This story will take place after "Lion 4: Alternate Ending" and before "Doug Out." I wanted the future episodes to be the abductions and so on. This idea is HEAVILY inspired by someone else, but it's with another show.
All rights go to Cartoon Network, Rebecca Sugar and the Crewniverse
Steven was rummaging through some things in his dad's shed that was recently put there. His dad told him he found a box of books lying on the street somewhere waiting for the garbage man to pick up. Greg thought that they looked fine, so he brought them to his shed for Steven to look through. Steven opened up now the fourth cardboard box.
"Aha!" Steven exclaimed when he saw the books. "Woah, who would want to throw all these books away?" he asked himself smiling. The books did look a little old and beat up as he went through them, but that wasn't going to stop him. After picking out a couple books Steven was about to leave when a small bright blue box caught his eye. He picked it up and it was labeled 'IMPORTANT.' "Wonder what's so important" right when he opened the box he thought maybe he shouldn't be going through his dads things but it was too late. What waited inside was disc cases numbered 1-5 and an envelope. It's probably another show my dad watches like that little butler thing. Steven thought. But what if mom left it for me? Like the tapes. No it can't be, she wouldn't have left more than two. I guess I'll just go ask dad, he should know.
"Important? Ah jeez if that's really important than I totally forgot what it is." Greg worried.
"You don't know what this is?"
"Nope, but there's only one way to find out!" Greg opened the envelope and a letter and a map was inside. "Uhh, this is weird. Someone must've sneaked into the shed to leave this here for me."
"Maybe it was a mistake... just read the letter I'm sure it'll make sense after."
"Okay." Greg cleared his throat and read the letter.
"Hello, I shouldn't be talking to everyone just yet so I'll spare some of the details. I'll be giving whoever is reading this the instructions. Your job is to gather up the 10 people on the back and all head for the marked location on the map." Steven looked at the map. "It's in Beach City so it shouldn't be a stretch. Everything else will be explained there. Bring the discs, there'll be a TV, make sure you get everyone and you won't want to miss this. Later, Sydney."
"Uhh." Greg flipped the paper over "Who is Sydney? Do you know her?"
"No, but I'm interested on what it is. What are the names?"
"Steven, Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Peridot, Lapis Lazuli, Connie, Greg, Lars and Sadie." Greg read.
"The map says we need to go to the warehouse, in one of the basement rooms."
"Steven are we really going to go through with this? I don't know, it seems sketchy, I didn't even know the warehouse had a basement."
"Dad, if it was meant for us to see I'm sure it's important. Like the box says."
"Alright, if you're sure about this than lets round everyone up."
Steven managed to convince the gems and Connie easily.
"Now we just need to get Sadie and Lars." Steven informed.
"Who are they?" Peridot asked. Lapis wondering the same thing.
"You'll see." Steven called them up and told them to meet them at the warehouse. "Good thing they're off work. This thing worked out perfectly."
"Does this Sydney know about us? How can a human know about all of us? Especially if she's not one of Stevens friends." Pearl contemplated.
"We'll just have to find out." Garnet told them.
"Maybe you should use your future vision Garnet. Especially if she knows about all of us and maybe more. That's pretty weird." Amethyst added.
"Yea, I don't really like how some random human knows my name." Lapis grew anxious.
"Maybe she's a secret admirer. You guys did save the world." Connie stated.
"This seems too creepy and stalker like, and some of the people on the list didn't save anyone." Peridot said.
"Hm. Nope. I don't see anything dangerous happening." Garnet said.
"See, I told you it'll all be fine. Now let's get to the warehouse before Sadie and Lars." Steven said.
The group waited before the stairs to the warehouse basement.
"Hey guys!" Sadie called "Hope you weren't waiting long."
"No, we just got here." Steven told her.
"What is this about anyway?" Lars asked kind of annoyed.
"We'll know when we watch the discs, I wonder what's on them." Steven answered. They went down to the basement and was met with a long hallway with rooms on each side.
"The map says to go in room 12." Pearl said.
