Jinx stood in the center of a dark but neatly kept room that she had no business in when its owner was out on patrol. Robin and Raven had left on a patrol.

"Maaannnnnn, she's gonna kill me if she finds out," Beast Boy whinned from the door.

"Both of us, bud," Jinx said, casting her eyes about. "probably in the same small hole since there's not going to be much left when she gets us."


Jinx shot a glare over her shoulder at the green face peering in. "You wanna shut up so I can get on with this? Keep your eyes open and let me know if anyone comes."


"Break down in tears? I mean you're on the verge already," The pinkette snarked at him.

"You seriously don't know how scary she is," Beast Boy said, his face disappearing and the door sliding shut.

Jinx planted her hands on her slender hips and peered around making sure not to move to much. She could feel the passive wards in the room which were centered on her dresser drawers, closet, and the trunk at the bottom of her bed. Any sorcerer worth their salt could have easily bypassed them but the pinkette had a feeling they were for the non-magical occupants of the tower.

Closing her eyes, she breathed in slowly letting her magical sense fill the area around her to get the impression of the room. Even for the dark, gothic like colors, she could sense a level of peace that even calmed her own chaos that was always churning inside. This must be where Raven meditated the most. For a demoness, she was quite calm.

"Whelp, not gonna get anything from magic, let's do this the old fashion way."

It was time to dig around. Her first target was the solid oak dresser drawers that begged to be searched. It was easy to shift the ward away without damaging it. The passive defenses were prone to a bit of bad luck. Popping open the first, she was met with a pile of dark wool clothes, sweaters, jeans, t-shirt, all plain with no symbols or branding on them. They were quiet and non-descript just like the sorceress who owned them.


Second drawer popped open and this was much more interesting. Raven's under garments were folded in neat, little piles and with the deftness of a thief, she scooped out a pair of panties and held them up to the feeble light. The first thing she noted was Raven was quite a curvy girl in the posterior which Jinx whistled in approval, the next and the most delicious part of it was that this pair was branded with little decorative symbols.

'Hah! She wears Wonder Woman panties.' Jinx cackled to herself. It made sense. A dark woman of immense power feeling affinity with a demi-goddess the pinkette herself would be loath to encounter.

That's one of the reasons she made it clear to Gizmo that none of their crimes were to be so grand that it brought one of the big dogs from Watchtower.

Folding them back up and replacing them so the pile did not look disturbed, she continued her exploration. Of course, she found the diary but the ward on that was quite strong and quite nasty. That spell was going to take a bit of studying before she would be able to bypass it. Raven did not want anyone reading that book.

The third drawer were more bland clothes. Jinx felt near the back of the drawer for anything of interest. Most people hide things in the back in the middle drawer behind fluffy clothes thinking it would be the last place anyone would look. Any thief of experience knew to check there at the beginning of the robbery.

Her hands gently touched something of cool plastic and her pinky brushed against pages.

"Oho," Jinx giggled, grabbing hold of the items and pulled them toward the front of the drawer.

"What?" Beast Boy said sticking his head in, a paler green than usual.

"Nothing," Jinx growled at him. "Back on guard duty."

He eeped and pulled his head out.

The hex witch peered back at her prize. It was a worn paperback book with a damsel fawning over a man in the usual romantic poses with the gaudy emblazoned title "Lady Olivia & The Butler". Jinx bounced on her heels with glee because it was obvious what it was for especially with the adult toy that had been shoved in the back with the book.

"Hah! So, she does know how to get the motor going."

Taking a moment to read through some of the more worn chapters, Jinx put the book away with a bit of a flush. Raven did have a great taste when it came to kinky literature.

There was nothing else of interest in the dresser and the pinkette returned the ward back where it belonged.

The closet was not as salacious as what she found in the dresser but it gave more information to her. There were a few evening dresses though by how stiff they were, they had not been used anytime recently. There were boxes in the back corner that looked tantalizing but she did not have the time to pull them out and examine them.

There was the smaller trunk in the back through, an ancient looking thing but the powerful hex that was attached on it immediately told her not to even think of messing with it. Based on the power it was emanating, Jinx knew that Raven had sealed it for a reason. There were some lines the sorceress would not cross with another.

"Are you done?" Beast Boy demanded. "Robin just called in. They finished the paperwork on the speeders and they're going to be on their way back. Raven can teleport. She's going to catch you."

"Ooo!" Jinx said teasingly. "Maybe she can punish me? I deserve a good spanking. I've been a naughty girl."

Jinx slathered the last sentence with as much sexuality as she could and it worked. Beast Boy's face turned bright red.

"Like the mental image?" Jinx laughed walking by him and closing the door. "You're welcome. Who says I don't have your best interest at heart?"

"Let's just get out of here before she catches us."

That was actually a good idea. Jinx didn't want her plot to be discovered too soon.

"You've got to be out of your snot-brained mind!"

Gizmo's voice squealed across the makeshift communicator she put together. Beast Boy had left her contained in one of the large supply rooms they had pretty much cleaned out. Not like she was going to escape but there were enough spare parts laying around from old and broken communicators, she was able to piece one together and get it on to the HIVE frequency.

Beast Boy probably assumed she had no knowledge of electronics as being a magic user.

"Would you please keep your voice down?" Jinx hissed at him. "I finally got the green bozo to trust me enough to leave me unattended. I don't need you blowing it."

"What's the plan, Jinx?" Mammoth asked carefully, his voice rumbling across the communicator. "They have you a prisoner and pretending to be the Tamaranian. As soon as she returns, you will lose your leverage."

"You can kick that green bastard's behind and escape. Join us! Killer Moth has got a big plan and he want us to help. He's giving us 30% of the haul!" Seymour said, his southern accent leaking in.

Yeah, she could have escaped. Quite a few times. Beast Boy was thee worst guard that could have been assigned to her. Not only had he betrayed secrets of a personal nature on his team, he always moved toward close, didn't keep an eye on her, and pretty much set her up to take him out. Honestly, Jinx was surprised that she didn't take the opportunity and escape.

"Yeah, I know but…."


It felt that when Jinx had decided to seduce Raven, she had taken on her own mission, a mission that she was not going to abort just because her teammates were a bit lost without her. Every time they tried to argue her one way, the tantalizing thought of running her hands down those silky smooth legs, or peeling the mystic titan out of her leotard got her heart beating faster and her breath coming in gasps. If she did not reign it in, she was gonna need some alone time.

"Listen, You all don't need me for the planning stage. The bank robbery was perfect and I was the one who screwed it up." Jinx said. "Start getting everything together and I'll see what I can do about getting out of here."

"Just leave," Gizmo whined. "Why stay?"

"Long legs, soft lips, a warm bed with my hands all over her-"

"La la la la! Can't hear you!" Gizmo shrieked and the fumbling sound meant he had hurled the comm to someone else.

Mammoth's low laugh came across the channel.

"You have fun, Jinx," he said. "but be careful. The green one may be naive but the others are not. They'll hurt you if they feel threatened."

"I know, big guy," Jinx smiled at the loving she was getting over the calm. "If my plan goes south, I'll call you in for back up. If I succeed, I'll tell you all about it."

"Nope," Mammoth said with another chuckle. "I am a gentleman and to lay bare the secrets of another lady, even an enemy, is not appropriate. You may keep your tryst to yourself."

"You know you're not fun sometimes," Jinx laughed.

"That's why we're a good team."