AN: So... guess who's laptop broke? And had to rewrite the whole chapter and then get frustrated as he rewrote it over and over?
HI! IT'S ME! JOE! Fml fam XD
Updates are gonna slow down until I can get it fixed, but I hope to still feed your crave for Ham.
Halp me by following me on Pat reon
"That... is the most angsty teenage thing I've ever seen."
And I had gone through depression during middle and high school.
"She... yeah. Pretty much. Can you please do something about it? I'm assuming you can do something about being underwater, right? Just like you can apparently drown Lung?"
Danny's eyes were both a mix of annoyance and pleading.
I sighed as I ruffled my hair.
"Look, the words 'I can survive being inside a volcano and I can't drown' isn't exactly something that comes up in a normal day to day conversation." I groaned. "I was just trying to get a good drop on Lung. It's hard to consider the fact that I had cameras on me when in the middle of a fight..."
I sighed again.
"I'm sorry, Danny. I... shit. I didn't mean to scare you or Taylor."
Danny slumped down as he leaned against the wall by the entrance to the basement.
"...I know. Look, just..."
I nodded.
I stepped forward, my feet plodded down the steps before sinking into wet water.
I could see Taylor curled up in a corner under the water. I stepped further down the stairs as I sank into the depths. The water level rose as I descended and soon I was fully under.
Actually, it was odd just how deep the basement was for a regular house in the suburbs... but then again this was a world with actual super-villains, so maybe it made sense?
My lungs filled with water and I fought the urge to choke. Last thing I wanted to do was give any more of a scare to Taylor.
Still getting your lungs waterlogged was something I was never going to be used to.
She was surrounded by deposits of crystalline ice that appeared as if incredibly large chunks of quartz had grown explosively away from her.
Strands of crystal hair fluttered about as if they weren't created from ice.
Taylor turned her head at me.
And it was unnerving. And eerily beautiful.
Because her whole body had turned into a sculpture of ice, transparent and clear, sans a light bluish hue. Like I had seen a Rule 63 Iceman, but with hair (and even her clothes) had turned into ice, fluttering (somehow) in the water. It was like I had stepped into a scene from Arthurian legend.
The Lady of the Lake.
If there was any breath in my lungs, I'm certain it would have caught.
She rose to her feet, slowly and shakily, not slowed by the viscosity of water at all, as if water was no different from air to her.
Oddly, her shoes were missing.
It was weird that you could see through her socks (now made of ice) and see her little ice toes under the thin ice-sock layer.
How did that even work? And why wasn't she wearing shoes?
Slender crystalline fingers reached out to pull at the wet cotton of the shirt I quickly grabbed from my flat. The cloth crinkled before frosting over, the thin layer of ice crawled slowly as-
Then she slapped me. Hard.
Problem was I was harder than she was.
"Ow! What is your jaw made of?" She shook her hand, obviously in a spot of pain.
I tanked punches from a dragon. It was more surprising that her ice body didnt crack.
First. How the fuck can I hear her underwater?
Second. HER TEARS ARE ICE TOO?! How the fuck is it rolling down her cheeks?!
I shook my head. That wasn't important.
I wiped away her tear, which while looking like ice, might have been closer to liquid nitrogen. Sure, it was cold, but only about as much as sticking a finger into a pint of ice cream that was left on the counter for an hour or so thanks to my Immunity power. Water crackled as it spread rapidly over my finger, freezing it over with spikes of ice.
Damn thing looked like I was one finger death punching snowmen for a living.
And for some reason, Taylor's face twisted into some emotion I couldn't recognize as she began tearing up further, throwing herself into my chest and sobbing.
Had I become a cosmic tear sponge for young women? This was becoming a reoccurring theme that I wasn't comfortable with. Especially if it was gonna start destroying shirts. I was pretty sure that my cheap t-shirt I grabbed from a Old Navy bargain bin wasn't gonna take to being frozen very well.
