

Four years ago, Dr. Kevin Sawyer led an elite group of scientists and engineers in a secret government project codenamed Virtual Man. Theorizing that a human being could be teleported into cyberspace, Dr. Sawyer and his team built the world's first digitization platform in an underground research facility hidden in the mountains of West Virginia. Under pressure to prove his theories or lose funding, Dr. Sawyer volunteered to become the first human test subject in order to discover the whereabouts and ultimate fate of the supervirus Daemon.

Arriving in Mainframe, he was befriended by Enzo Matrix and aided in thwarting Megabyte's latest attempt to destroy the system with an army of telepathically controlled Web Creatures. Afterward, when the Supercomputer was attacked by a new supervirus called Pythias, Sawyer helped the Mainframers in their battle against his old nemesis, Martin MacDonald, CEO of OmniCron Corporation. Later, following a mishap with the Gate Command, Dr. Sawyer, Bob, and Enzo were transported back in time to Mainframe's Twin City where they accidentally created an alternate reality.

Now, Kevin Sawyer is in a fight for his life, and the fate of Mainframe hangs in the balance. After entering a game cube to collect codes for study, a virus causes the game reality to fragment. The city is converted into a game grid where different sectors have taken on aspects of certain games. It's a race against time as Kevin makes his way to the Principal Office to trigger the system restore function before Mainframe crashes, taking our heroes with it.