Hello! This story is part of an AU I'm doing called 'Franken Darball AU'.

Basically, the description is pretty much the explanation.

Also, this story has more chapters than my other stories! That's a plus right?

Now, just a fair warning. This is rated T, due to some.. not so friendly content. There is a little blood, some gore, and.. yeah.

Well, enjoy the story!

It was another quiet, peaceful, day in the town known as Elmore.

Gumball and Darwin Watterson were sitting on the couch, with bowls of cereal on their lap as they watched Saturday morning cartoons.

The character on the TV ran off the cliff, before looking down and raising a sign that read 'help..' on it, and fell to his 'doom'.

The two laughed, and put another spoonful of cereal in their mouths.

"Ah, Saturday.. The day where we can relax and not have to worry about stupid school and homework.." Gumball said, sighing happily.

A commercial interrupted the cartoon, which annoyed them greatly.

"Hey kids! Do you love videogames?"

The two looked at the TV with anticipation.

"Yes!" They both said to the TV.

"Do you like The Legend Of Zelmore?"

"Yes!" They said again, their voices getting louder.

"Are you tired of waiting for a new game?"

"YES!" They shouted, dropping their cereal onto the couch.

"Then come on down to Vincent's Videogames to get a copy of the new Breath of the Forest today!"

Gumball quickly stood up, joy and glee on his face.

"Did you hear that?! They have a new game!"

Darwin stood up too, happy as well.

"Lets go!" Gumball declared.

They jumped off the couch, only to be stopped by their mother.

"Oh no you don't! You are not going out in your pajamas!"

Gumball and Darwin looked down to see as a matter of fact, that they were, still in their pajamas.

"Go get dressed, then you can go." Nicole said.

With joy, the boys zoomed up the stairs, and zoomed back down wearing their normal clothes.

"Wait a second you're already wearing your shoes why did you go upstairs?" Gumball looked at Darwin, who had two pairs of shoes on.

"Oh yeah.."

Darwin raced back up the stairs, and came back with his normal pair.

They went back to what they were doing and ran out the door.

"Do you have money?" Darwin asked.

Gumball dug in his pocket, and took out a ten dollar bill.

"Lets hope this weeks allowance will cover it.."

They continued down the sidewalk, with excitement on their faces.

"Oh I can imagine it now.. The game in our hands.. And the feeling of joy and happiness.." Gumball couldn't help but go on and on about it.

Darwin looked past Gumball, noticing a weird man walking across the street.


The two stopped, noticing the person pick up the road kill that was left on the street.

"Ah.. Perfect.." He said to himself.

Gumball and Darwin looked at each other with disgust.

"Ew.. What does he want with a dead carcass.." Gumball made a face, which caused Darwin to giggle.

The man noticed the two, and began to study them for a second.

Gumball and Darwin quickly stopped laughing, noticing the man looking at them.

"Come on.. Lets get out of here.." Gumball whispered to Darwin.

Darwin gave a slight nod, and they began to back away slowly.

The man smiled to himself, and dropped the road kill immediately.

The two began to tremble, as the man was getting closer and closer.

"Don't be afraid little ones.. I won't hurt you.." The man said, in a weird, creepy voice.


Darwin looked at Gumball with worry and fear.

"Run." He said again.



"But.. Gumball.. I don't want to leave you here.."

"Just get out of here!"

The man was getting closer, now ten feet away from them.

"I'm not leaving you." Darwin said sternly, as he stood next to Gumball.

He jerked, as a baseball bat hit Gumball in the head, causing him to fall over in shock.

Darwin looked at the man, who was holding the bat, ready to hit him next.

He looked back at Gumball, and noticed that his arm was bent at a wrong angle.


The bat hit him, and knocked him over in the same state as his brother.

The last thing Darwin saw was a look of horror and shock on Gumball's face, and the man picking him up with a smile on his face.


Well that got dark! Anyway, The next chapter will be verrrrrry interesting.

If you want to see art for this, you can visit my DeviantArt at ImaginationStudios8.

And If you want to see other stuff for this AU, then visit my Tumblr at ImaginationStudios!

See you in the next chapter!