I may have unconciously changed the properties which means-" and he just mumbled the rest while they walked to the living room and he put on some clothes. It was at this moment that Fate decided that three times wasn't enough. Fate decided that it needed to piss in Izuku's cereal four times today. Because just then Katsuki came home and once the bath situation was explained the explosive boy had a field day. Izuku however wasn't having it today and, with a feat of strength that surprised everyone who saw it, Izuku decked Katsuki right in the jaw knocking him to the ground before running out of the house to got knows where. It was at this point in time that Mitsuki went off on the piece of human shit she had the displeasure of calling her child and explained everything that had happened.

"Aunt Inko is d-dead?" the boy said with tears in is eyes. Now don't get him wrong he thought his ex-friend was basically a second class citizen, but he loved the kid's mother as much as if not more than his own. He didn't feel bad for making fun of the fact that "Deku" was so useless he couldn't swim no no no. He just wished he waited a day or two. After a thorough beating from his mother and a tongue lashing from his father who recieved an explanation upon returning home, the Bakugo family proceeded to search for Izuku. Granted Katsuki didn't try overly hard as he didn't particularly care for our green haired protagonist. It wasn't until Izuku didn't come to school for a week that Katsuki realized the gravity of what he did. Not that it mattered to him.

Flashing back a week and a couple hours to when Izuku bolted from the Bakugo house he just ran, and ran, and ran wanting nothing to do with the blonde bully he had put up with for the past three months. Until he ran into an older boy with red hair and he fell back.

"I-I'm really s-sorry I w-wasn't looking where I-I was going" the green haired boy apologized while sniffling and crying. The boy he ran into didn't respond but the smaller boy, with half white and half red hair and a bandage over his left eye, who looked about his age did.

"Why are you crying?" he asked. "It was an honest mistake."

Despite not telling anyone for 3 months he was well over the edge at this point. "M-my mom just died, and my bully made fun of me anyway, and All Might told me I couldn't be a hero and-" and from the he dropped the bombshell that was the entire day upon the two brothers. Both siblings appalled at the life he lead up to this day comforted the boy. After he calmed down Izuku introduced himself. "I'm sorry for not introducing myself sooner I'm Izuku Midoriya."

The older boy answered first. "There's no need to apologize kid you've had a rough day and that's lightly. The names Touya Todoroki and this is my little brother Shouto." "Pleased to meet you Midoriya" the half-and-half haired boy said to which Izuku responded "Likewise".

"I can understand that you don't wanna go back to your bully's house so why don't you come with us it's dangerous for someone your age to be out and about by yourself."

"Oh no I couldn't possibly impose on your family like that." however the younger Todoroki took exception to that.

"Who cares about our family?" Shouto said with venom that rivaled Izuku's feelings for Katsuki. Izuku looked confused before Touya intervened and explained their relationship towards Endeavor and the treatment they recieved. In doing so pulled off the fake layer of skin that covered all of his purple burn scars. Izuku was furious at this. Furious at the thought of a parent treating their children that way, but even more furious at the fact that Katsuki was on the path to becoming another Endeavor. He was so furious infact that his wires sprouted from his fingertips and cut a nearby streetlight, stop sign, and fire hydrant to pieces.

After recovering from the destruction induced shock Touya gave Izuku an offer. "We know why you ran away and you know why we ran away. So why don't you stick with us?" Izuku answered without hesitation. "Of course we're three peas in a pod after all" he said while adopting a warm, but also intimidating smile that would soon be commonplace on the boys facial features. Soon after that the boys found an abandoned warehouse to stay in. After much discussion all three agreed that it would do as a place to stay since both Todoroki's had quirks that could keep them warm, Shouto could cool them down if needed, and Izuku's could likely make any repairs that may be needed. Now their only problem was food and water. Or so you would think.

"Whaddya mean 'or so we would think' Midoriya" asked Touya as he was very confused. "Well you see as we were walking I saw a guy getting beat on so I used my quirk to stop the attacker so the other guy could get away" "Riveting, but how does this solve our money problem?" and Izuku gave his newly signature smile. "I may or may not have swiped the attackers wallet with my quirk." and there it was a wallet with enough money to last them for a month floating in mid air with the only sign of the wires being the occasional light that reflected off of them. And with that Izuku committed his first crime. Shouto was a little upset before Izuku explained himself.

"We don't have jobs. All we have is each other. Even though I only met you guys today you've been nicer to me than someone I've known my entire life. Besides with your asshole of a father being the number two hero and my piece of shit bully being praised for having great hero potential what better way to get back at them than by being villains?"

The Todoroki brothers thought about this before Touya gave a wicked grin and Shouto gained a small smile. "We're in" they both said simultaneously. Izuku responded with his own signature grin. "Great I'd hate to lose you guys so soon. Now for names." he said while stroking his chin. "Names? We already have those." Shouto asked confusedly. "He's talking about villain names Shouto the names the public will know us by. How bout Dabi for me is that good Midoriya?" Izuku grinned once more. "Very clever, but please call me Izuku we are family now after all." "Then you can call Shouto and I by our names too. Thats a nice smile ya got how about you be Joker?" Izuku's grin grew even wider before shouting "I love it!" and cackling like a madman. Shouto smiled at the fun his blood brother and his new green haired brother were having. "Big bro what about my name?" he asked excited by the naming process. However it was Izuku who answered. "How bout Freezer Burn?"

Touya gave a look that said 'not bad' but Shouto was overjoyed "That sounds so cool!" Izuku laughed at his new brother's excitement and Touya smiled warmly had the happiness his new brother brought. "Well boss what next?" the scarred boy asked. Izuku was surprised at this.

"Shouldn't you be the boss since you're the oldest?"

"But you came up with this idea so it's only fitting that you become the boss."

"Yea besides your really cool Izuku you'll make a great boss." Shouto said in agreement.

"Well first off Touya you can take off the fake skin. You shouldn't hide from it since while I'm sure it was painful it's a reminder of why we're doing what we're doing. Since your father meant for the scars to be a punishment shouldn't you wear them with pride since you aren't letting him keep you down?" Touya smiled and immediately let all his scars out for all to see while Shouto took the bandage off of his own long healed scar with a smile of his own. Izuku beemed not at all deterred by the scars his new brothers had.

"Our next order of business is training." Shouto flinched at the "T" word, but Izuku already expected such an outcome. "Don't worry Shouto I don't mean the same training that your father put you through." "He's right little brother dad may have been over the top, but if we're gonna be villains then we need to be able to fight and use our quirks to the best of our abilities." Izuku was happy with Touya's explanation and Shouto agreed shortly after. And thus their training began

This isn't a story of heroes. This also isn't a story of villains. This dear readers is a story of family.

And boom chapter 1 of Smiles and Puppet Strings is done. I read a fanfiction were Izuku got the gum gum fruit and became a hero. That is what inspired me to give him Donquixote Doflamingo's very own Ito Ito no mi and make him a villain. Not only that, but he has Dabi and Shouto Todoroki on his side. Man the heroes are in for a lot of trouble now. I have decided the girl that I will be shipping Izuku with and I also have ships for Dabi and Todoroki thought up too. Not that I'm gonna tell anyone yet. That's all for now folks and remember Hentai is the one true god.