Chapter 2
Sirius was dead. Killed by Rabastan Lestrange in the Department of Mysteries due to a curse sending him through the Veil of Death. Hadrian truly wasn't sure how to take the news. Truthfully he was more disappointed then sad, it had been a thousand years since he had seen Sirius and truthfully he hadn't actually known the man, not truly, he'd simply represented what he had always wanted when he was simply Harry Potter. Family.
'Always and forever' he couldn't help but remember the vow they had all made when they were little more then children. Family was still important to him, and he did love his siblings, but Hadrian wasn't Elijah and he had given up on that vow a long time ago. He was disappointed that he hadn't been able to help Sirius, get him out of Azkaban and give a chance to actually enjoy life, and to truly get to know the man for who he was, just not for what he used to represent to him.
He would make sure that the world knew the truth about Sirius, it the least he could do, ensure that he would at least be remembered as an innocent man, as opposed to the Death Eater most believed him to be.
Hadrian looked around at the gathered members of the Order within the great hall of Hogwarts. With Sirius' death the wards around Grimmauld Place were disabled until a new Lord Black could reactivate them and so the Order was now present at Hogwarts.
The Order of the Pheonix that was gathered around held a somber atmosphere. Despite the battle at the Ministry being a victory and the Minister himself having witnessed Voldemort, it did not feel like a victory to the assembled people. Tonks was sniffing quietly in the corner of the room, while Remus was looking tired and worn out in a way that had nothing to do with the upcoming full moon, and the Weasleys all seemed to be shocked into silence by what had happened. The only person who appeared unbothered by what had happened was Snape. Hadrian resisted the urge to snarl at the man, he was a weasel and a coward, nothing more, and during this meeting he would find out the truth about the man's loyalties.
'These are not soldiers, never mind warriors,' Hadrian couldn't but think to himself. Of all the people gathered only Moody and Kingsley, and possibly Remus could be considered veterans. Hadrian stood before the group of people but before he could say a word someone interrupted him.
"Are you truly Harry?" The question comes from Remus, though from the way everyone looks at him he can tell that the werewolf is not the only person wondering about that.
"I am." Albus had given them a somewhat edited version of how Harry Potter had become Hadrian Mikaelson but it was clear that they were still skeptical about it.
"And how can you prove it?" That question came from Moody was glaring at him suspiciously. Hadrian didn't blame the suspicion, especially considering who he was. The Originals may not be common knowledge in the Wizarding world but they were hardly a secret either and while they had all rarely interacted with the Wizarding World since the Statue of Secrecy was implemented, there were still rumours and horror stories, most of which were true that surrounded his family. They had every right to distrust him, but he cared not at all about their distrust.
Rather then answer Hadrian focused on the Potter family magic, summoning the lordship ring. Raising his hand he displayed the Potter ring to the gathered witches and wizards. The gathered magicals all nodded in acceptance, most of them were either pure or half bloods and knew that only the head of the failure could summon and wear the lordship rings. There were dangerous repercussions for someone wearing such rings if they weren't head of the family.
"Now that your doubts have been removed I'll move onto why I've gathered you all here. We've dealt Voldemort a blow to be sure, but he has had an entire year to build up his forces and the loss of his inner circle is but a minor setback at best." He informed the group but before he could continue he was yet again interrupted, this time by a snide and condescending voice.
"And what, pray tell, do you intent to do about it?" Snape spoke in the most insulting and demeaning voice possible, eagerly awaiting for the temper tantrum that the boy would show. He didn't care what Albus, or anyone else said, he was the same spoilt brat he had been a week ago and he honestly refused to believe that this boy had truly bested the dark lord.
"I am getting to that Severus." Snape thought himself smart and cunning but in truth Hadrian was already planning to use his death as a means to send Voldemort a message, preferably with the destroyed remains of all his Horcruxes. "The only way to maintain our current advantage is if we go on the offensive. In a weeks time we will attack in groups of four against manors that all belong to families that serve Voldemort. I will be leading one of those groups, along with Moody, Shacklebolt, and Lupin leading the other three." The members of the Order all looked surprised but definitely excited to finally be going on the offensive for once. "Shacklebolt can you arrange a meeting with me and Amelia Bones?" He asked the dark skinned wizard.
"I should be able to but may I ask why?"
"Amelia Bones is not only the head of the DMLE but is incorruptible and has ample reason to despise Voldemort. We need her as an ally, or at the very least not as an enemy." He answered the man.
"How do you actually intend to locate these manors Potter?" Snape demanded causing more then a few people to send him looks of annoyance at his interruptions.
"Severus." Albus warned the man. "That is enough."
"Come now headmaster. This boy dares claim to be in charge, sets us up on suicide missions and he doesn't even tell how he will get this information." Snape snapped with the intention on sowing discord and mistrust among the Order. "Especially with his blunder at the Ministry, leading to Black's death." Snape wasn't quite able to keep the amusement out of his voice at the irony. Potter had rushed to the Ministry with the intention on saving his 'dogfather' and ended up causing the man's death.
