Stiles and Scott sat on the base step of one of the school staircases, Lydia was with the guidance councillor and Diana was outside with Alison. Stiles had been running messages between the two of them all day.

"I'm so sorry about the other day. I'm trying. We'll get through this. I know, because I love you." Scott smiled a little at the taller boy next to him, "I love you more than – oh, my god!" Stiles finally broke, laughter filling his head as embarrassment filled their bond.

"I can't, you and Alison just need to find a better way to communicate."

"C'mon!" Scott prompted impatiently. "You're the only one that we can trust, well, that and Diana outright refused. Is she coming to the game tonight?"

"Yes. Okay? Message complete." Stiles said frustrated, "Now tell me about your boss."

Scott looked round nervously, there were plenty of people milling around that could overhear them so he leant in and lowered his voice,

"He thinks that Alison's family keeps some kind of, uh, records of all the things that they've hunted. Like a book." Scott said, Stiles' eyes brightened in recognition.

"He probably means a bestiary." Stiles clapped, Scott's face screwed up in confusion,


"A bestiary." Stiles repeated, Scott grinned,

"I think you mean bestiality." He laughed,

"Nope, pretty sure I don't." Sties deadpanned. "It's like an encyclopaedia of mythical creatures. Diana's family have one not that surprising that the Argent's would too."

"How am I the only one that doesn't seem to know about this stuff?" Scott moaned,

"Okay, you know, you're my best friend, you're a creature of the night, it's kind of like a priority of mine, that and Diana is really sweet about answering my questions."

Scott nodded understandingly,

"Okay, if we can find it, and it can tell us what this thing is-"

"And who." Stiles interrupted,

"We need that book." They both said in unison. They shared a look prompting Stiles to pick up his bag and go on the return trip to where the girls sat.

"I think you mean?" Alison giggled,

"No, I mean bestiary. And the two of you, I don't want to know what's going on in your heads." His eyes flickered to Diana behind Alison, he had been meaning to talk to her all day but with the messenger service he was providing for his best friend he hadn't had chance.

"He means some kind of book that contains a record of all the things that your family have hunted over the years. My family has something similar but it's skewed towards magic, I can have a look but I don't know how useful it will be." She shrugged, Alison nodded and Stiles sighed with relief, Diana knew what he was talking about.

"Can you describe it?" Alison pressed.

Stiles nodded,

"Old, worn, bound in leather?"

"Bound in leather?" Alison's eyes showing the realisation, she nodded. Stiles beamed and ran off into the school.

He came back minutes later out of breath,

"Where," he panted, "Does he keep it."

Alison frowned,

"It would have to be in his office." Stiles nodded then moved quickly back into the building. Diana burst into giggles; Alison looked back to her with a smile.

"He's so goofy." Diana said happily, the other girl moved a little closer,

"I thought you and Logan were a thing?" She pressed.

"No, we were." Diana said, "He got weird so I ended it, now I can't figure him out."

"How do you mean?" Alison asked. Diana evaluated her answer for a moment before answering; it was in these moments that she doubted that Alison would have the gumption to be a hunter in charge of the family business.

"He is magic like me, but I can't place his loyalties." She shrugged. Alison nodded,

"Is he working for Derek? Scott said that he was with them at the ice rink."

"Honestly, he could be working for your grandfather for all I know, he doesn't exactly tell me things like that." Diana admitted,

"What does he tell you?" Alison pushed; Diana began to become wary now.

"How if I have a kid with him it would take over the world." She said, Alison's eyes widened comically.

"Yeah, creepy right?" Diana laughed,

"You still talk to him?" Alison whispered shocked at Diana's revelation.

Diana just shrugged, she reached into her hair pulling a lock from behind her ear and absently braiding it.

"He knew me back when we were kids, it would be weird if I just cut him out."

Alison's face displayed her confusion but she didn't ask anything else.

Stiles came running back over then heavily out of breath; he took a moment and a puff from one of Scott's old inhalers to calm down.

"You know drug dealers have been using disposable cell phones pretty successfully for years."

Alison shook her head,

"My parents check every call, email and text message that I send." She said, Diana frowned,

"Well that's a healthy relationship" She mumbled.

"Trust me they'd find it." Alison insisted.

"All right." Stiles said, "Can you get the book?"

"Not without his keys." Alison thought aloud.

"Invite him to watch the game tonight." Diana said the idea popping into her head suddenly. "Then pickpocket him."

Stiles pointed at the red head,

"That, that might actually work." Diana beamed at him,

"Are, er, are you going tonight Di?"

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it." She said balling up a candy wrapper.

"I thought you were grounded?" Alison blurted looking back to Diana.

"Oh I am, but my Uncle wants to see the game so I have been given a one night pass." She aid brightly.

