I finally updated?


'Aw man, how did Naruto deal with that many clones when this is what happens from just one clone? Okay, he probably didn't have them up for this long but still- shit my head hurts.'

Shifting the new memories however, Obito felt a grin creeping on his face. He had found Tsunade.



"Lady Tsunade, at least notify someone of your arrival!"

Tsunade ignored her apprentice, mind too busy thinking about what had been revealed to her yesterday.

"Hurry up Shizune! The sooner this is dealt with, the sooner we can leave Konoha again!"

'Damn it...Orochimaru, you better be innocent!'


"Lady Tsu! The Legendary Medic!"

Tsunade spun around, her gaze falling upon a lone figure in a simple black cloak and an orange mask with a swirl around a single eye-hole.

"Who the hell are you?" She demanded. The figure giggled.

"Lady Tsu can call me Tobi!"


Tsunade stared warily at Tobi, if that really was his name. He was bouncing around just like a child, but Tsunade could not sense his chakra or presence at all.

"What do you want?"

"Tobi is doing this for his village! Lady Tsu has to go back to Konoha! Mister Snake is doing bad stuff!" He lowered his voice as if telling a secret.

"Mister Snake takes children and experiments with them!"

With that, his voice went back to its loud volume.

"Tobi is a good boy! Lady Tsu has to know that! Yes, Tobi is a very good boy!"

'Fuck' Tsunade thought. Because of course, this Tobi had to have a mental disorder as well.

"So, uh, Tobi huh?" Tsunade gave a weak smile, ignoring the nickname he gave her. "Mister Snake is experimenting on children you say? How do I know you're telling the truth?"

Tobi drooped.

"T-Tobi is a good boy! Bad boy's lie! Tobi is not a bad boy!" He shook.

"Okay, okay, Tobi isn't lying!" Tsunade rushed to calm the man? Boy? He sure acted more like a small child vying for affection.

"Can you tell me why I have to go back then?"

"Mn!" Tobi nodded his head excitedly. "You have to go back because with you back, Pervy Sage will go back as well! And-" He suddenly stopped.


"Well, if Lady Tsu is back, then the Pervy Sage will believe what is happening much quicker."

"What if...I don't want to believe you and go back?"

Tsunade could hear the pout in Tobi's voice when he replied.

"You could ignore me…" The air around him suddenly changed, a red glint appearing in the eye-hole of the mask. "But if you do, you'll never find out the truth will you?"

Before Tsunade could say anything, Tobi giggled again, waved at her,then disappeared.



Tsunade heaved a heavy sigh.

'Tobi you bastard. You knew I would go back to check didn't you?'

But despite what she thought, she was also worried. Tobi had said he was doing it for his village, which meant he was a shinobi from Konoha.

"But since when has Konoha employed shinobi with such obvious mental issues?" She muttered to herself. As a medic nin, Tsunade had learnt about the different mental illnesses as well as physical. Apart from the split personalities, Chibi also raised a few flags. One that popped out to her was how he kept insisting he was a 'good boy'.

"Child abuse? Some sort of PTSD for sure…"


"Kushi-nee! What are we doing today?!"

The three had just finished breakfast, and Obito was practically vibrating with energy. Kushina laughed, wiping her hands and putting the last dish in place.

"Well, Rin-chan said no chakra usage," She trailed off, a grin on her face. "But she didn't say anything about physical activities or meeting with little Itachi!"

"Really? When can we go?"

Minato chuckled, putting his arm around Obito to calm him down.

"Soon, Obito. Just wait until everything is cleaned up, okay?"

After what felt like forever to Obito, the two adults finally told him to get ready to leave. As the three made their way down to the training ground Mikoto and Kushina had agreed on, Minato asked Obito about his plans again.

"So Shurikenjutsu huh?"

"Mn." Obito nodded. "I've talked with Fugaku-sama already. He said he would have all the necessary equipment prepared."

Kushina raised an eyebrow at that. Obito quickly explained.

"I mean, this is Itachi's training. He's gonna become the new clan head, of course Fugaku-sama wants the best for him!"

Kushina sighed.

"I guess he does care…"

'Indeed. Fugaku was never the one to blame. Fucking elders…'

"If Itachi manages to get through Shurikenjutsu fast enough, then I've planned for him to get started on tree and water walking."

Minato raised an eyebrow.

"You're quite prepared, Obito."

"Of course!" Obito beamed at Minato. "Itachi's my cute little cousin! And besides, " His voice got softer. "Mikoto-sama and Fugaku-sama helped me a lot when I was younger. I guess this is just me also thanking them."

Minato shared a look with Kushina, but refrained from commenting. Instead, he simply patted Obito on the head.

"You'll be a great teacher."

"Thanks, Minato-sensei."


Itachi came running up to Obito, but upon seeing the other two adults, abruptly stopped and bowed to them, before tugging on Obitos hand.

"Obito-nii." He was visibly more subdued. "You're late."

Obito laughed, ruffling Itachi's hair.

"Thank you for taking me here, Minato-sensei, Kushi-nee. Ah, Fugaku-sama."

Indeed, the Clan Head was heading towards them, arms crossed. He nodded to Minato and Kushina, then turned his attention to Obito and Itachi.

"There are shurikens and kunais set up already. I will return when it is time for Itachi to return home."

And he left. Just like that.

"I still don't know what Mikoto-chan sees in him and I don't think I ever will." Kushina muttered. Obito paid no attention to her as Itachi was already dragging him to the equipment. Minato noticed, and smiled.

"Let's go then, Kushina."

Itachi looked impatiently at Obito.

"Yes yes, let's start. Itachi, your aim is good right?"


Obito spent most of the day teaching Itachi the smaller details of throwing shurikens and kunais. His aim was amazing, not that Obito expected anything less from how harsh Fugaku had always been to his sons, but Shurikenjutsu included the finer details, such as changing directions of the thrown object or throwing it into a blind spot.

'If I remember correctly, Shurikenjutsu became one of Itachi's best skills.'

And indeed, Itachi picked the skill up perfectly. The two had stopped and eaten the (delicious) bento that Kushina had packed, and as the sun was setting, Fugaku finally returned with Minato and Kushina in tow.



Fugaku nodded at the two, eyes directed at the trees and ground littered with weapons.

"I want you to start on chakra exercises regardless of how much the Shurikenjutsu still needs work, Obito."

"Of course, Fugaku-sama." Obito bowed, but one could see him rolling his eyes and mouthing 'your majesty'.

Fugaku hesitated, looking back at Obito as he held Itachi's hand.

"Thank you," he inclined his head. "I will contact you again."

And he left. Minato approached a stunned Obito.

"How was the lesson?"

"Ah! It was great! Little Itachi is the best student ever! He picked up Shurikenjutsu really well, and I wanted to teach him more but his majesty wants Itachi to do chakra exercises." Obito pouted.

Kushina laughed at that.

"I'm sure Ita-chan will pick up chakra exercises even more easily than Shurikenjutsu. You'll have time to teach him more! Now, Obito. What do you think of Ichiraku's for dinner?"

Ignoring Minato's pleading look, Obito grinned and nodded. Kushina whooped and strode off, tugging an unwilling Minato and gleeful Obito behind with her.

Hope y'all liked this chapter. I've started moving along the plot now. Yay!

Still no updating schedule sorry.