Still, I wrapped my arms around Taylor, patting her back soothingly, as she cried, her tears freezing up the water between us as she sobbed and hiccuped up words I couldn't recognize.
It was probably good that Danny got me to handle this instead of doing it himself. He'd probably turned into a human popsicle and died from the extreme cold, even if he wasn't underwater. And that wouldn't have been good for Taylor's psyche.
I honestly had no idea how I could hear her through the ice and water as clearly as if we were above ground. Her powers had something to do with it, I'm sure.
So to sate my curiosity, I focused on Power Sight so that I could look at Taylor's power.
And Power Sight showed me something insane.
It wasn't the gold of a Warrior Shard. Certainly not. Nor the dull purple-black of a Cauldron vial. Hopefully it wasn't (and probably wasn't) an Abbadon Shard.
Because if it was, it certainly wouldn't look like a small, swirling sun that looked suspiciously like an engorged Entropy Fragment. Or have a strand of flame made of cosmic gasses and stars connecting them to my very own Negentropic flame-essence.
Not revolving around it through Power Hub, but directly connected.
What the fuuuuuuuuuu...
The Entropy Shard (a tentative, temporary name) pulsed at my confusion like an over-eager puppy. The flow of flame between us swirled and pulsed with a thousand stars and cosmic powers.
Protect. Taylor. Scared. Protect. Important. Foreigner. Danger. Parasite. Denied. Consumed. Protect.
They weren't words, any more than they were feelings.
Don't ask how words like 'Taylor' translates into a feeling. It was weird. Like every thought and opinion I had of her blended into one and crammed into my heart, plus a few dozen additions that I couldn't even begin to describe or recognize. Each word-feel sent tingling ripples of... something... through my body. They rippled from my heart, reaching to the tips of my fingers and toes before rushing back.
What the hell...
I broke out of my confusion as I felt Taylor stir, the ice that had bonded me to her form shifted. It just seemed to move out of the way in a way that was more akin to wet sand rather than ice in defiance of the laws of physics as her porcelain smooth cheek brushed up against the ice. But aside from bending the laws of reality, they stayed perfectly frozen in place like regular ice otherwise. My shirt would have begun bobbing upwards awkwardly (like ice does) if they weren't also frozen to my actual skin as well.
"'re crazy." She muttered grumpily, as if she had cried out most of her anger. "And stupid."
I didn't dare believe that so easily though. Women were never that kind to you when they were upset, whether they meant to or not.
I just nodded along, letting her rant it out.
I suppose a Shard (was it even a shard? It was BIGGER than a Shard, for one) from me bypassed Power Hub, it didn't allow the broken loophole of letting me gain a weaker version of Taylor's power. Probably because it was made from my Entropy Fragments (how many had that even cost?) and was still connected to me. Somehow. That and everything she could do was a power I could probably make with enough fragments.
" are you even listening to me?" Taylor pouted as she pinched my cheeks, pulling them in two directions. "Youuuuuu-"
I interrupted her by picking her up like a sack of potatoes. Over my shoulder.
She made a very unladylike squawk as I turned and attempted to climb the stairs.
"Hey! Let me down!" She gave me an indignant struggle that consisted of her, in the definition of an exercise of futility, punching (read: massaging with the outside of her tiny fists) my back.
Then there was a rushing current that pushed me back towards the center of the room from the stairs.
My eyes widened as my toes (I wasn't wearing socks into water. Wet socks SUCK) reflexively gripped down on the (now surprisingly clean) basement floor. Of course in the end, no matter how strong I am overall, toes are just toes.
Even if they dug up little grooves in the epoxy that coated the cement floor as I was dragged backwards and deeper into the depths of the basement.
"Whoa!" Taylor gripped the back of my shirt (which wasn't frozen somehow, even though my front was still solid ice with Taylor's face imprinted on it) as she held herself in place as my grip jerked enough to make her lose balance.