Stiles smiled,

"Great. I'll see you tonight then."

Diana smiled and nodded, she saw him off with a little wave. Alison smirked a little at their interaction. It was painfully cute.

It had been a long while since Diana had sat next to her Uncle Simon, these days he was usually busy with campaigning and election prep.

"So, Heather tells me that you've manifested another gift." Simon started slightly awkwardly. Diana laughed slightly,

"Yeah, prophecy. I think it's going to be a mild one though." She nodded rubbing her hands together; she could see her breath in front of her it was so cold.

"Still sure that your main is casting?" Simon asked looking over at the opposing team.

"Pretty sure, I mean I favour Will too." Will being telekinesis but so named for things moving from the will of the magical being.

"Not Charm?" Simon prompted; he existed in his career due to his powers being Charm. Diana smiled and shook her head no,

"Sorry Si but no, no politician's life for me." She laughed.

They didn't have chance to talk anymore as the play started in earnest, a large meathead in black on the pitch was obliterating the competition.

Thank Goddess that you are not playing tonight. She thought to Stiles on the bench. He twisted in his seat to find her, his whiskey eyes locking with her green in an instant. It was like he was guided to her gaze.

Yeah, they call him the abomination. He answered looking back as Coach sat next to him.

All set for the plan tonight? She asked,

Yeah, all set, whether it works or not is another matter.

Well, best laid plans of mice and men. She thought to him.

Mice and Men, nice. Stiles shot back playfully. Diana looked at her lap and smiled,


Diana spared a glance at Alison; she was now successfully wrapped in her grandfather's coat.

Alison has the keys. Diana said her eagle eyes not missing anything.

Discretely Stiles stood and collected the keys from the waiting girl. Diana was sandwiched between her Uncle and other members of the crowd in the middle of the row. To leave she would have had to make a large scene and shuffle past at least seven people.

Simon winced as a kid in burgundy was loaded onto a stretcher and carried out to a waiting ambulance.

Diana hid her eyes and pulled out her phone. It was buzzing madly in her pocket.

"Got an admirer?" Simon teased; Diana smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Got a friend in need." She shot back opening the messages.

To Diana From Stiles

[Lydia is in her car crying.]

[What do I do?]

[Could you get Lydia?]

[Do I get Lydia?]

[Help, please.]

Diana sighed; she flipped the screen round for her Uncle to see.

"Go." He said sadly standing, "Go help your friend.

"Thank you!" Diana blurted. Moving off to the edge of the benches and jumping over the confined side. She landed with ease then shot off towards the car park.

Go get the book; I've got the crying girl. Diana told Stiles feeling relief flushing the bond.

Diana saw the retreating body of Stiles as she strode forward to the car. Wrenching to door open and sitting in the car she turned taking in the startled and damp Lydia.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

"If it's making you cry then it's clearly something." Diana shot back defiantly. "Tell me."

"I sound crazy."

"Alright, here goes, I'm a Witch, my whole family are magical, Alison's are hunters and Scott's a Werewolf."

Lydia's eyes went wide.

"That makes sense." She said quietly, Diana nodded.

"So, you gonna tell me what's driving you crazy or do I have to guess?" She prompted gently. Lydia smiled wetly,

"I am seeing a burnt up man everywhere, and I punched a mirror in my sleep." She sniffed. Diana pursed her lips.

"Hmm." She hummed, "Problem that." She deadpanned.

"That all you have to say?" Lydia demanded laughing incredulously. Diana smiled at her friend taking the gloved hand.

"Hey, look, we will get through this together. It might be a supernatural thing that is affecting you. I mean after a Were biting you and nothing happening this could just be the manifestation of that." Diana reasoned squeezing her friend's hand.

"Were you supposed to tell me all of this?" Lydia asked after a moment.

"Nope." Diana pulled a face, "Not at all, I was supposed to keep you totally in the dark but although we don't know what you are, you deserve to know that you are something."

"Thank you." Lydia sighed. Diana pulled her into a hug and clutched her tightly.

"As if I could not. It's killed me for years not being able to tell you." Diana laughed, tears softly rolling down her face now.

"I won't tell anyone that I know." Lydia promised pulling back from the other red head.

"I appreciate that. I'm in enough trouble as it is; I pissed off the coven by going after you when you went on your night hike the first time." Diana smiled wiping at her face.

"Wait, you found me with magic?"

"No. With Scott's dog nose. If I used magic then I would have broken a Coven secrecy measure and been more than grounded. If we hadn't found you that night however then I would have."

"Wow, we have so much to talk about." Lydia said blown away.

"I know, but we can't tonight. Soon though?" Diana said sadly. Lydia nodded in response.

"You okay now?" Diana asked smoothing back a lock of strawberry blonde hair, "Okay to drive back?"

