In Umesato College's Kendo pitch, Kamen Rider Evol in his appearance of Etsu's nightmare, armed with a sword into which a Full Bottle can be inserted, is fighting a fierce battle against Blood Stalk using the Transteam Gun with an extension to him. giving an appearance similar to that of a rifle with a blade along the bottom of the barrel.
Blood Stalk put all his soul into the fight, as if, he was determined to protect someone and that the only way was to win and kill Evol.
Evol, on the other hand, took the fight lightly and still dominated Stalk without any effort. He then turned the crank of his Evol Driver a few seconds before stopping throwing his finisher.
Ready, go! Black Hole Finish!
All the energy of his attack was channeled into his point before hitting Blood Stalk which was eventually thrown by the shock of impact into the wall behind him, the power of the impact eventually breaking his transformation revealing itself. to be Etsu.
Evol approached Etsu and with his foot turned him over to lie on his back before leaning on him with that same foot.
"I told you you could not beat me. You are too weak without my DNA. You were close to the highest Hazard level ever reached by a human. And on top of that, you and your girlfriend could have been quiet for the rest of your life. Instead, you chose to confront me. Knowing that you had a disadvantage against me. Why?" Asked Evol.
"I killed once before today... and it was for good reason." Etsu said doing his best to breathe. "So don't think if I keep killing it's just to be a junk like you." He finished.
"So you know how it's going to end. Don't worry, your friends as well as your mother and your girlfriend will be well treated once broken. The guys will become loyal soldiers and the girls will be distracting the Kaijins. I'm sure." Said Evol before using the foot that now Etsu on the ground to hit him in the face.
Etsu woke up with a start before seeing that what he lived was, fortunately, only a dream, while Kuroyukihime was still sleeping, his arms wrapped around him and he decided to go back to sleep.
At the same time in Araya's cell, he could be seen writhing in pain as Otoya entered with a guard.
"Be careful, the pain makes him even more violent than he was when he was arrested." Warned a guard.
"Oh don't worry..." Otoya said before stabbing the man with two fangs coming out of his hand absorbing his vital energy before disappearing. "I know how to do with guys like him." He finished taking a syringe out of his jacket before injecting the product into Araya's pain.
" How did you do?" Araya asked.
"He injected you with a permanent poison to make you suffer. I only injected the antidote. And in return I wait for you to face something for me." Otoya said.
"What?" Araya asked.
"I want you to take that and take care of the one who put you in that state for me." Otoya said before handing him a Transteam Gun and a Full Bottle identical to that of Etsu but representing a Bat's head.
"Believe me, I'll take care of his case." Araya said, taking the gun and the Bottle.
"First I must teach you how to use it." Otoya said smiling.
Several hours later in the lift of Etsu's apartment, Kuroyukihime noticed Etsu's anxious face who had hardly said a word since he woke up.
"Are you okay?" Kuroyuikihime asked.
"Not really. I dreamed I was in Blood Stalk fighting my dueling avatar in a completely different way. And after having easily beaten me, I promise to break everyone I care about before killing myself." Etsu said explaining his nightmare.
"It's probably not much. Just your fear of not being able to protect those you care about." Kuroyukihime said.
"Not much? And if the kind of entity that is in my head ends up keeping a permanent control over me. From what you told me and what I could see at times it is one of the worst things that humanity is known. I'm afraid of what could happen to my friends. And even more of what could happen to you if it happens someday." Etsu said revealing his fears more and more present.
Kuroyukihime surprised Etsu by hugging him.
"Do not worry. If he can take control when he wants, then you can take it back. It seems logical to me. And you will never hurt us. I am sure of it." Kuroyukihime said before Etsu hugged him a little harder. As if the coward went to make her disappear.
The doors of the elevator opened leaving Chyuri to see the scene putting an end to the sentimental moment that shared the couple with a slight expression of anger.
Later during lunch break, Kuroyukihime, Etsu and Taku are on the rooftop of the college.
"You like to put yourself in perilous situations, Etsu." Taku said mocking him.
"That's it, laughs. Thanks for the help." Etsu said thanking him for his intervention despite Chyuri's request to be a player in turn after Taku gave him a demonstration after making him promise to keep the secret. "Still, it's not going to do it if she becomes a player. We agree that this is a real ball in video games." He said, pointing to why it's a bad idea.
"What do you think of making her a Burst Linker?" Taku asked Kuroyukihime.
