Author's Note: This is word emphasis

Chapter 2

Dawn Island:

Luffy acted surprised when his big brother returned, Ace wasn't flying a Jolly Roger yet, something about flying under the radar appealed to his inner trolling bastard. Besides if they acted like merchants they could get more done before flying their Jolly Roger. Luffy's blackmail senses were top notch, though he was not expecting someone to jump down from the Piece of Spadille and steal his hat. He would have said something had he not seen a resemblance to Shanks. " You haven't told Ace yet, have you? "

" About my connection to Shanks, not yet, cousin dear. You can call me Hayate, though I'm sure you know the name my parents gave me as well. "

" Shishishi, no wonder I could sense an opportunity to get viable blackmail on Ace. Going to have a shadow clone get the picture for you? " Luffy asks her, Hayate was right, Shanks had told Luffy about his niece.

" I'd suggest having someone attach a string to your hat though, cousin, makes it harder to lose it. " Hayate deadpans, " Ace does know why I chose to fake my death. Get ready for a trip to Spring Country, I have a wickedly devious idea to protect you and Ace from the World Government. "

Luffy snickers, " Oh, you could also stop by Wave once you set sail to commission a ship. I'll even tell you how to bill Shanks for it all. Do you know how to skin an animal to sell the pelt? "

Luffy face palms at this, calling himself several kinds of idiot for not thinking of that. He could create quite the nest egg like that, " Mind you, the Elemental Nations only take Ryo and not Beris. "

Luffy nods at this, " Why'd you stick Shanks with the bill? "

" Oh he only had to pay for the hull getting reinforced with steel. " Hayate says.

Luffy outright laughs his ass off at this, and Ace has arrived by this time, Deuce was staying with the ship. Ace had a large feeling of foreboding, " Just what are you cackling about this time, Lu? "

" Oh, my cousin sticking my father with the bill for your reinforced steel hull. " Luffy says casually.

Now Ace knew he wasn't talking about Dragon, Luffy had never met his biological father, which meant the only other person that could even potentially have that title would be…" Shanks is your uncle, Hayate? " his voice took on a distinctly strangled tone, and he was only tangentially aware of the fact that his girlfriend and little brother were snapping pictures of his stupefaction.

" I inherited my father's coloring and mother's personality. " Hayate deadpans, then she looks at Ace, " Go say hi to people, I'm gonna give my dear cousin here a quick lesson in hunting animals for their pelts. "

After Ace hugs his little brother he sets out to say hi to those he had left behind whilst Luffy and Hayate head for the forest, and Hayate grins when Luffy walks up the tree. " Am I to take it Uncle Shanks woke up your chakra when he was here? "

" He felt bad for leaving the Gum Gum Fruit where I could eat it, so he taught me tree climbing and water walking after waking my chakra up. I just wish I knew what my chakra affinities are. " Luffy admits.

" You can test them in Spring Country, I plan on getting you and Ace granted citizenship there…" When Hayate explains her idea in full Luffy has to stuff a fist in his mouth to keep from laughing.

" I love it. "

" I figure Ace will as well. Uncle Shanks also taught you Fuuinjutsu, right? " Hayate asks.

Luffy nods, " Well, I can work on teaching you the seals to make your ship damned near indestructible. I had to make Piece of Spadille fireproof. "

" Why fireproof? "

" You're not the only sibling with devil fruit granted powers, only Ace's is logia and not paramecia. " Hayate replies.