I didn't want to accidentally hurt her, after all. She was currently made of ice (Changer? Not glass though. I can actually feel her coldness even with Immunity... How cold WAS she?) and while that was enough to be hard to damage for a normal human...
Well. I don't even think I have to explain further.
"I, uh, didn't realize I could do that." Taylor exclaimed. She seemed both fascinated and overwhelmed. "I mean, I just got these powers out of nowhere, so..."
I chuckled as I put her back down gently on her feet. Her Sun Shard (that felt more correct) glowed brightly as it drank in my presence. It was odd just how situational some of my powers could be. I could see her shard with Power Sight, but it required prompting. It wouldn't tell me Taylor's power unless I willed for it.
I suppose it wouldn't hurt to properly explain how Taylor's powers work to her. I motioned to her to come upstairs with me, mimicking the fact that I couldn't speak underwater.
Hell, I actually tried speaking, letting water run over my vocal cords instead of air.
It was fucking weird as hell and on my end I could only hear the regular muffled mumbling sound that any normal person made when they attempted to speak underwater.
"Hey! I can hear you!" Taylor exclaimed, a smile on her face. Then looked confused. "I feel like... I can feel everything in the water though." Taylor let water swirl about in her palm, half forming into ice in her hand as it swirled about. "Like... it's an extension... no. Like I can... talk? With water? See with it?..."
"Well... This makes things a bit easier than I expected." I chuckled as I scratched the back of my head. "I'm not going to twist words or lie to you, so long story short, I can see powers. And know what they do. Don't tell PRT about that, by the way. I can't really help it, but it's a huge security risk to them. It's just better that they don't know. I could just... tell you."
Taylor nodded, tucking a drifting strand of crystalline hair that was crossing her face from the side behind her ear.
"That sounds great, actually. And I won't spill a word. Gosh, that would be terrifying for them if you could know at a glance whether or not someone was a cape. There's a set of unspoken rules about that kind of thing." She chewed her lip. And it was still just... so weird that everything about her had clear definition (pun NOT intended). Like seeing a cell shaded person in real life, but not quite to that actual extent.
Actually seeing her ice form in general was a bit awkward. Her clothes weren't thin like her socks to the point of being see through, but it's semi-transparency certainly didn't leave much to the imagination, even if I wasn't actually trying to perv on her. Rather, it was more like the effect that girls wearing bikinis had on the eyes of a straight male. Your eyes just kind of gravitate against your will sometimes.
I coughed as I shook the thought out of my head. Brain bleach.
I'm not a pedo, I swear!
"You'll still have to learn how to use it properly, cuz actual experience is important. But at least you won't have to fumble around to learn what you can and can't do quite as much. Think of it like, uh, New Wave. Powers are somewhat similar to their parents, right? Think of it like that, having a baseline to judge your abilities from."
Taylor nodded, understanding the analogy. Was analogy right? Maybe comparison is a better word here. Regardless, it didn't matter as long as Taylor got the point.
"Naturally. I don't want to hurt anybody by accident. It's hard to explain, but I can understand that I'm way too cold for a normal person to be around..." She winced as she rubbed the side of her upper arm as if she was trying to warm up. "Your shirt is... it's still frozen..."
I tried brushing off the ice, but it just shattered (because I apparently don't know my own strength sometimes), leaving me awkwardly with a half-intact shirt that was now revealing the majority of my abdominal region. Oh joy.
I pretended to not notice Taylor pretending to not stare at my abs. Even if you turn your head, I can feel water currents running over my abs like crazy! Stop looking at my abs with your non-visual senses! I am not meat!
Actually should I be concerned about the fact that she can just look at my body and ignore my clothes through the flow of water? Uhhhhhh.
That... surprisingly potentially frightening thought aside...