"That's probably all the way at the end." Greg said. It was, the last door which was closed. Garnet opened the door as everyone grew curious on what they were going to see. It was just a normal room. With a huge TV three couches facing it in a semicircle with a table in the middle with a bunch of food and drinks of course. Connie was hoping for something magical and a little more interesting. Steven however was intrigued.
"Woah! It's like a movie theater in here." Steven said looking all around. He noticed a bathroom on the other side of the room.
"Movie theater?" Lapis wondered.
"Y'know a theater of movies." Peridot told her.
"Look at that huge TV!" Greg said with enthusiasm. The door closed behind Lars.
"I guess we're just watching something. Can't be that bad." Sadie said mostly for Lars. She noticed he looked uninterested.
"Well there's food and a bathroom, obviously we're gonna be here for awhile." Lars groaned. Sadie frowned.
"Good thing we just had breakfast." Steven said out loud opening the box to the discs.
"Oh nice look at all this food!" Amethyst exclaimed licking her lips.
"Amethyst, no eating. I'm positive that is for the ones who have to eat." Pearl told her.
"Alright." Amethyst said disappointed. Garnet turned on the TV as everyone found a spot to sit. Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl sat on the right couch, Greg, Steven and Connie in the middle and Lapis, Peridot, Lars and Sadie on the left. The couches weren't far apart from each other, about arm's length. Sadie wondered why her and Lars were there, they weren't part of Stevens family and she knew Steven and Connie were close. Lars noticed the same thing but didn't think to much about it. She thought maybe this has to do with Steven since everyone here has a relation to him.
"Steven, the discs."
"Right." Steven opened up disc 1 and put it into the DVD player. He went back to his seat and they all waited anxiously.
"Hello, I'm Sydney and I'm going to inform all of you on what's going on." The voice from the TV said.
"Good." Lars said as the others grew more interested.
"So that's her." Greg said.
"So I've gathered you all here to show you your progress,"
"What progress?" Greg questioned.
"Just progress in general, progress of all of you!"
She sounded excited most thought. Peridot squinted.
"So about the five discs, each disc holds a handful of "episodes" that you will watch. Each contains an event that has happened and has to do with some and if not, all of you. So you're going to see yourself on TV countless times!"
Almost everyone grew a little nervous but excited at the same time. Everyone had some personal and emotional experiences that they preferred not to be released publicly. Some even searched for embarrassing things they did and hoped it was not to be shown.
"So we're going to see ourselves on TV?" Connie asked.
"I guess so." Pearl replied.
"But when? What times will be shown?" Peridot asked
"She's not gonna show really embarrassing things right? It's personal y'know." Amethyst added. The whole room agreed.
"Lets keep listening." Garnet suggested and un-paused it.
"Anyways, once you're done watching all the episodes on this disc you'll put in the next one and so on. It'll be a while until you finish so that's why there is a bathroom and food. Now, please leave the food for the humans here, there should be enough if any gem wants to eat a little, but please, don't starve anyone."
"I hope you heard that Amethyst, that was probably directed towards you." Pearl told her.
"Eh, she said I could eat a little bit." Amethyst was already thinking of what food to eat first. Greg was restraining to grab some, it didn't even start yet. It's just like if he we're at a movie theater.
Why can't we just leave to get some food. Lars thought.
"I've gathered the 10 of you mostly because you show up the most and are vital. With the exception of some, I can't have you guys fighting in here."
"Makes sense." Pearl said. At first Connie thought that Sydney was implying that some of them in the room weren't important but then realized that was not the case. She's saying that some others are important but they're enemies.
"Fighting? Fighting who?" Sadie grew concerned. Lars shrugged. She knew they fought monsters but of course they're not going to bring them in.
She's probably talking about gems, gems like Jasper and Bismuth and maybe even the Diamonds Steven realized. They're going to appear aren't they. Steven knew some pretty personal things are going to be shown.
"Hold on." all eyes were on Peridot. She points to Sadie and Lars. "These two don't even know who Sydney's implying to." the two wondered what she was saying.
"Okay... they'll know once we get to that part." Steven told her, not really sure what she was going on about.
