Truth or Exodus by Castlefan6

Authors Note: Thisis my AU version of events as the show picks up with Episode 4-01. Dr. MB has already been sent packing just days before, Rick picks up on Kate's lie, she remembers, and he calls her on it. Some Angst, some canon but mostly AU. Dedicated to one of my followers Cece AKA Dreamwriter08. I hope I deliver what you hoped for, cover the period of time that is treated as a 3 months later in the script. This topic has been covered extensively, but I hope to put a spin on it.

I don't own Castle, I use the characters for amusement purposes only

Chapter 17


Rick begins with his deep baritone voice, and it's less than 5 minutes later he hears the sweet sounds of Kate breathing a steady and peaceful pace. He reads another 5 minutes then slowly reaches up turns off his light and whispers, "Good Night Love, I miss you" and hangs up.

Kate was in a semi state of consciousness but she heard his last words, and held tighter to his shirt she had pulled from the clothes hamper as a security measure, thinking only 9 more nights after tonight, then she would never let him go, as she falls back into her dream of her and Rick at the beach.

Castle Loft

7:30 AM Next Morning

Kate is awoken by the sense of someone in her room, as she raises her head, she sees Alexis quietly trying to slip out of her Dad's bedroom,

"Good Morning Lexi, what time is it sweetie?"

"Oh, I'm sorry Kate, I didn't mean to wake you, it's 7:30 and I set your pills on the night stand. You have till 8:30 to hit the end of the time to take them, I was going to let you sleep till then, sorry."

"No, No, don't be sorry Lexi in fact I'm glad I'm up, do you have time to chat for a few minutes?"

"Duhh, it's Saturday Kate, I have all day, no school till Monday, then realizing that Kate had been on antibiotics as well as pain pills and was easily confused as to what day it was, a look of shame covers her face,

"I'm sorry Kate, that was so stupid of me, I didn't think that the days run together on you"

"Oh Sweetie, it's ok" as Kate smiles and pats the bed next to her indicating for Lexi to sit.

"Lexi, what I want to ask you, well I want it to stay between just us, for a while, Promise?"

"I promise AS long as it won't get you hurt, because Dad would never forgive me for that."

"I promise nothing to do with me getting hurt, I swear. "

"OK, then, how can I help you?"

"Well the first thing is I want to ask you a question, and I want you to tell me how you really feel, not just what would or wouldn't hurt my feelings, the truth, promise me Lexi?

"Kate, I'm getting scared now, you aren't sick are you, you're not going to leave us, again are you?"

"Oh no baby, nothing like that, it's just I know how much you love your Dad, and I know how much he loves you, well, (Deep breath and holding each of Alexis's hands)

I wanted to know would you be OK if we got married Lexi, would that upset you?"

Alexis is smiling then crying as she pulls Kate in for a hug, "did he finally ask you Kate, he's been working up the nerve for over a year, I can't believe he didn't tell me" she laughs.

"Well sweetie he hasn't asked me, I am going to ask him when he gets home from this Damn book tour, I never want him to leave us alone again,"

Alexis face is in shock, "Really Kate, you're gonna ask him?"

"Yes Lexi, I mean as long as it's OK with you, I mean he may say no, but I gotta give it a shot, I know there is no other man in the world for me."

"Are you crazy Mom", as Alexis starts crying with the use of the word she has wanted to call Kate for years, "do you mind if I call you that, I mean, *"

Kate pulls her into a tight hug, "Oh Lexi that is the sweetest word I've ever heard, you sure you want to call me, I mean your Mother might get upset."

"Mom we both know you've been here for me for the last 4 years, for all my school events, talking boys, talking Dad out of doing dumb stuff to embarrass me.

I know it's been you all along, Meredith has been here twice in that same time period, so who is the Mom?"

Now it's Kate's turn to start crying as Alexis holds her tight, "Of course it's OK Mom, and I know he will say yes, he loves you more than anyone has ever loved before."

"So how do we want to do it, I can get Dad's jeweler to bring some rings up to the Loft, Grams is out for two days for a retreat, so we can have privacy.

You can pick out the wedding bands now, I won't tell you what the engagement ring looks like, only if the ring you pick will go with it,"

"Oh Lexi, that will be perfect. And you're positive you're OK with this, I mean it will be a change for us all."

"Mom, I can't wait, and for the next question, I would love a little brother or sister IF and WHEN you two decide it's time," as Kate just cries harder hugging her daughter, Lexi has claimed her as Mom regardless of Rick's answer.

The next few hours is spent throwing out ideas, then Alexis brings up a Project Plan software her Dad sometimes uses when he is writing more than one novel at a time to keep plot lines straight. The task list can mostly be done from the Loft, and anything that needed to be done Alexis could take care of next week. They decided to keep this between the family only, and then throw a party once it all settled in for each of them.

