"I shall fear no evil for He is at my side. Master of Masters, King of all Kings-"
"A thousand apologies for interruptions of your morning prayers Master Harrison but Ms. Nora has asked to speak with you as soon as its conveniently possible." The servant girl looked nervous as she nipped her bottom lip.
Harrisons eyes didn't open nor did his grip on the rosary lessen. "Please tell her I shall be in the tea room in no more than ten minutes. Go." He heard the girl beat feet and close his door securely behind her. Religion was not particularly his slice of cake but something about it seemed to fill a gnawing hole and bring a sense of calm to an extremely small part of him that wanted to believe there was more to existence than just mere being alive. Finishing his prayers he tucked the rosary away and made for the tea room only to find Nora sipping a mug already. She was alone which was slightly odd but he decided to pay it no mind. Tuesdays was Abigails rest day she'd spend with Nora but something must have come up for the redhead fo not be here already.
"I heard what auntie did yesterday Harry." Nora swirled her mug absently. "I can't agree one hundred percent with her method given it was underhanded and sneaky" she said with a sigh.
"She did it because she loves you." Harrison didn't mention that his conversation with Abigail had a lot more to do with why the Queen did what she did, Nora didn't need more worries. He moved to the balcony door and opened it leaning against the frame as a warm breeze filled the room. "But who are we to question your aunt Nora? We are all doing the same thing, providing security to this great home of ours so the young get to stay innocent for as long as possible. Perhaps one day there will be no need for people like us."
"Harry... Just stop it already ok? Abby already told me everything." Noras eyes focused on Harrisons form, his back toward her while his eyes were god knows where. "Was what she said true? Do you really believe my life has more worth than your own? Don't lie to me and tell me the truth... Please" she said, a pleading undertone bleeding into the last word.
Harrison sighed and rubbed his temples. "Nora, this is a trap question and we both know it. But if you want an honest answer fine, yes I do. I do think and know your life has far more value than mine. Not because you are a Windsor. Not because you have Abby to come back to at the end of every night or mission though I confess it is a sore point for me. Your life is more important and has more value because you simply have more going for you & ahead of you" he said. He raised a hand cutting off what knew would be a rant about how he had things waiting ahead of him to. "Even with this new contract, it doesn't change much. My service demand has an expiration clock but... I don't know how to make the effort needed to keep the oath I was made to swear."
"What oath are you talking about Harry? Auntie didn't say anything about an oath" Nora said tensely.
"If Abby told you everything then she told you every time you asked if I found someone to interest me and I said no, you know I was lying. A harmless white lie but for very good reasons for it to be used. Now I have to actually make the effort to... How was it worded... "find my life partner with earnest and sincere attempt". I can show a platoon of recruits how to kill most supernatural creatures. I can train them to be a deadly one man or one woman army. Ask me to date?" Harrison let a barking half second laugh. "The oath might as well kill me right now. I don't have anything in common with Joe Smoe or Anna Anonymous off the street. All my 'interets hobbies' and whatever junk people ask about when trying to date revolve around our job; I say one word and I get exexuted for treason."
Nora grimaced at that and set her tea down. "Harry, come sit with me" she said with a firm but kind tone. "I know how hard it is to step out but if I could land Abby without revealing my family name until after she confessed to loving me first... I know you can find someone too. I have faith in you. Have a little faith in yourself for once" she said clasping his hands in her own and kissed the back of the top one.
Harrison watched for a second before a shadow of a tiny smile hinted at the edge of his lips. "You're a good kid Nora, don't ever change whats in your heart of hearts" he said squeezing her hands gently.
"And do what, disappoint the people who love? Make my beloved lecture me for being stupid? Or worst of all... Betray what makes my brother so protective of me? Not on your life Harry. I'm not some stupid little girl" Nora said with her own tiny smile.
"No but you are a cheeky little bitch." Harrison smirked wolfishly and before Nora could get away he had her laughing up a storm as he tickled her. The pure bell-like laughter lifted a weight on his soul as Nora managed to stop his hands tickling her and nestled into his side. He didn't stop her nuzzling against him or even hugging him as he raised a hand to toy with her hair.
