Junko was missing. That in itself was concerning, one lucky student noted as he carefully jogged the pristine halls of Hope's Peak Academy. What was even more concerning, however, was the fact that this was the sixth time this month. Panting lightly, he slid to a stop on the waxed floors (why would you even make a floor so smooth?). Where could she be? He pondered to himself, peering through the windows in the bright hallway. She wasn't at the sports shed, the farm area, the chemistry lab or the computer labs. It really was strange; normally she'd be at one of those spots, causing mischief and ruining lives. Suddenly, the sound of voices caught his ear and he moved forward, curious.

A door on his left was partially open; the infirmary? Had he really walked so far? At least he knew where exactly he was now; after all, the infirmary was certainly an area with which he was familiar, what with his clumsiness and now with Junko constantly pulling stunts ranging from silly to downright borderline lethal.

Meaning to move past the doorway without eavesdropping (after all, that really was rude, and he'd had enough with the incident with Mondo), he began to move forward again, before a familiar voice caught his attention.

"Oh, Tsumiki," it purred. "I don't how I could possibly do without you. These bandages are absolutely darling."

Junko? Makoto blinked. Nervous laughter filtered out from the gap.

"A-Ah, it's n-nothing, really! Aaanything for you, Junko!" The responder was breathy and almost tittered as she talked. That voice…was also very familiar. Who could it be? Makoto racked his brain for ideas; Hope's Peak didn't have that many students, but a lot of the people on campus were returning students and research staff. His thoughts were interrupted by the scrape of the chair against tile. Throwing himself forward and almost stumbling over his feet, he lurched towards the corner ahead, dashing as fast as he could on the slippery floor. Rounding past gold and cold white wall, he opened the first door he came across, a disused music room, he noted, judging by the worn red paint and the crooked doorknob. His guess was confirmed by the light layer of greasy fingerprints on the window and discarded wrappers from exploring students. Fully intending to throw himself inside and hide for a reason he couldn't determine, a shock went through his body at the light touch of fingernails on his shoulder.

"Ah!" he yelped loudly, jumping. He spun and came face to face with a pair of ice blue eyes, a pair of furrowed, if perfectly manicured eyebrows and a pair of lips slathered in cherry red lipstick, which slowly began to curve in a perfect smirk. In a moment, all the air in his lungs excavated, leaving him breathless and spluttering. She was so close; even after two months (how did you survive that long? he questioned) just the sight and feeling of her being so close was enough to make him quiver. Her skin was flawless and every move she walked echoed grace and calculated intent; it was intoxicating and breathtaking. She was beautiful, and his hormones almost couldn't handle it most of the time; however beyond the beauty, his instincts couldn't quite be fooled; Junko Enoshima had always felt dangerous; from the moment she walked into the classroom, her elegance was that of a jaguar, stepping foot into a room of potential prey. Junko was dangerous, a Pandora's box of chaos and ill will. Really, why did he agree to be her boyfriend? It was like that feeling you got standing on the edge of the roof, he had decided. The call of the void, or something. Junko all but sang that call, and being the idiot he was, he threw himself right off.

Realising he had been quiet for a minute now, Makoto finally began to speak. "Junko!" he stuttered. "I was looking for you! We're supposed to be in English class now and you know we're preparing to choose a play for the festival. You can't just ditch like that." He admonished, if something cautiously.

Blue eyes scanned his carefully, looking for something he couldn't quite fathom. Eventually, she must have been satisfied because they quickly scrunched up in a face-encompassing smile.

"Ahh~, did my cutie little boyfriend go looking for me? So sweet!" she giggled, hand covering her mouth, and for a moment Makoto saw a flash of Celestia echoed in the expression.

"S-Sure," he replied awkwardly.

"Oh?" her face blanked impossibly fast, wiped of expression. Her blue eyes stared almost through him, expectation hanging heavily in the air.

Makoto just smiled and laughed. "They were too scared to get anyone else to fetch you, so they had Mondo physically manhandle me out the door," he confessed, one hand rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment.

"I see," she said, her voice taking on a significantly smug tone. "Those peasants were too afraid to approach someone as brilliant as myself? Ahaha!" she laughed snottily, hands posed on her hips, her entire body leaning back for dramatic effect. Honestly, he was tempted to get her a little crown, he mused. Just so he could hand it to her whenever this weird quirk made itself shown and she started ordering people like a queen. The image made him pause, and he had to stop the bubble of laughing clawing its way up his throat. He tried to pass it off as a cough, and, like expected, failed miserably, instead snorting and coughing at the same time. The ridiculous sound set something off inside him, and the next moment he was wheezing with laughter as Junko continued to pose at the doorway.

As he laughed, her eyes flickered to him, curious. What an odd reaction, she noted. It deviated from most of his other reactions to that personality trait, though his reactions had certainly become more positive as time went on. Adaption, she deduced. He often meddled in her despair-causing antics over the months, but he did become more lenient. Perhaps dragging him into despair with her wasn't impossible. She watched him as he doubled over, tears pricking at the corner of his eyelashes, laughter rocking his body. At her core, his joy disgusted her; it was a candle in the room she so desperately tried to shroud in darkness. It wasn't anything compared to that ability she had observed, the one he had, lighting hope in the members of his class without a thought. A candle compared to a flame thrower, but still an annoying little flame.

A single warm tendril crawled over her heart, a child's voice laughed in joy, rejoicing at his happiness

The real question; had he gone anywhere near the infirmary? He had been nervous when she found him, but then she can't blame him after she disappeared and some of her previous experiments. Oh well; Makoto wasn't the most distrustful person, nor the smartest. The chances of problems were low.

"Alright, alright," she sighed, purposely making every word dripping boredom. "Let's go check out this stupid play."

Makoto stopped laughing and forced himself to straighten. "Sure!" he agreed, his optimism almost humming below the surface, she noted with (amusement, NO) annoyance.


Hello, everyone! I've been asked for more content after Promises and Threats, and I realised that because I forgot to upload the sequel! So, this fic will be quite a bit longer than the other two, and will really be the meat of Junko's and Makoto's relationship progression. As a quick warning, since I got a comment or two on my previous stories, while Makoto and Junko do start in a relationship, it is not a healthy one. Junko is neglectful, manipulative and borderline abusive (emotionally, not so much phsyically, unless you count her pranks), and this series started off seeing if I could get canon Junko (and not a ridiculously watered down version) in an actual, mutually beneficial, relationship. It's my belief a proper relationship between these two would never be marriage material or permanent, but I can, at least, teach Junko how to properly treat a partner. It shouldn't need to be said, but please don't base real life relationships on anything you see in my fics. I would give terrible relationship advice even if I wastrying, and anything involving Junko is a bad example.

I'm playing my favourite game called "How many times will the author need to re-upload the chapter before Fanfiction stops corrupting it?". I play this game a lot. But I also have way more fans here than AO3...so...yeah. So if you go back and read it again and the html is corrupted, please shoot me a message.

Last note, I have a tumblr at both BritishLuxray and BritishRaptor. Feel free to send me anything or ask for drabbles at either, and I love comments in the review section. See you next time!