"My ability to lead this group isn't the issue Snape, it's your loyalty." Hadrian spoke dangerously while the members of the Order looked back and forth between the two of them.
"My loyalty, you dare quest-"
"I dare question, because I don't trust you. It took me and my friends over three hours to travel from Hogwarts to the London. You knew what we were going to do, I informed you and yet you did nothing to inform the Order, only telling them at the last minute where they only just managed to arrive in time to stop my friends from being executed."
Everyone was now looking at Snape with suspicion, causing him to resist the urge to gulp as he realised the position he just found himself in. Yes Snape had not only delayed in informing the order about not only the Death Eaters presence in the Department of Mysteries but also the fact that Potter and his friends were heading into an obvious trap, but that fact had been overlooked by the Order considering the urgency of the situation, and now Potter had reminded everyone of it.
Walking towards Snape Hadrian stared straight at him. Looking into the man's eyes he used his compulsion. "Did you purposely delay in informing the Order about what was happening at the Ministry?" He compelled.
"So the Dark Lord would kill you."
"Where does your allegiance lie?" Although he was pretty sure everyone had already worked that out.
"I serve the dark lord." There were more then a few mutterings of traitor from various Order members as they all glared at Snape. "When I learnt that he was targeting you my life debt to your father forced me to aid him."
"Why do you serve Voldemort?"
"So that muggles and obnoxious mudbloods can be put in their place."
"You hate muggles and muggleborns yet you were friends with my mother." Hadrian stated, feeling a small twinge of curiosity.
"If it wasn't for your father she would have been have been mine. The dark lord promised me that he would kill you and your filthy father and she would be given to me." Hadrian was slightly disturbed that even through his compulsion, Snape's hatred for anything Potter along with his desire and obsession for his mother was obvious.
Every member of the Order was openly looking at Snape with disgust as Hadrian ended his compulsion, a look of confusion and then terror crossing his features as he realised what he had been forced to reveal to the entire Order.
"My father was a hundred times the man you are, and you were to much of a pathetic weasel to ever have had a chance with my mother." Hadrian stated as he grabbed Snape by the neck lifting him into the air. "And now that I know where your loyalties lie, I have no reason to keep you alive." He spoke quietly yet his voice still traveled, and everyone watched with conflicted feelings. While no one actually liked Snape, especially now that they knew that he was loyal to Voldemort many of them felt that death was taking things a bit far.
"Albus... please." Snape managed to choke out, looking at the headmaster for support but all he found was a steel like expression showing neither mercy or pity.
"I gave you a second chance Severus, and you foolishly wasted it. You shall not have a third." The man speaking was not the lovable and kind headmaster that everyone knew but instead the man who had defeated Grindelward and had been the only one Voldemort had ever feared.
With a flick of his wrist he snapped Snape's neck, letting his body fall to the floor. He would have preferred to take much longer making Snape suffer but considering the nature of the Order, torture may very well have alienated the lot of them, and while he was capable of handling Voldemort on his own, having the Order assist him would be beneficial.
"Did you really need to kill him?" A voice asked, drawing everyone attention. Looking at the far end of the table he saw a woman who appeared to be in her late twenties. He had seen her several times at Grimmauld Place, but he couldn't quite recall her name.
"How many people do you think have died because of Snape's actions? How many more would have died if I hadn't killed him?" No one could answer his question. "No longer will we be stunning our opponents, if you prefer to capture your enemies so be it, I won't stop you but when it comes to Voldemort and his inner circle we aim to kill, not capture because they deserve no mercy."
- Line Break -
Hadrian walked through the streets in Diagon Alley, paying no mind to the way people looked at him as he passed them. It had only been four days since the confrontation with Voldemort in the Ministry and already the people were looking at him as some kind of savior. Considering only a matter of days ago the prophet was presenting him as a liar and a degenerate, and several centuries back the ministry had organised a vampire hunt it amused him to say the least.
Although the ministry had been very eager to keep the fact that the boy who lived was now a vampire from the public, they had claimed that he had undergone a rare form of magical inheritance that not only gave him the appearance of being older and gave him a power boost to fight the dark lord. Complete and utter bullshit but much easier to believe then the reality, and though Hadrian preferred working from the shadows he wasn't blind to the benefits of propaganda.
He wondered just how many of these shopkeepers and mindless customers would send him those hopeful looks if they knew just who and what he really was. It was an amusing thought, really the people of wizarding Britain were very disappointing, and it wasn't just the people. To say Britain was behind the times was like saying there was a lot of people living in China, a massive understatement. The wizarding world of Britain was one of the most dated countries in Europe, if not the world.
Not just in their views on supernatural creatures and blood purity but in their very culture and beliefs, although it was an improvement from before the fall of Grindelwald. Back then muggle hunting had actually been legal and it was only after Dumbledore used his political power to push for some reforms that made such despicable laws illegal.
