October 21


Just a few little stories about October to liven up the day to day. Just a soft little piece. Nothing much to it. Hope you enjoy.

The Grounds

Kara stepped through the cozy bookstore coffee shop door as the jingle faded. She removed her scarf and gloves from her hands. The impending store had whipped up the wind and lightning flashed across the sky. The reporter quickly scanned the shop noticing the autumnal decorations with Halloween spooks sprinkled around to give it a more festive feel. Her eyes flared in recognition of Carter Grant reclined on the couch reading the latest robotics magazine. There was a steamer trunk in front of the couch that held a cup of something chocolatey and a plate with a piece of apple pie. On the other side was two comfy chairs with blankets over their backs. Cat Grant sat in one. Her cup of hot tea sitting on the stand next to her as she read a recent release from the shelf. Kara moved to the nearby counter.

"One Cafe Mocha and a slice of Pumpkin pie."

"Would you like Whip cream with that slice of pumpkin pie?" The barista asked the young reporter.

"Yeah, that would be great." Kara flashed a soft smile at the young man.

"That will be eight thirty three." The barista responded as Kara handed over her bank card. The young man swiped the card and handed it back.

"Here's your receipt Ms. Danvers. Just give me a moment to get your order ready." The barista quickly put her order together as Kara glanced across at Cat. The CEO gave her a nod of recognition and continued reading her book.

"Thank you." The reporter replied as she moved across to the chair next to Cat. The coffee shop was small and well kept. It had second hand books and magazines to read and free wifi. Thursday nights there was scrabble tournaments, Wednesday night was Magic the card game or other games. Friday and Saturday were acoustic groups that played. Mondays there were study groups. The cafe was cozy and off the beaten path. Right now it was giving shelter to many on a stormy night.

"Sorry I am late. Ms. Rojas needed my latest feature." Kara explained while Carter set up Settlers of Catan for them. "I've missed you both." Kara whispered as Cat leaned over and hugged her. The former CEO held her for a long while until finally Kara shuddered a little and gave a little squeeze to her former boss. Cat let her go even as Carter moved over to give Kara a hug. Outside the sound of thunder rumbled with an early winter rain storm that threatened to engulf the city.

"We love you Kara. Hang on." Kara nodded as Carter broke the hug and moved back to his seat. Cat took her cities, roads and settlements. Kara and Carter did the same. They began to play calling out needs and requests.

"So have you thought about my offer?" Cat asked as they played the game. "I could use you with me this next year and a half. You'd still be able to return to National City whenever Alex thought the world was going to end. It would get you out at CATCO. Also my attorney's have looked over the contract Andrea says binds you to CATCO for three years. She's wrong. There are loopholes. It's not air tight." Cat explained even as she exchanged resources and built within the game. Cat could tell something else was on Kara's mind.

"I would love to accept the offer." Here Kara hesitated and seemed to be lost in thought.

"But?" Cat inquired as Carter took the lead in the game. Kara finished taking a sip of her mocha. Outside the rain drove hard against the windows of the coffee shop as the late evening lamps tried to shine some warmth on the city. The sound of thunder rumbled across the evening sky drowning out the soft acoustic music that played over the speakers in The Grind.

"This is not a good time even if I wanted too. Lena and I are trying to get our friendship back on track. Alex and I are trying to hunt down J'onn brother before he causes complete catastrophe. Kelly and James have gone into hiding." Kara rose at this point walking over to the windows that looked out onto the street in front of The Grind. Cat followed her as Kara set her hand to the glass even as the other wrapped around her shoulder. "Something...something isn't right. Something is coming. Something I need to prepare for...soon. I just don't know what." A flash of lightning startled her causing her to step back into Cat's warm arms. Kara relaxed even as Cat tightened her embrace. The young woman was troubled and distracted. Cat bet it was Lena Luthor. Cat could tell she would have to fight for her Super.

"I want you with me. We've talked about this before Kara. Come. Spend a couple weeks with me in Costa Rica. I know how this time of year wears on your powers." Cat whispered knowing the reduction in sunlight in the fall and winter months played havoc on Supergirl's powers. "Just two weeks. I know you are tired. Come and play with Carter and me. We could explore Barra Honda National Park, see Arenal Volcano, and explore Barbilla National Park. You don't have to worry about anything. Please come with me. Just give me two weeks." Cat pleaded with the Super desperately needing time with the reporter. Her heart all in now. "We will take it slow." Kara looked out into the stormy night and then turned in Cat's arms.

"Alright. Two weeks. Let me notify CATCO and the DEO. Then I will let Lena know I will be out of the country for a while." Kara looked down into Cat's eyes. She wanted to spend time with Cat. Those gentle stirrings of joy she felt around the woman had begun again when she had walked into The Grind tonight. Some time exploring a tropical paradise would help with the stress she had been under lately. Maybe...just maybe it would set her heart straight between Lena and Cat. Kara leaned down and set a soft kiss on Cat's lips. "I can't promise anything permanent yet. Let's just see what develops." Cat's face broadened with a smile that pushed back the gloom of the night.

"Alright, let's finish this game. Then how about we look for dinner together." Kara and Carter who had overheard everything nodded. Soon the small group were back playing Settlers of Catan once more. "Kara, just so you know. No matter what happens between us. You are always family. You can always come to me when things get hard. Carter and I will be here for you." Kara smiled and let out a relieved smile. She reached over and grabbed Cat and Carters hand squeezing them gently.

"Thank you Cat." Kara whispered as they continued to play and the storm raged outside. Maybe with time this thing with Cat would develop into something more. Or maybe not. Kara knew she had time. With time she would know if it was Cat or Lena that held her heart. With time.