The owner of Rick's Jeweler brought a huge selection for Kate to peruse through, and he had mentioned to Alexis, he would only bring the styles that would match the 4 carat ring that sat in Rick's safe awaiting his return. Kate looked and looked and Alexis sat beside her as excited as her new Mom, finally they had picked them out, and Kate went to get her charge card, and Alexis stopped her, "Mom, no this is my wedding gift, God knows I've dropped enough hints."

"Lexi that is so sweet honey but that's a lot of money", as Alexis rolled her eyes back at her new Mom, "well it is for a Cop's salary but not for a best-selling author or his daughter."

"Mom, that's another thing you're going to have to get used to, Dad has money, more money than he'll spend in his lifetime and has taught me how to be frugal, but also the time to enjoy, and if this isn't a time to celebrate I don't know when one will come," she laughs.

"Lexi, I hate keeping secrets especially from Martha, but*"

"Mom we have to if we don't want one of her friends rushing my Dad to propose first, don't worry about it, Grams won't be hurt, and I know Dad will be relieved that it's only us,"

"Thanks Lexi, I don't know what I'd do without you Sweetie, and to answer the question you haven't asked, you will always be my First Child, regardless if your Dad and I have a dozen, you are my first, and I'm so proud you chose me as your Mom."

The next 9 days go by unmercifully slow, for both Kate, Rick, and all relishing the calls each night, as it became more difficult to be away for Rick, and Kate. It just seemed like this was some penalty placed on them, not an exciting event as Rick had always viewed book signings in the past. He was professional enough to keep his smile plastered on through countless interviews and fans asking the same questions.

Alexis had taken charge and operated in stealth mode, keeping everyone but Kate OUT of any details of what was going on. She had arranged a caterer and florist to be ready for a date TBD, which would be a surprise for her new Mom, as well as insuring the security systems were all in place.

On the last night before Rick was to return home, he felt something was up, things just seemed to be off a bit, especially with Alexis, but he attributed it to a new or old boyfriend problem that she had worked out with Kate.

"Hey guys are you sure everything is OK, I mean you both seem a little off tonight" Rick asked over the Skype screen displayed on the large screen in his office.

"Maybe it's because this is the last DAMN night you are spending on the road without me Richard Castle, I'm going with you on your next tours" Kate replied emphatically.

"Dad, Kate has missed you terribly, she even worked out an extra session on a couple of days, till I caught her and yelled, I don't want her to hurt herself"

"Lexi, that was supposed to be our secret,"

"Not when it comes to your health Kate, Alexis knows that she has to keep a leash on you, if one mile is prescribed you will try to do two, you are an overachiever, but not this time Babe, it's time to do what they say, nothing more, nothing less."

"You're both right, and I'm sorry, I just miss you so much."

"I miss you too Babe, bu*"

"Hey spoiler alert, Kid still in the room, who is saying Good Night Dad, can't wait to have you home tomorrow, Safe Travels" as Alexis walks out of the office to give Rick his privacy.

"She's something else, isn't she?" Rick says proudly

"Babe, she hasn't left my side, since you've been gone, almost like you asked her to take care of me, you didn't did you?"

"No, I didn't but I didn't have to, she's like that, she always just assumes the lead where or what ever she is at or doing. Kate, you have to know she has been pulling for us for years, she really respects you, and hasn't forgotten who has been there for her."

"I know Rick, you've done a marvelous job raising her to be kind, compassionate, and so loving, I'm so lucky."

"Well Babe, I'll be home tomorrow early afternoon, I have one more signing at B&N here and then I will be headed home, I can't wait, I've missed you far more than I ever thought I could miss anyone."

"I know Rick, it's crazy but I have slept with one of your shirts since you have been gone, I need something of you to get me to sleep, I love you so much so hurry home to me."

The goodbyes took twice as long as they usually did, and that included them playing that high school game of who was going to hang up first. Finally, Kate said one more I love you through her tears and disconnected. She just couldn't rush time any faster, she needed him in her arms.

Alexis came back into the office and they did one final check list, then she hugged Kate, and looked her in the eyes as she said,

"Good night Mom, I love you and I'm so proud you took the role as my Mom, see you in the morning,"

Tears fell from Kate's eyes as she sat and reflected over the last few months, she had gone from a lonely, workaholic, consumed with just justice, was it really or was it vengeance for her Mom, to part of a beautiful family. A Mom now, claimed by her new daughter regardless of, but hopefully the wife of the only man that loved her enough to call her on he lies. His exodus from her life, forced her to examine what was important, and she knew now, nothing, could compare to what she had been given.

