AN: Here is the second story of my Nation series. If you go over to my AO3 account you can see the cover art I made for this story.

Please note, the story will for a little while, switch back and forth between two time periods. I will do my best to mark them when they happen.

"Hello, Dr. Banner," JARVIS said as soon as the elevator doors swished closed. "Welcome back."

Setting down his bag, Bruce smiled, "Thanks, JARVIS." He leaned against the wall, tired, and more than a little nervous as he asked, "Are Tony and Pepper home?"

"No, Dr. Banner, they are currently away on holiday."

"Oh." Tony had just gotten back from living under a death sentence in federal prison, so of course they were away right now. Tony had a lot of time to make up for with his family. "Besides why would he want to see someone who is too much of a coward to stick around when he needed all of the friends he could get?"

"I beg your pardon?" JARVIS asked.

"Oh, nothing," the man replied. "Say, JARVIS, what about everyone else? I guess I could stop by the common floor and-"

"The rest of the Avengers and their family are not currently present in the tower either, Dr. Banner."

"So where are they at?"

"Sir and Mrs. Stark invited them to join them on their island earlier this week, and that is their current location."

Yeah, I guess that makes sense since they were all here and helped to save Tony's life, he thought to himself, and then asked aloud, "JARVIS, is anyone here at the tower right now?"

"Mr. Hogan is currently on his floor of residence. Shall I alert him that you are here and wish to see him?"

Bruce exited the elevator, stopping only long enough for his apartment's door to unlock, "No, JARVIS, that's okay. Not sure I'm up for any company anyway. Thanks, anyway."

"You are welcome, Dr. Banner."

Once inside, he dropped his bag on the floor and immediately when over to flop on the couch. "Hey, JARVIS?"

"Yes, Doctor?"

"Are things set up to where I can still check my emails through the TV?"

"But of course, Doctor."

"Turn the TV on would you and pull up the menu screen."

"Certainly, Doctor."

The TV screen came to life and was on the screen Bruce had requested. He picked up the remote and began skimming through the subject line headers. After a few minutes of not seeing anything even remotely worth his while, Bruce turned the TV off, and threw the remote back on the coffee table. Leaning back on the couch, he closed his eyes, deciding that a nap was in order before he made plans for whatever he was going to do next.

Bruce had just started to doze when he thought he heard Tony's voice. His eyes snapped open to see the video image of one of the most maddening yet endearing people he'd ever known preparing to speak further.

"Hey, Banner, in case you completely failed to notice the note I left you on the fridge, I made this recording and asked JARVIS to play it for you if it seemed like you weren't going to notice for a while," Tony on the video said.

Curious as to the note the other man in the video was on about, Bruce pulled his tired body off of the couch and started towards the kitchen.

"Ha, made you look!"

Bruce turn around and glared at the TV screen, muttering as though he could be heard, "Tony, I swear one of these days…" But he was also smiling because this was just the way Tony was with him.

The way he had always been with him, since the moment they'd met on the helicarrier.

"Seriously I was going to write you a note but well I hate writing anything down so I made this video message instead."

"Gonna get to the point anytime soon, Tony?"

"I bet you're thinking I'm never going to get to the point…"

Bruce rolled his eyes, "Yeah the thought had occurred!"

There was still a smile on Tony's face but he grew a bit more serious when he began, "Anyway, I left you this note," the billionaire made air quotes with his hands, "because there is a chance you'll show up while we're all away from the tower and by we I mean the rest of the team too. After everything that's happened, Pepper and I thought that all of us getting away for awhile was a good idea, so we decided to spend a few weeks on our our private island. Well, Pepper, me and the kids will spent the first week or so by ourselves. But just a week or so by ourselves because we also decided that we wanted to spend Thanksgiving with the family aka the team if you hadn't figured that out already."

He paused for breath, "And Bruce, if you come back home before Thanksgiving while we're all still there, I want you to come up too. I know you're probably kicking yourself, blaming yourself for having to leave like that, but what you need to know is that I don't blame you. I know you did what you had to do and I won't ever hold it against you. I still consider you to be my science bro, my partner in crime in the lab, and I'd like to see you as soon as possible. So come on up. JARVIS and Happy will help you get here if you decide you want to come."

"JARVIS?" Bruce said after the screen went black.

"Yes, Dr. Banner?"

"I think I want to go."

"Very good, Doctor. Shall I apprise Mr. Hogan that you are here and that you wish to go to Starks' private island?"