"You'll find your own Abby... I know you will Harry because under that strong heart to do whats right to protect humanity and our people, you have a good heart with so much to offer. Time and faith my brother, if you need my help to screen some girls or maybe even guys-no judgements since you haven't actually looked- then I'm there. Just say the word" Nora said lifting her gaze to meet Harrisons own.
"You know more about this stuff so sure. But next week we'll start all that. The trials begin tomorrow" Harrison said with a grim expression in his eyes. "And if things go like I suspect they will... The firing squad will have a busy next few days."
"Don't tell me..."
"Ask me no secrets and I will tell you no lies sister dear" Harrison cut Nora off after kissing the top of her head. "Go, Abbys just entered the wards and is on her way to your room."
Harrison leaned back in his chair in the Prosecutions witness box. While some of the others were nervous because the court room was packed to the rafters with media and spectators, he was not. In fact he had an apathetic look as he used a minute amount of magic to maintain his chairs two legged balance.
"You seem to be at ease."
One eye barely twitched to see who had spoken to him and he saw the female dragon handler from before. "They gave you an immunity agreement for your cooperation and testimony I suppose? No, its a guarantee. Theres no other reason you'd be here instead of with the others awaiting the reading of charges" Harrison said.
The woman sighed and nodded her head. "They clammed up and like I told them when you disfigured Jones by removing his arm I wasn't going to do the ministry or Dumbledore any favors" she said. "Sarah Kain."
Harrison contemplated ignoring the offered hand but sighed and shook it. "Harrison Colt. Her Majesties Master Hunter and commander of the creature execution division" he said.
Sarahs jaw dropped in shock. She had heard of him but everyone spoke of Harrison Colt like he was a ghost story or a legend. "You me-mean to tell me.."
"Single handed extermination of the Cheddar vampire colony and its master, near extinction of the werewolf pack in Essex because they were selling humans into slavery to creature run auction houses, destruction and complete decimation of a desecated church in Suffolk where Dark Fae were sacrificing humans by the dozens to try and resurrect some pagan god to kick start some end of the world prophecy. Yes, I am that Harrison Colt" he said boredly.
Sarah slumped back in her chair completely shocked. Dumbledore and the ministry were well beyond fucked. Harrison Colt was a name whispered in fear by many because he took on the most dangerous of jobs even veteran Aurors of the last war wouldn't. Muggle-borns and Half-bloods whispered his lethality as something even Her Majesties SAS should take a page from and learn. He was real and sitting right beside her, a fucking teenager!
"ORDER! The case of Britains Royal Family, the House of Windsor, vs. Albus Dumbledore and the British Ministry of Magic is now in session. The honorable High Inquisitor Mordred Bloodstar presiding."
A middle aged man with brown hair just starting to white in some spots entered and took his spot behind the bench. "Thank you. Lead in the accused" High Inquisitor Mordred ordered. As the long chain of defendants was walked in with magic blocking shackles, wheeled in for the delimbed Albus Dumbledore which shocked the media as a sea of camera flashes tried to get good photos for the pieces they would run, the High Inquisitor felt no sympathy. When he read the case briefing he had been shocked for the first a long time. While it was not the manner of the crime, far worse had come through this very court room reserved for the worst offenders and crimes, but rather the man named as the prime guilty party.
"All the parties are present your honor." The bailiff turned and with a motion of his hand a spell blanketed the defendants in a yellow mist. "All parties have been subjected to the specific truth revealing charm sir."
"Very good. You are excused to your post should we need you. Ladies and gentlemen, I take no pleasure overseeing these proceedings. For those of you in the media who are new I must caution you to leave now if you are faint of heart or stomach. This court room is reserved for offenders of the highest degree and blackest of crimes. For a man who has represented the ICW for as long as he has to be on trial here speaks to just how dark it is." High Inquisitor Mordred paused as some of the reporters looked uneasy. "Once the trial begins in proper come the morrow and forward no one, media or spectator, shall be able to leave til I call it to a close for that day. Take this warning and do not forget."
