Notice: I DO NOT own anything from My Hero Academia!!! Enjoy my first fanfic. There is also cursing and some cliche moments.

Ojiro has always been an honorable man. He doesn't let the pettiest things get to him, except for Bakugo. Other than that, he's not bothered by anyone or anything... until he met Toru Hagakure.

He didn't think much about her when they first met.

After all, she's invisible. They became best friends ever sense they were paired up together in the trail battles. But. When Hagakure said he shouldn't drop out of the sports festival, his heart fluttered. However, his pride got the best of him.

Mashirao didn't realize he had a crush on Toru until Mineta, Kaminari, and Sero were asking all the guys who they thought was the prettiest girl.

They first asked Midoriya (or Deku) what he thought.

Sero: (waves at Deku) "Hey Midoriya! Which girl is the hottest?"

Deku: (blushing profusely) "Uh- maybe.../" (whispers) "Ururaka..."

Kaminari: "I KNEW IT! U DO like her!!! Pay up boys." (Kirishima and Sero hand him each $20)

Mineta: "While you're here, Kirishima, who do you think is the hottest girl in our class?" (Starts to drool)

Kirishima: "Nah, I'm not really interested in any of them. I like... someone else..."

Sero: "Lemme guess. Is it Bakugo?" (snickers)

Kirishima: "HUH- N-NO!!! SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH!!!"

The group of boys then ask Aoyama, Shoji, and Koda who they think. All of which say they couldn't pick.

Then they went to Ojiro.

Sero: "Hey, Ojiro. Who do you think is the hottest chick?"

Ojiro: "Uhhhhhhh- I don't know. I don't really pay attention do those kind of things."

Kaminari: (smiling) "Are you suuuuure you don't like anybody? Cuz I've seen you and Hagakure hanging out together all the time."

Mineta: "Now that you mention it, that's TRUE!" (Gasp) "DID YOU SNAG INVISIBLE GIRL ALREADY?!?!" (Cries)

Ojiro: (face turns red) "Wa-wait. She's my best friend. We only like each other like that and that only."

And before he knew it, Kaminari, Sero, and Mineta had seen his face and knew right at that moment, they were right.

Sero: "Don't try to lie to us bro. Your reaction gave it away. I mean, your face is so red bet it's more red than Todoroki's left side."

Kaminari: "Dude, we got this. We can help you ask her out in no time. Plus we can ask the girls to help too. So, waddya say?"

Ojiro: (blushing even harder) "... I- I don't know. Lemme think about it."

Ojiro's mind was going crazy. He didn't know if he wanted to go out with Toru, his best friend. He thought about some more as the night fell.

The Next Day

Mashirao couldnt fall asleep at all last night. His thoughts were filled with going out with the Toru Hagakure. He didn't know what would happen if she doesn't feel the same way. His pride is something that overtakes him. But eventually, he gave into his friends' request.

(In the common area)


Ojiro: (blushing) "Not so loud! I don't want anyone else to find out yet."

Ururaka has actually heard this and started walking a little towards the boys.


Ojiro: (thinking) Dammit! I can't just say it's nobody cause she heard. What am I gonna do? (Sighs) "Promise you won't tell anyone?"

Ururaka: (nods head) "Promise."

Ojiro: "It's Ha-"

Kaminari: (covers Ojiro's mouth) "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! She could hear you. Lemme write out for her."

Ojiro realized he was right, but Ururaka stood there looking confused.

Ururaka: "I'm confused. What are you gonna do?"

Kaminari starts typing Hagakure's name on his phone and shows it to Ochaco. Her eyes widen and she starts to float.

Ururaka: "OMG OMG OMG!!!! I KNEW IT!!!!"

Ojiro and Kaminari: "URURAKA!!!"

Sero: "Don't yell and get down!"

Ochaco releases herself and lands on one of the couches. Ojiro's face by now is a little red with embarrassment.

Ururaka: (excitingly) "So when are you gonna ask her out?"

Sero: "We haven't figured that out yet. But we're hoping soon, right Ojiro" (elbows him)

Ojiro: "Idk..." (looks down)

Midoriya, Iida, Todoroki, Jiro, Tsu, and Kirishima walk into the common area.

Iida: "Good morning everyone. " (looks at Ojiro) "Ojiro, are you feeling ok? You look sick."

Ojiro: "Oh, I couldn't sleep last night." (Smiles nervously)

Kirishima: "Was it cause we found out you li-"

Ojiro covers Kirishima's before he could say anything about his crush. He also gave him the death glare.

Ojiro: "We were all just messing around last night, that's all"

Iida: "Vey well then. You shouldn't be fooling around even though it's not a school night." (Does his signature hand thing)

Ojiro then walks past everyone and sits on a couch.

Then, Toru walks in. Ojiro's heart starts to beat a bit faster now.

Hagakure: (waves) "Hey Mashirao. Wassup?"

Ojiro: "Nothing, what bout you? Did you sleep well?"

Hagakure: (sits next to him) "Yeah but you don't look so good what happened?"

Ojiro: "Oh, me and some of the other boys were messing around last night." (Laughes nervously and puts hand behind head)

Hagakure: "Ok. See ya." (Walks to kitchen to get something to eat)

That's all of chapter 1. Chapter 2 will come out soon.