Updated: 10/5/2020

Happy Mothers Day!

This Chapter is for all the Mum's out there. Especially my Mum her has helped me so lot in my life.

Chapter .8.

July 21st 1998

"Good morning Remus", Dumbledore says as Remus answers the door

"What can I do for you Headmaster?" Remus asks leading him into the living room

"Who is it Remus?" Tonks calls from up the stairs

"It is only the Headmaster", Remus calls back

"Please call me Albus", Dumbledore says smiling

"Ok Albus. What can I do for you?" Remus asks curiously

"I was wondering what you are doing about work at the moment", Dumbledore asks taking a seat

"I can't seem to find a job because of my condition. Even now after the war", Remus replies

That's when Tonks comes down the stairs and sits beside Remus.

"I would like to offer you a job. It is up to you if you take it", Dumbledore replies

"What job?" Remus asks

"I would like to offer you the position of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher", Dumbledore says

"What about the curse on it?" Tonks asks

"I believe the curse died with Tom", Dumbledore replies

"But what about my condition?" Remus asks shocked

"I assure you that won't be a problem", Dumbledore says

"What about my wife and son?" Remus asks

"They can move in with you in your quarters in the castle", Dumbledore says his eyes twinkling.

Tonks squeals she couldn't believe it. She would be able to stay with Remus! And because she couldn't be an Auror at the moment this was great.

"Dora do you want this?" Remus asks her, wanting his wife's opinion.

"I want you to what this. This is great. With me on maternity leave we need the money", Tonks says

"I guess I will take the job", Remus says to Dumbledore.

Tonks squeals again and hugs Remus tight. Dumbledore chuckles.

"Well I guess I will add you to the payroll. Make sure you get started on those lesson plans", Dumbledore says

"When do we move in?" Remus asks

"How about the 27th of August?" Dumbledore asks

"Prefect. What about this place?" Tonks asks

"You can come here whenever you want. I will have the floo connected. Kingsley will have it done for you within a couple of days", Dumbledore says

"Thank you Albus. For giving me another chance", Remus says shaking Dumbledore's hand

"Now we have to talk about getting you the wolfsbane potion", Dumbledore says

"You don't have to worry. I have someone making me wolfsbane. Trust me they are good", Remus replies

"Ok now that is done I better be on my way. Enjoy the rest of your day you too", Dumbledore says as Remus leads them out

Once Dumbledore was out Tonks jumps up and hugs Remus tightly.

"You have a job! And it is something you always enjoyed", Tonks squeals

"I know. But what about the parents? I don't think they want a werewolf teaching their children", Remus says

"It will be alright. All parents would what a War Hero to teach their children. We better tell Harry and Ginny, Draco and Elena, Neville and Luna", Tonks says

"Didn't they invite us to dinner tonight?" Remus asks

"Yes they did. We will tell them then", Tonks replies

Ginny, Harry, Severus and the Quintuplets were at the local shop stocking up on supplies for their big dinner tonight. The rest of the family were at home. They had been in hiding for over a week now so they were low on supplies and with heaps of children they needed more food. When they overheard a couple with a baby talking.

"I like the town. All we need is to find a house", the woman says

That's when the baby levitates it's binky to her. Harry and Ginny look at each other. That baby was magical.

"Excuse me", Ginny says walking over to them

"Yes?" the man asks

"We just heard you are looking for a house. We just happen to have a couple of houses we are looking to rent out", Harry says

"Really?" the woman asks

"Yes. Here is our address we will tell you everything when you get there", Harry says

"Thank you", the woman says

"Don't worry about it", Ginny replies smiling, "I am Ginny by the way"

"I am Harry", Harry says introducing himself.
"I am John and this is my wife Leanne and daughter Chole", John says introducing his family.
"You have such adorable children", Leanne says smiling at the six babies.
"Thank you. They light up our lives", Ginny replies

"So does Chole with us", Leanne replies smiling

"We will see you in a few hours", Harry says to them smiling.

They soon leave and head home once home they put Severus, Asriel, Septimus, Faith, Hope and Grace in their cribs and then they talk about what happened.

"They are Muggles. Their child is Muggle-Born", Harry says

"I hope they come", Ginny replies, "We can help them understand. All Muggle-Born family should be told early"

"Who is coming Mummy?" Venus asks

"A nice couple we met. Their baby is magical", Ginny replies

"So you are going to tell them like you did us", Venice says

"Right", Harry says

"You will be playing with Aunt Bella, Aunt Sarai, Uncle Tom, Aunt Julie and Uncle Edward and their children", Ginny says

2 hours later there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it", Harry says as Ginny puts Severus and the quintuplets on the mat with some toys

Harry opens the door to find the couple with the baby from the supermarket waiting for him.

