Ah, so we find ourselves once again watching Peter Parker be a victim to bullying. It's a beautiful day, really. The sun is shining, birds are singing, and best of all, Peter didn't have to walk to school.

It is a beautiful day, at least it was, before Flash came along and ruined everything. It was not unlike a rain cloud ruining a picnic.

Anyway, Flash came along, as he does, and watched as Peter got out of a car. His eyes narrowed as he saw the car. It was not a standard, somewhat affordable car. It was one of the cars that you look at and go,'yeah, I wish.'

As it is to be expected (or not), Peter was being dropped off in one of Tony Stark's cars. By Tony Stark himself.


Peter got out of the car, and Tony rolled down the widow.

"Don't forget, picking you up. Have a good day, bye!" Tony zoomed off rather abruptly, and Peter waved glumly at the settling pile of dust and leaves.

"What'd you have to do to get him to agree to that?" growled Flash, approaching from behind.

Peter frowned ad sighed. "Bug off, Flash. Just leave me alone." Flash snorted and stalked off, not planning to do anything of the sort, but satisfied enough to leave it for the moment.

Peter shook his head and walked into the school, already dreading school and the hours to follow.

Meanwhile, at a very secret, utmost important meeting of the Avengers & Family

Tony walked into the room, taking his sunglasses off and sitting in one of the vacant seats. "So, I dropped the kid off. How are we gonna make the other one regret that he exists?" He asked with a smirk.

Natasha sat forward in her seat and folded her hands in front of her. "I am so glad you asked. So, we've got several ways we could do this..."

Pietro and Tony both interrupted.

Tony waved his hands dramatically and proposed another way, before one was even stated. "Or we could just, ya know, improvise? I'm not too big on this planning idea. Got it? Sweet, let's go!"

Tony walked back to his car and both Steve and Bucky decided to ride with him.

Eventually, with much hassle and arguments, the whole squad got to the school in one piece. They walked quickly inside the building and asked that both Peter and Flash be sent to the office.

Things were getting serious. The Avengers do not appreciate when their family is messed with.

In the classroom

The telephone rang and the teacher paused long enough to answer it. When she had hung up, she told Flash and Peter to head to the main office.

Flash, once both children had entered the hallway and the door was closed, hissed, "You jerk! Did you tell anyone? If you did, I swear..." His voice trailed off as he opened the door and saw the entire crew stuffed into school desks with his parents to the side, looking very intimidated.

If his life hadn't been flashing before his eyes, it would have been very comical. He might have even laughed. Not today.

"Some of us wanted to take a more violet approach," Stated Dr. Strange, glaring at Natasha and Bucky, "But those of us with more sense thought this was a more...tame response to what tragic event has befalled us."

The teacher hosting this 'event' nervously laughed. "Yes, yes. And what would that be?"

Sam spoke up from the back of the room. "Hey Pete, Where'd you get that nice shiner?"

Peter grimaced and timidly pointed at Flash.

Flash, in response, gaped and objected loudly. "No, that is not true! I have never hurt a soul!"

Pietro and Wanda stepped up next. "Do you really think that we wouldn't know how to detect a lie?" Wanda asked, her accent dripping in fake sweetness and red mist falling between her hands.

"And do you really think we would tolerate our comrade being hurt?" Pietro whispered, just loud enough so that Flash would hear it as he sped from one wall to the other.

"Let's not threaten students. We don't exactly do that here..." The chaperone nervously put in.

With crazed eyes, Tony set his gaze on the teacher. "No! No, you do not get a say in this. This monster has been beating up Peter for months, maybe years, and your idiot school didn't even realize it was happening underneath your noses. We just found out, and we are not happy. We have just barely agreed to let this kid leave this classroom with his skin intact, so you will let us say what we want to. You may think of us dramatic, but this is not any intern, this is my son. So, you stay quiet."

After that, the teacher didn't interrupt.

Natasha gracefully got up and stalked over to Flash. She casually cleaned a knife as she spoke. "I am quite fond of Peter. You know that right? I also have quite the kill count. In case your stupid head can't connect the dots, if you even freaking touch Peter I will have your head. Have a lovely day."

Most of the others nodded. Bucky wordlessly flexed his arm. Thor made it rain and thunder. T'Challa and Shuri showed off some impressive technology and Steve had a long speech about honor and such, with casual threats threaded in there. Steven Strange did some magic, and finally it was Tony's turn.

"Peter is my son. Not biologically, but that doesn't much matter to me. He honestly might as well be. It is by his will that I have not ruined your name and made all colleges refuse your applications. It is by his will that I have not blown your body to bits. It is by his will that you still have a school that will accept you. It sounds like Peter has done a lot. He deserves and apology, and a thank you, am I right?"

Unwillingly, Flash muttered a thank you and that he was sorry.

Tony smiled, though it did not reach his eyes. "Under different circumstances, I would make you say it louder, so that he could actually hear it, but we have some ice cream in the car that I don't want to melt. So, we will be leaving. Come along, Peter."

Flash never touched Peter again. It was pretty nice. So was having a family to lean on. Especially when that family is a bunch of superheroes who love you to death.

Sorry for the wait! Like the finale? What should I write next? Tell me in a review or go and answer my poll on my page! -MarvelCrazed