Hello, my username is Ricky Raccoon 7 and I would like to take a moment and thank my followers and readers for clicking on this title. I had this idea ever since re-watching Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom clips, so this is my first fanfiction for Jurassic World. uys,I;mbackPlease review, I like reading them. Also, check out my stories if you want to, you won't regret it.

Lockwood Estate…

Franklin and Zia watched as Blue dragged the final mercenary into her jaws. The two ran out of the lab, with Blue a few feet behind them. The flammable gas caught fire and blew up the lab. An egg however, shot out and broke open. A baby Indoraptor crawled out of the shell, lost and alone. He called for his family, no replies.

He tried to stand up, but his tiny legs gave in. At that moment, Owen and Claire were chasing Maisie to the little elevator. The young Indoraptor managed to stand and run toward them. The Indoraptor was already the size of a three year old Indoraptor. He was developing his color and was about a foot and a half tall. He however didn't recognize the weird creatures so he hid behind the corner and watched. He then heard cries coming from down the hall. The little Indoraptor ran after the voice hoping to find someone to guide him.

The little Indoraptor stopped at a large room with bars blocking it off. He saw a scaly hand extend towards him. The Indoraptor prototype knew the feeling of his species. He began to rub on the younger one with such precaution and kindness. That was the first time the little Indoraptor felt love. The younger Indoraptor tried to squeeze through the bars, but the space was too small.

The prototype then began to yell as some men tied him up and began drag him into another cage. He called out to the little Indoraptor as he was being ready to be shown to the auction. The little Indoraptor followed the cries until he reached the auction.

He watched the prototype try to attack the business man with the laser. Since the little Indoraptor didn't know any better, the laser didn't mess with his head. He watched as Ken Wheatley opened the cage and tried to extract the prototype's tooth, and get eaten. The young Indoraptor also watched as the original Indoraptor devoured the humans in the elevator. The little one was learning how to hunt and how to play with his prey.

The little Indoraptor eventually ran into the room with the rows of dinosaur skeletons. He saw the large Indoraptor chase Maisie up the stairs. He was about to follow them when something caught his eye. He saw the compassion between Owen and Claire. He was confused. Were humans more complicated than what he saw? Did they always drag dinosaurs into cages to be trapped? He shook it off and ran after his guardian.

The little Indoraptor walked in on the large Indoraptor extending his claw towards Maisie. Confusion filled the little Indoraptor's head once more. He watched from under the dresser with precision. A gunshot was then heard, which came from the gun of Owen Grady.

The little Indoraptor's heart stopped for a moment as Owen shot the larger Indoraptor again. When Owen was cornered, Blue came and attacked the prototype. He ran down the stairs to the skull room. The little Indoraptor then heard a crash, the two raptors fell from the roof, and the large Indoraptor was no more.

As Blue ran off, the little Indoraptor climbed onto the Triceratops skull and rubbed his head against the lifeless hand of his only thing to call family. Tears ran down his scaly face. He then wanted revenge. It was the only thing he could think of. He ran back upstairs to the room the humans were in, perhaps the raptor retreated in there.

The young Indoraptor knocked the door down only to find a destroyed room.

"They're hiding from me. They are afraid, which they should!" He thought.

He continued wander around until he heard a weird sound under his feet. He took a step back to reveal a shattered photo frame. The picture was of a old man and a little girl. The young Indoraptor tried to copy the facial expression, but his smile looked extremely sarcastic. He used his claws and tried to cut the photo to his liking. He also found a small heart-shaped locket to put the photo in.

He was surprisingly quick to learn new things. The little Indoraptor even managed to put the locket around his neck. He then looked out of the window to see all the dinosaurs running free. He also saw a little girl.

" Is that the creature in the weird shaped thingy?" The hybrid thought to himself.

It was that moment in which he felt the raging fire in his heart turn into nothing but a candlelight. Eventually, it became no more. He realized the creatures he discovered were kind and only were violent when necessary. He then thought of something. It wasn't the raptor that killed the prototype, it was the Triceratops skull! It all made sense, it did indeed. The young Indoraptor now knew that the Triceratops was a deadly threat to him and he should stay away.

He stayed on the balcony and watched silently as the little girl hugged Owen as Blue ran off. He decided it was time he got out of the mansion. The young Indoraptor jumped onto the roof below and climbed down the building. Surprisingly, no one noticed him. The Indoraptor looked back at the little girl with a strong feeling of hope. He wanted to wait until he was tall and confident enough to interact with the creatures he discovered.

He looked back once more before running into the forest. He never knew what the future had in store. As long he at least got to see the little girl again, he would feel satisfied.

3 years later…

Dr. Wu relocated his lab on a remote island near Catalina Island. There was no volcanoes and was known for its stable climate.

" Maybe it was a bad idea to keep creating hybrids," Dr. Wu explained to his assistant, "The government constantly charges me and I don't what to do,"

" Here's a solution, Stop Messing With Genetics!" His assistant replied.

" Wait a minute…" Dr. Wu paused.

" Please stop,"

" I've been creating Carnivore hybrids,"

" Just stop talking,"

" What if I combined two herbivores!?"

" Not interested,"

" Yes, an ankylosaurus and a Triceratops hybrid! It would be a perfect gift for the military! My career would be saved!"

" Hold your horses, Henry. You're going to create a hybrid of two deadly herbivores and release it to the military?"

" Precisely,"


Dr. Wu started laughing as his assistant stared in confusion.

" You just noticed?"

So, this is intriguing. Will that little Indoraptor find the girl he wishes to meet? Will Dr. Wu's experiment be successful, or will it be another battle for our heroes to face? Find out in the next chapter! (Which I'll put up soon). Beast boy, and the Indoraptor, are Beast mode!