Luffy shudders, he knew he suffered from Pyrophobia(AN: Fear of Fire), and Isolophobia(AN: Fear of being alone or isolated). He could never be scared of Ace which was probably why Ace had eaten the Flame Flame Fruit. His moron of a grandfather really didn't help matters with his Pyrophobia by throwing him into another blaze! Who the Hell does that? " Flame Flame Fruit, right? "

Hayate nods mutely, " How would you like to be able to summon Toads? It would give us a way to stay in contact, and they can fight best in water. If you get the timing down right you could summon a big one to land on if you fall off of your ship. My personal summon is Gamakichi, one of the Toad Boss' sons. "

Hayate enjoys hunting with Luffy, and using shadow clones carries the killed animals back to Foosha Village, where she proceeds to teach Luffy how to skin an animal to sell the pelt. The tanner and the butcher both pay pretty good prices for the skins and meat they got from the teens. Ace had already set out to go hunting himself, he needed more Beris if they were to get proper supplies while sailing under the radar. Luffy wastes no time in sealing his things up, though he does ask Makino to sew a string onto his hat. Hayate had made a good suggestion with that.

It was just a good thing Garp had visited not that long ago, Luffy got the feeling Hayate was going to be teaching him something that would help him out in the long run. He was right, the instant they set sail again, after Ace made a killing at hunting and selling the meat and pelts, Hayate looks at him, " Sensor type, right? "

Luffy nods, " Then you should have no problem with switching over to Kenbunshoku or Observation Haki. You're gonna be blindfolded, and will not be using chakra to sense the whacks with a sturdy branch imbued with Busoshoku or Armament Haki. Since you're rubber I need to make sure the whacks will actually hurt. I did the same thing to Ace as well, should have heard the swearing he let off until he got the hang of Kenbunshoku Haki. "

Luffy groans, " More pain in the name of training, joy. "

" There will be beef ramen in it at the end for you, made by one of my shadow clones. " Hayate says.

Luffy perks up, " The yucky green stuff will also be in the ramen, but truly good ramen covers up the taste of the nasty green stuff. " Hayate says.

" Is your ramen anything like Dad's? "

" I was taught by Ichiraku Teuchi, no one's ramen is better than his. Only my apprentice as a sea cook will ever get those recipes out of me. "

Luffy stares at her, " You mean if I want the best ramen in existence after we part ways I have to go to Konoha? "

Hayate smirks, " Yep, itoko. "

" You're mean. " Luffy says, pouting, even as he ties the blindfold on, and sits cross legged on the floor.

Hayate aimed for his arms instead of his head, he'd told her about his grandfather's so called Fists of Love, and since Luffy was made of rubber he had many more options when it came to dodging. He could bend in ways most people could only dream of. He was going to make someone very happy in bed no doubt. Ace pouts when Luffy picks it up in two hours, " Luffy's a sensor nin, Ace, Uncle woke up his chakra after leaving a devil fruit where he could eat it. " Hayate says, " Busoshoku, or Armament Haki is next, which is similar to using chakra to reinforce your limbs, only you use the spiritual half, and not the physical. "

Luffy nods, " There's also Haoshoku or Conqueror's Haki, and considering the biological fathers you and Ace have you'll probably have that as well. Consider Conqueror's akin to Killing Intent, they have similar results only Conqueror's is asserting your Will into the World, and not your Intent to kill. "

" You plan on dumping us on Shanks for Haoshoku, don't you, Hayate? " Ace deadpans.

" Why would you ever think that, dear Captain. " Hayate says, " The important thing about Busoshoku Haki is that you can hit Logia types with it. "

A look of gleeful delight can be seen in Luffy's eyes, and Ace swears, " I can teach you how to make explosive notes, high grade explosive notes at that. "

Luffy wraps his arms around his cousin three times with this statement, and Ace blinks, " Huh, didn't realize we had that in common, blowing shit up for the hell of it. "

" Luffy, when you get a ship, make sure you keep a storage scroll full of cheap booze and rags, they make for really good Molotov Cocktails. " Hayate states.

Luffy cackles, throwing his head back, " Itoko, I love you. "

" We could get you some brass knuckles since you're a taijutsu specialist, and I could add some fun surprises to them as well. "


Garp shudders again, something was going HORRIBLY wrong. He'd have to check on Luffy again once he had some time. Nothing good ever came of that feeling.