"First of all, is the condition fulfilled?" Kuroyukihime asked.
"It will not be a problem, she has a neuro-linker since birth." Taku replied.
"And for the second condition, the speed of reaction of the brain. There are really no strict criteria. Some have managed to install it even if they are virtual games. In the brains the circuits that move the body and the avatar are almost the same." Kuroyukihime said.
"Sa need to say she has a chance." Etsu said.
"Yes, but to make someone a Burst Linker without being sure is a risky bet." Kuroyukihime said.
"Why is it?" Etsu asked.
"Currently, the copy of the Brain Burst license, which is the right of a Master to make someone his disciple, and limited to one time, whether it fails or not. That's why a very strong bond is born between the Master and his disciple among the Burst Linkers." Kuroyukihime explained.
"I see. So if Taku becomes his master, and Chyuri his disciple, and of course that the installation succeeds, their link will be reinforced." Etsu summed up with a nod from his girlfriend.
"Yes, but this association does not necessarily bring positive elements, do not forget it." Kuroyukihime said.
"I'll try to remind him." Taku said.
A little later as they walk down the halls to their respective courtyards, they see several students running in the direction from which the three Linker Burst come.
"What's going on?" Taku asked students who ignored him.
"Only one way to find out." Etsu said walking towards the place that the students are fleeing, while helping a student falling in his flight to this survey while continuing to market.
Once arrived in front of the foyer where Kuroyukihime gave him the Brain Burst to see a person in a combination similar to that of Blood Stalk but black with instead of green cobra yellow bats.
"Who are you?" Etsu asked.
"You don't remember me?" The person asked in a voice that Etsu knew perfectly well.
"Araya?" Etsu asked.
"And yes. Surprised?" Araya asked before shooting at him but Etsu dodged before an idea crossed her mind.
He left then being followed by Araya until arriving at the place where he brought him ate.
"Why are you bringing us here?" Araya asked.
"No camera... so no way to know who I am." Etsu said as his eyes went red as he pulled out the Transteam Gun and the Cobra Bottle before shaking it and inserting it into the weapon.
The jingle sounded and Night Rogue recoiled before Etsu spoke.
"Jouketsu." Said Etsu before pressing the trigger and a black covers the gas and that the processing is performed.
Mistmatch! Co-Cobra... Cobra... Fire!
Once in Blood Stalk, Night Rogue tried to use his speed to attack Blood Stalk without success. Blood Stalk managed to catch Night Rogue and poisoned him to weaken him before throwing him off the roof without his Transteam Gun and Bottle making him regain a civilian appearance before he hit the ground and crashed.
Shortly after Etsu explained the situation to Kuroyuki and Taku worried about not remembering the clash.
"Listen with the armor of ruin we can not afford to worry about that. We will worry about it later." Taku said before leaving for class.
"I'm sorry, Etsu. Chiyu was hurt while you brought Araya to the college roof and shot you." Kuroyuki explained.
"I didn't want that to happen." Etsu said feeling guilty.
" I know. But don't worry, she has nothing broken. She was just hit on the shoulder." Kuroyukihime said trying to reassure Etsu.
"Okay. Now we have to worry about the armor." Etsu said, taking Kuroyukihime's hand.
A few hours later, Etsu apologized to Chiyu and Taku, and now Taku Kuroyukihime and Nico are sitting on Etsu's dining room table.
"Are you ready?" Kuroyukihime asked before everyone nodded. "All right then, let's go. Kuroyukihime said as everyone said the same two words.
"Unlimited Burst!" They say before they end up in their dueling avatar and Kuroyuki and Taku notice the change in Etsu's avatar.
"Have you acquired a new form?" Taku said.
"Yeah, thanks to Nico." Etsu said before seeing where they are. "It's neutral ground and without restriction is that?" He asked.
"Yes. It is on this ground that I have already expelled Armor from ruin. Other than that, do not you notice anything else?" Kuroyukihime said.
"No countdown." Etsu said looking at his interface.
"That's why it's unrestricted." Nico said.
"Once inside, we can stay as much as we want. Only, you must be at least level 4 to enter." Taku said.
"And seen that we accelerate, a day in the real world is here 3 years. It's amazing." Etsu said.
"Well, what if we hurry to move from there? Now that we have accelerated there are two minutes left in real time before the Cherry train arrives at Ikebukuro, which leaves us quite a bit of room." Nico said.