Bruce shook his head then said aloud, "Yeah, you can tell him that I'm here and want to go but also tell him that I don't want to leave for the island today. I'm a bit tired and I want a good night's sleep before heading on up there."

"I understand, Doctor," the Ai responded, adding after a moment of silence, "Mr. Hogan wishes to know if you need anything?"

"Tell him, thanks but no I don't," Bruce answered, then flopped back down on the couch.

A minute JARVIS said, "Forgive the intrusion, Doctor Banner, but Mr. Hogan wishes to know if you're and I quote alright for dinner unquote?"

"Not really hungry right now, and I thought that if I do get hungry later on, that I'd order something in. Why?"

"Mr. Hogan wishes to tell me the reason he inquired is because one of his niece's dropped off a and I quote again spread of homemade meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and all the trimmings unquote. He asked me to inform you that she brought over entirely more than he can possibly eat and would be happy to share the food with you."

Bruce thought about it for a second then said, "Tell him I said thanks, JARVIS, but I'm really tired, and I really just want to rest tonight."

A moment of silence hung over the air as the AI relayed his message. "Mr. Hogan says Alright, Doc. and said to tell you to let him know via by me that if you have need of anything tonight."

"Tell him I said thank you and I will."

"He said No prob, Doc," and wishes you a good night, Doctor Banner."

"Thanks, and the same to him."

Two weeks earlier

"Okay, kiddies, you've got forty-five more minutes to swim and play in the pool, then it's time to get out," Tony said before swimming over to the steps and exiting the pool himself.

"Awww, Daddy!" complained the two little voices in unison.

"Ah, none of that now," Pepper said, while Tony dried off, "Daddy just said you've got forty-five minutes and he meant it. Forty-five minutes, guys, not a minute longer." She waited to see if they'd say anything back then turned to look at her husband who had just seated himself in the chair beside her.

Half keeping an eye on their kids, and half looking at his wife, Tony began talking in a low voice, "So, with the way things are on the outside right now, I've been thinking maybe the four of us need to get away for awhile."

Pepper nodded, "I think that would be a good idea." Before they had went to bed last night, Tony had told her about the crowd outside the tower Happy had told him about, and she could tell by the way the man was frowning earlier this morning, it was only getting bigger, "I mean since we can't even take the kids to the park right now! But if we can find a way to get out of here and to the airport without there being trouble, I guess we could go stay in California awhile."

"I wasn't thinking about Malibu."

"There where? Not Europe?"



"Nope again."

"Australia? New Zealand?"

"As much as I know the kids would like to see kangaroos and koalas live in person and as much as I'd like to take them on hobbit hunting expedition, it's a no no again."

"Then where-"

"Daddy, Eta keeps grabbing my feet underwwwwwwaterrrrr!"

As they both turned to look in their kids' direction, Pepper was smirking as Tony opened his mouth to respond to her.

"Remember, you're the one who taught him how to do that," she muttered.

Her husband's mouth closed for a second, then reopened just as their son came up for air, "Ethan?"

The boy whipped around to look in their direction, "Yeah, Daddy?"

"Stop grabbing your sister's feet. Okay, buddy?"

"Oooookay," came the little boy's glum reply.

Keeping his eye on Ethan for a few seconds, Tony waited to see if he was going to leave his sister alone before turning back to his wife.

"So you want to know where I have in mind?"

"Then where-"

"Daddy, Eta keeps grabbing my feet underwwwwwwaterrrrr!"

As they both turned to look in their kids' direction, Pepper was smirking as Tony opened his mouth to respond to her.

"Remember, you're the one who taught him how to do that," she muttered.

Her husband's mouth closed for a second, then reopened just as their son came up for air, "Ethan?"

The boy whipped around to look in their direction, "Yeah, Daddy?"

"Stop grabbing your sister's feet. Okay, buddy?"

"Oooookay," came the little boy's glum reply.

Keeping his eye on Ethan for a few seconds, Tony waited to see if he was going to leave his sister alone before turning back to his wife.

"So you want to know where specifically I have in mind?"

"Okay, tell me where?"

"Dad's island."

His voice was, surprisingly or maybe not so surprisingly since he'd mentioned his father, quiet. But before she could say anything back to him, he cleared his throat.

"So, how does that sound?"

"Well, we'd certainly be alone," Pepper mused, "and after what we just went through, with you almost..." Her voice trailed off when she saw his eyes widen a bit before he nodded his head towards their kids, "Anyway I think it sounds wonderful. How soon do you want to leave?"



"Yes, tomorrow."

"But we can't!"