"Ok, it's actually a bit more complicated than the way I'm explaining it, but essentially you can turn into a water or ice version of yourself. The damage that you take in those forms don't translate over to a human body unless you try to turn back without, uh, fixing yourself? Mending? You feel everything that the, uh, elemental form of yours feels though. So do be careful. Anyways. You can call water into existence or pull it from the air and manipulate it's state of existence."
Really it was as if she got the Elemental power from my CYOA list, but focused just one one element: Water, with the bonus that she could control what state that water was in. In exchange for that single element limitation, her control over her element became exponentially more powerful, allowing incredible amounts of hydrokinesis in all of it's forms.
Obviously there was more to being an elemental than I thought. Or that the CYOA bothered to explain. I mean, changing into a being made of water or fire was honestly cool enough for plenty of people to grab it as a power. As if they needed to explain all the little nitty-gritty bits about being a fictional fucking existence, am I right?
"I see... I guess me feeling things in the water has something to do with this body." Taylor groused. "I guess I really need to practice with my own power to really get it."
She seemed to take a deep breath before turning back into human form.
Naturally she immediately choked as she tried to breathe, forgetting that her human form needed AIR not water.
I rushed over to her before quickly exiting the submerged basement, Taylor in tow.
Danny stumbled as he tried turning to us too quickly. Too concerned with the state of his daughter as he slipped on the hardwood floor.
"Taylor! Is she ok?!"
Taylor coughed as I gave him a smile of assurance before opening my mouth to give him a verbal verification that Taylor was just fine.
I gurgled out water. Like enough to fill a large mug.
Shit forgot that my lungs were still filled with water. Oh god...
I felt my face flush with awkward embarrassment as I turned my head towards the basement to cough out the rest of my lung capacity's worth of water. Thank god Taylor's power also purified water under her control. I DID just go through a basement, so...
Taylor snorted, in a very unladylike manner, in stark contrast to the beautiful ice sculpture she had been mere seconds ago, as she burst out in laughter.
Danny also coughed as he tried to hide a chuckle of laughter.
"It's... it's not that funny!" I grumbled, face red with embarrassment. "I can survive without oxygen through my regeneration! That doesn't mean I can breathe water like a fish!"
"Ha ha ha!" Danny chuckled, "The great and mighty All Might! Slayer of Dragons!"
"Gurgling out water like some kid at a water-park that drank too much pool water!" Taylor finished, shaking in my arms with mirth. "Pfftha ha ha ha!"
I sighed, filled with both shame and an odd sense of camaraderie as the Heberts laughed together. Laughing their stress away at my expense.
I chuckled.
If you can't beat 'em... laugh with 'em.
"Bonding with Taylor aside, you lucky neophyte, you..." Deadpool munched on an apple, like an asshole, his mask rolled up just enough that he could eat. "What're your plans for the ABB?"
"What do you mean?" I asked, lazily watching Rune play a surprisingly good-looking 3D version of Stardew Valley (the Earth Bet version wasn't pixel based) on the big screen of the living room area. She really sucked at being efficient, but she seemed like she was having fun, which was good. "ABB's pretty much over... unless you mean the power vacuum they left behind. God knows, I really do need to do something about that..."
Deadpool chewed in a moment of silence.
"We'll have to do something, of course. Even if ABB was a parasite sucking lifeblood from this town, it was protecting the Asian Sector. For a non-caucasian ethnicity in a city where literal fucking Nazis exist, I'm sure that the ABB's protection was a necessary evil for some people." Deadpool palmed the apple, tossing it up and down in his hand, weighing it for some reason.
"E88 is gonna have to get cleaned up ASAP." I agreed, scribbling on a notepad. It's amazing how having Tinker Powers just GIVE you the power to draw things. I've NEVER been able to draw well until now. "There's no way that they will just stand there when there's blood in the water. Probably going to move on Monday in case I bother going to school for whatever advantage that'll buy. Or tomorrow when I'm seeing the PRT. Should we worry about Merchants?"
