Winter In Dorne
AN: Well here's something I'm sure you didn't expect. I know this because I didn't think I would do it either.
In this chapter, we will look at a moment at the Tourney of Harrenhall briefly mentioned in the first chapter. The very first meeting between Ned and Elia.
Let's see how it goes.
I have no editor, so all mistakes are mine.
Disclaimer: I do not own GoT/ASOIF (Game of Thrones/A Song Of Ice and Fire) or any of its characters, I'm just writing my story in their world.
The tourney was in full swing as the days before the joust were closing. It was the final night before the jousts and all were in high spirits as they drank and feasted to their hearts content. All except one lone young man, a second son of the North. He sat deep in the shadows of the wild things around him, his solemn face frowning into his cup of mead.
His face was not so stuck in its current state, not as Stannis Baratheon's had been, the one time she had seen the young man. No, his face was just as serious as the winds of winter but when his somber gaze turned toward his companions there was a liveliness to his eyes that was hard to miss. Yet she figured not many had seen it so close, at least not any who would care to notice.
She, if she was truly honest, would not have given it a second thought had she not just seen him scorned at the first chance by her friend Ashara. The Wilf Wolf of Winterfell, Brandon Stark had approached them, asking for Lady Ashara to dance with his younger, and shy, brother Eddard. Elia had noticed the way Ashara's eyes had lingered on the heir of Winterfell and when she accepted the invitation she felt sorry for the shy second son. His eyes, so serious had a light to them when Ashara had asked him to dance, and just as quick as the light came it disappeared when Ashara dumped him on the sidelines to dance with Brandon Stark.
Eddard Stark was a true second son, and though his eyes spoke of hurt for a moment it was replaced with his seemingly natural visage of solemn. Elia knew all too well the hurt of rejection, and her heart ached for the boy, and that was how she found herself approaching him and asking him for a dance. She felt many eyes on them as he seemed to flounder out a response. She merely raised an eyebrow and waited, he was in control of the situation and she wanted him to know it, and so she waited. It seems his well-known honor won, and he accepted her hand, though she noticed, easily, that his eyes did not lighten as they did when Ashara had asked. She supposed he was expecting the same from her yet still he accepted dutifully.
She would be surprised when he didn't step on her toes not once, in fact the son of the North moved with a grace that could only come from wielding a weapon for long hours. His eyes, that she had watched had not lightened and she almost let her mask fall too scowl at the man. She knew without a doubt he would not appreciate her words of comfort. Yet when the song ended, and she asked quietly if he would grant her another dance, he quickly, too quickly, answered in the affirmative and it was then she saw the solemn facade crack as a light dusting of red covered the man's stubbled face.
The young man, for he truly was no boy now that her hands were splayed on his chest, never once stepped on her toes. His eyes never once strayed from hers as the talk in soft tones as the spun in wide circles during the songs. Soon two dances turned to three and three to four, and before the pair knew it they had danced for over an hour and they only stopped when Ned's younger brother had approached, asking for help with getting a drunk Brandon and Robert to their rooms. The pair parted, and Elia knew she would not likely see Ned Stark again after the tourney.
When Ashara Dayne, the woman many claimed to be the most beautiful maiden in all of the world, asked him for a dance Ned couldn't help the smile that crossed his face, and he accepted gladly. When Brandon laughed he knew he would need to thank his brother later tonight.
Ashara was graceful, so graceful she made his trained warriors grace seem like a buffoon. Yet, as his shyness came back in full force, Ned noticed Ashara kept glancing away and when they spun he knew what she looked at. She was looking at what everyone looked over him for, he just wasn't sure if it was Brandon or Robert this time as both were there.
Still, Ned did what was polite and danced through the song without a single misstep, but when the song ended and Ashara ended their dance, Ned couldn't help the frown that appeared on his face, before he shoved it away and he was sure he looked as everyone teased him for. To damn solemn.
Still it seemed the gods had not decided his night was finished, for a small hand tapped his shoulder while a rich voice asked if he would like to dance. When Ned turned he saw a woman's who beauty astounded him. Olive skin, hair so black it seemed to be endless, and big dark eyes that reminded Ned of honey. She was beautiful, and she was Princess Elia Martell as well. When he stared at her, she only responded with an exquisite eyebrow raised as if waiting for his response. She didn't clarify, and he knew she was speaking to him, so he gathered what was left of his courage and nodded his ascent.
Where Ashara was so graceful she outclassed anyone, he had ever danced with, Elia Martell danced with a grace that matched his own, she was not trying to capture the attention of another man, no her eyes remained on his and his on hers. She was beautiful and when she asked for another dance as he thought of her beauty, he was certain he turned red in the face as he answered in the affirmative.
They talked as they danced, and Ned found himself loosening up the longer they danced and even laughed at her jokes while her eyes crinkled with laughter at his. Still, two danced turned to three then three to four, and soon they had danced for so long he couldn't keep track of them all. He was too wrapped up in the beauty of Elia's soul.
Their moment was broken when Benjen came and asked for help getting Brandon and Robert back to their rooms. Ned big Elia a quiet good night, kissing her hand with his face feeling hot. As he half drug Brandon and Robert and half led them, he put his thought of his crush on Elia in the back of his mind. Still his dreams were filled with a soft voice and warm dark honey brown eyes.
Nothing would come of it, even if he wasn't as bound to honor and Elia wasn't the wife of the Crown Prince. It would never come to pass
Yet all the world changed when a crown of roses was laid in the lap of Lyanna Stark.
AN: Well there it is, hope you enjoyed it! Please review, constructive criticisms are also welcomed as are just general comments. As usual, thank y'all for reading.
Well there is the first ever Chapter 2 of a NSDB story! Please let me know what you thought of it, and if you liked it please tell men and we may see this for other stories as well, as long as I could make it believable!
I know I said I was straying from NSDB for the time being, and for the most part it's true, I am not focusing on it nearly as heavily as I have been, but I was rereading "Winter In Dorne" and stumbled across a throwaway line that got me thinking. Thus this little thing was born of it. I truly hope you enjoyed it!
NSDB For Life!