"I can't believe White is gone." Said Yellow Diamond

"First Pink, Now White, What are we gonna do?"Shouted Yellow

Blue wasn't even listening. She was still cryting about the fact that Pink AND White we're now gone leaving just Her and Yellow.

And then she leaves us with a "Baby"' What does it even do?" Shouted Yellow.

The Baby was the Daughter of White Diamond and Greg, Her name was Wade.

"W-we could always just have that Greg take care of it." replies

"I don't trust him." Yells Yellow

Yellow Diamond then gets a idea.

A few minutes later Two Amethyst walk in.

"Do you need something, My Diamond?" Asked One of the Amethyst.

Yellow hands them Wade

"I want you to two to take care of her. When i get the time Two more gems will be assigned to help you" Said Yellow

"G-good luck." Said Blue

"What do you mean by good l-"

A escape pod appears for earth and Yellow shoves The Amethyst in it.

"Take Care of Her!" Shouted Yellow and Blue.

As they get blasted off Wade starts crying she misses Yellow and Blue Already.

"Um What do we do?" Asked A Amethyst

"I don't know! I don't even know what this thing is." Replies the other Amethyst

The escape lands safely on earth. It lands on beach city.

"I guess this is where we stay for now."

Wade finally stops crying. In fact it seems she fell asleep.

"I think it's sleeping." Spoke the Amethyst quietly

"This is gonna be hard." Thought The Amethysts

"Hey do you think we should fuse? It might help us alot." Said one of the Amethyt

"Sure." Said The Other Amethyst

The Two Amethyst fuse to make a slightly giant Amethyst. The fusion holds The asleep Baby in her hands.

Just then a crowd of people rush over to the beach where the escape pod crashed. Some taking picture, Others checking on The fusion and Wade.

"Yeah we're fine." Spoke Amethyst

"Hopefully Wade is t-"

Greg and Mayor Dewy rushes in fromt of the crowd

"What's going on?" Shouted Mayor Dewy

Greg spots Wade.

"Is that the guy we're suppose to watch out for?" Asked Amethyst to herself

"Wade!" Shouts Greg

Greg remembers the fusion of Amethyst when he was at homeworld. Their the fusion that saved him from a corrupted gem.

"What's going on?" Asked Greg.