I don't own Ranma 1/2, KHR, HP, Sherlock, or any Marvel Characters!

Quick Note: Wow, I can hardly believe that we're coming to a close on the 3rd part of the "W" series. I've already found a working title for the 4th part, but the 5th part is still a "To Be Determined" title on the future Marvel crossover. So here's the Review Replies and then on to the chapter!

Shoto94: Glad you're enjoying my updating schedule! Sometimes things were meant to be left to the imagination, and others meant to be written. Due to your review, I'll probably put in something about one or two of the characters that you mentioned, depending on how long it takes the Hibari Family to finish off Tom. We'll just have to see.

Shinigami: "Attempted Line Theft" - In this case it means that he attempted to kill the heir of the line, but we'll get a bit more in-depth about it later on, and if not in this chapter, within the next story or two. I do have plans for Dudley, & he will be showing up in the next part of the "W" series in "Wander No More." Which I plan to make a brief Inuyasha crossover to help Ryoga. I also plan for him to be in the "TBD" Marvel crossover, that I've yet to figure out a name for. Hopefully I'll have one before I finish "Wander No More."

FANactic Writer: Dudley is definitely a part of the family, legally speaking, even if he is related to Nana. Glad you enjoyed the chapter! Hopefully, this one lives up to your expectations.

It's All Relative

"I don't want to go! I want my parents!" Dudley yelled angrily at the lawyer who eyed him with exasperation.

"Your cousin is on her way to pick you up. Your parents, and aunt, have been deemed unfit by the crown to care for you," Andromeda's face had a pinched expression that stated that he was nearly on her last nerve.

"I don't have any other cousins, except Harry!" Dudley growled out angrily as he tried to run away from her, not noticing that he hadn't called Harry *Freak.*

"She's your mother's cousin," Andromeda huffed out as she snatched the back of the little porker's shirt and hauled him back into the bench behind him.

"Hey Romy, sorry I'm running a bit late, traffic," a middle aged attractive woman walked up to them. "Hope he hasn't been too much trouble, and thank you ever-so for looking after him."

"You're going to have your hands full, Nana," Andromeda sighed.

"I'm sure we'll get Dudley fitter than fit, soon enough. After all, Fon has asked to personally tutor him with Reborn," Nana smiled.

"... That may do the trick," Andromeda's eyebrow raised imperiously.

"Hello Dudley, I'm your cousin, Nana Yamamoto-Black, but you can call me Nana. I understand that you are confused about what has happened to you, your parents, and your aunt. I will answer any questions that I'm available to," Nana informed the obese thirteen year old.

"What's going to happen to my parents? Why can't I be with them?" Dudley glared at her.

"Your parents are going to jail for neglect, child abuse, and in your father's case, embezzlement. Your father stole from his work place for many years, even before he married your mother," Nana toned down her cheer immensely.

"Mum never did anything like that to me!" Dudley crowed with a big fat pout.

"Actually, your mother has committed child abuse to both you and your cousin, Harry. Harry was neglected, verbally, and physically abused. You may not have had to deal with the neglect, but you also were abused. It was because they over-indulged you and didn't set limits for you. Did you know that if you had gone eating the way you have been, you'd probably have died before you could have a family of your own?" Nana asked him worriedly.

Dudley was still processing what Nana had said, "What?"

"She isn't lying," Andromeda shrugged. "It's not like there's a magical cure for obesity."

"My parents HATE magic!" Dudley snorted angrily.

"Dudley, please mind your voice," Nana chided gently.


Nana took a deep breath and snapped her fingers right in front of his face, startling him out of his screaming rage, "Much better. Now. Dudley, you will lower your voice and get in the car with me, or you will not get any desert tonight. Also, magic isn't a dirty word."

"BIT-" Dudley tried to interrupt.

*SNAP* fingers were right in front of Dudley's nose again, making him cross-eyed.

"Do not interrupt me, again. We don't have Harry's brand of magic, but we will be going into the magical world today. I need you to stay close to me, as the person that killed your Aunt Lily and Uncle James is said to be near this area. He would not hesitate to kill us," Nana informed Dudley warningly.

"Us? Why would he want to kill us?" Dudley gaped in shock at Nana.

"Because we are Harry's family, and both of us are Squibs, what he considers no better than a muggle. We were born from a long line of Squibs, the Evan's family is descended from Wizards. Now, we need to get going so that we can show you how to better protect yourself," Nana offered her right hand to Dudley, who stared at it in confusion. "We need to go now, Dudley."

Dudley was still not happy, and he didn't really see why his mum and dad weren't able to be with him. He wasn't like Harry, a burdensome orphan, yet this woman said that he had to go with her. He'd do so, for now, but he was going straight back to his mummy and daddy as soon as he got the chance.

It would have taken them a while to get to Scotland, luckily, Nana had Bermuda's assistance as he opened a portal for the car to drive through. In no time at all, Dudley, Nana, and Andromeda were nearing Hogsmeade village. Nana sighed as she pulled the car over to a stop, "This is as far as we can go by vehicle. It's time to walk. Remember to stay close, Dudley."