"Nah, I think they'll keep to themselves the way they've been doing. Most likely, the only reason Merchants haven't been causing a fuss is because it was Skidmark that was the ambitious one out of the group. Pretty sure that your 1v1 vs Mush convinced him that we'll destroy him if he does anything that draws our attention, too." He took another bite from the apple before cocking his arms back and flicking the apple as if he was performing a free-throw.
A cushion floated around, blocking the apple from landing on Rune's head.
The blonde former 'Sabrina The Teenage Nazi' turned to give Deadpool a sour look, cheeks puffing in irritation as her sky blue eyes gleamed with annoyance.
"You made me lose my fish, Wade, you dick!"
"Constant Vigilance! Formerly villainous but reforming mahou shoujos need that the most!"
Rune growled before the pillow flew at Wade's face.
"Stop mixing Harry Potter and anime from Earth Aleph!"
Wade just caught the cushion with his teeth and face.
Deadpool made a weird growl that was probably what he thought was suggestive or something... as he waved the pillow around, teeth still gripping the fabric like a dumb dog.
"...Gross." Rune spat before turning back to her game, "Ah! The fish shack is closed! Nooooo..."
"...Well going back to the topic at hand." I sighed as I pulled the cushion out of Wade's mouth, slapping the back of his head with it.
His face shot forwards, slamming into the counter, leaving a hairline fracture in the marble with an audible crack.
"Ow." He muffled, complaining. "Ma fashe..."
I wrinkled my nose. Yeah that really did hurt. And Rune levitated a piece of cardboard with a big '10' printed on it.
Was she really playing straight man to this?
"Well, I hope you've been thinking of a plan. Because mine sucks." I groused. "It's half baked and would only work if we met a bunch of stupid conditions."
"Oh, shut up. It's only natural you and I would come to the same conclusion. And Part 1 of that plan is so utterly broken that it covers for Part 2 if we can just buy the city some time. I've already prepped everything for you using the Auto-Forge, since you've already bought the power... the way that thing works is bullshit, B-Tee-Dubs. I still can't believe Lung gave that many fucking Fragments..." Wade cracked his neck as he pulled his mask back on properly. "Once you buy the next power for the plan, I do expect you to get 2nd Trigger for Cosmetic Shapeshift. This mask is great and all, but I'm really sick of walking around with your face."
"You and me both." I rolled my eyes as I walked over to the large garage/Tinker space.
Rider was in her corner of the workshop still checking over her new (giant) motorcyc- was that floating?!
Huh, she got the hover system working, although she's got multiple power cables plugged into the thing to power it. Guess it really needs a lot more juice than we were expecting.
Well, I suppose that it wouldn't matter for long.
I pulled a large number of mechanical plates and parts from Pocket Room alongside a large toolbox.
I was fresh out of Entropy Fragments, but the ten minutes I spent underwater wasn't just to drown Puff the Angry Draggo. It was to completely pull out all the energy that his Warrior Shard was willing to flood into me. It was actually more than a little unnerving. I hadn't ever seen a Shard as active as Lung's. It was like it was trying to use all of the remaining power left in it to empower me.
It died still attached spiritually to Lung's nervous system, not returning to wherever the hell Scion was, frying the gang lord's brain as it attempted to process the power of being a fucking actual Dragon without a Shard to run the show.
As if yearning for the part of me that had once been Eden. Like a father seeing the child of his dearly departed former lover. That kind of desperate yearning was...
I shuddered.
I saw the Shard cannibalize itself to share as much knowledge with my biology as possible. It honestly wasn't the drowning that killed Lung, rather than the Shard committing suicide.
It was unnerving. Even if it wasn't human, or just part of some cosmic space whale that fanon (somewhat lovingly) referred to the Entities... How sentient were they? Why was it so eager to help me, even if killing his host and self?
I sighed.
Of course I would spiral into some depressing shit in the middle of a Tinker trance.