"Yeah, I'll text you when I get back." Lydia said smiling now.

"Good. You better or I will be checking on you." Diana mocked pointing at her.

Lydia laughed thickly; Diana left the car and stood watching as she pulled away down the road.


Thank god. Stiles said instantly responding. Because we have bigger problems. There's no book here, but Erica is.

The fuck does she want? Diana hissed.

To take me to Derek at the pool apparently.

Alright I'm on my way. She rolled her eyes and marched into the school.

Diana arrived confidently to witness Derek crushing a basketball.

"Classy Dare-Bear." She deadpanned coming to a stop beside Stiles. He was usually a quite a bit taller but in her tan heeled boots she came up to just below his eyes.

He breathed out heavily as her scent filled his nose. The comfort was instant.

"We just wanted to ask him a few questions." Derek said calmly threatening the younger pair.

"No." Diana said shortly.

"Just want to know what this new thing is. What it looked like. That's all." Derek tried again.

"No." Diana repeated.

"What are you his lawyer?" Erica snapped. Diana's eyes flitted to her briefly.

"I saw the thing to. Reptilian and had a tail." Diana told Derek, Erica growled but Diana continued to ignore her.

"Don't ignore me." Erica growled. Stiles caught himself before taking a step back.

"Alright! The thing was pretty slick looking. Um, skin was dark. Kind of patterned. Uh, I think I actually saw scales. Is that enough? Can we go?" Stiles admitted hurriedly. As much as he liked that Diana was with him he really did not want to hang around much longer.

Derek fixed them with a dark look,

"Fine, eyes. Eyes are, um, yellowish and slitted. Lotta teeth too." Stiles continued.

Diana focused on Derek; he was no longer looking at them but at the railing above them. She followed his gaze.

The creature.

What happened next happened fast.

Erica slammed into the tiled wall and was out with a sickening thump. Derek pushed Stiles back into Diana as the thing slashed at him catching the back of his neck.

Stiles then somehow managed to try and drag Derek away, fumble for his phone, drop it and Derek who crashed into Diana both cascading into the still pool water.

"You idiot!" She spluttered trying to hold her former babysitter above the water while also treading water in two meter deep liquid.

Stiles plunged into the pool to help Diana hold up the increasingly heavy body of Derek Hale.

"Can you see it?" Diana asked,

"Maybe it took off?" Stiles said hopefully.

A wicked shriek shattered that hopeful illusion quickly.

"Maybe not." Derek deadpanned. His body dangling limp in the water inactive from the paralysing venom.

"Will you get me out of here before I drown?" Derek demanded.

"Dare-Bare, there is nowhere I would really rather be right now, I promise but the monster out there may not have left." Diana sassed, she was quickly growing tired.

"I don't see it." Stiles offered looing round; Diana looked about her too, her dark red hair blackening in the low light and water.

Together they began to drag Derek to the side of the pool.

"Stop, stop, stop. Wait, wait." Derek protested,

"I see it." Diana whispered.

It prowled round the water edge hissing at them.

"What's it waiting for?" Sties asked. Neither said anything more trying with all their energy to keep Derek afloat.

It circled them more times hissing at the water. It ventured one hand into the water but drew back like it had been stung hissing.

"Wait, did you see that?" Stiles asked, Diana nodded.

"No water, got it." She answered.

"I don't think I can do this much longer." Stiles panted out. Diana nodded,

My Uncle is going to be so pissed. She thought at him no longer able to form words.

"No, no, no, no, don't even think about it." Derek ordered.

"Could you trust me just this once?" Stiles asked frustrated at the wolf's lack of faith.

"No!" Derek answered his mouth dangerously close to being submerged.

"Well it's me and Di that are keeping you alive ok?"

"Yeah, when the paralysis wears off who's gonna be able to fight that thing you or me? You've made our best exhausted with this." Derek sassed.

"That's why I've been holding you up for the past two hours?"

"Yup, you don't trust me. I don't trust you. But you need me to survive, which is why you're not letting me go. Diana felt like she was about to pass out, the force required to hold up the weight of a fully grown man wolf was astronomical, even with Stiles' help.

Stiles threw Derek off and pulled Diana to the shore, her breathing laboured and heavy. He snatched the phone and rapidly swam back to where Derek was in the centre of the pool. Diana waved him off and floated a little on her back her jeans pulling her down slightly.

"Supernatet." She whispered to herself, her jeans becoming buoyant.

"Scott?" Stiles said pressing the phone to his ear. A second later he let out a high pitched noise of indignation.

"He hung up on me." He scoffed to Diana.

With a growl of frustration he dived down and retrieved Derek.

Fifteen minutes of exhausting floating later.