"How are we going?" Etsu asked.
"Why did you get here, in your opinion?" Nico said.
"I don't know how to make waffles?" Etsu asked jokingly as Nico quickly hugged Etsu around the waist.
"You're going to hug me, huh, cousin?" Nico said winning Kuroyukihime's annoyance.
"What are you talking about? He can't help but carry me. Look a little, my arms and legs you saw their shape." Kuroyukihime said calmly, though it was easy to understand she was pissed off.
"You keep bickering you two and I leave you here. Whether you are King or not, it is always me who is the wings." Etsu said instantly putting an end to the dispute that started.
"Well. And to fix it is simple." Taku holds you both and I hold him by the collar." Etsu said proposing a solution to the problem.
"Agreements." Say the girls reluctantly adopt Etsu's decision as he replaced the Robot object to place the one representing a Dragon and did the usual maneuver to change shape.
Dragon! Rider Systeme! Evolution!
Are you ready?
Dragon! Dragon! Evol Dragon! Fuhahahahahahahaha!
A few minutes later, Etsu holding Taku by the collar of his dueling avatar while he was holding Kuroyukihime and Nico while flying in the sky of the accelerated world he ends up having to dodge shots directed against him.
"Oh no! That would be Chrome Disaster?" Kuroyukihime asked.
"Impossible! It would have happened too quickly! Besides, he does not have that kind of techniques!" Nico said as Ettsu descends to a crater where they were greeted by several Linker Burst surrounding the crater.
"Who are all these guys?" Taku asked.
"In my opinion, they are not really friendly." Nico said.
Two Burst Linker departs to reveal a Burst Linker resembling a yellow jester.
"A clown?" Etsu said.
"Yellow Radio... King of the Yellow, what are you doing here?" Nico said introducing the Burst Linker.
"This jester is the King of the Yellow." Etsu said surprised.
"But the territory controlled by the Yellow Legion is located between Ueno and Akihabara. So why is it in Ikebukuro?" Taku asked surprised.
"I see, it's you, bastard? It's you who have engineered everything! Yellow Radio!" Nico said furiously.
"Well, well... Good morning, King of the Red. What an unexpected meeting ..." Said Yellow Radio.
"What, you're damn sassy! It was you who lured us into this ambush!" Nico said.
"What a horrible false accusation... I came in person for a certain member of the Red Legion to take responsibility after losing all my points to my kind subordinates by violating the non-aggression pact." Said Yellow Radio.
"Then you had the armor of ruin all this time. You kept him warm while waiting for a Burst Linker to whom the data. A pawn that will serve you to catch Scarlet Rain with cunning ... and an excuse to confront a king and probably beat him..." Etsu said placing himself in front of his friends.
"It is written this in the non-aggression pact: "When following an attack violating the non-aggression pact, the legion victim may choose any member of the assailant legion and subject him to an identical fate." The chance is still that person to be the head of the Legion of Red whether Scarlet Rain..." Said Yellow Radio with a hint of amusement.
Anyone present in the crater is content to look at the Yellow Legion leader with annoyance, except for Etsu, who applauds.
"Bravo... what a dramatic twist. The jester proving to be the puppeteer." Etsu said with some amusement disconcerting his friends.
"You seem strangely happy to me for a person who understands that she was manipulated by the nose." Said Yellow Radio pretentiously.
"Even if it was not planned, you got him angry enough to increase his Hazard Level and by extension his level in this game. Now I'm going to have fun..." Etsu said his voice changing towards the end of his sentence.
He then plunged his hand into his chest to get out an object like those representing the blue representing a dragon and the gray representing a robot, but this time red representing a rabbit.
"This Evol Bottle reminds me of memories." Said Etsu revealing the name of this type of object before replacing the Dragon Bottle Evol Evol by his new Bottle.
Rabbit! Rider System! Evolution!
He turned the crank of his belt for a second before letting go.
Are you ready?
His armor changed very little, ending up now with a red helmet with two small golden part and visor two red rabbit head seen from the side.
Rabbit! Rabbit! Evol Rabbit! Fuhahahahahahahaha!
"Phase 3. Complete." Etsu said before the Transteam Gun appeared in his hand. "Say goodbye to your little doggies." Etsu said before placing the Rabbit Evol Bottle in the Transteam Gun and pulling the trigger.
Fullbottle! Steam Attack!
