Author's note: Sorry for this being short and some unexplained details. This fic was suppose to be a squeal to another fic i was working on, but ultimately scrapped being good. I feel as though this one was better of the two and could be treated as its own self contained story for the most part. I tried my best to make this story coherent as possible, however a few might have swept under my radar. Again Sorry.

If SneaselXRiolu happens to be reading this I hope this will be alright for right now.

"Huh?" K.O's eyes flickered opened. He saw his friends standing in the middle of a bunch of Boxman's robot that were scattered across the ground.

"Hey guys!" K.O called out, seconds after peeling himself out of the wall and headed towards them.

"Oh, hey K.O." Enid respond. "You okay?"

"Yeah, that hit you took looked powerful." Rad stated.

"Oh? I 'am fine." He lied. His concern for the well-being for those around him and especially those he cherished out-weighted whatever physical pain he felt. "Uh, where's T.K.O?" Looking all around, his twin was no where to be seen.

"Huh? He was here, just a second ago." Enid stated.

"Uh, I should go and find him?"

And with that, the young hero ran off.

"T.K.O?" He called out in each place he checked. Not inside the bodega, not in the bathrooms, not in the ally way. It was basically playing a game of hide and seek. Where could his brother be? He ceased a bit as he thought up anymore places where his big brother could be at. Then it came to him. What's the one place his brother would always go to get from people for awhile? The hero dashed towards the trees to back of the bodega.

"T.K.O?" He called again.

Just then, he heard something. Looking up and saw a familiar figure sitting on a tree branch with bright purple eyes glaring down at him.

"T.K.O." K.O said a delighted tone.

"Ugh, What do you want?" T.K.O asked in an annoyed tone.

"Oh," K.O replied, breaking eye contact a tad. "I was just seeing if you were okay."

"I 'am fine K.O. I 'am not some loser like you."

Just as K.O looked down before peering back up, he spotted something leaking off of his brother's body and seeping on tree trunk underneath him.. "Ah, you're bleeding!" He said.

"Agh! Why are you so worried about me?!" The turbonic twin in a more frustrated tone.

"We were just reunited, T.K.O. I don't want to lose you again, please!" K.O begged while holding his hands and giving his brother the puppy dog eyes.

His twin made a slight grumble. Looking away from K.O a bit, T.K.O replied. "Fine, guess I do need some help?"

"Really? This is awesome!" K.O said as he watched T.K.O climb down the tree, however the purple eyed-boy's hand slipped and he fell on his butt.

"Ah, are you okay?" He asked in a panic.

"Yeah," his twin replied. After getting back up and rubbing his rear, the purple-eyed twin pointed at him. "but it'll be my turn to fix you?"

"B-u-ut, why do I need that? I don't feel a thing."

"Don't give me that, K.O? Your covered in wounds too. I bet you can't touch your face without flinching."

K.O tried to do what his brother said, but ended up flinching as soon as he touched a cross shaped cut. "I guess I do need some help too?" He uttered in defeat as he kept a hand on the injury.

So the brothers treated each other's wounds with the first-aid kit that K.O had in his pocket dimension-like hair didn't take long before the two was covered in purple bandages, K.O: It was because he gave his brother's favorite color, as for T.K.O: it was too give his brother a more cooler image. Though K.O didn't really care for the color he still accepted it, happy to help his brother.