Britain wasn't as bad as some countries such as Russia or Bulgaria but it was a far cry from the likes of France, Germany or America, which unlike its muggle counterpart for the later had long been a symbol of equality for supernatural creatures everywhere. Truthfully if Britain didn't shape itself up it was going to face a revolution from either the muggleborns or the countless magical creatures they discriminated against and it would be a deadly one.
Hadrian continued on his way to the bank, giving a nod of respect the guards standing outside the entrance, causing them to blink in surprise at the nod of respect given to them from what they assumed was a mere wizard. Goblins were not people to be trifled with, a vicious and bloodthirsty warrior like people who only respected strength and power, only a fool didn't show them the respect they deserved, and those that didn't suffered for it. 'And the wizards actually believe that they won the goblin rebellions,' He thought with a scoff.
Hadrian remembered the goblin rebellions, and not a single one was started by the goblins. The goblins had controlled the finances of the wizarding world for the better part of a millennia, but not many wizards liked that fact. Every rebellion was a result of the wizards trying to retake control over their economy, but as soon as they started the fight the goblins always seized the assets of the wizards, leaving them penniless and without the gold to fund the rebellions they quickly withered and died.
His family had a very close relationship with the various Gringotts branches around the world. After being forced more then once to leave behind all their possessions when Mikael found them the Gringotts bank had provided them with a secure place to store their wealth. Although over the last few decades he suspected that Elijah and Klaus had started removing large bulks of their assets and transferring them to various muggle accounts across the world. Hadrian understood their logic but he still kept the bulk of his own assets at Gringotts, very few banks possessed the same efficiency as Gringotts.
Hadrian walked straight through the bank, heading towards the teller at the far end of the room. "Please direct me to account manager Sharpfang." He politely told the goblin who hadn't even looked up from his work, if he had he would have thought twice about the scathing remark that he sent back.
"Sharpfang only deals with a very select group of customers human, now get out before I have the guards throw you out."
Hadrian said nothing, he simply grabbed the goblin by the back of its head and slammed it in the table, a loud snapping sound filling the bank as the goblins overly large nose was broken. The goblin glared angrily and was about to call the guards when Hadrian spoke softly, but dangerously in the harsh language of Gobbledegook. "Now listen and listen well." He warned the goblin. "I am the owner of the account that Sharpfang manages and unless you want to be the one to inform not only him but High King Ragnok, why the Mikaelson account will be closing then you will take me to him this instant." He warned the goblin, showing his fangs for good measure, causing the goblin to tremble in fear. The Mikaelson accounts were some of the largest that Gringotts managed and if he was responsible for even a single one of those accounts being closed then King Ragnok would make him pay in ways that he couldn't even imagine and that wasn't even taking into account what said Mikaelson would do to him.
"Of course, my apologies." He spoke, going into his native tongue in fear. "If you will follow me." He said reverting back to English.
Hadrian simply nodded as he followed the goblin teller through various corridors until they reached Sharpfang's office.
"Sharpfang, may you enemes fall to your blades." Hadrian greeted his account manager as he took a seat at the desk opposite him.
"And may the blood of your enemies forever sustain you Hadrian." Sharpfang greeted in return. "Leave us." He ordered the goblin who leaved as fast as he could. "So what can I do for you Hadrian?"
"First of all I wish to claim the Black lordship and I would like an update on both the Potter accounts and my personal vault."
"Very well." Sharpfang stated as he turned to one of the goblin aids and sent him to collect the Black family ring. Withdrawing several pieces of parchment from his desk he handed to the Original.
Hadrian Mikaelson's account.
Vault 24:
32,754,260 Galleons.
17,450,721 Sickles
3,174,339 Knuts
Estimated value of miscellaneous contents: 12,500,000 G.
There was also a list of various properties he owned along with business investments in both the muggle and magical worlds. He briefly glanced through them, making a mental note to increase his holdings in various growing influential companies, especially one Kingmaker Land Development Inc. Hadrian would admit that Lucian Castle was dangerous, aside from the fact that he was the most powerful non-Original Vampire, he was also cunning with a ruthless intelligence.
Putting down his accounts he glanced at the Potter accounts. While he had claimed the Potter lordship nearly immediately after his father's death he had left their assets untouched to avoid attracting attention.
The Ancient and Noble house of Potter accounts.
Vault 31: Potter Family Vault.
8,245,741 G.
2,732,219 S.
652,871 K.
Estimated value of miscellaneous contents: 4,500,000
Vault 686: Potter Dowager Vault.
50,000 G.
25,000 S.
15,000 K.
Vault 687: Potter Trust Vault.
20,000 G.
10,000 S.
5,000 K.
Despite the Potter family's wealth most of their properties, such as Potter Manor, had been destroyed by Voldemort, and their business holdings were nearly nonexistent. 'Reformed' Death Eaters like Lucius Malfoy having done a very thorough job in buying out businesses that funded many light sighted families like the Potters. In fact the only reason their accounts were as large as they were was because of the Order of Merlin First Class, which also included 1 million galleons was gifted to both Lily and James Potter, while those Boy Who Lived novels and toys all provided large amounts of royalties to the Potter family vault.