"No, what I'm trying to say is that they're in the dark. They have no idea about this gem stuff but everyone else here does. Steven I get that they're your friends and this is probably about you but they play no major role!" Sadie frowned understanding what she was saying. Lars understood too but grew agitated.
"What? You think this is about me?"
"Well yea, you know everyone in here personally. Kinda like a birthday party, you know everyone there but the people who attend might not know everyone. I mean I know most people here. And like you're Rose's son." Amethyst informed. Garnet nodded and Pearl smiled. Steven concluded that she was right and looked up at Greg.
"I'm sure you'll show the most progress." Greg put his hand on his son's head and smiled.
"Okay but Peridot, if we're all here because we're so called 'important' than Sadie and Lars are important to me and I want them here. This gem stuff isn't a secret, I want them to know about this so they'll understand more about us. Don't you want that too?" Steven asked her. Sadie smiled and Lars calmed down.
"Yea I guess, fine."
"Steven's right, don't be rude." Lapis told her.
"Now keep going, I want to get to the good part." Amethyst grew impatient.
"We are very close to watching the first episode but there's a few more things I have to say: the last few episodes of disc 4 and all of disc 5 are... of the future."
"Huh." Amethyst questioned. All of the room didn't think this to be possible and was confused.
"T-the future." Pearl stated "How?!"
"Let her finish." Garnet told her. Garnet was confused as well. How does she know the future? If she's telling the truth, which I'm sure she is.
"Nothing is permanent, you can change it with the right decisions if you would like. I know one of you can see possibilities of the future that can help you."
Lars and Sadie wondered who that was.
"That would be Garnet." Steven showed Peridot a new perspective. Now she wanted to help this 'Lars and Sadie' understand gems better.
"Oh." Lars said, his question being answered.
"I know it seems unreal but hey, gems exist"
"And what is that supposed to mean?" Pearl asked a little offended.
"You guys are pretty outstanding to a human." Connie said.
"I mean you guys are made of light and your bodies are an illusion." Steven taking it literally. Lets just say Lars and Sadie we're confused. They figured they'd be for most of the time.
"Up until then you'll be seeing events that already happened, some not being there and seeing it for the first time. You're basically reliving past moments. Up until the future episodes at least. I'll let you know when the future episodes will play."
"Garnet what do you think? You think we're really going to see the real future?" Pearl asked.
"Based on what Sydney's saying, something big is going to happen. Probably bad. She'll show us what's going to happen and then we can work it out to change it, if we want too. I think something good will happen too. And the only way to achieve that good thing is if that bad event will happen first. We'll just have to wait and see." People in the room grew worried. It made sense what she said.
"Oh, and I will unlock the door once your screening is over."
"The door's locked...? Great." Lars complained.
"Isn't that a safety hazard?" Greg mentioned.
"I really hope we wont be needed during this," Pearl complied
"I'll just knock the door down if it's necessary," Garnet said.
"For now you can sit back, relax, grab some grub because everything up until then is already set in stone!"
"Yeah, something bad is def gonna happen." Amethyst admitted.
"Why can't we just watch the future now? What's the point of viewing the past?" Lars asked.
"To see everyone's progress, remember?" Sadie told him. Lars grumbled quietly.
"Now without further ado the first episode! I will shut up now."
"Finally!" Amethyst exclaimed. The audience prepared themselves, a few grabbing a snack. Greg was ready for some food.
Pearl did wonder if some of the gem stuff they were about to see would be to much for the two unaware humans, maybe she should even consider Greg. She remembered some of the most intense things that has happened, there are probably other things that she hasn't witnessed. And if this is going to be about Steven... he's been through a lot, and Garnet says there might be even worse stuff to be shown.
A shot of Beach City was quickly shown. Then a shot of the Big Donut.
"Hey I know that place." Steven said exited.
"Yea I'm sure we all know that place." Lars told him. Sadie and Lars knew they were going to be seen.
"I don't." Lapis said.
"Noooooooooo!" Steven yelled making the screen shake. "This can't be happening! This has to be a dream! Lars! Lars!" Lars was opening up a box and Steven grabbed his waist from behind. "Please tell me I'm dreaming!"