I flicked on the Auto-Forge Mk II, designed by attuning with it's basic design using Wavelength Tinkering. Sympathizing with the process of the original creator's intentions. Replicating the experience and exceeding their technical ability...
Dragon's programming was actually something damn amazing. Whoever made her really poured his heart and soul into her creation as whatever he did made her able to replicate Tinker design, software, and engineering via code instead of space whale parasite.
I began inputting a new set of commands and designs for parts for an Infinate Stratos Black Box. Speaking of space whales, Tabane Shinonono must have been a fucking space alien herself.
My Power Sight showed Wavelength in it's cosmic flame. A white orb, like a dwarf sun, yet rippling and shuttering. It strained to attune with the concept of an anime character's insane, impossible genius and was screaming in effort to replicate that essence.
Well, perhaps that was more my fault for trying to attune to a Tinker that doesn't fucking exist and forcing it to create and emulate one for the sake of my own convenience when I had no fucking clue where to get started.
Yeah, actually, that was probably my fault. The only reason this was working was that my Negentropy supplied Wavelength with infinite cosmic power to just brute force my way into making shit work.
"Joe? What is that?" I heard Rider whisper next to my ear, her breath light and almost faint. As if she couldn't comprehend what she was looking at.
Probably couldn't either. Like I said. Tabane Shinonono was a crazy space bunny playing mad science.
"This?" I finished putting the black box together, all the pieces lining up to make it look like a perfect black sphere. The surface reflected light in an odd way, as if it was the center of a black hole, but slick with oil. "This is, hopefully, the solution to your power-suit-motorcycle's power and computing problems."
It wasn't perfect and certainly needed a LOT of tweaking and altering before it was on the level of techno-bullshit that it was in the anime, but it would work for what we needed now.
I gently held the orb as I turned my head. My cheek brushed against Sherrel's in a moment of accidental intimacy. But she was too transfixed on the piece of faux (was it really faux when I MADE it with Tinker Powers?) Tinker tech in my hands.
I flushed a little, my cheeks heating, but gently handed the IS Core to her. She swallowed, barely daring to breathe as she stared at the black orb in her hands.
She cradled it like it was an infant. It was kind of funny, seeing as she was dressed in a white cotton undershirt (was that one of mine?) stained with oil and a pair of hip-hugging jean shorts (also with oil stains and a few scorched marks).
Like a hot grease monkey mechanic mama hugging her robot baby.
I held the laughter as Sherrel slowly turned and shuffled over to her baby (read: motorcycle/mech-suit hybrid) with IS core in hand.
She didn't seem to even register the fact that I called out to her that the core was just currently a prototype. Ah... she'll come talk to me about it later.
I checked the clock. 1AM. Ah shit. It's late. I'm still not done with what I need to do.
Lucky I'm just a copy of the original me. The actual me is still with the Heberts, currently asleep on the Heberts' couch after gently putting Taylor (who had fallen asleep on Danny's shoulder) in her own bed. She definitely wasn't used to infinite cosmic power running through her body.
God I'm tired. That shouldn't have sounded sexual to me. Stupid crystal ice body drawing attention to feminine parts because her clothing is semi-transparent. UGH! Stop thinking!
I shook my head. I still had things to do.
And, speaking of infinite cosmic power (what a reoccurring theme!) I was getting some Dr. Manhattan vibes from myself doing this shit. But Tinkering OP Hax is something I really need right now. I picked it up so I can make things better without being there in pers...
Huh. That gave me an idea.
A half hour had another Auto-Forge Mk II printed out and the rest of the hour let me finish putting it together. It technically should have taken longer to assemble, but mid assembly I had the first forge crank out some specialized work tools to accelerate my work efficiency.
Why a second Auto-Forge?
Work divided between two Auto-Forge made the next process go by much more quickly. Because while designing it took no time at all thanks to some Tinker bullshit, most of what I needed built was both delicate and needed to be durable. Plus the mistakes I'd have to inevitably correct.