"Any changes you would like done to your accounts?" Sharpfang questioned.
"First of all I would like Potter Manor to be restored to its former glory, with all costs taken out of the Potter vault." Hadrian stated. He had seen Potter Manor in its prime and it had truly been an impressive one, not to mention the Potters had long been a bloodline of warriors and mages, restoring his ancestral home was the least he could do.
"Potter Manor was destroyed to the very foundations, while its lands have fallen into disrepair." Sharpfang cautioned. "Restoring it to its former glory would make a large dent in the Potter vault. Rebuilding the manor would cost at least one and a half million galleons, not counting the magical protections."
"I can do the warding myself, and while it is certainly a lot of money it is by no means crippling." Hadrian stated.
"Very well. And your second request?" Sharpfang asked curiously, causing Hadrian to smirk.
"I want Gringotts to provide me with a list of every business and property of every single Death Eater that has an account within this bank." He requested, not quite able to hide his amusement at the anger his account manager showed at the request.
"And why should Gringotts comply with such a request?" Sharpfang demanded calmly, hiding his anger. "While you are a valued customer Mr Mikaelson, so are many Death Eaters, and their properties and businesses also add to our own revenues. Not to mention such an action will break our neutrality and force us into a war that we have no desire to get involved in."
"Because by the end of this week I will be meeting with Amelia Bones who has been all but confirmed as the next Minister for Magic. I will be providing her with a list of every single one of Voldemort's followers that I am aware of, after which she will likely move to seize the assets of every confirmed Death Eater. If Gringotts complies then I will ensure you can keep a portion of the gold for yourselves."
"I will bring your proposal to King Ragnok but I can't promise any results." Sharpfang stated after a pause of silence. "So Hadrian why are getting involved?"
"What do you mean?"
"You trust me with your wealth so don't insult my intelligence." Sharpfang snapped."You could have ended Voldemort from the shadows, instead you came forward and fought the dark lord in view of the entire ministry, not to mention you didn't bother yourself in the war against Grindelwald yet you do involve yourself with Voldemort. Why?"
Hadrian took a few moments before answering. "Before I got involved their were three fractions in this war. If Voldemort won then magical Britain would be become a recreation of Nazi Germany, and he would not have been content with merely Britain and he would have started another war, leading to Britain's destruction. If the Ministry won, unlikely but not impossible then their corruption and bigotry would have lead to the very collapse of their own society. If Dumbledore won then the same thing would happen, though it would have taken longer. Dumbledore is by nature a peaceful man, he doesn't have the will to do what needs to be done. As for why I'm getting involved, well Voldemort would have learnt about me eventually and done what he could to end me, I'm simply getting involved in a conflict that has always been around me. Not to mention my involvement has changed things, which can lead to potential."
"You wish to take control." Sharpfang stated.
"I'm content with the magical community of Britain being in my debt." Hadrian countered, not denying Sharpfang's words.
It was after he spoke that a goblin entered the office, carrying a large stack of papers that were likely records of the Black family accounts. "Finally." Sharpfang snarked at the aid who placed the pieces of parchment on the desk along with a small little box containing the Black lordship ring. "This is for you." Sharpfang stated handing him the box containing the lordship ring. Opening the box he gazed at the Black ring, noting its differences to the Potter ring. The Potter ring was made out of gold with a small ruby on it while the Black ring was platinum with an emerald instead of a ruby.
Placing the ring on his finger he could feel the Black family magics swirling around him, assessing whether or not he was both a member of the Black family and worthy of ruling it. Hadrian didn't need to fear the Black magics rejecting him, as an Original it wouldn't kill him, although it would hurt like a bitch. When they had stayed in Britain in the late 1400's Klaus had tried to steel the lordship of one the magical families, only for the family magics to reject, and torture him. It had been a very amusing experience.
Finally the magic deemed him worthy and Hadrian's mind was filled with the knowledge of the Black family's properties and the various wards protecting them.
Looking to Sharpfang Hadrian was surprised to see the goblin was literally trembling with rage. "What is it?" He questioned. Rather then reply Sharpfang merely thrust a piece of parchment to him
The Ancient and Noble house of Black
Vault 29: Black Family Vault
16,300 G.
788 S.
32 K.
Estimated value of miscellaneous contents: 12,000 G.
Vaults 603-6: Trust Vaults
Vault 603: 0 G.
Vault 604: 0 G.
Vault 605: 0 G.
Vault 606: 0 G.
Vault 607: Black Dowager Vault
0 G.
0 S.
0 K.
"This is not possible." Hadrian spoke in genuine shock. "The Blacks were one of, if not the richest family in the British Isles, what the hell happened?" He demanded.
"Lucius Malfoy." Sharpfang snarled as his nails scratched against the desk in anger. "Claiming that his brat of a son was the Black heir he has been removing massive amounts of gold from not just the Black vault but its trust and dowager vaults as well." Shaprfang may not have been the manager of the Black accounts but what that slimy excuse of a wizard had done was thievery and if there was one thing goblins hated above all others it was thieves.