"This was a very long time ago." Steven said ready to see his younger self be totally ignorant with his gem powers.
"Oh jeez." Amethyst said remembering how Steven used to act.
"Get off me man, I'm stocking here!" Lars yelled, Steven falling on his face as Lars walked away.
"I'm sorry, Steven. I guess they stopped making them." Sadie apologized.
Sadie had to try and remember this event, but it came to her.
"Stopped making them?! Why in the world would they stop making Cookie Cats?! They're only the most scrumptious and delicious ice-cream sandwich ever made!" The Cookie Cat freezer was shown. "Don't they have laws for this?!"
"Uh huh..." Greg forgotten how Steven used to act.
"Steven what is wrong with your voice?" Lapis asked.
"Yea your voice sounds weird." Peridot said.
"Uhhhh." Steven didn't know how to respond to that. A couple people in the room giggled or smiled.
Lars sighed. "Tough bits, man. Nobody buys them anymore. I guess they couldn't compete with Lion Lickers." Lars said as he took something out of the box. The Lion Lickers were shown.
Steven groaned "Not Lion Lickers! Nobody likes them! They don't even look like Lions! Kids these days I'll tell you what!"
"Oh Steven, you were so young here." Pearl said already getting emotional.
"Yea, I haven't realized how much you've grown." Greg said, also getting emotional.
"Doesn't Lion like those?" Connie asked.
"Yes, he forces me to buy them." Steven replied in a grumpy tone.
"Well, if you miss your wimpy ice cream so much, why don't you make some with your magic belly button?" Lars said mockingly then laughing.
"See, they have no idea." Peridot said.
"That's not how it works, Lars."
"Well... I know now that's not how it works." Lars said.
Steven probably told him about his gem and abilities. And he's mocking him for it? Lapis knew she wasn't going to like this guy.
"Right?" Steven lifted up his shirt and revealed his gem. His stomach jiggles as he squishes it.
Steven thought that that was gross, a few others did too. Peridot was confused how he lost all that, he looks skinnier now. Maybe he shape-shifted. For that long? Peridot concluded that it was a human thing.
Steven sighed "Oh, sweet Cookie Cats, with your crunchy cookie outside, your icy creamy insides" Steven started drawing a Cookie Cat on the freezer. "You were too good for this world." He kisses the freezer.
A few giggled over how dramatic he was getting.
"Uh Steven? Do you want to take the freezer with you?" Sadie suggested with Lars looking concerned. Steven nodded with his eyes getting watery.
"Didn't know you liked them that much." Greg said.
"Steven came home with one almost all the time." Garnet told him.
And that's why he was fat. Lars felt bad for thinking that, but it's true.
Steven hums while running with the freezer on his back. He runs up to the temple and opens the door. "Hey guys, you won't believe this!" a centipeetle attacks Steven making vicious noises. Steven screams as a whip winds around the gem.
"What is that?" Sadie asked.
"A corrupted gem." Steven said remembering Centi.
"Do they all look like that?" She added. Sadie remembered fighting the invisible monster that seemed to be something like this.
"No, they look different depending on what gem they are. I'm sure it'll be explained. It's hard to describe." Steven told her. Lars raised an eyebrow. Pearl has a feeling that these two will be asking questions a lot. There's most likely stuff about them but it's going to be mostly about gem stuff and Steven learning about it as well. They'll learn with him... from the episodes, Steven already knows a lot.
"Sup, Steven" Amethyst said holding up two fingers and pulling the centipeetle off him. Pearl was on the warp pad fighting three of the gems with her spear.
They must be used to all this stuff Sadie thought.
Garnet was fighting a couple centis with one landing on her head and she pulled it apart.
They just poof into nothing? Lars thought something came out of them like that time on the island and in the lighthouse.
Where's its gem? Lapis didn't know a lot about corrupted gems either.
Amethyst chased a centi while Pearl was pulling out out from under the table. Many centipeetles were crawling all over.
"Ugh its an infestation." Greg said.
"You got rid of them all?" Connie asked.
"Yep." Steven answered.
"Shhhhh spoilers!" Peridot told them. Amethyst chuckled at that.
