Author Note: Sorry for the short chapter... Things have been interesting. Stay safe!

Mere minutes passed before Kori brought him to a much need change of scenery. Instead of dingy, cage-like walls, bright blue ocean water spread as far as the eye can see, connecting to the sky at the horizon; clashing with orange and pink hues of sunset. Cirrus (thin, wispy clouds) stretched across the sky, catching the sunset's vivid colors in their water vapor. Ocean waves lapped at the sandy shores. Spindalis (a small bird with a black head and two white stripes running across each side- one above and below the eye, yellow/olive-green neck and chest, and gray to black wings and tail feathers with small white stripes at the edges) sang from their hidden perches. Small island flowers bloomed where the sand met the lush grasses. Truly a beautiful sight to behold, if any were to exist.

Roy and Kori sat along the shore, far enough away that the rising tide fails to reach them. The fiery-haired Tamaranian's expression had long since softened. No more did it hold motherly disappointment- only gentle encouragement can be seen. "Now, what is bothering you?" She started. "And do not say it's the lack of results or the tortured children. I know something else- something far greater is plaguing you."

Roy sighed and turned his gaze away from the scenery, staring at the random patch of sand. Not giving me many options, are you? Well, guess this talk was bound to happen one way or another. Might as well get it over with already and rip off the metaphorical bandage...

Kori remained still. A patient smile never left her features as she waited for Roy to speak. Slowly, he shifted to face her, meeting her kind eyes hesitantly. His mouth opened and closed a few times- a frown tugged at the archer's lips before he quietly voiced his troubles, "I know... I'm just- I'm worried about Jaybird. It's been a long time since we haven't been around to back him up on the field, and I'm afraid of what will happen if he runs into the Bat. What if his Pit Rage acts up, and we aren't there for him?!"

She carefully placed a hand on his shoulder and gave a comforting squeeze. A very welcome gesture at the moment; is further proof of how much Kori cares. "I understand your worries- I'm worried, too. I'll always worry about you two-" Roy's lips quirked up a small fraction at the declaration. "But you should have more faith in Jason. He is strong, kind, and determined. Even if we want to keep him close to home, he will never stay. Not while there are people in need of help. Besides, I was under the impression Batman is unaware of these glubnorb."

"Yeah..." He said with a hint of confusion. He needs to have Kori teach him her native language. That would certainly make some of her unique phrases easier to understand. Seriously, what even is a 'glubnorb'?! "He doesn't, but that won't stop me from worrying any less. Bruce Shame isn't called 'The World's Greatest Detective' - and an Outlaw certified shitface - for nothing. If he somehow finds out... Well, let's hope he keeps his damn nose out of this." Disdain laced Roy's tone. And the rant had only just begun. "You know, the one thing that haunts Jay's nightmares more than the Joker is Batman. Especially after that fuckin' stunt he pulled- Well, you know the story. And he still had the audacity to do that to Jason, his alleged son. And- and here I thought Oliver was a shit father. Batman, on the other hand, takes the bloody cake and fuckin' spits on it! He's an asshole- No, the King of Assholes!"

By the end of the tirade, Roy is red-faced and huffing. Surprisingly enough, though, he feels a thousand times better than when they started. Like a weight lifted from his shoulders. He carried that simmering, building rage toward Batman - the person who has no business being a parent of one child, let alone five - ever since that damn 'Incident'; With Jason around 24/7, he never allowed himself to express his anger for the injustices done. The red-haired archer firmly refused to remind his best friend of that dreaded day. For the most part, Kori doesn't talk about it either. She only brought it up when Jason needs a good ol' emotional chat. Aside from that, neither a whisper or a shout of the event can be heard in their home.

Roy turned back to Kori. Honestly, he doesn't know when he turned away. Kori's calm had melted and revealed a burning hatred. Her resentment for 'The World's Crappiest Father' ran as deep as his own. "Batman is a true clorbag varblenek!" She growled with venom capable of melting nerves of steel.

"That, I can agree with."

Silence descended upon the beach. The ocean wave's gentle sloshing against sand and rocky alcoves kept it from becoming suffocating. Roy is happy to let the silence stretch out, but one last thing bothered him. "You think he'll call us, right? If he runs into Batman or needs help fighting back the Rage?"

The fiery-haired princess hummed, consideringly. "I like to believe he will. However, you two always manage to surprise me- do things I would never expect. At this point, all we can do is wait and be ready to aid him when he needs us." Not a comforting answer by any means, but it's the answer he got. Hopefully, Kori's belief held true, and Jason calls them if he gets into a jam.

Roy frowned, gazing at the setting sun. Stay safe, Jay, wherever you are.