"Well that certainly explains the legendary Malfoy wealth." Hadrian muttered under his breath. "Can anything be done?"
"Since Draco Malfoy was never the Black heir yes. In fact we can take everything they have as payment plus interest." Sharpfang stated with a large ruthless grin on his face which Hadrian matched.
"Leave them penniless."
"It will be my pleasure."
Taking into account the mood of his account manager Hadrian brought up the third reason he was at Gringotts. "Sharpfang, I need to speak to you about the vault of one Bellatrix Lestrange."
Four hours later Hadrian left Gringotts with the cup of Helga Hufflepuff in his hand. It hadn't been easy to convince the goblins to let him remove the cup from her vault because the simple fact was that they didn't care about a Horcrux being in their vault. But with Lucius Malfoy steeling from one of their largest vaults, the goblins had been far less willing to defend the vault of his sister in law. The fact that he had also donated several of his personal artifacts, along with a few goblin forged weapons from the Potter vault had also gone a long way in convincing them.
'The diary, ring, scar, and now I have the cup and I know where the diadem is. Only the snake and one left,' He thought to himself. The problem was finding the last one, he had no idea where, or even what it was.
- Line Break -
There were two people on this earth that he hated more then anyone. Kol and Hadrian Mikaelson, in fact he wasn't sure he could hate anyone as much as those two vampires and their pathetic rivalry with each other. He was Vladimir Dracula, also known as Vlad the Impaler and the infamous Count Dracula, regarded as one of the most feared vampires in not just Europe but the entire world, after all very few vampires held the same infamy that he himself did in not only the magical world but the muggle world as well.
Although he was not entirely fond of how muggle literature and movies were starting to present him but there was little he could actually do about that.
He wasn't the first Count Dracula, it was a title passed on through his family. A wizarding family that had ruled Romania in all but name for millennia, their knowledge and skill in the dark arts completely unrivaled. It was that infamy that had drawn Kol Mikaelson to his family in the first place. Despite his hatred for the Original Vladimir couldn't deny that he was exceptional in charming witches and wizards to do his bidding. In a matter of weeks his father was revealing to the man ancient spells and rituals only they knew of and he was certain that at least one of his three sisters had ended up sharing his bed as well. So it was no surprise that when Kol had asked his father to attack a group of wiccans that served Hadrian, his father had done so with little question, annihilating the lot of them.
That had started a year long war between the Dracula family and the Original Wizard. At first it didn't seem so bad, yes Hadrian Mikaelson had been powerful, with many allies and connections, but the same was true about Kol. And so the magical communities of Romania was locked into a war between two Original Vampires, until Kol got bored. Having learnt all that he could from his family, and bored with the conflict with his brother Kol later abandoned them in order to learn more about a group of shamans in Egypt who could manipulate the elements.
That was why he hated Kol Mikaelson, the man had gotten his family locked into a war and then later left them to the slaughter, because Hadrian had not followed Kol to Egypt like his family had thought. Not one week after Kol had left his family had found Hadrian sitting on his father's throne in his family's castle, all their servants and allies dead.
That was the day he vowed that he would kill Hadrian and Kol Mikaelson, but he knew it wasn't going to be easy. He was an old vampire certainly, but by no means ancient, there were many vampires walking the earth that were easily centuries older then him.
Hadrian had made his father beg for mercy, and Hadrian had said that he wouldn't kill them for a price. His father the fool that he was gladly accepted, still not realising even in that moment that the Mikaelsons didn't know the meaning of the word. Vladimir could not forget what had happened next, the Original walked up to him, and then forced his blood down his throat. Vladimir could still remember the fear he had felt as the Original wrapped his hands around his neck and then snapped it.
Subconsciously Vladimir couldn't help but twist his head, causing the bones in his neck to click.
Hadrian had not expected him to survive the transition, that was obvious. If Vladimir had been a wizard he wouldn't have survived, he knew that but it seemed as a squib he had been able to survive.
Hadrian had been pleased that he had managed to survive, Vladimir had heard about the Originals failures to successfully turn those with magic. Even though he didn't have magic he had still been part of a magical bloodline. He had tried to attack the Original, but as a newborn and consumed by anger it had been pathetically easy for the Original to overpower and then compel him.
In a way Hadrian had been honest with his father, he hadn't killed them, he just compelled Vlad to do it. Under compulsion Vladimir impaled every member of his family, starting with his baby brother, and then moving onto his sisters, compelled to take a very long and torturous time with Cassandra who had been Kol's lover, and then finally his parents.
After it was all over he had asked Hadrian what next and the Original simply replied that he could impale himself for all he cared and then he left. Vladimir had been tempted to do that, but their was one emotion stronger then his self despair, and that was his rage. He vowed that day that he would kill Hadrian and Kol Mikaelson.
