This is the last chapter of this story. :')


Hours passed. Noon arrived, and yet the Druid's Keep was at in a state of ruckus. Hardly anyone expected Brona to break-in so easily. The Druid Council entrusted their best Druids to stop the Warlock Lord and they failed, they failed to stop one of the most powerful Druids out there! How could the Druid Council trust their good judgment on Druids who didn't even do what they were told to do.

One High Druid member hissed at the thought of the two strangers invading their home. The last time strangers invaded Paranor, it fell to ruin. But no more! The Druid Council would not stand any more outsiders unless they were from the Four Lands. Anyone living outside the Four Lands was considered a stranger and not welcomed to the Druid's Keep. Of this, the Druid Council would make sure would happen, for this vow was the last vow they would ever make in Alindor's lifetime.

Alindor knew it was time to move on. Bremen could sense it, too, and followed the elven man over to a balcony, observing the castle grounds.

"Don't feel too badly," Bremen said, giving him words of encouragement. "We knew this was going to happen."

Alindor faced him, not knowing what else to do. "Where will you go?"

"Oh, don't worry about me," Bremen said. "My destiny lies here in the Four Lands. But you!" He shook his head. "You have the chance to explore other worlds, do other things no other Druid could foresee. And you know how to shapeshift, too. That will come in handy during the Shapeshifter's Migration, should you choose to go that route."

"But I don't want to leave you," Alindor said, worried. "You've given me my life back. You've given me a chance to live and be free."

"Yes, but now that time is past," Bremen said, eerily. "You must make your way in the worlds. I cannot guarantee your safety."

"I suppose I'll have to find my family. My real family," Alindor said, curtly.

"Well, good luck," Bremen said, extending his hand to him. Alindor shook it, not knowing if this was a good idea.

"And to you," Alindor kept staring at the horizon, hardly hearing Bremen's last words before the Druid left the balcony.

The young elven man huffed. He was going to miss this form. Where he was going, he would need to return to his golden house cat form, if he was to get past the locals in the Land of Talking Animals. He sighed, nodding, and deciding this was right.

He returned to his room, stunned to see Ulmayá already there, transforming into an Oriental Cat. She looked so beautiful and so ready to go.

"What portal are we taking?" Alindor asked Ulmayá, concerned.

"We're meeting with Aslan," Ulmayá said, the moment Alindor changed form from his elvish form to his golden house cat form. "I'm sure he'll be around soon."

"He already is here," a golden-brown Lion entered the area, causing Alindor to gasp. Alindor didn't need to say or think much to know this Lion was Aslan, and he was clearly here for a reason.

"Aslan," Alindor bowed before the Great Lion.

Aslan nodded, pleased with them. "I see you two have already met. I trust there have been no issues so far."

"Brona came here. He stole the Ildatch," Ulmayá said, distressed.

"We're no longer allowed to stay here, nor is anyone else from other worlds," Alindor said, worriedly.

Aslan nodded again.

"Aslan, what do we to do?" Alindor said, worried.

"What you must," Aslan said in encouragement. "You must head back to the Land of Talking Animals. Yours and your real parents' people are not in this world or in the Land of Talking Animals."

"Then where are they?" Ulmayá asked, worried, too.

"They're at Daggerhorn," Aslan said, calmly. "I'm afraid I can't do much for them, what with the werewolf attacks, but I know you can, along with Jine and Tracker. Go to the Land of Talking Animals. You'll meet Jine and Tracker there."

"So, I'm not going to my foster family's house?" Alindor asked as Aslan blew on the air to form a passage in the wall.

"No," Aslan said immediately. "You will not be heading that way. It's urgent that Jine and Tracker see their citizens are safe. Creadon is no more, but that does not mean that another kingdom won't be formed. Now hurry. We don't have much time."

"Come on, Alindor!" Ulmayá said, rushing through the portal.

Alindor turned to Aslan one last time. The Great Lion's words were encouragement enough. "Thank you, Aslan, for everything."

"Don't thank me yet. We'll speak again soon," Aslan said, waiting for the golden house cat to enter the portal.

Alindor nodded to the Great Lion one last time, charging through the passage and finding himself in a familiar land with a mountainous landscape ahead and flat land with hills here and there. The grass was turning brown at this hour when meant that summer was passing.

And there, standing before him and Ulmayá was a quaint little cottage with brown wood planks rounded off. He didn't know why, but this house was where he and Ulmayá were meant to be.

It was where they belonged, on the next journey to making Alindor King of the Land of the Talking Animals. Alindor and Ulmayá hoped they weren't too late to find and free Jine and Tracker's citizens.


That's it for the first part in my fanfiction mini-trilogy, Alindor, the Druid King. :) Thanks everyone for taking time out of your busy schedules to read this fanfic until the end. It is much appreciated. :)

Next fanfic, the second part of my mini-trilogy, will focus on Alindor and Ulmaya meeting with Jine and Tracker. Then we'll see how they'll save Alindor's family's citizens. :)

Thanks for reading. :) I'll see you in the next story. Bye! :)

Aria Breuer