A/N: Prompt for this one was eggnog.

A soothing crackle came from the fireplace. The warm splash of red and yellow hues lit up the loft with a faint glow, just enough for the alpha to find comfort in the silence. He held a glass half empty of eggnog, a drink he'd come to enjoy around the holidays. Slowly, he rolled his shoulders back and sunk into the couch, his eyelids shutting while the aroma of the burning wood hit his nose. He let out a content sigh, basking in the silence.

Derek had drifted off, not aware that he'd had a visitor. Stiles carefully joined the brunette on the couch, snuggling his face into the wolf's shoulder. He paid attention to the rise and fall of Derek's chest as he breathed naturally, calmly. He found this side of Derek surreal at times; as if he were a completely different person than the bitter and dark exterior he usually carried about himself.

It didn't take too long for Derek to snap back to his surroundings, recognizing the warmth of another person invading his space. His eyes peeled open and he peered down at Stiles who had drifted off to sleep. Slowly, the older male brought his glass to his lips and sipped on the eggnog. He kept track of each breath escaping Stiles' lips and the tiniest smile appeared upon his face. He could get used to this sort of thing. Inhaling Stiles' scent, Derek placed his glass down upon the coffee table, wrapping his arms more securely around the smaller male. He hummed pleasantly, his eyes fluttering shut.