"Why not?"

"For one, all the packing we... rather I would have to do tonight!"

"I'll help you, Pep."

"Uh huh."

"I promise!"

She eyed him for a second then said,"Okay assuming you do-"


"Assuming you do, after we get the kids out of the pool and go upstairs, we'll pretty much have to get them in bed soon after we eat dinner... which we haven't decided on what it will be so it can't possibly be fixed yet!"


"Dinner is already taken care of, Ma'am, and will be waiting for you when you when you return to the penthouse."


"You'll like what's for dinner, honey. Trust me."

She gave a reluctant nod, "Okay. So, I guess you were sure I'd like the idea of leaving here for awhile, hmm? I mean you've already got dinner taken care of."

"Well, I was only a little sure you'd go for my idea."

"How little?"

"Oh, I was only about twelve percent sure," he quipped, waggling his eyebrows at her.

Pepper rolled her eyes at the reference, but was smiling at him, "You sure an argument can't be made for fifteen?"

"If you want. I'm happy to take the extra three percent."

Pepper glanced at the time, "It's almost time to get the kids out of the pool and head upstairs."

"So do you want to go?"

"I'd love to go… like so much. But to get everything packed in just a few hours…"

"And what would you say if I said we actually won't have to pack one thing?"

"Tony, what did you…"

"Oh, there just might be a whole new wardrobes suitable for island life waiting for the four of us already there, and completely ready to wear."

"You didn't."

"I did."

She thought about it for a moment, "Well, that takes care of packing except for toothbrushes and things like that. Unless, that's taken care of too?"

"Uh, it would probably be a good idea for us to grab that stuff but other than that, all we need to do is hop on a plane in the morning and head out. I mean JARVIS has even been in communications with BRUTUS, haven't you, J?"

"Yes, Sir."

Pepper bit back a laugh, as she could almost swear to it that she heard annoyance in the AI's voice. She probably did since she was pretty certain that JARVIS viewed BRUTUS as annoying little brother, especially with his unsophisticated accent and all.

"So you want to go, Pep?"

She looked into his eyes, nodding. "Yes, I want to go."

Tony gave a little fist pump, before with a smile he got up to walk over to the pool, "Okay, guys, time's up."

Ethan started towards the steps immediately but Eva kept swimming away. Fortunately her big brother intervened before either of them had to say anything to her.

"Hey, Evie, I'll race you to the steps!"


"On your mark… get set… GO!"

Neither one of his parents failed to noticed the fact their son had challenged his sister to the race to keep her from getting into trouble. They had time to share a brief, knowing smile before Eva was the first to reach the pool's steps.

"Mommy! Did you see that? Eta and me raced and I won!"

With a quick knowing glance thrown towards her husband, Pepper stepped up to wrap an oversized towel around her daughter, "I saw, sweetie."

Tony also had a towel waiting for Ethan when he exited the pool, and wrapped it around the boy's shoulders, "Good job, champ!"

The little boy beamed under his father's praise and continued to dry himself off.

"Think we should tell everyone where we're going before we leave in the morning?" Pepper asked as she slipped into Tony's arms.

She was still having some difficulty believing this was reality in some ways because it was only like three nights ago she was sleeping in a bed not theirs in a house they didn't own and her husband was still locked away from her in a cold prison cell.

No, she reminded herself, This is real! Tony is cleared, and you're laying up against him, feeling the warmth of his body against yours!

"We can leave a message with JARVIS to give to the others at a set time tomorrow, or I guess we can stop by someone's floor to tell them we're going to be gone for, although I think leaving a message with J for them is the better idea since we're leaving so… Pepper, honey, are you okay?"

"Huh? Wh-what?"

"I asked if you're okay, honey?"

She nodded, "Yeah, I'm okay, Why?"

"You look like you're a million miles away, for one, and another I know it's dark in here and but you look a little pale."

"I'm okay."

"Pep… honey…"

"I am really. I guess I'm just…"

"Just what?"

"I think I'm just afraid that I'm going to wake up any second now and discover the last few days were just a dream, and that you're still really in prison." In response to what she said, she felt a sigh from him rather than hearing it.

"I know what you mean about thinking that I must still be dreaming because I keep think I will wake any minute, and I'll be back in my cell. But baby, it's not a dream. We've both in our home, and in our bed, with arms and legs entangled around each other, with our kids next door to us sound asleep in their beds. We're all home again where we belong. Okay?"


"What brought that on?"

"What on?"

"What made you think that you might be dreaming all of this up?"

