Chapter 5 – A New Dojutsu

AN: Update: Someone suggested that since Chakra is made up of both physical and mental energies, that I should change it so chakra would be measured by (INT+VIT)/2 x 25 = CP. From this point on, that's how it should be measured. Because of this, I am also changing health, so it will be (STR+VIT)/2 x 25 = HP, and HP Regen will be based of DEX. This is to make it more balanced out and have all the stats involved.

Going back to previous chapters and modifying them then reuploading them is a pain in the ass, so if it's things like this, I will be avoiding doing that.

As for pairings, I am not sure yet if I want to even do one. We will have to see.


I look up at the screen, trying to make sense of it all. The dream felt way more clear and real than any of the other dreams I have had in my life. Then there is this new ability in my eyes.

[Hoshigan: Stage One] LV 1 (0%)

A unique pair of eyes only wielded by Akarui.

- Passive: Increase sight range to 10m

-Passive: Increase pinpoint chakra control by 1%

- [Clairvoyance], shows you a path to your target. Nothing can stay hidden from your eyes

The idea of clairvoyance is an odd ability, with many different types of things from getting images, being led somewhere, or through the means of tools. However, they all have one thing in common. It is an extrasensory perception, which isn't fully understood how it works by some who claim to have it.

I sit up in my bed, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath as I push my chakra to my eyes. That same feeling of extreme heat surrounded by a cold void that I have gotten used to feeling as my chakra. I open my eyes to find everything so much clearer and sharper. I can see the grain of my door from my bed in such fine detail that I couldn't before. I look back at my eye's abilities.

- Passive: Increase sight range to 10m

I sit there with my eyebrows scrunched up, thinking of what that means. After I few minutes I get an idea. I grab a book and take it out with me to the living room. I set the book down on the couch with it sitting up. I then slowly start walking back, keeping my eyes on the book. I can read it at a much farther distance than I had ever before. I stop a bit away right where I start struggling to read it and slowly starts pulling the chakra from my eyes. Immediately, I can't read it anymore. I glance down at the floor and towards the book. It's ten meters.

I sit down, rubbing my eyes a bit and looking at the other ability of [Clairvoyance]. Activating my eyes again, I don't see anything different. Nothing which would be called 'extrasensory perception'. 'I should probably go to the bathroom mirror to take a look at them.' Right when that thought goes through, I see a long trail of a floating blue light heading towards the bathroom. (Think of the clairvoyance spell from Skyrim)

I reach down, trying to touch or move the blue light. It just stays there, heading to the bathroom. I follow it, to find it end at the front of the sink. I look up to see my reflection in the mirror. In my eyes, my pupil had turned a shining gold, but what stands out the most is the gold 4-pointed star in my iris. The four sides of it are bent inward, giving the star 4 sharp points. I deactivate them, watching the gold break apart into gold flecks just floating around in my iris. I stand there, activating them a few times, watching the gold reform and break apart.

[Hoshigan: Stage One] LV 2 (30%)

A unique pair of eyes only wielded by Akarui.

- Passive: Increase sight range to 11m

-Passive: Increase pinpoint chakra control by 2%

- [Clairvoyance], shows you a path to your target. Nothing can stay hidden from your eyes

I feel my lips curve up a little into a small smirk. 'I have heard of the Sharingan and Byakugan as two amazing Dojutsu but I didn't realize that Dojutsu would be this amazing!' I thought with a giddy grin on my face. 'Time to test some things,' I decide. I run back to my room, quickly getting ready for the day.

Through all of the excitement this morning, I forgot the dream I had.


Once outside, I start testing my [Clairvoyance] ability. 'Okay, how about to the tree I use as target practice.' I look down to notice a trail of light heading to the tree. 'That works. Let's try the front gate.' Again, I notice a trail heading there. 'How about to Tenten?' I feel a searing burning in my eyes as I see a flickering of light appear before going away. 'I will take that as a no.' I blink a few times, seeing my Hoshigan leveled up again.

[Hoshigan: Stage One] LV 4 (10%)

I let out a tired sigh. 'Just more things I need to practice. That makes what, another one added on to a dozen already?'

"I never thought being a kunoichi would be this annoying." I mutter out. I activate my Hoshigan and direct myself to the academy, which ends up working fine. 'Maybe it just isn't people? Or does that have to do with me being only at the first stage.'