"Come on in. We have a lot to talk about", Harry says inviting them in and showing them into the living room

"I am Harry by the way and this is my soon to be wife Ginny. And our 3 week old Severus and 4 month old Thalia", Harry says introducing them

"Thanks for inviting us. Chloe is six months old by the way", John says

John had black hair and brown eyes. Leanne has red hair and green eyes. Chloe had red hair and they couldn't see her eyes.

"Pleasure to meet you both", Ginny says smiling, "Why don't you put Chloe on the play mat with Severus and the others?"

"Sure. We can talk about this house", Leanne says putting Chloe on the mat next to Severus, Asriel, Septimus, Faith, Hope and Grace.

"And other things", Harry mutters too low for them to hear

"What our your babies names? Sextuplets?" Leanne asks

"No Quintuplets and hopefully an adoption. Their names are Asriel, Septimus, Faith, Hope and Grace", Ginny replies pointing at each children

"As I said they are adorable. So this is your house?" Leanne asks

"Yes. Well it is our Mansion. We moved in a week ago. Harry built this mansion as well as other ones", Ginny replies

"That must off cost a fortune", John comments

"I inherited my families wealth", Harry replies

"So you own the other houses?" John asks

"I own 10 altogether. I gave one of them to one of my best friends, another to one of my friends and another to one of my friends. They moved in this weekend", Harry replies

That's when Chloe does another piece of magic and both John and Leanne gasp in shock.

"Has Chloe ever done anything like that before?" Harry asks not looking shocked.

"Yes. But we can't explain it", Leanne says

"We can", Harry says gently

"What your daughter is doing is magic", Ginny says gently

"What?" Leanne stutters

"Magic is not real", John says

"It is very real Ginny is a Witch and I am a Wizard", Harry says

"Prove it", John says

"This is not what we actually look like. We are in hiding at the moment. This is what we look like", Harry says as Ginny and himself take of the glamour revealing their true selves.

Both Leanne and John gasp as their appearance changes.

"Expecto Patronum!" Harry says

"Expecto Patronum!" Ginny says

A silver Stag and silver Doe bound around the room. Making Leanne and John gasp.

"Magic is real", Leanne gasps

"It is very real", Harry says

"So Chloe is?" John says

"Chloe is a Muggle-Born witch", Harry replies

"Muggle?" John asks confused

"What's a Muggle?" Leanne asks

"A Muggle is anyone who doesn't pose magic", Ginny explains

"There are 4 types of wizards and witches. Muggle-Born is when you come from none magical parents. Half-Blood is where you have a little Muggle blood in you but also a bit of magical blood. Pure-Blood is all your family is magical. And lastly a Squib is where you have magical parents but don't possess any magic. Basically the opposite of the Muggle-Born", Harry explains

"What are you?" John asks curiously

"I am Half-blood and Ginny is Pure-blood", Harry replies

"You said before you were in hiding why are you in hiding?" John asks

"We are hiding because of Severus. Severus is not actually our child. We are adopting him. But if it came out that Severus was a baby and he didn't have a guardian. There would be big trouble", Harry explains

"Can you tell us more about the wizard world?" Leanne asks

So Harry and Ginny spend the next 2 hours explaining as much as they could about the Wizarding would including the Wizarding Wars. And Harry's past. Ginny's past. An hour into the story Draco, Elena and the children turn up and tell their story too. Then Neville and Luna turn up with their kids.

"You have been through so much", Leanne says with compassion

"I know", Harry replies

"So Severus was actually a wizard that turned himself into a baby?" John asks

"Yes", Ginny replies

"So your friends that moved in are wizard's too?" Leanne asks

"I am a wizard and Elena is a witch", Draco confirms

"I am a wizard", Neville confirms

"I am a witch", Luna says

"Remus is a wizard, Tonks is a witch and their son Teddy who is 3 months old is also a wizard", Ginny explains

"Remus is also a werewolf. But you have nothing to fear he will never harm people. There is a potion that allows them to keep their mind during the transformation. And they are only like it once a month", Harry replies

"Thanks for telling us. We won't judge him. If you say he is safe then it's fine by me", Leanne says

"You can meet them tonight if you want they are coming for dinner", Ginny says

"I think we can do that", Leanne says looking at John who nods

"What names are you going under so we don't give you away?" Leanne asks kindly

"Gina and Scott Rettop", Ginny replies, "And Severus is Sam"

