"Hiro just think of it, how would you feel to be free and nothing holding you down." Tadashi asked

"No, no, no stop it. You aren't my brother, I don't know how you're here, but just leave me alone." hiro said

"Oh come on hiro think of it. Freedom to do whatever you want, and make whatever you want." Tadashi said

"Stop it, i'm never going to just ditch all the people in the city, and you can't make me." hiro said firmly

"What if you don't ditch it, but end up rather saving them.." Tadashi asked

"Wait save the city. I know obake is up to something, and you must have something to do with it. If I do anything that he tells me I'm only dooming the city." hiro said.

"Hiro-"tadashi started

"No, you are not him, and you never will be. No one could ever replace him. He's dead, and I've come to accept that. Don't just think you can just ruin me just because you're here. Tadashi is here." hiro said putting his hands over his heart. "He always will be my inspiration. Anything I do, is because of him, not some faker that looks and sounds like him. Tadashi isn't made by his voice or appearance, he's made by his big heart, and killer personality." hiro finished.

"Oh well then hiro you caught me. I'm guilty, what are you going to do about it?" Tadashi asked

"I'm going to leave." Hiro said turning towards the door.

The door slammed shut.

"I know your not him, so just stop messing with me. I admit I kinda believed you till you pulled the trust thing." hiro said Trying at the door, but it stayed shut.

"Oh I can do a-lot more than mess with you brother" tadashi said coming closer.

Hiro backed away.

"Just think, no robot to protect you, all your friends are distracted, and you even left your phone. What can you use against me." tadashi said

"Um my wits. I mean I'm not called Teen Genius for nothing." hiro stated

Just then he heard a crash behind him."he-ya mister. Would you like your order to go?" Noodleburger said

"Um I never ordered anything." hiro said

"Sorry he was talking to me little brother." tadashi said

"Okay just stop. I know you're not my brother so quit calling me that." hiro stated

"I would like it to go. Good thing it's a small one." tadashi said looking at hiro.

"Wait where? If you want me to go, that's exactly what I was trying to do." hiro stated

He saw noodleburger boy's head open up showing the compartment he kept things. It was completely empty. Noodle burger boy then kicked hiro straight in the head, and knocking him out instantly. He then was able to place hiro inside his big head without a fight.

Hiro was now curled up, but not too tight. Noodle burger boy then got on his little dumplings, and flew away.

"Bye little brother." tadashi said evilly

Hiro woke up just 5 minutes later. Noodleburger hadn't kicked him that hard, but his head was aching, and he was in some sort of cramped space. He tried to shift, but it was pretty uncomfortable. He groaned. He must have been in some metal cell, because that is definitely how it felt like. He tried knocking with his somewhat free hand, but nope this was titanium. Who even built a cell this small. He then felt himself shift. Whatever he was in was moving. It drove him nuts not knowing where he was, and to hear noodleburger boy's phantom voice drove him even more crazy. Tadashi had to be Obake's doing, but how. He felt the cell jump, wait jump? Was he being tossed in the air. What even was going on. Okay now he knew for a fact he was moving. He knew he couldn't get out, and he knew his head was throbbing, and he needed to escape. The ground was cold. He pounded on the walls weakly because wherever he was was so tight spaced that he could barely shift.

"Brother how are you holding up." The fake tadashi said

Hiro looked down, and screamed. There next to him was a tiny tadashi. He climbed on his shoulder.

"What how are you- no you are definitely not my brother. Get off of me." Hiro said shaking his own shoulder.

"Aww hiro your not fun anymore, it used to be you who climbed me like a monkey, and swinged from my arms." Little tadashi said

"Sure, but you a freaky tiny version of my brother who said I never trusted you. You are like a haunting me, or stalking me." hiro stated "Not to mention you're tiny, and it's not cute. It's creepy, at any time you could try to kill me, and I'm powerless. Besides your aversion of my dead brother who isn't even supposed to be alive.

Tiny tadashi laughed. "Your pretty tiny yourself, I mean fourteen, and only 5 feet that's pretty small."

"Shut up, I am not that small, you are." hiro said

"Oh yeah tell me where are you?" Tadashi asked

"Oh um, about that, I don't have an idea." hiro said

"Well we're almost to Obake's lair if you're wondering, do you know what you are in?"

"No but I know it's tight., and cold." hiro said

"The tiny tadashi then just disappeared, but not before saying"you'll know soon enough.

"Hey, you can't just leave me here. I thought you were supposed to be watching me, not leave me alone." hiro said.

He didn't like being alone it was silent and all he could hear was some clanking metal. "Please don't do this." hiro begged

"Boo!" tiny tadashi yelled

"Agh stop it, I told you that I don't like pranks if you were the real tadashi, you would know." hiro said

"Oh I know you like making pranks. Several times you got me." Tadashi said

"No I got him, you my friend are nothing but a faker." hiro said

"Aww nice to see I'm your friend." Tadashi said

"No do you not understand you are not my friend, tadashi was, still is except he is well ya..know"

"Dead" tadashi responded rudely.

"Yeah," hiro said sadly

"Don't worry you'll live a long life, but it won't be happy." Tadashi said

"Happiness is determined by perspective." hiro said

"Ah look you've arrived, tadashi said sitting on hiro's shoulder.

He was yanked to a stop. Before whatever he was in opened up. He was dumped to the ground.

"Welcome. Hiro Hamada." The fake tadashi, and Obake said at the same time.