Sage Quinn(Smoky Quartz) Was Playing videos games with Savannah(Sugilite)

"Stop cheating!" Shouted Sage Quinn

"Then don't have cheat codes written on a note on the TV!" Shouts Savannah back.

"Can you two keep it down?" Asked Oliver(Opal)

"Calm down Oliver! We're just playing." Shouted Savannah.

"Yeah!" Shouted Sage Quinn Back

"Well we're getting another roommate today and i don't want you guys to be a bad influence on her." Said Oliver

"Fine..." Said Savannah

She walks off from the video game and laus down on her bed to play games on her phone.

"Moody." Thought Oliver

In Dorm B

"ITS NOT MY FAULT!" Shouted Mia(Malachite)

"It is too." Replied Alyssa(Alexandrite)

"Are you two gonna fight all day?" Asked Rebecca(Rainbow Quartz)

"How about one of my famous jokes to cheer you up?" Asked Scarlett(Sardyonx)

"Please No." Replied Rebecca annoyed.

"Forget This!" Shouted Mia.

She throws a paper on the ground and storms out the room.

"What was that about?" Asked Scarlett.

Alyssa hands her thr paper Mia threw on the ground it turns out to be a test that Mia did and on the top of the paper lies a big 0 and a frowny face.

"Wow. Just Wow. I'm guessing you were saying she should've studied more?" Said Scarlett

Alyssa nods as she just puts the paper on Mia's bed.

In The Hallways

"Dumb Alyssa! It's my life! I choose if i should study or not!" Shouted Mia

A Girl bumps into Mia.

"Watch It, Dummy!" Shouted Mia.

"I-i'm sorry. I was trying to look for my dorm." Said The Girl.

"I don't care." Yells Mia.

"Mia you know better then to pick on New Students." Yells a Voice

Mia turns to see Oliver behind her is Savannah and Sage Quinn.

"Not only that she is our new roommate." Says Sage Quinn

"And i will carry you to detention...again." Said Savannah

Mia walks away angry.

"Thank you!" Says The Girl

"No Problem. I'm guessing your Dorm is A correct?" Asked Oliver

"Yep!" Replied The Girl

"Nice to meet you! I'm Oliver."

"I'm Stephannie!"

(Stephannie is Stevonnie)