Steven put the freezer on the couch next to him. "Awesome! What are these things?" he asked as one crawled in front of him.
Steven wished he could've found a different word than 'awesome.' These gems were suffering.
"Ugh! Sorry, Steven. We'll get these centipeetles out of your room." Pearl said as she held one. "We think they were trying to get into the temple."
"Aw. You don't have to get rid of them. They're really cool." Steven insisted. The one Pearl was holding spat out green acid onto the floor. The floor disintegrated into a hole.
"Yikes" Lars said.
Amethyst poofed a gem "Um, you guys? These things don't have gems." she said picking her nose.
Amethyst cringed at herself.
Oh yeah that's what they're supposed to drop. Lars remembered.
"That means there must be a mother somewhere nearby." Garnet said punching a centi without looking.
Like a bigger one? Sadie wondered.
Garnet chuckled
Steven thought that she used her future vision there but probably not. He was going to see all the times it was obvious she was a fusion when he didn't know.
"We should probably find it before anyone gets hurt."
"Ooh! Ooh! Can I come?! Can I?! Can I?!"
"Steven, until you learn to control the powers in your gem, we'll take care of protecting humanity, okay?" Pearl snapped the centis neck, falling to the floor than poofing.
"Show off." Amethyst whispered.
I thought he already knew about his gem powers Lapis thought.
"Aw, man. Hey! Get out of there!" A centi was in the fridge. "Go on! Shoo! Shoo!" Steven scared it away.
"There like mice." Lars pointed out.
"Those things don't eat." Peridot told him. Steven was about to say that one did, but it was a long story.
"Aw! They got into everything!" Steven said as Garnet cracked her knuckles and poofed it. "Not cool!" Steven looked in the freezer and saw a bunch of Cookie Cats.
Where'd they get those? Lars wondered.
"No way." Stevens eyes turned to stars and smiled."I-It can't be! Wha- where did you get these?! I thought they stopped making them!"
Wow he's really grown up since then Greg thought.
"I'm still confused on why his voice sounds like that." Peridot wanted answers.
"Oh you know, humans grow." Steven tried to sum it up for her as quickly as he could.
"Hmmmmm..." Peridot kinda understood know.
"Well, we heard that, too, and since they're your favorite-" Pearl started.
"We went out and stole a bunch." Amethyst interrupted sitting on the counter.
"Typical." Peridot said.
"I went back and paid for them" Pearl snarled.
"Also typical."
"The whole thing was my idea" Garnet said her hands glowing.
"It was everyone's idea" Amethyst insisted.
"Not really."
A few giggled
"All that matters is that Steven is happy" Pearl told them.
Steven broke into song "Ahhhh! He's a frozen treat with an all-new taste 'cause he came to this planet from outer space"
"Oh you're singing the theme song." Lars crossed his arms, he's only heard it 100 times.
"A refugee of an interstellar war but now he's at your local grocery store"
Almost the whole room was smiling.
"Cookie Cat he's a pet for your tummy! Cookie Cat! He's super-duper yummy!
"It's even better with the music." Steven said.
"Cookie Cat he left his family behind! Cookie Ca-a-a-a-a-a-t now available at Gergins off Route 109." The gems laughed.
A few in the room giggled as well.
"I guess music can be anything." Peridot said.
"What the-" Lapis said half smiling.
"I remember when you sang that song." Pearl said, "it was...interesting."
"I can't believe you did this! I'm gonna save these forever right after I eat this one."
"Of course." Connie laughed.
"They're all gone." Steven did miss them, they tasted really good.
Steven pulled off the wrapper taking out the cookie. "
Hello, old friend." He took a bite off the ear.
"Mmm! Mmm! Ooh! So good!" His gem started glowing. "I like to eat the ears first."
"That's the first time- I remember my gem doing anything. This is where it all starts." Steven says.
"Oh." Lapis said surprised.
"Uh, Steven." Amethyst exchanged looks with Garnet.
"Wha? My gem!" Steven exclaimed lifting up his shirt. "Quick! Try and summon your weapon!" Amethyst suggested.
A few were confused. If he couldn't do it before, what happened now that he could?