When I get to the academy, I deactivate my eyes. I walk in and sit down in my usual spot in a seat in the second top row and the second seat from the window. I usually show up about ten minutes before others so I have time to get my calligraphy items set up. The last thing you want is a bad brush or chunky ink to write with. I glance up when I hear the door open.

"Good morning Tenten! How are you this morning?" I say with a smile. Over the past month and a half of me being here at the academy, Tenten has been the only one who I ever got close to. Civilian kids usually stuck with other civilian kids and clan kids usually stuck with other clan kids. It was like an unspoken segregation. There were some students which I didn't mind talking to but none as much as Tenten. She is in a grey area, while I am an unknown. Her father had gone on to become a Genin but retired after a number of years to open up his weapons shop.

Because of her father's background, and the fact that he still works with a number of shinobi in outfitting them, that leaves her with more knowledge and experience with shinobi when compared to civilian students. This didn't get her into the good graces of the clan kids because she didn't have the necessary background as many of them for her to be considered worth their time getting to know.

Me on the other hand, I was just there. By this time, word had gotten around that someone was living in 'The Deserted Compound', as it was still known, even though it wasn't deserted anymore. This led to the clan kids being cautious around me and the civilian kids to look at me with disdain, for getting something which many of them wish they could have as well. I didn't care much, but their pestering got annoying fast.

"I am good Akarui! How is your morning?" She asks. "Pretty good, I had an exciting morning! I can tell you about it later." I quickly add on as I see the question forming in her expression. "Aww okay! You better tell me later then!" I smile as she sits and starts getting out her calligraphy set as well. I take a quick glance at my skill in it.

[Calligraphy] LV 94 (11%)

'Getting closer. Tenten is a bit behind but we should both perfect it by the end of the year.'

Class started up and we went through things as usual. Most of it was pretty boring. After a couple of weeks, I stopped gaining any INT or WIS from listening to lectures. I guess going over stuff you already know multiple times or reiterating it doesn't gain you anything.

"Alright class! We are going to have Kunai and Shuriken practice then lunch. Let's all head outside!" Our sensei Iyana says. The whole class quickly enters to the training field. Everyone was always happy to get to stand up and stretch after so many notes. "Alright everyone, grab a set and line up into 3 lines. Throw all your kunai and shuriken then once everyone has finished, we will pick them back up and repeat until it is time for lunch. And don't hold up any of the lines!" She yells as everyone was already moving to pick up a set. I attach the pouch to my waist band of my pants, looking inside to find 10 kunai and 10 shuriken. I walk and get in the back of a line. While waiting, I check my skill in throwing them.

Since about a month ago when I got the quest [Beginner Weaponry], I had been working on my skill in Kunai and shuriken. Even though they are under the same skill [Kunai and Shuriken Proficiency: Beginner], I had to make sure to use both equally or else my progress in the skill would halt. After a month, I am glad to finally be nearly finished with it.

[Kunai and Shuriken Proficiency: Beginner] LV 99 (34%)

Your ability to throw shuriken and kunai at an immobile target!

+99% accuracy and damage with kunai and shuriken!

The description on that skill and on the other beginner ones changed after I thought through the skill and why it was considered 'Beginner'. It turns out that for Kunai, shuriken, and my bow, was that this was immobile targets, and for my scythe it was for just going through the motions and hitting an immobile target as well. If I had to guess, the next level would be for moving targets, and the one after for me and the target moving. That was all guess work since they were all considered beginner at the moment, but that was about to change.

I go through my turn, getting the skill up to 89%. We all go up to our targets, taking 10 of each before getting into lines again. I then back through the line again, maxing out the beginner level. While we are picking up, I check my skills again to find the beginner skill completely missing, but a new skill in its place.

[Kunai and Shuriken Proficiency: Intermediate] LV 1 (12%)

Your ability to throw shuriken and kunai at a moving target!

+101% accuracy and damage with kunai and shuriken!

My eyebrows raise a little at the '+101%'. 'So, it just continues on into the hundreds and not resetting?' I thought to myself. When it was my time to throw again, I focused on them and through my first 8 while focused. I relax a bit, when I perfectly hit the unmoving targets. I lazily throw my ninth which ends up hitting the edge of the target. My get a weird look on my face and lazily throw the tenth, which ends up missing all together. 'Is it based off my frame of mind, where if I get lazy then I won't do as well as I would if focused?' I keep mulling it over until I hear our sensei Iyana speaking.