Alexis had suggested that she propose in Rick's office, "It's a moment neither of you are ever going to forget Mom, and you don't need any interruptions,"

Kate flipped on her computer, and hit the rarely used Music App, and out came a beautiful song, the words were just so powerful, she had to know more. Doing some research, she had the basis of her proposal, now all she had to do was hope he said yes, and for one of the few times in her life, Kate Beckett was afraid of being rejected.

Sleep wouldn't come no matter what she tried, finally she sent Rick a text,

"Sorry Babe, I just can't sleep, I guess it's just anticipation of having you back in our bed tomorrow that makes it so lonely tonight. I hope you have a great signing tomorrow, and please hurry home to me, I love and miss you, XoXoXo Kate"

She never anticipated receiving an answer, but less than a minute later his tone chimed,

"Kate, I can't sleep either, I need to be home, this was so stupid, and I promise you, never again without you, I CAN'T be without you, if you're still awake, call me, I love you, Rick

She calls and for the next hour and a half they talk, about where they've been, how far they've come, and going right up to but not touching the what's the future for them, neither wanting to scare the other away. Finally, Rick hears her breathing even out to smooth steady tones and he whispers, "I love you Kate Beckett, I'll be home soon," Kate hears it and clings tighter to his shirt she has slept with since he has been gone and sleep overtakes her finally.

Morning comes to find her shaking out the cobwebs when Alexis knocks silently then brings her breakfast in bed. "Happy Mom's Day, Mom"

"Sweetie, it's not Mother's Day is it? Did I miss that much time?"

"No Mom, you didn't and it's not Mother's Day, it's Mom's Day, our first together", as a big smile breaks across her face "I made it up for us."

"Oh Lexi, that is so sweet, thank you baby, I love you too you know, I am so Lucky"

"I know Mom, I've never felt a Mother's love till you came into our lives, so it's I who am lucky"

We better get ready for Dad when you finish Mom, then we can sit and watch the clock which I'm sure that's what Dad is doing right now," she laughs

"Well, I hate to admit, but I was so lonely last night, I sent him a text, never thinking he would be awake, but he was, well we talked till almost 4:00 AM I just hope he made his signing today"

"Mom, he'll be fine, he was just as wired as you, can't wait to get home."

Castle Loft

2:30 PM Same Day

The remainder of the day had crawled by, each of them lost in the memories and thoughts and finally Eduardo buzzed the signal beeps that Alexis had asked for earlier.

"Mom, Mom, he's on his way up, are you ready?"

"Yes Lexi, remember cool and casual, if that's even possible" she laughs

Then the door opens and there he stands; all plans went out the door for both Alexis and Kate who both made a bee line to him. He kissed Alexis, then Kate then held them both in a group hug, all talking at the same time about how much they had missed the other and how great it was to be/or have him home finally.

Rick pulled a package out of his case and handed to Alexis, "Here you go pumpkin, hope you like them"

As had been their tradition since she was a little girl, Rick had always brought her back a souvenir from each city he had visited while he was away. He whispered in Kate's ear, "Yours is more personal I'll give it to you when we're alone"

"Babe having you home with us is our present, and here is my discharge from Dee, last Friday, and also the Medical Clearance for household activities she smiles"

"Dad, you guys can get it on now is what that means," as she laughs, "Kate worked so very hard to get in shape to be ready for you" as Kate blushes,

"Lexi, that's girl talk sweetie, but you're right on both counts," she hugs Rick and pulls him in for a deep kiss.

"Well, Paige and I are going to the Library so I won't be home till after dinner Dad, and Grams is out of town till tomorrow, she texted me earlier, so have fun, Love you Both" as she heads out the door.

"I think she was trying to tell us something" Rick smiles,

"She was Babe, we have gotten really close since you've been gone, closer than I could ever hoped for. But we need to talk Rick, can we go into your office please?"

Ricks face flushes with panic, "Kate this sounds serious, is everything OK? I mean did I do something wrong, Babe I do*"

Kate holds one finger up to his lips to silence him, then hits the remote for the stereo and music begins to play,

Said I Loved You... But I Lied

Michael Bolton

You are the candle, love's the flame

A fire that burns through wind and rain

Shine your light on this heart of mine

Till the end of time

You came to me like the dawn through the night

Just shinin' like the sun

Out of my dreams and into my life

You are the one, you are the one

Said I loved you, but I lied

'Cause this is more than love I feel inside

Said I loved you, but I was wrong

'Cause love could never ever feel so strong

Said I loved you, but I lied

With all my soul I've tried in vain

How can mere words my heart explain

This taste of heaven so deep so true

I've found in you

So many reasons in so many ways

My life has just begun

Need you forever, I need you to stay

You are the one, you are the one

Said I loved you, but I lied

'Cause this is more than love I feel inside

Said I loved you, but I was wrong

'Cause love could never ever feel so strong

Said I loved you, but I lied

You came to me like the dawn through the night

Just shinin' like the sun

Out of my dreams and into my life

You are the one, you are the one

Said I loved you

But this is more than love I feel inside

Said I loved you... But I lied

Rick listens to each word of the song as Kate looks at him with a love he has never seen before, and he has tears pool in his eyes. "That was beautiful, Kate, such powerful lyrics, and I'm sure you picked it for a reason,"

"I did Rick, first of all, that's the last lie that I will tell, but when I said I loved you, I did lie, it's so much more that words can't describe for me. Now can I ask you to do one more thing for me?"