Isn't his weapon the shield or was it that bubble thing? Lars and Sadie thought the same.
"I don't know how. "Aah! It's fading! How do I make it come back?!" Steven yelled freaking out.
"Oh jeez, how do you not know how to do that?" Peridot laughed.
"Do you have a weapon?" Steven asked her.
"Umm." Peridot grumbled a bit.
"Calm down, Steven. Breathe. Don't force it." Pearl told him, him still freaking out over it.
"Calm down." Lars said.
"Yeah. And try not to poop yourself either" Amethyst said smiling.
"Please don't" Garnet said.
Steven's gem faded then he slumped to the floor. "Aw! I was really close that time!" he said with stars in his eyes.
"Wow you've come so far." Pearl said.
"When was this?" Amethyst chuckled.
"Two years ago." Steven said. The Gems and Greg felt as if the time flew.
He puts the Cookie Cat back in the wrapper. "Can one of you just explain how to summon a weapon?"
"Oh! I'll go first!" Pearl sang raising her hand.
Pearl and Steven were under the tree. "Pay attention to these petals, Steven. The petal's dance seems improvised, but it is being calculated in real time, based on the physical properties of this planet!" A petal fell to the ground while Steven listened.
"What." Lars said not understanding a thing of what she just said. Greg was in the same mindset.
"With hard work and dedication, you can master the magical properties of your gem and perform your own dance!" Pearl summoned her spear, grabbed it, spinning it and landing it on the ground causing petals to fly. A petal landed perfectly in her hand. "Like so."
"Is it that sophisticated?" Connie asked. Steven shook his head.
"Of course Pearl explains it like that." Peridot said earning her a look.
"It's not even that complicated, you just... do it." Lapis said.
"Yea I don't have to think much when I do it now." Steven said.
Steven looked confused picking some petals.
"Wah!" Steven and Amethyst were next to the Big Donut, Steven throwing petals in the air.
"You were the one who left petals everywhere?" Sadie asked sarcastically.
"Did Pearl tell you the petal thing?" Amethyst asked donut in her hand.
"Yeah. I need to practice really hard so I can dance like a tree, I think." He said while petals were falling on him.
"That's not really what I was going for." Pearl said.
"You don't have to dance, that's for fusion." Garnet added.
"Listen, Steven. All that practice stuff is no fun." Amethyst took a bite out of her donut. "Whenever I need to summon my weapon, it just happens." She pulled out her whip and cut the dumpster in half. "See? Didn't try at all." Steven rubbed his head.
Pearl made a disgusted face seeing all the food in Amethysts mouth.
"Amethyst explained it exactly how it is." Peridot said.
"Yea really." Lapis said. Pearls face went blank.
"You were the one who kept breaking the dumpster? That costs money." Lars examined. Amethyst shrugged.
"Again?!" Lars exclaimed seeing the dumpster.
"Again?" Greg wondered.
"I was taking my anger out." Amethyst said loosely.
Garnet and Steven were on the cliff near the lighthouse. "So, I'm supposed to work really hard and not try at all at the same time?"
Steven seemed to be confused.
"Well when my gem was cracked I was trying really hard." Lapis said.
Sadie and Lars wondered what that meant.
"Or you can link your mind with the energy of all existing matter, channeling the collective power of the universe through your Gem" a lot of different scenes were shown around Steven's head.
"This one's even morse confusing." Lars said.
"Which results in" Garnet summoned her gauntlets while moving her arms around. "At least that's my way of doing it."
"Or you could just think the slightest about it." Peridot said.
A figure of Steven popped like a balloon.
"Yea, I was so confused."
Steven and co were back in the house. "I think my best bet is to re-create what happened the last time my gem glowed. So Garnet and Amethyst were here." Steven pointed at them and then to Pearl. "Pearl was next to the fridge. Hmm. Hmm. Amethyst, I think your arms were crossed" he said pointing at her.
"Okay, your majesty" she said folding her arms.
"I don't think that's going to work." Connie said confused.
"And, Pearl, your foot was like this." Steven said moving her foot the slightest bit.
Peridot laughed.