"Sorry class! It's lunch time, head back to the room and get your lunches! Akarui, Tenten, can you two stay and help pick up the throwing tools?" Of course, Tenten and I agree. I don't usually do much for lunch so a couple minutes shorter wouldn't bother me.

That shows you what little I knew.

We finish up in under ten minutes and head back to our classroom. When we head back up to our seats, we both notice something. "Our lunches are missing." I hear her say. I let out a frustrated sigh and rub my eyes. This wasn't good. Not at all.

But it wasn't bad for me.

It was bad for whoever ate mine.

We head down to where Iyana's desk is. "Hey, what can I do for you two?" She asks when we walk up to her. "Someone took our lunches." I say in a more irked tone than I usually show. I don't like it when people touch my stuff. I like it even less when they take it. "Oh, I am sorry to hear that, do you know who did?" She asks, glancing out into the courtyard where lots of the students are. "No, but we should find out who took mine really soon." "Why do you say that?" She asks, getting a little concerned. I look to my side, meeting Tenten's gaze.

She understood what I meant.

For breakfast and dinner, I would put some poisons in my food to slowly build up my Resistance to them. My main concern, was that over time, the ones I was creating would become lethal, or have the chance of doing extreme damage to someone's body who wasn't building them up. I had slowly worked some which can shut down organ functions, thin blood to the point where no wound would heal up until it was professionally treated, or even some necrotic ones. Those I would only use a single drop. The first time I took a drop of one I had stomach pains for two days. It helped level up my [Poison/Venom Resistance] quite a bit, but it definitely wasn't something I wanted to do again. I can't make neurotoxins yet or even anything unique. Most of the poisons I make are based off plants I grow, or ones I have bought.

However, the past two weeks I had slowly started working a paralytic into my lunches. It didn't really have much of an affect at first, but it got strong enough to where after half an hour, someone with no resistance would be completely paralyzed. It wouldn't have any long term affects or even any damage. They would just slowly start feeling stiff and then they would struggle to move their limbs. It didn't have a long effect, and after two hours they would be up and moving, albeit sluggishly. But that first half hour of losing control of your body and the following two hours of not moving would be completely frightening. It's not like I tested this on any animals or anything. Nope. Definitely not.

You know how you sometimes get a dream where you can barely move your body? Where you can only walk terribly slow or your body feels completely weak? Yeah, it's like that before you completely lose the ability to move.

"Well umm… you see… I may have put some poison inside my lunch." I see the confusion on her face quickly morph into fear and panic. "Wait wait wait, it's only a paralytic, they will be fine!" She lets out a tired sigh. "How long before it takes affect?" "30 minutes" "How long until it wears off?" "Two hours." I say. I see a look of respect form on your face as a slight smirk works its way onto her face. "Not bad. I am assuming this is for working up a resistance to it?" She asks. I give a quick nod.

"You aren't the only student to ever do this. There have been a couple others who have also done this. Usually we like for the student to inform us so we are aware. But all students who do this need to make sure it is extremely weak or it won't harm they in the long term. No need having kids dying on us." She says in a playful tone but I can see the slight sadistic side under there. That wasn't expected. "I will need to inform our medic-nin on staff. What was it made up of?" She asks curiously. "Just some Canis Root and Imp Stool. Nothing too rare." AN: (Ingredients from Skyrim. Yes, I like Skyrim, and no I am not a poison expert so I don't know any real poisons which would do that. Google wouldn't help with that.) She gives me a nod. "Well, atleast we can have a little fun with this. In twenty minutes, we will be back in class. Whoever ate it is going to stand out like a sore thumb!" She laughs a bit as she goes to find the medic-nin.

Tenten and I move back to our seats. While her back is turned, I slip two apples out of my inventory and gives one to her. "Here, this should tide us over until after school." I say kindly, seeing her face brighten up at the sight of food.

We chat about random things until she asks me about her maybe building up resistances to some of them. I am all too happy to oblige and start talking about doses and different kinds of poisons. She seems a little wary, but that's a good thing. Caution is definitely needed. An extremely strong poison in even small doses can be disastrous. I also tell her about a collection of antidotes I have on hand as a precaution. My skill is called [Poison/Venom Resistance], not immunity. Even I can still die or become extremely sick if I am not careful.


