So, I normally ship Cade... but ya know, I wanted to mix it up a little and do a Cori/Bade ship story for once sooooo yeah.

I've also never actually seen any zombie related movies/ read any zombie books- I just like the idea of them, so if I end up writing the same plot as something that already exists, then I'm not intentionally copying them, I just purely had the same idea as that without knowing that I'm copying. Ennnnjoy:

(Also, I have checked this over, but there's definitely still going to be spelling and grammar errors. Sorry for that.)

Around the time after the episode 'Star Spangled Tori':

"Thaaaank yooou guys." Cat beamed at her group of friends as they helped her move all of her things into her new room at her Nonna's apartment. After her parents had moved to Idaho to look after her brother, Cat had no other choice but to move to Venice, California with her Nonna, or otherwise she'd have to live in the school. And believe me, she'd already tried to do that.

"It's all so pink in here." Jade West hissed, covering her eyes like a vampire in sunlight after seeing the walls of her friend's bedroom.

"I like pink though." Cat smiled childishly at her friend, despite the goth's sour attitude. "It's such a happy colour."

"I hate happy." Jade snarled at the bouncing girl.

"We know Jade." Tori announced, placing down a large box of Cat's close. "We all know."

"I'm exhausted." Robbie said, collapsing onto the floor after helping Andre carry in a large set of draws into the room.

"It wasn't even that heavy." Andre said to the curly haired boy, pulling him back to his feet.

"Let's take a break anyway." Beck suggested. "You got any food here Cat?"

"Yup yup!" Cat beamed at him, "It's in the kitchen, my Nonna said we could eat whatever while she's out. Anything you want guys?"

"You got chips and dip?" Andre spoke up, rubbing his hands together.

"I think so." Cat replied, furrowing her brows in thought, "I'll go check." She skipped out of the bright pink room and into the more normally coloured hallway which lead towards the kitchen.

"What's this?" Jade spoke up as she walked to the back wall of the bedroom, noticing the large safe in the empty closet.

"Looks like a safe." Robbie spoke up, adjusting his glasses.

"No chiz." Andre replied sarcastically.

"Hey Cat!" Beck yelled to his red-headed friend, who quickly re-appeared with Andre's requested drip and chips.

"Whattie?" She asked sweetly, tilting her head to the side like a Puppy.

"What's in this safe?" Beck asked, nodding to the safe which his girlfriend was stood beside.

"I dunno." Cat replied, handing Andre the chips and dip. "It was there when my Nonna moved in."

"What's the combination?" Tori asked.

"Don't need it." Jade announced, after typing in a pass code which made the large safe door swing open.

"How did you-?" Beck started to ask, being cut off by himself as realised he didn't want to know how his girlfriend knew how to unlock a safe in only a few attempts.

"What's in there?" Cat asked the goth.

"Anyone got a flashlight?" Jade asked, ignoring the redhead.

"No." Robbie replied. "-Wait yeah." He pulled a large flashlight out of the back of his pants, making the group give him a strange look as he handed it to the goth.

"It looks like a passage way." Jade said, pointing the light into the safe. "It looks like it goes back a few feet." She said, pushing herself up onto all fours and crawling down the tunnel.

"Wait, I wanna come!" Cat announced, jumping into the passage and following the goth through.

At the end of the passage, there was a metal crate which Jade easily kicked out of way to reveal a large blue and white room. "This is pretty cool." Jade admired as she climbed out the other side.

"Help me down." Cat pleaded, sticking her feet out of the end of the tunnel.

"Yeah sure." Jade replied lazily, pretending to help the smaller girl, not really noticing when she fell onto the dusty ground.

"It's dark." Cat said, after finding her way too her feet. "Oh look." She reached up to pull a small string which was attached to a light bulb.

"What's going on?" Tori called down from the other side of the passage way.

"We found a small room!" Cat called back, her voice echoing slightly as it travelled.

"A room?" Andre asked, "What's in it?"

"Um. Some food, some water and a rope." Jade called back.