"It made somewhat sense to me back then."
"I don't think it works this way, Steven."
"And, Garnet" he moves her face in a weird way "uh huh yeah."
A few smiled including Garnet.
Steven opened the freezer grabbing a cookie and took the wrapper off. "Then I took a bite of this Cookie Cat. Oh! Wait! I sang the song first. Uh, he's a frozen treat all new taste interstellar war and now available at Gergins" He half sang while kinda dancing. The Gems stood there. "Aw! It was funnier last time!" Steven lifted up his shirt revealing his gem. "Maybe I'm not a real Crystal Gem."
"You don't have to have gem powers to be a Crystal Gem." Pearl said.
"But it's in the name. Gem." Peridot told her.
"A Crystal Gem is someone who will risk their life to protect the earth against homeworld gems. Of course you'll have more of an advantage if you are a gem. And Connie is a Crystal Gem." Pearl said. Connie half smiled with Steven smiling next to her.
Oh yea they're rebels Lars and Sadie thinking the same.
"Well I am too but I just thought... never mind."
Pearl quickly kneeled down next him. "Don't be silly, Steven. Of course you are." she said putting a hand on his shoulder.
"And you're fun to have around, even if your gem is useless." Amethyst told him and Pearl snarled at her.
Amethyst chuckled.
"I mean you're one of us, Steven. We're not the Crystal Gems without you." Garnet nodded.
"Mmhmm." Garnet agreed.
Steven smiled again but it faded when he realized it was probably because he had his mothers gem. Everything is so different now.
"Yeah." Stevens eyes turned to stars. "Even if I don't have powers, I've still got Cookie Cat!" he took a bite and smiled "Mmm! So good!"
I was so naive back then Steven thought.
Stevens gem glowed again. Steven's shield was summoned.
"Ooh you did it." Greg said surprised, he didn't think it would happen.
"How-?" Sadie asked, she didn't understand why his shield came out.
Garnet and Amethyst gasped.
"Steven, it's a shield!" Pearl said thrilled.
Connie giggled "It's not a baby." Since that's usually what you say when you find out what gender the baby is.
"Didn't you assume it was a shield because of Rose?" Greg asked.
"Yes but, I thought Stevens powers would be different because he's half human." Pearl told him. Lars still though that Steven being half human was weird.
Steven opened his eyes "Oh! What?! I get a shield?! Oh, yeah!" Steven exclaimed jumping for joy. His shield bounced all around the house finally slicing his TV. Pearl face palmed.
Amethyst laughed and kicked her feet. "Oh man!"
"Nice." Lapis said sarcastically.
A few laughed.
Steven looked at his treat. "Oh! Cookie Cat! I summon my weapon by eating ice cream!"
"No, I was just really happy both times"
"Oh yea, your powers are tied to your emotions." Connie remembered.
"Yea it kinda sucks sometimes, but it's only for the first few times I use them."
Pearl looks at the wrapper. "What's in these things?" The house started shaking. A bunch of centis and the mother crawled over the window.
"What was that?" Steven asked.
Garnet ran outside and looked up at the temple seeing centipeetle on it. "It's the mother."
"Woah." Sadie said.
"Centi." Steven said remembering his corrupted friend. The gems remembered too when he said that.
She jumped up towards it, Pearl and Amethyst watching.
"Stay in the house, Steven!" Pearl told him.
"No way! I'm coming, too!" Steven ran back inside grabbed the Cookie Cats and extension cords and went to the freezer.
"I already know that is not going to work." Peridot said smiling. She noticed how this Steven was much more ignorant and unreliable. Steven now is much more useful.
Garnet kicked centipeetle and it chased her down to the beach, Amethyst and Pearl landed behind her. Centi leaned over them screeching a roar. Then shooting acid at them. The trio ran behind a hand in the ground. Centi sprayed acid on the hand causing it to melt.
"We could really use Steven's shield right about now." Amethyst said.
Steven threw a rock at the centipeetle and it looked over at him. "Hey" Steven put down the freezer. "Leave them alone!"
"Oh boy." Lars said.
"Steven! No!" the gems yelled peering from behind the hand.