In the 550 years since he had become a vampire, Vladimir had worked on achieving that very goal. He had rebuilt everything that the Mikaelsons had destroyed, created one of the largest vampire societies in the world and made himself feared one of the most feared vampires to ever live all with the aim of destroying the Mikaelsons. Oh he had no doubt that such a thing would be easy, even after all his years on this earth he was still no closer to achieving that goal, the only being on this Earth that was even rumoured to be in possession of a weapon that could be used on an Original was the Destroyer and Vladimir was not going anywhere near that madman, but he still held the same burning hatred he did that day when Hadrian Mikaelson turned him.
"Tell your master that we have a deal." He told the sniveling pathetic excuse of a man trembling on the floor before him. The opportunity presented to him was simply to great to pass up on.
- Line Break -
Hermione was in the library. This was not an uncommon occurrence as she almost lived in the library but she was not in the library for homework or for exams. She was in the library because a week ago her best friend had disappeared and in his place was someone claiming to be Harry but was instead a vampire, who for some bizarre reason also possessed magic.
Hermione may not be an expert on vampires but she knew for a fact that they did not have magic. Hence why she was currently in the restricted section of the library searching for anything that could possibly tell her about who Harry now was.
The First Vampires by Alexander Black in 1876
Hermione smiled at the title. Finally a book in the library about the first vampires. There were not many books in the library about vampires and Hermione was forced to look in the restricted section to find what she was after.
No one knows truly how the first vampires were created, it's a secret held only by the members of the Original Family. No one knows either where they truly are from or even how old the Originals truly are, their first recorded appearance being in the court of the Count de Martel in what is today southern France in the year 1002. By all accounts it is also in this palace that the Originals learnt that they could create other, lesser vampires.
While I do not know the true origin of the vampire species, after many years of travelling and researching I have learnt some of the details about how the first vampires came to be.
It appears that after her son was killed in a werewolf attack, the mother of the Mikaelson siblings who was also a very powerful witch used her magic to turn her remaining children and her husband into vampires, although for reasons unknown the woman never became a vampire like the rest of her family, possibly out of a desire not to lose her magic.
Hermione's fascination grew as she continued reading through the book. She learnt about the traits of vampires, their abilities and weaknesses. Vampires weren't actually covered by the Hogwarts curriculum, although that could very well be due to more often then not their being the lack of a proper DADA teacher. Hermione was shocked to learn that the muggle myth about vampires needing an invite to enter a property was actually true, and for a reason that the author said was unknown the plant vervain was not only toxic to vampires but prevented them from using their psychic abilities.
Finally Hermione reached what she was after, information about the Originals.
Status: Alive
Mikael is regarded as the most feared member of his entire family, known as the Hunter because he only drinks the blood of vampires. While this fact means that humans are less likely to become his victims it doesn't change the fact that he is known to be exceptionally cruel and ruthless to anyone, be they muggle, wizard, or vampire if they happen to cross is path. While their is little doubt that he is indeed aware of the magical world, he is known to rarely interfere in the affairs of those with magic, even before the implementation of the statue of secrecy. Due to his nature as a hunter it is likely that he possesses a hostile relationship with his children.
Hermione wasn't actually sure what to think as the read the passage about the man who was the oldest vampire in the world. Hell she didn't even know that a vampire was even capable of living off the blood of another of its species.
Finn Mikaelson
Status: Unknown
Not much is known about the oldest Mikaelson sibling, in fact it's not even known if he is even alive as by all accounts the man has not been seen since the early twelfth century and many aren't even aware that he ever existed. From the little accounts about the man he is regarded as being considered someone of high morals and honour.
Hermione couldn't help but frown slightly. That was not very useful, and she hoped that there would be more information on the rest of the Originals, especially Harry.
Elijah Mikaelson
Status: Alive
Elijah is regarded as being a man of honour and nobility. He is known to rarely, if ever to break his word or to break any agreement or deal that he makes. This sense of honour, more then anything makes Elijah of all the Originals potentially the safest to interact with but despite his sense of honour he has shown multiple times throughout history that he is completely ruthless to all those who attack him or his family which he is said to hold above anything. In fact more often then not Elijah is often found in the presence of at least one of his siblings so if encountered it is possible that another Original is nearby.
Hermione was intrigued to say the least. She was a true believer in magical creatures rights, and she liked the fact that a vampire was being stated as a man of honour and nobility. Considering the Black family's reputation she actually found it hard to believe the way the book was presenting vampires, creatures, in an unbiased light. She guessed Sirius wasn't the only white sheep of the Black family.
Hadrian Mikaelson
Status: Alive
Hadrian Mikaelson can be considered something of an enigma. While their is no doubt that he is as ruthless as any vampire to walk the earth, he is also shown to live by a code of honour, somewhat akin to his brother Elijah. He is also known to have no tolerance for vampires who feed off children, there are no shortage of cases of him putting down vampires who feed and kill children. Hadrian often interacts with many magical communities throughout the world, although he rarely interferes with the ruling governments but he was headmaster of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry for a brief period in the early 1500's. He has even been rumoured to possess magic, but I do not believe such rumours, because if he does possess magic then why don't the rest of the Originals? For reasons unknown he has an antagonistic relationship with his brother Kol. There have been many periods in history in which the two of them have been locked in a bloody and ruthless conflict that has forced the rest of their family to step in and end it on more then one occasion.