"I guess the reason I fear that I'm still dreaming is because right before and I mean right before your lawyer called to tell me the courts had exonerated you, I dreamed he had called me to tell me the courts weren't convinced of your innocence by the evidence the Avengers gave the President."

"Oh, honey…."

"He said, in my dream, that if the President didn't intervene, they were going to execute you in a week!"

Tony heard the hitch in her breathing and knew she was crying, so he pulled her closer to him, "I'm here, baby, and I'm not going anywhere. It was just a very bad dream."

"I k-know it was. But it was one of the most real dreams I've ever had in my life," she said after a few minutes.

"The time is now 11pm."

"Eleven o'clock already? I guess we better get to sleep if we're going to get out of here early in the morning!"


"Pepper, honey, are you okay?"


"You sure?"


"Need a tissue?"

"No, I can use your t-shirt if I need to wipe my nose."

"Use my t-shirt? No offense, honey, but isn't that guy level gross?"

Pepper let a few seconds pass, then she giggled, "Yes, that is guy level gross, and I am only kidding! If you'd hand me a few tissues, I'd appreciate it." She felt him reach over to the nightstand and a few seconds later, a couple of Kleenexes appeared in front of her eyes, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. All good now?"

"Yes, all good now."

A minute or two of silence passed where the only sound in the room was both of their breathing or shifting around a little in the bed.



"I want to be there."

"Where, honey?"

"At the hearing… when Morgan and Hammer are both sentenced."

Tony yawned before responding, "I know. Remember though, neither one of them can get the death penalty. It's off the table."

She sighed, "I remember. I just want to see their faces when the judge tell them they'll never walk out of prison as free men for as long as they're still breathing. We have to be there for that."

"We will be, honey. Rooney says neither one of them will be sentenced until sometime next year. I think Rooney said it was either in February or March. Uh J, which one was it it?"

"March 6th, 2022, I believe is the date Mr. Rooney said the court designated for the sentencing of both Morgan Stark and Justin Hammer."

"Don't let us forget it or plan anything else around that time so we miss it, JARVIS."

"I won't, Ma'am, I assure."

"Thank you."

"It is my utmost pleasure, Ma'am."

Pepper smiled as her husband yawned again.

"Okay, let's get some shut then!"

"Alright. Goodnight, Tony."

"Goodnight, my Pep, I love you."

"I love you too, Tony, so much that… I'm not sure I have the words to say just how much."

"I know what you mean. I feel the same way about you."

The next morning after getting the kids up, fed, and ready to go via helicopter to the airport, Tony and Pepper recorded a message for JARVIS to relay to everyone else while the kids listened to one of Uncle Happy's stories. Happy would go with them as far as the airport and then he'd be off on vacation for as long as they were out of town.

Once their joint message was recorded, Tony asked Pepper to give him just a few more minutes to record just one more message… down in the workshop.

"Hey, J, when Bruce left did he leave any indication as to where he was going?"

"No, Sir, he did not. Furthermore, because Dr. Banner waited until he had left Stark Tower to purchase his flight ticket, I cannot extrapolate his locate that way either."

"What about his known aliases?"

"I"m sorry, Sir, but it appears that Dr. Banner used an alias that was unknown to us."

"Hmm, sounds like Brucie boy doesn't want me or anyone else to find him," Tony muttered.

"Shall I try SHIELD's records, Sir?"

Tony gave it some consideration then said, "Nah, if he went to this much trouble to disappear for awhile, then let's just let Banner be."

"Very well, Sir."

"I just hope that Bruce isn't somewhere so primitive where it'll take him years for him to find out that I'm still alive!"

"Indeed, Sir."

"Well enough about our wandering biologist for the moment. Let's get finished up what needs to be finished up so I can get out of here before Pepper asks you what I'm doing." With that, Tony opened up the files he had come to his workshop to work on, and, spent the next forty minutes absorbed in schematics.

"Sir," JARVIS interrupted, "Mrs. Stark asked that I inform you that the helicopter has arrived , and that they're awaiting you return upstairs."

"Alright J, save and shut everything down."

"Yes, Sir."

As the lights in the room went into dim mode, Tony delayed his departure from the room only long enough to grab a communication tablet from a nearby workbench.

EN: Sorry for the tiny bit of angst towards the end of this chapter. I promised there won't be much of it in this story and there won't be. This angst though did sneak up on me just a little but with them only being a literal few days past Tony sitting in prison on death row, you know he and Pepper are going to talk about it a little bit while they process everything from the last six months of their lives.