The idea for the creation was simple. Processing power beyond the comprehension of a PC master race memer. Enough data storage for MatPat's Bee Movie Meme idea... or as close to that as physically possible. Plus, even if it was just through Power Hub, I had been around Armsmaster twice now. It was like muscle memory as Wavelength hummed appreciatively as I allowed it to conveniently minimize everything.
I had invented a smart watch. A black box with multiple tiny hard-light hologram projectors built in, sleek as hell, with a titanium alloy strap that adjusted itself... A smart watch that could project interact-able holograms and could put any normal Tinker Supercomputer to shame. Because Wavelength was pure bullshit.
Hell I had the Auto-Forges begin fabricating a few dozen more just in case. Back-ups upon back-ups. Or I could just put these up in strategic points at the top of large buildings across the city. A network of super computers surveiling the city for dangers...
Actually, maybe that was too Batman for me. Food for thought though.
Regardless, I wanted enough of these for everybody I needed to be able to protect to carry on their wrist. For both their convenience as well as protection.
This thing was MORE than just a supercomputer. Can't give away all it's secrets so easily.
I sketched up and inputted a rough robot design that would be capable of detail work and finesse as long as a proper program controlled it. It didn't need to be perfect. A better one would be made later for obvious reasons anyways.
As that began printing out, I fought off the light drowsiness as I powered through a ridiculous amount of code. Nobody I knew had an Artificial Intelligence based Tinker power, but that didn't matter. A bit of meditation and fiddling was enough to find something that was certainly close enough as Wavelength was capable of fiddling and tweaking with the Tinker waves that it focused on.
Utterly broken. Just filthy. Disgusting. Just coasting off feelings and a general sense of 'warmer/colder', you could control what your specialization was as long as you had the power to brute force it in a direction you needed then spent more power fine-tuning your Tinker brainwaves for what you need. And did I mention I had infinite cosmic power? Cuz I had that. Just didn't know how to tap into it as well as I could be doing.
In the end I was just walking around blind as far as Entity power stuff went, but it's not like I can just walk up to Scion-senpai and ask him for tips on being a space whale.
I yawned as I wrapped up my coding and let the program begin properly installing and booting up in all of my new Holowatches (patent pending baby~) and started assembling the assembly droid.
I smelt bacon as the door to the base's main area opened up and soft steps from fuzzy slippers walked over to me.
"Jeez, All Might. Were you up all night? Rider didn't make breakfast like she promised, so I... and she's passed out on her... hovering motorcycle? Ok. That's cool. Does me joining your team mean I get one of those by the way? Rider can totally teach me how to drive, right? And what's all this? Oh my god, there's NO way you're a Tinker on top of all your crazy bullshit... oh god..."
Rune's voice trailed off and I heard a tray of food clatter against the epoxy coated floor, the sound of a glass filled with liquid shattering into glass fragments as the primary Holowatch (currently mounted on a small stand on my workbench) began streaming out rays of light as it began producing a human shaped figure that floated in the air.
Initially a human figure glowing neon green, it slowly gained rough features like a hoodie, shoes, hairstyle, etc before the form began gaining other colors and finer details.
Sandy blonde/brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail using a pink scrunchie. A yellow hoodie wrapped around a female form dressed in a midriff baring pink, white, and black sports bra and biker shorts combo.
"B.U.I.L.D.E.R. Winning Fumina online! I am happy to meet you, Father!"
AN: Kind of not 100% on the AI's name/model. Might change/alter it later. I dunno. I AM open to suggestions/ideas. I ORIGINALLY made the AI just Agent Texas from Red vs Blue, but it was more of a placeholder than anything. I just ended up choosing Fumina because Gundam Build Fighters was great until the most recent Gundam Build Divers. (Feel kinda bad cuz I made a poll on my that I ended up putting to the side ha ha)
Also Gundam.