After lunch is finished, students quickly start making their way into the room. 'It's been about 20 minutes since we noticed our lunches missing, and if they ate them when we noticed them missing, that gives us 10 minutes before it fully takes effect.'

I look up and see our sensei walk in with 2 guys who are in white medic-nin robes. "Welcome back class! We are going to have a surprise lesson! We are going to talk about poisons!" 'She seems way more excited than she should.' I think with a small smirk. She goes on to list off a bunch of small bits of information, until she finally says, "The easiest way to avoid poisons would be to not eat food you didn't prepare yourself, or see prepared. I am bringing this up because someone took Akarui and Tenten's lunches. What you all didn't know, was that she poisons her own food to build up a resistance." She lets this hang in the air as she gazes around the classroom.

Most of the students are looking at me with concern, some with confusion. Except for a couple students. "You see," she continues, "in hers was a paralytic which should've fully taken affect by now. Can I have everyone stand up for me?" She asks. And most of the class stands up. All except for 4 boys who are all sitting near each other. They are slightly slumped over, their arms on their desks keeping their bodies up and not completely collapsing. I recognize them as a group of civilian students who like to act tough since they are larger than most of the others, which makes them think that because of that, they're in charge. Atleast this makes it somewhat obvious that they aren't.

Needless to say, after today, nobody would be touching my lunch again.


After class, Tenten and I are standing outside the academy. "Hey Tenten, want to see my home? I can make us some food." I ask her. She quickly agrees, and we start walking to my home, laughing about the four boys who were paralyzed.

We walk for a bit until we are outside the front gate. "You live here?!" She asks surprised. 'I guess I never did mention this to her.' "Yeah, it was given to me. Here, let's go inside."

Opening the gate is now much easier than it had been the first time. Lots of the weeds are removed, I had added in grass and stone pathway. Around my house is flower beds and out behind my house is a garden. One zone of it for fruits and vegetables, another for plants I can use for poisons.

"This is very peaceful…" I hear Tenten say under her breath. I smile at her, showing her around my home. After the brief tour, I sit her down in the living room. "Remember how I said I was excited this morning?" I ask her. "Oh yeah! What was that about?"

I just smile at her while pushing chakra into my eyes. I hear her gasp as my eyes change into my Hoshigan. "How did you do that?!" "Remember when we learned about Dojutsu, and our village is known for having the Byakugan and Sharingan?" She gives a quick nod. "I have this. I just used it this morning so I haven't had much practice in it." "What's it called? Or have you named it yet?" I can hear the excitement in her voice. "I call it the Hoshigan."

"Oh! I get it! Because it has a star!" I give her a nod. Hoshi meaning Star Eye. I think it's definitely better than Copy Wheel Eye or White Eye.

I tell her about my morning of testing it and the effect it had when I tried using it to find her. "Have you tried using it on something from a very far range? Like say… Suna?" I think for a second before giving it a try. Sure enough, it works. I can see the path there but there is a large strain on my eyes, causing me to shut them off. "Yeah, it worked. But it slowly started hurting for the longer I held it." I tell her. She gets an idea. "Ooh! What about the legendary sword of Kusanagi?!" She seems really excited. I give it a try but end up with nothing. "Since it's because of my eyes, maybe I need to be able to visualize it? I have never seen it before." I tell her. If this ends up working, I could hunt down legendary weapons if I wanted to. I am sure Tenten wouldn't mind getting one. I look back over at her to see her digging through her bag, pulling out an old scroll. "Someone gave my dad this as a gift and I had been going over it. They have the sketch of the sword here!" She rolls it open and I look down at the sword. It has a white wrapped handle, a brown guard, and a small green gem at the guard.

I activate my eyes and focus, and I was surprised.

Leading out of my house was a trail.

"It… worked…" I tell her a little stunned. Sure, I was hoping, but I definitely didn't expect it. I look up to see Tenten doing an excited dance. I just smile at her as I head into the kitchen to start cooking.


It has been 4 days since I had awoken my Hoshigan. During that time, I had been testing it on things and slowly increasing its level. I found it much easier to aim my bow when I had my eyes activated. I could see the detail on the tree much better, and knew where best to aim it towards.

I let out a grunt of exertion as I gave my scythe a large overhead swing, making me pant and sweat from the workout. I was working towards completing [Beginner Weaponry!]. I had already finished it with my bow yesterday and I was so close to completing it for my scythe too. I gave a few more swings when I heard a 'ding' sound.