"Darren Meadows", Draco replies

"Ellie Carter", Elena tells them

"Nathen Long and Lily Laurel", Neville replies

"Would you like to see the houses? Then if you want to stay you can choose the one you like", Harry says

"I think we will stay. We will need help with Chloe being a witch. And it would be better if we have more knowledge of the Magical World. So we will look at the houses", Leanne replies

"Great. Let's go and have a look", Harry says standing up and grabbing his cane

"What about Chloe?" Leanne asks

"It looks like they all are sleeping. You can leave Chloe in Elena, Luna and my care while Harry takes you out", Ginny replies

"I am staying too. So they will be fine", Draco assures them

"I am also staying", Neville says

"Thanks. Well let's have a look at these houses", John says helping Leanne up

Harry re-puts on his disguise and he leads them to the first house.

"This house has xx bedrooms on the Second floor. xx bathrooms. xx bedrooms on the first floor. A living room. A play room. An office. A dining room. A kitchen and a laundry room in the basement", Harry says as he leads them into the house, "This one is next to Remus and Tonks house"

He shows them the house before leading them to the one next to his.

"This one has xx bedrooms on the second floor. xx on the first floor. xx bathrooms. A living room. A play room. An office. A dining room. A big kitchen and the laundry in the basement", Harry explains walking them through the house

"I like this one. But let's see the other houses first before we make a decision", Leanne asks

"How many more to go?" John asks

"Not many", Harry replies leading them to the next one

This one was next to Remus's house on the other side.

"This one has xx bedrooms, xx bathrooms, a living room, a play room, an office, a dining room, a medium size kitchen and the laundry in the basement", Harry says walking them through the house

They then go to the next.

"This one has xx bedrooms, xx bathroom, a living room, an office, a dining room, a kitchen and the laundry is in the basement", Harry explains showing them the house

"This is a little small for me", Leanne says

"I know. This is defiantly not for us", John says

"This next house has xx rooms, xx bathrooms, a living room, a play room, an office, a dinning room, A big Kitchen. a laundry room is on this floor too and this house has a basement.

"This house is not for us", Leanne says

"I have to agree with you", John says

"To the final house then", Harry says leading them to the final house, "This house has 10 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a living room, play room, an office, a dining room, A big kitchen and a laundry room in the basement"

"I think we will go for house number 25", Leanne says

"Excellent. When do you think you can move in?" Harry asks as they walk back to his house

"Next week. It will give us time to back", John says

"Ok. Here are the keys", Harry says handing them over

"But we haven't paid you yet", John says

"I am giving you the house", Harry says smiling

"This is way too much. It is a mansion. We insist on paying you", Leanne replies as John tries to give the keys back.

"Don't worry. I have plenty of money. I don't need yours. I am not accepting the keys back", Harry explains

"If you're sure then", Leanne says still looking unsure

"Remus, Draco, Neville and I will help you un-pack when you get here", Harry offers

"Thanks that will be a big help", Leanne says thanking him

"Not a problem", Harry says letting them back in his house and taking off his disguise.

They make their way into the living room to find no one there.

"Ginny?" Harry calls

"In the kitchen love", she calls back

Harry shows them all into the kitchen where Ginny and Elena were cooking up a storm.

"Where is Chloe?" Leanne asks

"I put her in Grace's crib with her and Severus and my other babies in the cribs upstairs they are sleeping peacefully. I have a monitor on the counter there. What house did they take?", Ginny says pointing to the monitor

"They took house number 25", Harry says, "Where are Draco and Neville?"

"In the basement garden playing with everyone", Ginny replies

Soon all babies begin to cry signalling that they were hungry both Ginny and Leanne go up the stairs to feed and change all seven babies.

It was 5 when the doorbell rings.

"Who is it?" Harry calls

"It's Remus and Dora", Remus calls

Harry quickly opens the door and lets them in.

"Prefect timing dinner is almost ready. By the way we have guests", Harry says to both of them

"Who?" Tonks asks Teddy in her arms

"A couple we meet today who were looking for a house. Their baby is magical so we offered them a house", Harry explains

"That was very nice of you Harry but are you sure?" Remus asks

"I am", Harry says firmly leading them into the dining room where the others were waiting

"Hi I am Remus Lupin and this is my wife Nymphadora Tonks but call her Dora or Tonks", Remus says introducing them

"I hate my first name", Tonks says

"What's the name of your baby?" Leanne asks

"This is Teddy who is 3 months old", Tonks replies

"Who are you?" Remus asks

"I am John Dixon this is my wife Leanne and our daughter Chloe Sarah. She is 6 months old", John says introducing his family

"It's a pleasure to meet you", Tonks says taking a seat

"We have told them most about the Wizarding World. Including your furry little problem", Harry says smirking.

