Epilogue: Disciplina Discipulus

Obi-wan folded his arms and leant on the wall, watching the spectacle before him. From the alcove overhang, he could see the entire sparring chamber in all its malevolent glory. The stone pillars and domed ceiling flashed red and green as Master and Apprentice duelled it out.

He stroked his beard. Vader was working her hard, his crimson saber slamming against hers relentlessly. His cape flapped in the air, boots thundering on the marble. A spin to the right followed by an overhanded slash had the young blonde stumbling. He went at her again. She parried and dipped. Vader drove her back, never letting her find her balance. She faded – clumsily. Thrust and slash, he punished her, again and again. The red beam sweeping and crackling.

She tripped and staggered, backing away, blue blade angled to the floor.

He charged, coming at her heavy. She blocked and held him. Blinding plasma arced between them. As if bored, he heaved forward, his brute strength forcing her from the contest. Skidding to the floor, the hilt slipped from her hand. It clattered and rolled away, leaving her gasping for breath and staring up at the Sith Lord looming over her.

"Pathetic," Vader snarled, angling his blade at her throat. "You fight like a Jedi. Perhaps you should share their fate."

Jaina stared, her breathing ragged and eyes wide. "Master ... please," she stuttered.

"Sith, do not beg," he scolded, holstering his weapon and stepping back. "Begging is for the weak. And weakness is unacceptable."

With a flourish of his cloak, he turned and walked away. "Get up and return to my chamber. We are done here."

"Yes ... m-my Master," she whimpered, pushing onto her knees.

Obi-wan strode out from the alcove, moving to intercept the Sith as he went to leave. He dropped into step beside him. "Perhaps you should go easy on her. She is only young," he suggested, staring ahead.

Vader snorted. "I was. To you, that should have been obvious."

"She put up a good fight," Obi-Wan said, as they walked into the Citadel foyer. "I thought she did quite well considering."

The Dark Lord stopped by a massive statue and turned to face him. "For a Jedi," he stated, folding his arms. "As for a Sith, she was pathetic. A complete waste of my time."

Obi-wan matched his stance. "Do explain."

"She has no passion, no drive," he growled, pacing erratically. "Sith rely on their passion for strength. She is passive, always defending. Not once did she attack. I gave her ample opportunity."

Glancing over his shoulder, Obi-Wan caught sight of the defeated young blonde staggering up behind them. "She is a Jedi. That is the Jedi way. If you want her to change, you will need to teach her. You, are her Master. That is your job."

"Are you seriously trying to lecture me on this?" he grunted, jabbing his gloved finger. "Passion cannot be learned, Obi-wan ... any more than it can be unlearned. Youshould know that better than anyone."

"Do not forget Anakin, that you asked me for my help."

"And I already regret it," he said, folding his arms.

"The two of you haven't even bonded yet. The connection is there, and so is the passion. I can feel it. But you are the one blocking her. You don't want to bond with her."

"And I wonder where I learned that!"

"Don't make this about us. I did what I thought was best ... for the both of us! I wasn't ready to be a Master, let alone yours."

Vader snorted again, turning his back to him. "Clearly."

Obi-wan dropped his gaze to the floor, suddenly overwhelmed with sorrow and guilt. He sighed. "I already told you how I feel about that, Anakin. But if you want this Apprenticeship of yours to work, you need to foster the bond. Without it, you will fail. As I did."

"Sidious and I bonded the moment I surrendered. There was no need to develop it. I assumed it would work the same with the padawan."

"Palpatine groomed you for years. We were just too blind to see it."

"And so, for your ignorance, paid the price," he snarled with venom. "You all did." With a dismissive wave of his hand, he spun on his heel and stormed off, heading for the main stair well.

Shaking his head, Obi-wan regarded the young blonde as she hesitantly stopped by his side. He sighed.

"He hates me," she whispered, wiping a tear from her eye.

"He is a Sith Lord, now, Jaina. He hates everyone. As will it soon be with you."


Just a little teaser for Episode Two. I hope you enjoyed it.