Hermione was shocked. She found it hard to believe that the boy who had shied away from attention and struggled to ask Cho Chang out on a date had actually been headmaster of Hogwarts. She was also relieved. Harry, though without a doubt much more ruthless was still a good person, the fact that he didn't allow vampires to feed off the children and the fact he had chosen to fight Voldemort when he could have stayed out of the war was proof of that. Although she was also very curious about this 'Kol' as well and why Harry had such a strained relationship with him.
Niklaus "Klaus" Mikaelson
Status: Alive
Niklaus Mikaelson, more commonly known as Klaus is considered by far to be the most lethal and feared of all the Originals, with acts of cruelty surrounding his every move. Of all the Originals his actions can be considered second to only that of his father Mikael and when he enters a rage not even his siblings are safe from the man. Like his brother Hadrian, Klaus is rumoured to be a hybrid, but a werewolf vampire hybrid as opposed to a wizard vampire hybrid. As with Hadrian this author disbelieves such rumours due to the lack of solid evidence in support of such claims. However despite his ruthless nature Klaus has shown that he is not completely heartless. This author has discovered cases in which the Original has ruthlessly killed numerous vampires who ruthlessly hunt and slaughter those without discrimination, such as when in 1432 he wiped out an entire coven of vampires for ruthlessly slaughtering an entire bloodline of werewolves in Norway. Klaus is also said to be a lover of art and music and has studied and taught many famous artists throughout his life.
Kol Mikaelson
Status: Alive
Kol Mikaelson is without a doubt possibly the most sadistic member of the Mikaelson family, and it's believed that he is responsible for the deaths of thousands of muggles. But despite his disregard for muggles Kol is known to integrate himself into any magical community that accepts him and is said to hold those with magic in high esteem. In fact it is even rumoured that he assisted Nicholas Flamel in the creation of the Philosopher's Stone. But just because Kol holds respect for those with magic doesn't mean that he is any less willing to kill those with magic. In his feud with his brother Hadrian he has mercilessly slaughtered any witch who has sided with his brother. He is a dangerous and ruthless man who is known to charm countless witches into doing his bidding and then disposing of them once their use to him has passed.
Rebekah Mikaelson
Status: Alive
Much like her brother Hadrian, Rebekah can be considered an enigma. The only female Original has shown many times throughout history to possess a manipulative, seductive and even bratty personality combined with a short temper and an ability to inflict cruelty easily rivaling any of her brothers. But despite this she has shown to possess human qualities, such as remorse and genuine affection for people, and even on multiple occasions has been shown to show mercy to her victims. Rebekah is almost always in the presence of at least one of her brothers and rarely, if ever travels alone so if encountered it is very likely that one of her brothers is nearby.
"You know if you wanted to know about my family you could have just asked." A voice stated with a hint of amusement, causing her to let out a yelp in surprise as she glared at the chuckling vampire standing behind her. It was Harry, there was no doubt about that, the resemblance was too great for him to be anyone else, especially as no one else Hermione knew had those piercing emerald eyes that seemed more intense then ever. Hadrian Mikaelson looked exactly like what she imagined Harry would look like when he was in his early twenties.
But he was very different to Harry, and not just from the lack of glasses and the lightning bolt scar. Hadrian just seemed to exude confidence and power in a way that Harry lacked, and his eyes shone with an intelligence that while Harry did indeed posses, he rarely used properly. "Ha- Harry." Hermione couldn't help but stutter out.
"Hello Hermione." Hadrian greeted as he took a seat opposite her. "So are you going to ask me the questions we both know are burning in your mind or not?" He asked her with an amused smirk on his face.
"Okay so how did you become Hadrian Mikaelson?" That had been the biggest question on her mind.
"When I was battling Bellatrix in the department of Mysteries I came upon the room where the time turners were kept. Bellatrix cast a spell on the time turners and then I'm sent a thousand years into the past with no memory of who I was, and I was found by the Mikaelsons. When we became vampires I remembered my past." He answered.
"Were you really headmaster of Hogwarts?"
"Only for two years and there was severe issues with attendance. Not many parents are going to send their children to a school run by vampires." Hadrian explained, "I also met the founders." Immediately Hermione's eyes lit up with intellectual curiosity.
"What were they like?" She asked eagerly, resisting the urge to bounce in her seat in excitement. Hermione had researched the founders many times, but there was so many differing interpretations on them that it was hard to actually assess what their true personality was.
"Not like history remembered them, that's for sure." He answered with a small chuckle as he recalled the founders of Hogwarts. "When my family met the founders they didn't trust us, especially since we feed on blood to survive, but they had been far to curious about us. After all we were a new species of creatures that none of them had ever encountered. Of all of them I respected Helga the most."
