I've seen the Miraculous: 'character-watch-their-own-show' kind of things, but I couldn't find anything about them watching the Chibi Version. So I thought "Why not" and started this.

Hope you enjoy.

Marinette's POV:

... Where are we and how did we get here?

Sorry, maybe I should explain. I'm Marinette.
I was in class, doing, you know, class work. Suddenly, there was a flash and I passed out.
When I woke up, I found myself on my seat. Only to find that I wasn't really in my seat. I looked around and found myself in a room similar to the classroom.

The differences were the door was missing, so were the windows and the lighting was dim.

I soon realised that I wasn't alone. I heard Alya's voice next to me and Adrien's yawning in the front seat. Turns out, everyone in the classroom ended up here... wherever here is.

I looked around again and noticed we were in the same seating plan as our classroom one.

Before we could do anything else, the front board flickered like a TV screen. A message appeared.

You are about to watch a six episode series of your two favourite heroes.
No one leaves until all of them have been completely watched.
There'll be a snack table at where the door should be before the first one starts.
Make yourself comfortable and I hope you enjoy.
Peace out.
Or in Ladybug's case: Bug Out.

The screen flickered off.

I panicked. Will our identities be revealed? If so, what will Alya think? What would Chloe think?
Or worse, what will Adrien think?!

The table appear, we all got something to have and got ready to watch.

The first episode: Rooftop Dinner.