Remus looks at him surprised.

"We don't mind. Harry explained it to us. We don't hold it against you", Leanne says

"Thank you. Not most people do", Remus says

"Dinner is ready", Ginny says coming into the dining room levitating a couple of plates of food

Everyone comes up from downstairs and introduce themselves to Leanne and John. Leanne and John were surprised with how many kids had rushed in.

"It looks good", Leanne says as her plate is put in front of her

"Thanks. My mother taught me to cook", Ginny replies

"So did mine", Elena says sitting down next to Draco to eat

"How big is your family Ginny?" Leanne asks curious as they eat

"I have 6 brothers. I am the Seventh in the family", Ginny replies

"All of them are wizards?" John asks

"Yes", Ginny replies

"Ginny's youngest brother Ron is my friend", Harry says

"Do you have any other friends?" Leanne asks

"My other friend is Hermione she is a Muggle-Born witch, Neville here is more of a best friend and so is his girlfriend Luna. Draco coming to be a best friend with Elena. And there are a couple of others", Harry replies

"Hermione is the brightest witch of her age. That she always tells everyone", Ginny adds

"Gets rather annoying that", Draco comments helping Jason to eat

"She needs to learn to let other people have a turn", Elena says feeding Zinnia who was 1-year-old

"She has helped me. But she goes out of the way to be perfect", Neville says

"She should have been in Ravenclaw", Luna comments

"Ron and Hermione are together", Harry says

"I hope we get a chance to meet all of them", Leanne says

"I am sure you will", Harry replies

"So where again will Chloe go to school?" John asks

"She will go to Hogwarts. She will get a letter sometime after her 11th birthday", Harry replies

"What date was she born on?" Ginny asks

"February 23rd 1998", Leanne replies, "Yours?"

"March 1st 1998 for Asriel, Septimus, Faith, Hope and Grace and July 1st 1998 for Severus", Ginny replies, "And the sextuplets June 21st..."

"July 7th 1994", Elena replies

"April 20th 1998", Tonks replies

"Looks like our children will all go to school together", Remus muses

"I hope they don't get up to any mischief", Ginny says smiling

"I think they will be the new Marauders", Harry states smiling.

"Please no. We know how back your Father and Sirius were", Ginny states

"By the way Albus came by our house today", Remus says smiling

"Who's Albus?" John asks

"He is the Headmaster of Hogwarts", Ginny explains

"What did he want? To meddle again" Harry asks

"He gave me the job of Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor", Remus says smiling

"Congratulations!" Ginny and Harry exclaims

"You will make a great teacher. I never told you but you are the best we have had", Draco says

"I agree", Elena says

"So do we", Neville and Luna say

"Is Defence Against the Dark Arts a subject at Hogwarts?" Leanne asks curiously

"Yes", Tonks replies

"What other subjects are there?" John asks

"There is Charms", Tonks says

"Astronomy", Ginny says

"Transfiguration. That's where you transform something into another", Harry says

"Herbology", Neville says

"History of Magic. Which is a bit pointless with the teacher that teachers it. The Headmaster should now more then ever get a living teacher", Ginny says

"Potions", Tonks says

"Those are the main subjects. Then we have subjects that are taught from year 3 on", Remus explains

"Like what?" Leanne asks interested

"Muggle Studies", Elena says

"Divination. Which is pointless", Harry says

"Ancient Runes", Ginny says

"Arithmancy", Draco says

"Care of Magical Creatures", Luna says lastly

"They all sound interesting. I wish we could have gone", Leanne says

"I am sure we can show you the castle. That's when Ginny and I our out of hiding", Harry says with a chuckle

"Thank you", Leanne says, "Do they have examines?"