"Helga? Helga Hufflepuff?" Hermione couldn't help but state with a small amount of surprise. "Wasn't she meant to be the weakest of the founders?" She asked causing Hadrian to laugh.
"Of all the founders, Helga's reputation has by far suffered the most. While Salazar is remembered as a dark lord and a maniac he is still respected, and even revered by certain aspects of wizarding society. She was the most diplomatic of the founders, preferring words as opposed to violence but she was just as powerful and skilled as the other founders. In fact if it wasn't for Helga then you probably wouldn't be allowed to attend Hogwarts."
"WHAT?" Hermione yelled, shocked and horrified by her friends words.
"Salazar thought that muggleborns shouldn't be allowed into Hogwarts, but what many don't remember was that Godric and Rowena actually agreed with him."
"But," Hermione was horrified that the two founders she respected the most believed such things. "They were blood purists?" Hermione wasn't sure she actually wanted to know the answer.
"No. But when a group of muggleborns attacked Hogsmeade in order to 'remove' all signs of the Devil and to endear themselves to the Pope, and the founders were forced to kill the very students that they taught, they began the debate about whether it would be better if Hogwarts was more selective about the students they taught."
Hermione was somewhat mollified by his words but was still very much shocked. "Harry if yo don't mind me asking?" She asked both to satisfy another curiosity and to change the topic. "Why do you and Kol have an antagonistic relationship?" When Hadrian's face instantly became dark and a scowl marred his features he wondered if she'd asked something she shouldn't have.
"It started when we became vampires, I kept my magic, Kol didn't and he became jealous." Hadrian's voice was filled with loathing as he remembered the brother that he despised. "After that the two of us never saw eye to eye and then one day Kol decided to kill the woman I loved." Hermione let out a horrified gasp at that. "The coward didn't do the deed himself, compelled someone else to do it in the hopes I wouldn't learn that he was responsible, but when I found the person responsible, the Bloody Baron actually." Hermione was surprised that it was the Slytherin ghost who had done the deed, she wondered if the blood on his robes was the blood from the woman he murdered, or blood Hadrian had spilt when he killed him. "I tore apart his mind and learnt what Kol had done and I never forgave him. If Kol had shown any kind of remorse then over the last millennia I might have forgiven him, but he hadn't and she wasn't the last person Kol killed in order to hurt me."
"Harry I'm sorry for asking." Hermione spoke with sympathy, regretting asking the question in the first place.
"It was a long time ago." He told her. "And speaking of love Hermione are you going to tell him?" He asked curiously.
"Tell who?" She asked not sure what he meant.
Hadrian rolled his eyes at his friends words. "Ron of course, and yes Hermione it is that obvious." Hermione blushed and tried sputtering out a denial but wasn't quite able to form the words. "He feels the same way."
"How do you know?"
"Ron doesn't seem to get the purpose of silencing charms and more then once has everyone in our dorm overheard him." He told her with a large smirk as Hermione's face became beat red at the implication.
"Talk to him Hermione." He told her as he stood up to leave the library.
Hadrian walked through the halls of Hogwarts, his mind elsewhere. He didn't know why he had told Hermione about the truth about why he and Kol hated each other, he just had. It had been more out of instinct then any logical reason. Hadrian wasn't going to pretend to be a victim, his retaliation to what Kol had done had been terrifying in his wroth to the point that for time he was considered one of the darkest wizards in the world, and Hadrian had started just as many conflicts with Kol as Kol had with him.
Finally Hadrian reached the point of Hogwarts where he knew she would be. "Hello Helena." He greeted the ghost who stopped in her path.
"Hello Harry." She said turning to face him.
End of chapter 2. Thank you to everyone who reviewed and please review again.
In case anyone is wondering I'm trying to make Hadrian to same way Elijah was initially presented in Vampire Diaries, ruthless to his enemies, but still living by a code of honour if you will. As for Freya or Katherine you'll have to weight and see, a couple of reviews have suggested pairing him with both of them, but sorry to say but that won't be happening because I honestly don't think I can pull that off.
Also in case anyone is wondering I do not like Kol, he's my least favourite Original which is saying something because after the last two seasons of the Originals I have really grown to hate Elijah, who was once my favourite character. One reason I hate him is his lack of loyalty to anyone but himself. Where his siblings forgot him, his mother brought his back yet he betrayed her without a second thought for siblings who barely mourned him and didn't even bother avenging him, not to mention Elijah and Freya kill Davina yet he does nothing in retaliation despite claiming that he loved her more then anything. Also for all he complains about not being part of the family he does vary little to help them, barely arriving in time to help deal with the Hollow and not even caring when Klaus was going to kill himself to stop the Hollow, only just coming back in time. Second reason is his character development. He develops too fast as a character and I honestly have no idea what his true personality is because it keeps changing, and I don't even recognise the Kol in the fourth season of Vampire Diaries as the Kol in the fourth season of the Originals. The only time I actually liked him was when he was trying to stop Silas, as in my opinion it was the only time he showed any true personality.
Side note, legacies has finally started, I'm so excited.