Revolutionary HQ 17:

Monkey D. Dragon perks up, something was happening with his son that was guaranteed to drive his father up the Wall! He'd have to send one of his men/women to Dawn Island, mostly to document whatever would happen. Blackmail on his father was such a rare thing that there was no way in Hell he was missing out.

Piece of Spadille:

It would only take a week, maybe a little more or less to get to Spring Country, so when a battle royale spar broke out between Luffy, Ace, and Hayate Deuce settled himself in the Crow's Nest. Ace really loved the training room on his ship. He could now fully understand why Hayate had wanted to train Luffy, his little brother was practically Shanks' son, making them cousins. Ensuring Luffy was ready for both parts of the Grand Line was essential. Once the spar was over Hayate writes out a quick message, summons a messenger Toad, and sends it to her uncle. Luffy would need a Log Pose, at the very least, and she had also requested three Den Den Mushi, one for herself, one for Luffy, and one for Ace. She'd used seals to set up an intercom type system throughout the ship so they wouldn't have to shout for everything.

She then started Luffy on Fuuinjutsu, though only with normal ink until they reached someplace that she could have a shadow clone test his seals when using chakra conductive ink. Luffy understood this, as Shanks had emphasized one wrong stroke could cause disaster for anything not a storage seal. He never let his Gramps know about his Calligraphy lessons, they were needed for Fuuinjutsu, and it was such a useful art too. Hayate soon discovered that Luffy was a damned sponge when it came to Fuuinjutsu. She blinks, " Luffy, do you know whom your mother is? "

" No, why? "

" Only Uzumakis pick up Fuuinjutsu this quickly, like me you probably inherited that dark hair from your father, but the rest from your mother. " Hayate says softly.

Luffy considers this, Fuuinjutsu had always been easy for him. " Could be, but how could we ever find out for sure? "

" Tsunade, but that would mean revealing I faked my death. You know how most people are stupid and think Gol D. Roger should have never have a kid, I'm the third Kyuubi Jinchūriki, Luffy, I was Konoha's scapegoat. I was never able to celebrate my birthday thanks to the fact that the very day I was born some idiot ripped Kyuubi out from my mother's seal, I never really got to know my parents…ever. I was most likely hours old when the yang half of Kyuubi was sealed into me. I was hated, reviled, discriminated against…called a monster, demon, sold rotten food, kicked out of the orphanage when I was four…which was when Uncle Shanks learned I was still alive. Several people died when he found me living in a cardboard box, wearing too small clothes, and covered in all sorts of fading wounds. My only saving grace is that I was smart enough to realize that if those Idiots ever learned my true gender I was fucked. "

Luffy snuggles into his cousin, and hugs her tightly, " You're in a better position emotionally than Ace is. "

Hayate sighs, " That's because after I faked my death I went straight to Uncle Shanks, being among people that honestly gave a damn about me, it helped, a lot. I'm most likely the what…fifth, sixth person to love Ace unconditionally. "

" Sixth, Sabo also loved Ace, but he died, he was my other big brother. " Luffy says softly.

" It'll be hard work to overcome what idiots have filled his head with. That's why I'm hoping Uncle Shanks can get us three untraceable Den Den Mushi, that way you can call him every day, and just tell him you love him. Hearing those words go a long way, believe me. Uncle Shanks would tell me every day whenever he was with me when I was younger. "

Red Force:

The crew looks at their captain wearily, Killing Intent was rolling off of him in waves, " Hayate talking about her childhood again? " Benn asks cautiously.

" Most likely telling Luffy since she wants three untraceable Den Den Mushi, and another Log Pose. " Shanks says, " Dial up Mihawk, I need to spar. "

" No need, you red haired menace. Need to work off some anger about your niece's childhood again? "

Shanks nods, he'd stopped in Sunagakure to get a prosthetic arm to replace the left arm he sacrificed to save Luffy. " Benn, find us a deserted island. " Shanks says.

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or Naruto.