"I can't stay up much longer; I need something to hold onto. Di? You okay?" He called to Diana floating a little way off. He received a wave in reply, judging that to be fine he began to drag Derek to the diving board.

Stiles' reached for the handle but his wet fingers kept slipping off unable to get a good grip. He began to sink.

Diana's attention caught when she could no longer feel Stiles in the water. The magic that she had been using to keep him warm and a little afloat finally ceasing. Energy flooded back to her. She was still bone tired but now she was re-invigorated.

Scott. She could see him crouched on the diving platform as he let out a mighty roar.

There was a brief battle, Diana would have described it more as a tousle than anything and then it was over. The creature had fled through the glass ceiling.

"Diana!" Stiles exclaimed. Diana didn't register being pulled from the water, nor did she feel the blanket around her, she did feel the rough kiss on the forehead that Derek pressed as she was sat on the shore. They both were panting heavily.

Diana tiredly hit at Derek's arm her head resting on the other,

"Let's not do that again." She laughed brokenly. Derek smiled at her helping her to stand.

Stiles took over guiding them outside. He and Scott were talking about the bestiary and how it was digital and not physical.

When they got out into the cold Diana shivered involuntarily and pulled the blanket closer around her shoulders.

"Why are you so tired?" Scott asked, "Stiles is fine."

"Heat magic, it takes so much energy." Diana slurred slightly as if she was a little drunk.

"But I've seen you heat up a cup of water till it boils before." Stiles said confused. Diana nodded,

"Cup of water is nothing, three people, big pool, two hours, lotta energy." She explained succinctly, budgeting her words carefully.

Stiles nodded and pulled her closer into him, his arm wrapping protectively round her shoulders as he helped her to navigate the stairs to the car park.

"Can I borrow your phone Scott?" Diana asked after a second, she looked about her at the now exceedingly empty car park and balked, the game had been over for a long time and her Uncle had driven her here.

Wordlessly he handed it over.

When they reached his car he pulled out his laptop and brought up the Bestiary.

[Hi, Phone dead, be home soon, with friends. Di.]

Diana quickly sent to the only number that she remembered, her Aunts. She didn't expect a reply but she got one almost instantly,

[So long as you're okay. Get home safe.]

"Is that even a language?" Scott asked, "How are we supposed to figure out what this thing is?"

Diana looked over his shoulder offering him his phone back.

"Oh look, ancient Latin." She sing-songed. Scott looked at her strangely, her happy attitude not fitting the situation and he had a feeling it was some form of British sarcasm.

"It's called a Kanima." Derek said calling their attention past Diana.

"Ugh." Diana groaned. "Seriously?"

"You know what one of those is?" Scott demanded incredulously.

Diana nodded heavily.

"You knew the whole time?" Stiles sassed at Derek.

"No," he shot back, "Only when it was confused by its own reflection."

"It doesn't know what it is. Or who." Scott hypothesised. Diana nodded heavily again, her chin hitting her chest every time.

"Okay Di, let's stop that before we hurt ourselves there." Stiles said wary of Diana.

"What else do you know?" He said to Derek.

"Just stories." Derek answered. "It's a shapeshifter, but it's not right. It's like a, uh…" Derek paused searching for the right word,

"Abomination." Stiles supplied.

"Yup, abominination." Diana confirmed, Derek looked her over again then turned his stiff gaze in Stiles,

"See she gets home safe." He commanded.

"Derek." Scott called stopping the elder wolf from leaving. "We need to work together on this. Maybe even tell the Argents."

"You trust them? Booo." Diana pouted at Scott.

"No-one trusts anyone." Scott protested. "That's the problem! While we're here arguing about who's on what side, there's something scarier, stronger, and faster than any of us, and it's killing people!"

"We still don't know anything about it." Stiles interjected.

"I do know one thing. When I find it, I'm gonna kill it." His face hardening into a mask of pure determination.

"Big broody wolf time." Diana mumbled with a smile.

"What?" Stiles asked confused, She just smiled up at him,

"I don't know man, I'm just so tired." She laughing cried pitching forward from the car she leant against.

"Okay. Time to go." He shot forward and caught her before she hit the pavement. Derek had long since marched off into the night with his beta in tow.

Stiles managed to bundle Diana into his Jeep bid goodbye to Scott and have her on the road before she came round. He looked over to her, her wet hair limp by her head, her eyeliner gone and her pale skin dappled with faint freckles that were usually hidden behind makeup.

She looked to him the most beautiful thing in the world.

Diana groaned, coming round slightly,

"How did I get here?" She asked.

"Me." Stiles answered, his own eyes feeling heavy.

"Oh." She said, "Thank you Batman." She mumbled drifting back into unconsciousness.

Stiles smirked to himself. Yeah, Scott could keep the wolf powers, he was Diana's Batman.