The brilliant colors of FTL washed over Eli's face as he leaned on the railing watching the colors and stars go by. He stares out the window of the observation deck as he thinks about the task in front of him. The job of reading through the 1700 page manual in order to hopefully have an idea of how to fix the last remaining stasis pod. He knew it would take days to read through and he wasn't looking forward to it one bit.

He returned to the stasis hall an hour later to double check that all the pod were working properly. As he came to the last pod, which contained Young, he place his hand on the pod.

"I promise not to let you down. I told you I would see you on the other side. And I intend on keeping my word."

He walked over to the control console and picked up his laptop. He had decided that he would download the manual onto it so he could read it from in quarters, or anywhere he chose to read.

Eli walked to the mess hall to get some rations and water to take back to the observation deck. He figured he mine as well sit in the only room with a view. Making his way over to one of the couches, Eli set his food and laptop down and made himself as comfortable as possible. Picking up his laptop, he set in on his lap and opened the file containing the manual.

"Here we go. Page 1..."

Three days later...

Eli sat on the couch rubbing his eyes. He had been reading almost non-stop for 3 days and was only half way through the manual. Eli focused back on the computer and flipped the page to the next chapter. With a confused look on his face, he read the title of the chapter: Stasis pod and Shuttle craft.

"What does the shuttle have to do with the stas...That's it! I'm such an idiot. Why didn't I think of it before now. I can survive longer in the shuttle. It has its own power and life support. That way I can shut down life support on the rest of the ship so I can save power.

It took Eli most of the day to move most of his stuff, along with food and water into the shuttle. He also grabbed the communications stones and the space suits, just in case. It wasn't the most comfortable of set ups but it has bought him at least a few more weeks before he ran out of power.

He settled in and continued to read through the manual. While he read, he discovered that the stasis pod could be removed from the wall and plugged into the shuttle. The Ancients original purpose for this was to be able to put critically injured patients into the pods and transport them off the ship to get medical help. Though this was unlikely given the nature of Destiny's mission, the Ancients saw no reason not to have the option.

The following day, after read and memorizing the instructions on how to move the stasis pod to the shuttle, Eli decided that moving the pod was the best option he had. He put on one of the space suits, that way he didn't have to turn life support back on throughout the ship. Once he was sealed into his suit, Eli opened the shuttle door and proceeded to the stasis hall.

One of the ways Eli thought of to save power was to open all the doors going from the stasis hall, the core interface room, and the shuttle. Though it wasn't saving a lot of power, he knew every little bit helped in order to make sure they made it to the next galaxy.

Once he got to the stasis hall, Eli got to work on the pod. The first thing he checked was to make sure that there was no physical damage anywhere on the pod that might hinder his ability to carry out his plan. After finding no damage, he walked over the console near the pod and pulled up his specific pod. Looking through the control menu, Eli quickly found what he was looking for.

"I hope this works." He says just as he activates the detachment protocol.

With a screech and a groan of clamps that haven't been used since the pods were installed millions of years ago, the clamps slowly opened until they clicked back, releasing the pod. The pod was pushed out of the alcove by a mechanical arm. It rotated the pod 90 degrees, then lower the pod until the back of the pod was about a foot of the ground. The arm detached, and withdrew back into the alcove, leaving the pod to hover in place. Breathing a sigh of relieve, Eli walked over to the pod and pushed it to the shuttle.

As the pod entered the shuttle, the floor in the rear compartment of the shuttle opened up and revealed a receptacle ready and waiting for the pod. The pod lowered itself into place, the clamps along either side of the pod closed, securing it in place. The lights inside the pod lit up as power began to flow through it.

He spent the next few days going over the pod and going through all the trouble shooting options in the manual in order to try and figure out what the problem is.

Eli finally found the problem about 10 days after the crew went into stasis. He discovered that the circuit responsible for waking him up was shot. So the pod worked, but couldn't bring him out of stasis in 3 years with the rest of the crew. Now that he knew what the problem was, he could try and figure out how to fix it.

Eli knew that there was no way to fix the circuit, the manual told him the only way to fix it is to replace it. Knowing there wasn't anything in the manual that could help him, Eli decided he needed to search through Destiny's databanks to try and find out if there is any supply rooms on the ship that might have the part he needed. He powered up the ships life support and headed for the Core Interface Room. Eli spent the next several days going through the ships data to try and locate any reference to a storage area with spare parts for the ship or the pods.

On the Fifth day of searching, He finally found a vague reference to a storage area that might have some parts he can use to fix the pod. Noticing that the location of the room is along the path he took during the Lucian Alliance attack, he knew that the life support didn't work there so he would have to put a suit on to get there.