Harrison finished mouthing along at precisely the same moment the High Inquisitor did and nearly rolled his eyes as Sarah looked at him like he was a ghost. "Judge Bloodstar has never liked Albus Dumbledore. He thought the old fool too forgiving of murders rapists and unrepentant liars like the Death Eaters who helped Voldemort during the last war but claimed to be under the effect of the Imperius curse" he said answering the question before it could be asked. "Dumbledore has sat on what the mundanes call the extreme left wing meaning his views are so conservative he wants the status quo to remain so that he remained in power unchecked. Judge Mordred Bloodstar is a conservative liberal meaning he wants some change to modernize but at every turm he was blocked by the Supreme Mugwump and it was that jackass I put in a wheelchair. Though not a vengeful type I wonder if Judge Bloodstar will be able tp remain inboased..."
"Why do you call him a judge? The-"
"An Inquisitor and a Judge fill the same role. They overlook the legal proceedings of our court rooms but because magical England is so behind the curves the legal terminology is equally ancient. They pass judgement on the guilty, act in the best interest of the people when it comes to unjust laws... Things of that nature. Different way of skinning the same cat" Harrison said dismissively. "Since is the pre-trial charges reading we don't actually need to be here despite the summoms."
"But the summons said we must-"
A veritable cacophony of voices answered "Not guilty!" to the mile long list of charges.
"All defendants are to be held confined without bail in separate magic suppressing cells with shackles at all times. Trial will begin in one week. Next case on the docket!"
"The summons was to show just how fucked the defense is." Harrison let his fall as the other prosecution witnesses began to file out. The bailiff said something before another one led put the long shackled line, a redhaired blue eyed guy being electrocuted for defying the order to move. Moving to the bench he tapped it patiently. "Judge Bloodstar, a moment if you could be so kind. Your staff is wrestling with your next case on the list" he said pointing to three bailiffs trying to force a witch into submission.
"This is highly unusual" Jidge Mordred said slowly. "If you are attempting to-"
Harrison cast a privacy bubble charm around them and obscurity charm to make seeing them clearly in the bubble all but impossible. "I assure you sir this is not about bribing you to do one thing or another. I, as is Her Majesty herself, am aware of your history with Albus Dumbledore. We both know he will stall for time as much as possible, call irrelevant witnesses to say he is a good man who did no wrong. This" here he dropped a letter "is a letter from Her Majesty herself. I am umaware of its contents but I have been asked by Her Majesty to assure whomever was going to try the case it is NOT a bribe. The victim Nora Abigail Windsor is her niece amd merely wants justoce. Don't let a fool like Albus Dumbledore make this a media circus where he gets off scott free for another crime because if that happens- he will die anyway but nothing will be able to protect him. Not even the most brutal and bloodthirsty of the Auror corps."
Mordred scowled darkly at that. "Are you threatening me or the prisoner son?" he asked icily.
"Threatening you? Not at all sir. Myself and the Ruling Family respect yoir legal record with ICW but also recognize Albus Dumbledorevhas stonewalled you every single time you tried to intervene with bringing England up to speed with other modern magical countries. Threatening the prisoner? Again, not all. The fact you have him here to put on trial is a courtesy from Her Majesty the British Magical Sovereign. I'm telling you a fact sir. If yoi let him stall this case he will die before its through and Her Majesty will have the justice her niece deserves. One way or another." Harrison dispelled the charms as the bailiffs managed to drag a wild haired witch in. "Hello Roholga, seems those werewolves didn't kill you. Pity, I heard dying by being used as a breeding toy in a pack of mongrels as you call them is a lot better way to go than this court punishment" he said.
The witch snarled and thrashed against her shackles. "GET BACK HERE YOU SNVELING COWARD! YOU TRICKED ME!"
Harrison turned his gaze and there was a cruelty to his gaze. "I told you there was a way to get the werevolves to listen to reason. You overdid it inciting a bloodfrenzy that left six dozen mundanes dead. I cleaned up you daft cumt before shit got too much farther out of hand & the overdose of potion stopped their hearts. You have seventy two innocent human lives to account for. Take your punishment like a witch" he said as his eyes changed dangerously.
"Friend of yours?" Sarah asked spotting Harrison as he exited the courtroom.
"Former work colleague sent to dissuade a pack of werewolves from continued harrassment of a mundane settlement. She consulted me before going on assignment. I told her of a potion stronger than Wolfsbane to prevent canine transformation but keep it to a certain exposure level. She didn't listen and seventy two people died for her blunder" Harrison said walking past Sarah who was slack jawed. "What was supposed to be a negotiation turned in a summary execution job."