"Sure, what do you need me to do, Babe?"

"Take the remote and advance the screen on slide at a time, please, and don't say anything till you see the word NOW, OK?" as she points him to a PowerPoint display on his huge TV screen.

As he begins, the first slide are the words from the song, he advances and the next slide reads;

"Rick, I never lived before you came into my life, I existed, but never lived. I have so many things to thank you for, but the biggest is your love, you never gave up on us, when everyone else would and should have, you are my one and done,"

He advances to the next slide as Kate slips to one knee and gently takes his hand as he reads,

"I love you with all of my heart Richard Edgar Alexander Rogers Castle, and I would be honored if you would accept this ring as a promise to be my husband as long as we both shall live, Will You Marry Me?"

Rick looks down at Kate and a tear has escaped his eyes now as he says to her, "Is this for real Kate, do you really mean this?

"Of course, I do, Rick, you hold my heart in your hands and I don't know what life would be without you by my side."

"Yes, of course I will, but please Kate, wait right here for a minute,"

He hurries to the safe and pulls out the blue velvet bag that holds the diamond ring he has had for over a year, as he makes his way over to Kate, he stops and kneels in front of her,

"Take this ring, as my promise to love you with all of my heart till I have no breath, you are my everything Kate Beckett, will you Marry Me?"

Kate yells YES, and both engage the other in a hug that radiates love. Kisses so sweet and tender, soft I love you' s, and I'm yours, and you're mine are all that is said as Kate admires the ring Rick had managed to get on her hand somehow.

Both say at the same time, "I've got to tell Alexis/Lexi about this" then smile.

Alexis is hanging out at the front desk knowing that one or the other is going to pop the question and she wanted to be there to unite the family as one as soon as they did. Her phone chirped first with Kate's tone immediately followed by her Dad's. She's back in the loft in just a few minutes, rushing them both with a big hug, "FINALLY Dad, God, I thought I was going to have to ask Mom for you," she laughs,

"You're OK with all of this, Alexis, I mean it's going to change thi*"

"Dad, Mom and I have talked about this while you were gone, and YES I am more than fine, if you guys decide to give me a little brother or sister, I'm fine with that too. I'm just happy that I have both a Mom and Dad that love me so much."

"Rick, I know we haven't talked a lot about this, but I want to stay home, and as Lexi says if a little one comes along, I would be happy if you would."

"Kate, are you sure? I mean you'd give up the force, the search fo*"

"Rick, Mom would want me to live for today, not chase vengeance, I want to be here for our grandkids, not laid in the ground over some scum that will slip up soon and face justice. It doesn't have to be me Babe that solves the case, You, Lexi and our family are more important."

Rick beams with joy, "Nothing would please me more, and I would love your help with the novels full time, if you get bored, we'll find something to do I'm sure"

"Hey kids still in the room" Alexis laughs, "Mom any idea of when you want to get married, I know you and Dad need to talk about it, but I want to make sure nothing is on my schedule, this is one wedding I wouldn't miss for the world"

"I certainly hope not Lexi, especially since you're my maid of honor", as she hugs her daughter.

"For real Mom, you really mean that?"

"Of course, Lexi, who else would I want to fill that important role for me?"

Rick looks over at the two women who hold his heart, so very happy at the love between the two. This could have been such a different situation had they not gotten along, but this was more than he could have hoped for. Kate looks up and pulls him into their hug,

"Thank You Rick, for not leaving and for giving me what I have wanted my entire life, a family that loves me and allows me to love them back. You and Lexi have made me the happiest woman in New York, I love you both !"

A/N We're going to call this complete at this point. Thank you Cece for a wonderful prompt, I truly hope the story met your expectations. To each and every reader, Thank You, to those who leave reviews, Big Thanks for taking the time, these help me adjust the story line, and to those who favor my stories or me, thanks for such an honor, there are so many authors to choose from and I am honored, and finally to those who leave comments and reviews without an email, I can't respond but also a Big Thank You to you as well. If you have a suggestion or idea, drop me a line or review one of my stories with it, and I'll see what I can do. I've started to re-read Love's Journey from the start, to get the characters straight in prepping to start Love's Journey 4 which will be coming up next. Till then, Thanks and God Bless, Tim