The following day, Eli put on space suit and readied himself for the long walk to the storage area. He didn't want to take the transport booth because he wasn't sure how much power it would use. As it was, he could only turn on life support for 3 more days before he had to shut it down for good.

After grabbing the oxygen off one of the other suits, Eli made his way down the long corridor running half the length of the ship. In order to not use any more power than he needed, he used the device the Alliance used to open the doors during their attempted takeover of Destiny. He walked for a few hours before he came to the door he was looking for. Upon opening the door, Eli noticed that there were hundreds of small boxes laying all over the floor.

Eli grabbed the first box he came across and read the label. It said "Spare Circuit 28376". He opened the box to look at the part. He had no idea what the circuit was for since he had never seen one like it before. Frustrated because he had found no reference numbers while reading the manual, he started grabbing boxes and loading them up on the kino sled he had brought with him.

20 minutes after he started loading the sled, the computer on the suit warned him that he was almost out of air. Eli replaced his air tank and then continued to load the parts. He knew he had to hurry if was to make it back the shuttle before he ran out of air. He finished loading all the parts onto the sled and started the long walk back.

As soon as he got back to the shuttle, he realized that not all the parts would fit inside. After a few minutes to think it over, he decided to close of the corridor right outside the shuttle and use the life support from the shuttle to fill the corridor full of heat and air. Using the life support this way would cost him close to 3 days' worth of energy reserves in the shuttle. That left him with about 7 days before the shuttle ran out of power. He could still use the ships life support for 3 days before he had to shut it down for good.

Eli spent the next 3 days going through the rest of the manual, only taking breaks to eat and sleep. On the 4th day, Eli finally got to the last chapter in the manual. It turned out to be the manual's index and it also included every part name and replacement part number for the pod.

"Yes!" he said as he jumped out of the chair. "I can't believe it's been here the whole time. Why didn't I think to look in the back of the book first?"

It took Eli the rest of the day to go through all the spare parts. As he got to the last few boxes, he was getting worried that the part that he needed wouldn't be there. Thankfully, the second to last box was the one he was looking for. Slowly opening the box, Eli inspected the part to make sure it wasn't damaged. It wasn't.

Walking up to the stasis pod, he opened up the control panel and found the circuit he needed to replace. Making sure the pod was disconnected from the power, he reached in and pulled the old circuit out and replaced it with the new one. With that done, he replaced the control panel and reconnected the power. After powering up the pod, Eli activated the diagnostic program. He knew it would take almost a full day for the program run so decided to eat and get some sleep while the program ran.

14 hours later, Eli was woken up the soft beeping noise of the control panel letting him know that the diagnostic was complete. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Eli got up to read the results. It showed that everything was working perfectly.

"I can't believe I'm going to make" he said to himself. "Now all I have to do is move the pod back to the stasis hall and I should be good to go."

After getting his space suit back on, he disconnected the pod from the shuttle and began to move it back to the stasis hall. Once there, he walked to the wall next to the empty slot in the wall and activated the retrieval program to reattach the pod to the wall. He stepped back and watched as the mechanical arm reached out, grabbed the pod and reattached it into the slot like it had never moved. The lights in the pod activated as soon as power was flowing.

Eli wanted to run a test to make sure that the pod was working as it should. So he set the timer for 12 hours and activated the pod. The lid closed and sealed with a hiss. Smoke filled the pod as it activated. A moment later, the smoke cleared up a bit as the stasis protocol activated and froze the smoke in place, as it did with all the other pods.

"Almost there. In 12 hours I will know if it worked or if it was all for nothing…"

Eli walked back to the shuttle and closed the hatch since he didn't need the use the corridor any longer. He removed the suit, set it aside, and laid down in his makeshift bed. Know that there wasn't anything for him to do but wait, He closed his eyes and let sleep take him, knowing he would soon know, one way or another, weather he would live or die.

11 hours later, Eli woke up and looked at his phone. It was almost time. He got up, cleaned up the shuttle a little bit, and then put his space suit back on. Hoping this was last time would step foot in the shuttle for 3 years, he shut down all power to the shuttle, walked out and closed the hatch.

Walking in to the stasis hall, he could see his pod was still activated and that there was no problems. A Few minutes later, he watched as the pod deactivated and opened without any problems. He had done it. He had fixed the pod with time to spare. Walking over to a control station, he activated the ships life support so he could get out of his suit. He set a timer to shut down life support for 1 hour. He didn't want to waste any more power than he had to. With that done, he took of the space suit and set it off to one side of the hallway. He wanted it close by just in case something went wrong during the next 3 years.

Eli walked and put his hand on Colonel Young's pod, "I did it. I fixed the pod. I will see you in 3 years."

He walked back to his pod and climbed in. He took one last look and then activated the pod. With a smile on his face, he closed his eyes as the pod activated.

He did it.