Quest Complete!

Beginner Weaponry!

-Max out [Scythe Proficiency: Beginner] [x]

-Max Out [Bow Proficiency: Beginner] [x]

-Max Out [Kunai and Shuriken Proficiency: Beginner] [x]

Rewards: +500 EXP and ID: Create

With this done I let out a sigh, checking those skills.

[Scythe Proficiency: Intermediate] LV 1 (2%)

Your ability to manipulate and use a scythe on a moving target!

+101% Accuracy and Damage with a scythe!

[Bow Proficiency: Intermediate] LV 2 (33%)

Your skill in using a bow on a moving target!

+102% Accuracy and Damage

[Kunai and Shuriken Proficiency: Intermediate] LV 13 (42%)

Your ability to throw shuriken and kunai at a moving target!

+113% accuracy and damage with kunai and shuriken!

With the gain of 500 EXP, I was able to level up to level 4, and close to reaching level 5. Also because of the level up, I was given more stat points and a few bonus ones from my perks.

I check over the stats, frowning a bit. I hadn't used any of my stat points, but I might as well use them at some point. I drop 4 into WIS, 9 into STR, and the last 2 into DEX.

Name: Akarui (?)

Age: 9

Title: The Lost One

Level: 4 (300/400)

HP: (888/888) ((STR+VIT)/2) x 25 = Health points)

HP Regen: +8.25 per minute (+0.25 per DEX)

CP: (938/938) ((INT+VIT)/2) x 25 = chakra points)

CP Regen: +7.5 per minute (+0.25 per WIS)

Control: 15% (Every 1 WIS is 0.5% of control)

STR: 30 (Natural strength, lift objects, damage for muscular strength, ability to do physical tasks)

VIT: 41 (Health, resistances, Overall health)

DEX: 33 (Speed, flexibility, thrown objects, weapons)

INT: 34 (Memorization, learning new things, general intelligence, strategy)

WIS: 30 (Knowledge, chakra control, Strategy, creation)

LUC: 25 (Natural luck, drops, rare finds) (can't be increased by points)

Points: 0

Ryo: 6500

I let out a breath. Man, all those numbers can get bothersome. I check my health and chakra regen speeds compared to my totals. If I had zero health, it would take me 107.6 minutes, so a little less than 2 hours to be completely healed. That is insanely fast. It wouldn't help that much in a straight fight, but it could keep me going for a bit longer than most. But after the fight, I would be up and ready to go quite quickly. For my chakra, it would take me 125 minutes, so slightly more than two hours. Again, it could keep me going for a bit longer but it would be great when I need to rest.

However, there was still that little reward from my quest. I hold accept my reward and have a scroll drop into my hand with [ID: Create] on the side of it. I press accept to learn it, and it dissolves into motes of light.

[ID: Create] LV 1 (0%)

-Creates a pocket dimension for training. Current ones available:


-Boar Forest (LV 5)

I select Empty and I feel as if I was getting squeezed through a hose before I find myself standing again. I take a look around and notice that the world is… grey. Very just… bland. It's quiet, barely any wind. No clouds, birds, the sound of the village, nothing. Empty.

I shudder and quickly exit out of it by activating the skill again. "Damn... I hated that…." I didn't like that emptiness of a dead world. Not one bit.

I take a look at the other place, Boar Forest. I could probably just do that tomorrow. I want to make sure I am at peak condition, not this exhausted as I am right now.


AN: Hey! I just want to make one thing clear. If I change the numbers on the skill a bit, or edit the description slightly, go with the one in the most recent chapter. Sometimes I decide to edit things which I come across which I realize needs to be changed. For instance, the EXP Required. I am having it now add 100 EXP for every level. So, at level 12, 1200 EXP would be required to level up. I am not going to be using huge numbers in the millions or stuff like that. Keep it simple.

Originally, I was just going to double it every time. It would have gone like 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600, 51200, 102400, and that would have just been to level 11. It would have just increased too much.

Poll: I am going to have a poll going. It is going to be on my profile. I want your opinions on something. Since Akarui is in the group of Team Gai, I was wondering how I should do her Chunin exams, or one at all. Here are some options.

Field Promotion to Chunin

The Konoha Chunin Exam

The Exam 6 months before Konoha Chunin Exam: Either in Suna, Kumo, or Iwa.