"Cookie Cat crystal-combo powers, activate!" Steven took a bite of the Cookie Cat confidently. "Mmm! Mmm! Mmm! Mmm! Mmm! Mmm! Mmm."
"Ugh." Steven face palmed.
Lars bursted out with laughter. "Wow."
Centi went over to him as he lifted up his shirt, nothing happened. "Uh-Oh." He grabbed the freezer and ran away screaming.
Lars was chuckling now.
Steven was in danger and he was just laughing. Sure it already happened but he shouldn't laugh Lapis was a little irritated.
"We need to save Steven!" Pearl yelled. The end of the centipeetle chomped the hand in half.
"Can we save ourselves first?" Amethyst told her.
Wrappers fell to the ground. "Goodbye, my friends" Steven shoved the ice cream into his mouth. Tears went down his face as his stomach gurgled. "Why isn't it working?!"
"Because I'm too stressed."
Amethyst giggled "oh Steven."
"Don't tell me you ate all of them." Greg said.
"No but a lot."
"Why would you think that would work?" Lapis asked.
"Because it worked twice already." Steven shrugged.
Steven jumped out of the way of centis acid stream.
"That was close." Greg said.
"Steven!" Garnet yelled catching Centis pinchers.
Steven got up seeing the freezer fried. He ran over to it. "No. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no!" He tried touching it and it almost shocked him. "Cookie Cat, he's a pet for your tummy. Cookie Cat, he's super-duper yummy!"
Lars smiled finding this amusing.
He dragged the freezer over to Centi. "Cookie Cat! He left his family behind!" Steven threw the freezer onto the gem. "Cookie Ca-a-a-a-a-a-t!" Centi screamed as it was electrocuted. "Now available nowhere." Steven fell to his knees.
"Steven never fails to surprise me." Peridot said.
"Yes!" Amethyst shot up her hand.
"Gems. Weapons." Garnet said to them. The three of them summoned their weapons causing the hand to explode in a bright light.
"Awesome." Connie said.
Centi was still being electrocuted. "Let's do it." The other two nodded. Centi screamed as she was poofed and a green cloud wafted over the town.
"Woah." Sadie said amazed. Lars thought it was pretty cool to but didn't show it.
Centis gem fell in front of Garnet and she bubbled it and sent it off.
Steven buried a Cookie Cat wrapper. "Farewell, sweet Cookie Cats." Steven started to tear up and put a leaf on the mound. "I'll always remember the time we spent together." His stomach grumbled. "Shh. Hush now."
Some laughed a little.
"Are you crying?" Amethyst asked next to him.
"Only a little!"
"Well, I guess your powers don't come from ice cream." She said.
"Of course they don't come from ice cream." Pearl squared next to him. "Don't worry, Steven. I'm sure someday you'll figure out how to activate your gem."
"Yup." Steven said.
"Yes. In your own Steven-y way." Garnet said from behind smiling.
"I'm okay, guys.I just" Stevens stomach growled again. "I think I ate too many Cookie Cats. They all laughed and Steven threw up.
Steven smiled.
"That should teach you a lesson." Greg laughed.
"Even if there were any Cookie Cats left, I don't think I would be able to eat one for awhile." Steven admitted.
The screen went black and a menu appeared.
"Oh its over." Amethyst said.
"That was pretty cool." Sadie said.
The menu read "Continue?" and the only option was "Yes."
"Guess we don't have a choice." Garnet said.
"Great. Now when do I show up." Peridot insisted.
"Uh, according to my memory, Lapis comes in before you. Oh and I didn't even know you yet Connie." Steven told everyone.
"Oh, you know when that is?" Connie asked she was kind of nervous for everyone to be watching her do who knows what.
"Pretty soon I think, it depends how many events are shown before. But I meet you before Lapis." Steven told her.
"I wonder what we're going to see next." Pearl said a little excited.
"Well press 'yes' already Garnet." Amethyst said impatiently.
Garnet hit play.
Thanks for reading! Ima try to get these out as fast as possible. The chapters won't be this long from now on. I just wanted it to somewhat make sense. Bye ;)