"Wow!" Cat beamed. "We could open a food, water, and rope shop!"

"Yes." Jade repleted sarcastically, turning to face the redhead. "The perfect store for hungry, thirsty, rope lovers."

"We're coming though." Robbie said, climbing along the passage way.

"Ugggh why?" Jade moaned.

"You're right." Robbie commented as he, Beck, Tori and Andre climbed out of the other side. "A small room."

"I wasn't lying." Cat giggled. "I'm not a fibber."

"This seems like it's some sort of hideout." Tori said, picking up one of the cans of soup.

"Kinda dusty." Robbie said, flicking one of the large wall-covering cobwebs.

"AH!" Cat squealed. "That means there's spiders!"

"Oh shush." Jade silenced the girl. "Spiders are cute."

"No they aren't!" Cat squealed again, climbing into the passageway and scrambling out of the safe and back into her bedroom.

A few hours later.

After moving all of Cat's stuff into her room, the gang took a much needed rest in Cat's kitchen/ lounge area, with the television on in the background. They didn't even know what they were watching it because none of them were actually following the plot-line. Instead they just all sat there next to the packets of various junk food, eyes resting back on the flickering screen for brief moments of distraction.

"I think it's time we all leave now Cat." Robbie suggested, looking at the time on his PearPhone. "Before traffic gets bad."

"But my Nonna isn't back yet." Cat looked sadly at her feet.

"You're gonna have to get-." Jade started, before an ear-piercing high pitch sound erupted in the room and the television show suddenly shut off and flashed to a pure black screen.

"BREAKING NEWS!" Bright red text covered the screen, along with a large danger symbol. "RADIOACTIVE BLAST COVERING SOUTH WEST. ALL CITIZENS MUST TAKE COVER FAST IN ANY AIRTIGHT ROOMS!"

"What the hell?!" Jade screamed, reading the message off of the screen.

"Everyone in the safe room!" Beck announced, grabbing his girlfriend's wrist and dragging her to Cat's bedroom.

"Grab anything you can." Tori yelled as they ran, grabbing various things such as blankets, pillows, toilet paper and a box of Cat's clothes, then throwing it down the tunnel and into the safe room.

"What use will a toy be in there Cat?!" Jade screamed at the redhead, as she saw her clutching a purple giraffe.

"Leave it Jade." Beck said back quickly, rounding up everyone into the safe tunnel.

Once everyone was inside, Beck was in the safe tunnel, trying to close the metal door. "There's a green gas filling the bedroom." He yelled, eventually pulling it shut and shuffling backwards along the tunnel and into the safe.

Now they were trapped. No way out. They're eyes all darted around the room to search for something, anything, a crevice, a seal, but the walls are a dull surface. There was no door, there were no odours and the blackness was absolute, not a trace of light anywhere. Their prison was a perfect cube, the corners just reachable if arms were extend like a starfish. However, trapped in this room was a better fate than being stuck out there with the potentially deadly green gas.

"We'll be okay." Robbie said calmly. "The TV said 'radioactive' the most dangerous radioactive particles are Alpha, and they wouldn't be able to pass though the safe due to-."

"Now is not the time for a science lesson Robbie!" Tori snapped, silencing the boy.

"Do you think it's deadly?" Cat whimpered, pulling her stuffed giraffe close to her body and pulling her knees to her chest against the corner of the room.

"From the sense of urgency from the TV, I'd say probably." Andre gulped honestly.

"Maybe it'll turn people into zombies or something." Jade laughed manically.

"That's not funny." Cat mumbled. "You could be right."

Jade's face dropped, realising that the red-head was right. This was the perfect situation for an apocalypse.

"Maybe there's something on the internet." Robbie suggested, pulling out his Pear Phone and clicking on the news app. "Nope, nothing."

"Try again in about an hour." Andre spoke up. "There probably hasn't been time for people to write up reports yet."

"I'm scared." Cat cried, hugging her giraffe closer to her.

"We all are Cat." Tori said shakily, rubbing the small girl's back. "But we'll be okay."