Sarah runs her fingers through Negan's hair as he sleeps, his mouth hung open a little as he snores lightly. She traces a loose curl that hangs over his forehead, smiling contentedly as she watches his chest rise and fall. She could watch him sleep for hours.

A knock startles her, and it rouses Negan from his sleep. He rubs at his eyes, looking up briefly at Sarah.

"Was that a knock?" He barely mumbles.

"Yeah, you want me to get it?"

He shakes his head as he throws back the covers. There's another knock, much more loud and urgent than the last.

"Alright, give me a goddamn minute!" Negan shouts as he pulls on his pants. He answers the door to a shifty looking Simon. "What's up?"

"The Satellite outpost."

Negan runs a hand through his hair. "What about it?"

"Everyone's dead."

Negan's jaw suddenly clenches, his eyes widening as he stares at Simon. "What? What the fuck do you mean everyone's dead?!"

Sarah sits with her feet up on Negan's sofa. She'd wanted to go help, but Negan had insisted there wasn't much she could do, and so he'd left.

She wonders who could have attacked them, whether it was the same people who had attacked T and the others. It was just their luck to come across more assholes after just putting an end to a whole fuck load of them. Not only had they lost a shit load of men, but they'd lost a hell of a lot of weapons, since those who had attacked them had cleared out the armoury at the Satellite outpost.

This would mean another war, and she smiles a little at the thought.

Dwight walks through the woods near the Sanctuary, another Savior by his side. He'd been trying hard to get the hang of his crossbow, but he still couldn't quite hit his target. He aims at a spot he'd marked on a tree, swearing as he misses it by a good distance. His arrows shoots off into the bushes.

"Harder than it looks."

"You think?" Dwight says sarcastically. "Make yourself useful, Alden, and go get my arrow." Alden laughs as he heads towards the bushes. Dwight furrows his brows. "Wait!" He runs after Alden, grabbing the collar of his shirt just as he's about to step off a steep drop.

"Holy shit!" Alden gasps as he falls down on his ass, sitting close to the edge.

"I forgot about that drop," Dwight says.

"Someone should cut these back." Alden gestures to the bushes. "Jesus! If you hadn't pulled me back.." Alden shakes his head as he looks over the edge. "What the.."

"What is it?" Dwight asks.

"It's.. oh shit."

"What the hell is it?" Dwight frowns as he leans over to take a look.

Alden grabs his shoulder, pulling him back. "Don't. You don't wanna see."

Dwight stares at him, then shrugs off his hand before looking over the edge. It feels like the ground has been pulled from beneath him, as if he's falling at a great speed, when really he's just still. "It's.." Dwight shakes his head. "It can't be." He swallows thickly.

"I'm sorry."

"No. It isn't her. It can't be!" Dwight yells as he rises to his feet. He runs along the ledge, trying to find a way to get down. He scrambles down a shorter drop on his ass, Alden not far behind him.

Once he's at the bottom he slows down, as if prolonging the process will change the outcome. But he knows it's her, he knew it was her from the top of the drop.

They stand in front of the decomposed corpse, it's eyes gouged out of it's head. Dwight turns away, drops on all fours, and vomits.

Negan drives his truck down the road as he heads back towards the Sanctuary. His knuckles are white as he grips the steering wheel, his jaw clenched as he calculates the loss they'd just suffered.

"You think Hilltop had anything to do with this?" Simon asks.

"Fuck knows. But if they do, then they're gonna fucking regret it." Negan's radio crackles, and he takes it off his belt. "Repeat that, over."

"We have a situation out here, you need to see this, over."

"Fuck sake!" Negan yells before pressing his thumb on the radio. "What kind of situation? Over.. and who the fuck is this?"

"It's Alden. Dwight and I are out in the woods just east of the Sanctuary, we're at the drop, over."

"Alright. I'll be there in about ten minutes, over and fucking out." Negan tosses the radio over his shoulder onto the back seat. "This is just what I need, more fucking bad news."

Negan and Simon make their way down the drop, then head over to Alden and a sickly looking Dwight.

"The fuck's going on?" Negan asks. Dwight looks down at his boots, shaking his head. "Well?"

"We found Sherry," Alden says, gesturing towards a crumpled body on the rocks.

Negan steps forward. He looks down at what once was Sherry. Her body is badly decomposed, no doubt from the heat and perhaps from birds picking at her. His face falls as he looks at her eyes, or rather her lack of them.

"You just found her?" He asks.

Alden nods. "Dwight's arrow shot off through the overgrowth up there, I would've fallen if he hadn't pulled me back.. that's when we found her."

Negan rubs at his temples, his throat suddenly dry. "I.. I'm sorry, Dwight." As much as she hadn't been Dwight's wife for a good while, Negan isn't completely heartless, he knows this will hit Dwight hard. "Alden, could you go back to the Sanctuary, have someone bring a couple of sheets."

"Sure thing." Alden nods.

Negan clears his throat as he turns to Dwight. "You want us to bury her, or do you wanna do it?"

Dwight looks up at him in surprise, not expecting that to be an option. "I.. yeah. I wanna bury her myself."

Negan takes his scarf and kneels down as he places it over Sherry's face. He can't stand to see it. "You erm.. you want us to wait with you till the others get here, or are you alright on your own?"

"I'll be fine."

Negan nods. "Come on, Simon. We've got shit to do."

They both make their way back up the drop, Negan rubbing at his temples most of the way.

"You okay, boss?"

"No, I'm fucking not okay." Negan runs a hand over his face as he parks his ass on a log. "You know what I'm fucking thinking, don't you?"

