A/N This is my first fan-fiction that I'm actually excited to write. I'm placing our favorite characters in a DnD type world. If anybody wants to proofread for me PM me. This is just a preview will be uploading the whole first chapter later on.

Disclaimer: none of us own Zootopia sadly.

The two figures were dressed for the desert. Long sleeves, scarves and wrapped feet all meant to protect against the harsh weather. The taller of the two was a red fox who called himself Slick Nick. He was a traveling tradesmammal who excelled at getting what the scattered oasis towns needed. For a price of course. His much shorter friend a fennec fox called Finnick was from one of the nomadic barbarian clans. He prided himself on being an inconspicuous threat for any that would dare hurt Nick.

They both hated having to deal with their supplier. A disgraced former Noble turned thief who still insisted on mammals using his old title. The Duke of Weaselton was of course a weasel in every sense of the word. Unfortunately Nick and Finnick were foxes and as such were largely distrusted by more reputable suppliers. It was this that made the weasel a necessary evil for the two foxes. Without the relatively cheap merchandise they wouldn't even be able to buy food for themselves much less help those foxes less fortunate that they found along the way.

"Alright Finn," Nick said, "let's see what that slime ball brought for us this time."

In a voice that could terrify mammals many times his size the small fox responded, "Nick we need to find someoneā€¦ anyone better than this creep. As it is my tribe won't last another season."

"I know. I know. But what can we do? Nobody wants to deal fairly with us."

"OK Nick I'll watch the front. You go get what you can sell from Weasleton so we can get outta here. Whistle if he pulls a weapon and then we can play pop the weasel." Finnick said with a face that was dead serious.

Nick left his friend at the entrance of the tent and went within.

The despicable weasel was sitting behind a table covered with stolen goods. He was dressed in clothes that had obviously been taken from someone three sizes larger than himself. They had definitely been chosen because they reminded the Duke of richer times.

"Well well if it isn't Slick Nick. Where's the short one? Finally get stepped on?" Weaselton sneered as he spoke with his slimy I'm better than you manner.

"You know he's outside Duke," said Nick in his usual cocky tone. "If I let him in here he'd hit you with that big maul for the last time you cheated us."

"Nicolas, how was I supposed to know those were fake jewels?" He retorted without a hint of being genuine.

"Let's just see what you... Hey!" Nick suddenly shouted. "That's mine you little crook!" He snatched up a perfectly weighted throwing knife and brandished it at the weasel.

"I took that from a paladin two towns back when she was bathing." The former noble said now sweating. "It was in a chest with some papers referring to some guy that steals from supply convoys and gives it all away."

"Uh oh," Nick said then turned and ran shouting for Finnick.