Today was the day.

It was here.

Sherlock could not have felt more nervous, fidgeting with his cufflinks as he talked to John, sending Mycroft dirty looks as his brother smirked at him. They were a present from John, little magnifying glasses.

When he opened the present, he was silent for almost an entire minute afterwards, which was probably the longest stretch in his life.

The knocking on the door turned his thoughts away from the cufflinks, frowning when Mycroft actually seemed to panic slightly.

"I know that knock." Mycroft sighed, "Father is here."

Sighing Sherlock turned back to the phone, "Apparently, our Father has decided to randomly show up. Probably to threaten me with the loss of my inheritance if I go through with this. How I'm not doing the right thing and should be carrying on the family name by producing lots of little… me's. I shall see you in a couple of hours," Sherlock sighed, "You'll be there?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world. Deep breaths Sher- "He hung up before John could finish and turned to the doorway, just as his Father strode through the door.

Before Sherlock could say anything, Siger Holmes spoke up. "So, you're still going through with this? And here I thought you'd grown out of the rebellious stage."

"Let's not pretend that this is you taking an interest in me." Sherlock rolled his eyes, "We all know that that's a lie. I was an asset up to the point where I turned to drugs and decided to become the world's first consulting detective."

His Father sneered, "I don't remember you ever being much of an asset to me, boy." He hissed, "Never more than a burden, and incapable of doing much of anything except furthering our family and producing children that will lift the Holmes name! And now, you're not even going to be able to do that!"

Sherlock straightened up, not wanting to show the older man how hurt he was by the statement, "My apologies Father, but I have a wedding to get to."

His Father didn't try to stop him from leaving the office, red faced and angry, glowering at his back as he left the room. Once they were in the wedding car, Sherlock's posture crumbled, and he slumped against the seat.

He would not cry in front of his brother.

He refused to cry.

"Take a deep breath." Mycroft gently instructed, "He can't control you anymore. Neither of them can."

"Shut up." The growl was half-hearted, and Mycroft knew it.

Thankfully, Mycroft got the hint, changing the subject quickly. "Is there any chance of going a little faster Aphrodite? The bride can't be late for his own wedding after all."

"I am not the bride!"

There was a brief pause, before Mycroft sighed. "You have nothing to be nervous about you know." He began, "You… love John and he loves you."

"I know that." Sherlock was silent for a time, before sighing wearily, "I just… worry that one day he's going to wake up and realise he can be with someone… more like him."

"Sherlock…" Mycroft uncharacteristically placed a hand over Sherlock's, "… I have never seen two people who are so right for each other. John would be bored without you in his life."

Sherlock met his eyes and saw the honesty there, "Thank you." He nodded his head before turning away, unused to whatever just happened between them.

The car came to a stop, as Lestrade opened up the door. "Finally! At least one of you is here on time!"

"John- "

"- He's on his way, but you need to be at the front!"

Sherlock frowned as he was practically dragged down the aisle and pushed into position.

What seemed like hours later (although was probably only minutes), the string quarter started to play a soft tune, as everyone looked towards the back.

Any nerves that Sherlock might have had, disappeared in an instant.

Oh… so this is what people meant when they talked about nothing feeling so right until 'this moment'.

As John made his way towards him, Sherlock couldn't stop the smile appearing on his face. When they were face to face, John reached out and took his hands, and honestly, Sherlock didn't think he could smile even brighter than he had been.

"Thank you all for attending today, and a special thank you to the criminal underground of London, who decided that these two needed to focus on their special day."

There was a laugh from the crowd.

"I have spoken to several people gathered here today, and the one thing they all had in common, was that they all believed it was about time!"

Another laugh.

"But standing here today, I can honestly say that I have never seen two people so in love with each other, even if it wasn't exactly a… traditional meeting."

Sherlock resisted the urge to groan when he heard Mrs Hudson sniffling loudly in her front-view seat.

The rest of the sermon seemed to fly past, and when there were no objections, they finally got onto the important bit.

"So, William Sherlock Scott Holmes…"

Here, Sherlock definitely winced, hearing several members of Scotland Yard snicker at the full name.

"… Do you take John Hamish Watson? To have and to hold, from this day forward as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Sherlock would forever deny that his voice quivered slightly, sliding the ring his brother gave him onto John's finger.

"And John Hamish Watson, do you take William Sherlock Scott Holmes? To have and to hold, from this day forwards as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." John took the ring from Lestrade, sliding that ring onto Sherlock's finger.


"I do." Steve says quietly, before sliding that ring onto his finger.

"Therefore, by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband! You may kiss- "Before the poor man could finish, Sherlock lost patience, grabbing John and pulling him into a kiss as the crowd cheered.

"Oh really Sherlock." Mycroft sighed behind him, "A little bit of decorum."

Sherlock ignored him, continuing to kiss his husband.