"Where are we going?" Dudley whined, a bit nervous that they were going anywhere magical where he could be killed on sight.

"Didn't you ever wonder what Harry's school looked like?" Nana asked him with a small smile.

Dudley stared at her in confusion, "Why are you asking me?"

"Because you're going to be seeing-" Nana's eyes widened in horror, "Get down!"

She flattened Dudley as much as she could as a viper attempted to strike him down, "Snake!"

"Immobulous!" Andromeda cried out frantically, only to see that it had no effect on the snake.

"Nagini," Nana stared into the snake's eyes. "What has happened to you since Credence abandoned you? Were you so lonely for human contact that you allowed Tom Riddle to steal your soul? Sealing his inside of you? Tom Riddle isn't the only being who can speak to snakes, the one he is trying to murder also speaks it."

"Nagini doessssssssn't care for your petty allegationsssssss!" Tom Riddle's voice came out of Nagini's viper mouth.

"Oh, but isn't she curious as to how I know about Credence?" Nana asked curiously.

There was silence, as it looked like the viper and the spirit were arguing. Of course, this worked out for Nana, as the Calvary had arrived! Nana smirked slightly as she saw her adopted little brother take his guns and aim at the viper. With a nod of her head, just as the viper lunged towards Nana, the guns fired a redish-gold light flew from the guns, dead into the viper, vaporizing it, and revealing a screaming gray smoke-like thing, before it was also vaporized.

"Nice job, Xanxus," Nana smiled gratefully at the assassin. "I take it that the Death Eaters are exterminated?"

"Hn. I took out the trash, Nana," Xanxus smirked. It had taken longer than he'd liked, but he'd called away more than just his officers to help exterminate the Death Eaters more quickly. None with the mark had escaped, though they all had died screaming for mercy.

"Thank you, fratello," Nana slowly got up, and helped Dudley right himself. Dudley was pale as could be, he didn't want to be shot by this crazy man.

"What have you done?! He'll be coming back! Harry didn't defeat him!" Dumbledore roared angrily.

"Shut the FUCK UP TRASH!" Xanxus pointed both of his guns at Dumbledore, "Don't you fucking get that Prophecies are fucking self-fulfilling?!"

"Dumbledore, you have taken an unhealthy interest in my cousin. I do believe that is why you've lost your Headmaster position. Now, if you're referring to the power he knows not, and you wanted to be technical, that would be my brother, Xanxus. The power he knew not was Harry's family. My family. Now, don't you have a reporter to chase down, after all? Oh, and Dudley, don't repeat any foul language you hear from Xanxus, or I'll have to give you a punishment."

Dudley stared at Nana and Xanxus in horror, and just nodded in fear.

When Nana, Dudley, Xanxus, and Andromeda finally made it to Hogwarts, leaving behind a blustering old man yelling at Rita Skeeter, again, Harry was sitting down to dinner.

"Nana!" Harry jumped up and ran to give her a hug. He stopped when he saw Dudley cowering behind Nana, away from Xanxus, "Dudley?"

"Harry, it's done. Tom Riddle is gone. Xanxus took care of the last of him," Nana held her arms out for her cousin, who glanced at Dudley again, before huggin her anyway.

"Really? He's gone?" Harry sighed in relief.

"We got the trash Death Eaters, minus Snape, too," Xanxus snorted.

"Thanks Xanxus. Why's Dudley with you, Nana?" Harry asked curiously.

"Dudley is now one of my wards," Nana shrugged. "Petunia, Marge, and Vernon have been incarcerated."

Harry blinked in surprise, "When did this happen?"

"Today," Nana shrugged.

"Nana, where's your Guardian?" Harry whispered softly into her ear.

"Oops?" Nana winced just as she avoided a flying kick from Reborn.

"Why did I have to hear from Mai and Fon that you were off on your own?" Reborn placed himself right in front of Nana.

"I was excited and forgot-" Nana winced.

"Remedial training," Reborn stated flatly. Harry and Xanxus chuckled as Nana looked remorseful.

"What's going on, Boss?" Bel appeared at Xanxus' elbow.

"Where you been shitty prince?" Xanxus frowned.

"The Prince had to defend the Moon Priestess from the Wrackspurts. The Prince is pleased to say that the Wrackspurts will no longer bother the Moon Priestess," Bel smirked wickedly.

At the sight of Bel, three-fourths of the Ravenclaw table tried to hide under their table. It was a good day for Luna, though, as she came in right after Bel, pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek as she walked on towards her House table.

Meanwhile, as Algie Longbottom was being escorted into the Ministry, Auror Tonks managed to trip over his leg, and that was all it took for Algie to escape, without his wand, as he pushed her out of the elevator into a paper carrying harrier Ministry intern and rode it back up before Tonks could stop him. He escaped into muggle London with a sneer, "You haven't seen the last of me!"