"Yes. In 5th and 7th year are the major ones. 5th year is Ordinary Wizarding Levels or O.W.L.S. Year 7 is Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests or N.E.W.T.S", Harry explains

"Such lovely names", John says sarcastically

"Yeh they need to come up with new names", Ginny agrees

"How many floors is the castle?" John asks

"7 floors, a ground floor. Sub levels and Dungeons. Plus 6 towers. Gryffindor Tower, Ravenclaw Tower, Astronomy Tower, Headmaster office and Residence, North Tower, and West Tower", Remus replies, "Plus the large grounds and Herbology greenhouses"

"It sounds pretty big. I bet kids get lost", Leanne says

"Once you have been around it a couple of times you don't get lost", Harry replies

"Where do they sleep?" John asks

"There are 4 houses you can get sorted in when you are 11. They are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Each common room as a girls wing and a boys wing. The boys are not allowed in the girl's wing", Harry explains

"What's different about the houses?" John asks

"Gryffindor's have people that of brave, courage, daring, valiant, nerve and chivalry. There symbol is the lion and the house colours are gold and scarlet. Ravenclaw have people with intelligence, wit, wisdom, creativity, originality and individuality. There symbol is the eagle and the house colours are bronze and blue. Hufflepuff's have people: loyalty, dedication, hard work, fair play, patience, kindness, tolerance, helpfulness, and unafraid of toil. There symbol is a badger and the house colours and black and yellow. Slytherin's have people: traditionalism, resourcefulness, cunning, ambition, leadership qualities, self-preservation, determination, and intelligence. There symbol is a Serpent and the house colours are green and silver. Slytherin has manly produced dark wizards", Harry explains

"What houses were you all in?" Leanne asks

"Gryffindor", Harry says

"Gryffindor", Ginny says

"Gryffindor", Remus says

"Hufflepuff", Tonks says

"Slytherin", Draco says

"Gryffindor", Elena says

"Gryffindor", Neville says

"Ravenclaw", Luna says

"Slytherin", Bellatrix says

"Severus was in Slytherin", Harry adds

"What about your friends?" Leanne asks

"Gryffindor manly", Harry replies

"What houses were your parents and godfather in?" John asks

"Gryffindor for all of them", Harry replies

When they were done with dinner and Ginny bought out dessert.

"So everything ready for the wedding?" Tonks asks Ginny

"Are you getting married?" Leanne asks Ginny

"Yes. And Tonks everything is ready", Ginny replies to both

"When are you getting married?" Leanne asks

"This Saturday. The sooner the better", Harry replies

"Congratulations!" Leanne says

"Thanks. After we are married we can adopt Severus and the others here", Ginny says tickling Venus who giggles

"I hope you win. How long have you had them for?" Leanne asks

"8 days for Severus and a couple of days for everyone else we already think of them like our children", Harry replies

"So little time. Are you sure?" John asks

"Yes we are sure. We want them to be our children", Ginny says firmly

"Really Mummy?" Ella, Emma, Eric, Ericka, Ever and Everest ask

"Really my babies", Ginny says hugging the sextuplets

The others hug her and Harry too.

"Finally have a real home?" Venice says

"Yes you will", Harry says firmly

"We are adopting you 5 too. Your stuck with us", Neville says to his and Luna's 5

Nicholas, Namoi, Deziree, Laura, Jason and Zinnia look at Draco and Elena. So do the others.

"We haven't forgotten about you. We are blood adopting you all when we go to Gringotts next", Draco says hugging the Jason

"Daddy", Jason says

"Mummy", Zinnia says

Elena and Draco hug them tightly at their first words to them.

"This was such a lovely meal. But we better get going we have a long drive", Leanne says getting up

Leanne goes over to the play pen and picks up Chloe.

"Coo", Chloe says waving her little fists

"Coo", Asriel, Septimus, Faith, Hope and Grace say

"Coo" Teddy cooed back

"Teddy's first sound!", Tonks squeals

"Congratulations. but we better get going", Leanne says

"We will see you next week. Here is our number ring when you come here", Harry replies handing them their number

"Thanks. We will see you next week", John says as they leave the house

Soon after they leave Tonks and Remus return home and so do Draco, Elena, Neville, Luna and the children. Soon Ginny and Harry were alone and the babies were in their cribs and the dishes where down and everything was cleaned up. And children in beds.

"What a day", Harry says sitting down with a sigh once the kids all in bed

"It has been interesting", Ginny agrees sitting down on his lap.

He grunts and wraps his arms around her waist pulling her to him.

"We made a couple of new friends. And their daughter will be going to Hogwarts the same time as the Quintuplets, Teddy and Severus", Harry says

"That will be interesting", Ginny replies

"I bet it will", Harry says yawning

"Let's go to bed and get some rest before our darling babies wake us up", Ginny says getting of his lap and grabbing his hand

"Let's we still have a busy week", Harry replies as they go to bed

Soon they were both asleep. Hoping that tomorrow will not be a busy day…

Author's Note: What do you think? Please Review:)