Suddenly Etsu turned so fast that it was believed that several versions of him were firing at members of the Yellow King Legion who had dropped their life bar from scratch, shocking him and Etsu's friends.
"Impossible... no Burst Linker in the accelerated world could go that fast." Yellow Radio said with shock.
"I'm the Game Maker... no matter what the obstacles, I always adapt to turn that to my advantage." Etsu said looking at the King of Yellow lightly.
Yellow Radio shrank slightly in fear as he saw Etsu's power before stepping forward again and talking.
"Don't think you can defeat a king of pure color. You have nothing. You're not worth more than Black Lotus who sliced Red Rider's head into a traitor." Yellow Radio said trying to destabilize Kuoyukihime.
"So you are billions of feet from his ankle." Etsu said.
"What?!" Yellow Radio said angrily.
"She had the courage to directly kill one of the Kings of pure color knowingly, without concocting a whole plan to circumvent the pact of non-aggression to her advantage. You are certainly level 9. But you are weak and pitiful." Etsu said, stoking Yellow Radio's fury even more before it gets spilled by Chrome Disaster revealing its presence.
Yellow Radio was surprised by this action but then disappeared right after.
"What coward. Did not intervene until he was unable to fight. I'll let you finish it small. It's your duty after all." Etsu said lightly as Chrome Disaster approached him and did the same before initiating a one-on-one fight.
Etsu used all his speed in the fight, but Chrome Disaster managed to counter it until Etu hit him and a purple energy in the shape of a crocodile jaw carried by Etsy's fist closes on him. .
"How..." Chrome Disaster said in a pestilent voice.
"I will never thank you enough. You help me reach my goal." Etsu said revealing in his hand a purple Evol Bottle representing a Crocodile's jaw he put in his belt.
Wani! Rider System! Evolution!
He turned the crank of his belt for a second before letting go.
Are you ready?
His armor always changed very little, his epaulets were reminiscent of Crocodile's teeth, and his helmet looked like a black glass chewed by jaw-shaped horns. Forming crack lines that also made a pair of cyan blue visors.
Wani! Wani! Evol Wani! Fuhahahahahaha!
"Phase 3.5. Complete." He said before resuming the fight.
This time he completely dominates Chrome Disaster, to the point where he quickly lost most of his life bar.
"Thine honor." Etsu said before Nico approached the current Chrome Disaster and pointed a gun at him.
"I just wanted to become stronger." Chrome told Disaster faintly before Nico shot him in the head and dropped his life bar to zero causing him to lose the Brain Burst.
"Check your inventory to see if nobody has the armor. And if it is the case deleted there." Nico said coldly before everyone else did it and everyone was disconnected except for Etsu who looked into samin to see a strange, visibly fossilized object.
"Finally... thanks to these two morons, my return will soon be accomplished!" He said before bursting into laughter.
Once disconnected Etsu saw that Nico was saddened by what happened in the fast-paced world.
"How are you?" He asked, approaching her.
"He was a friend of mine... and my master before I became King of the Red..." Nico said sadly, restraining himself from crying.
Etsu then took her in his arms giving him a shoulder on which to leave his sadness expressed the time it takes.
Later, Taku went home and Kuroyukihime stayed for a while with Etsu in the entrance of his apartment.
"Don't you really remember anything?" Kuroyuki asked Etsu.
"Yeah. After shooting and Nico spoken unto the king of the Yellow that he was the responsible you all that... is the black hole." Etsu replied beginning to worry.
"Don't worry. May be just that kind of second personality, this Game Maker just wanted to help us." Kuroyuki said trying to reassure his boyfriend.
"No doubt..." Etsu said not believing too much.
"And don't forget this Weekend you will meet my parents. They are looking forward to meeting you. I hope you will look good." Kuroyuki said with a teasing smile before putting on his pants and giving Etsu a quick kiss. "Goodbye." She says.
"Yeah. Goodbye." Etsu said before Kuroyuki emerged from the seemingly.
He turned around, taking his hands out of his pockets and dropped an object that he picked up quickly ...
The same object he picked up from remembering in the fast-paced world while in his mind the same voice as that of the belt of his dueling avatar and which sometimes spoke to him in his head echoed again in a maniacal laugh.
(A / N: thanks to LegionnaireBlaze for giving me the idea of Evol Wami (although I think it was a joke) because I did not know what form was given in phase 3.5.)