Simon shoves his hands in his pockets. "We don't know she did it."

"Come the fuck on, Simon. There's a reason you're thinking it, and that's because she's more than fucking capable of doing that. She hated Sherry with a passion." Negan shakes his head. "But I know she did it."


"Because it's the same way she killed Vince."

Simon nods in agreement. "So, what are you gonna do about it?"

Negan runs a hand through his hair. "I don't fucking know, Simon. I mean, thi-"

He quickly rises to his feet at the sound of the dead approaching. Simon takes out his knife as Negan brandishes Lucille. There are about half a dozen of the dead, so not too many to handle.

Negan swings Lucille, taking out one of the dead and knocking another on it's ass in the process. He takes out a second with ease, before going back to the other which is attempting to eat his boot. He brings down Lucille, his breath heavy as he wipes at his forehead with the back of his hand.

Simon has also taken out three, but now he stares at one of the bodies, his eyes wide. "Holy shit," he whispers.

"What is it?"

"Isn't that Grace?" Simon points down at the body.

Negan steps closer, sure that Simon must be wrong. "That.." Negan shakes his head. It can't be, but it is.

"What was she even doing out here?" Simon frowns.

"I don't.." Negan turns Grace's head to one side, taking a look at her neck.

Simon looks over Negan's shoulder. "Is that a stab wound?" He asks, knowing full well it is. "Negan," he whispers. "You don't think.."

"What the fuck do you think, Simon?" Negan clenches his jaw, wiping at his eyes as tears threaten to fall.

"I.. I don't know, boss. I mean, why the hell would she do that? Sherry I get, but Grace?"

Negan rises to his feet. "That's just Sarah, it's what she does. I thought.. I didn't think she was this bad." He shakes his head.

"What are you gonna do?"

Negan runs a hand through his hair. "I don't fucking know."

Sarah had thought it was an odd time to go out on a run, but she guesses they need supplies now more than ever, and it means more alone time with Negan, and that makes her happy. She turns to Negan as they drive down the road. He's quiet, but that's to be expected, since he'd just lost so many of his own.

She rests her hand against his knee and slowly begins sliding it up his thigh.

Negan pulls his thigh away from her hand. "Not now," he mumbles. Sarah smiles, resting her hand against his thigh once again. "I said don't!" Negan snaps a little. "I'm not in the mood."

Her face falls, and she rests her hand back in her lap. "Sorry."

Negan let's out a deep breath, but remains silent.

"Where are we even going? We've been driving for hours," she huffs.

Negan slowly brings the car to a stop, then steps out, closing the door behind him. Sarah watches him with a frown before following him.

"What are we doing out here, Negan?"

Negan pinches the bridge of his nose before he looks down at her. "I know about Sherry and Grace."

Sarah stares at him, her instant reaction telling him all he needs to know. "I don't know wha-"

"Don't.. just don't." Negan shakes his head. "Why?"

"I.. I didn't mean to," she stutters, her lip beginning to tremble as her eyes fill with tears.

"That's fucking bullshit!" He yells. "You know, I can kinda understand what you did to Sherry. I don't fucking like it, and it wouldn't have gone unpunished, but I understand. But Grace?" Negan shakes his head. "What did she ever do to you?" He asks her, and his tone is almost desperate, as if he needs to know the answer. Sarah shakes her head, tears spilling down her cheeks. "She never said a bad word to you, she even made that fucking sheath for you. So why?"

"I don't know."

"The fuck you don't! You know exactly why you did it. It wasn't no fucking accident! You led her out there with the intention of killing her, didn't you?" She sobs, refusing to answer. "Didn't you?!"

"Y.. yes.. I did. I.. I didn't want her to take you from me."

Negan runs a hand through his hair. "Jesus fucking Christ, Sarah! What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry, Negan." She takes a step towards him, but he takes a step back.

"You're not fucking sorry in the slightest. You'd do it again.. and again. There'd be no fucking women left by the time you were done." Negan shakes his head before he makes his way to the car. He pulls out a backpack and tosses it on the ground in front of her.

Sarah looks down in confusion. "What's this?"

"You know what it is."

Sarah's eyes widen, her heart suddenly pounding. "No.. Negan, please!" She drops to her knees. "Please, I'm sorry!"

"There's enough food in there to last you a couple of days." He points down the road. "There's a car with half a tank of gas, ta-"

Sarah scrambles across the ground towards him, wrapping her arms around his legs. "Please, Negan! I'm sorry!" Her tears leave a damp patch against his pants as she presses her cheek against his leg. "I won't do it ever again, I fucking promise! I'll be good.. I swear!"

Negan wipes at his eyes then shakes her hand off his leg. "I can't risk my people." He squats down in front of her. "I don't trust you around them. My people have to come first." He rises to his feet then heads towards the car.

Sarah bares her teeth. "Don't you dare walk away from me!" She spits, but he keeps on. Sarah takes out her gun and cocks it.

Negan freezes on the spot then turns. "Don't do this."

The gun shakes in her hand. "Then d.. don't walk away from me," she says.

Negan takes a step towards her. "Put the gun down."

Her bottom lip trembles. "Please, Negan. I'll do fucking anything."

"I know you will, which is why you killed Grace in the first place. Because you'll do fucking anything to get what you want. Sherry was right, I should've nipped this in the bud." He shakes his head then turns to leave.

Sarah pulls the trigger, her stomach rolling as Negan drops to the ground.

"Fuck!" He looks down at his leg, and thankfully the bullet had just scraped him.

"I.. I'm sorry. I didn't want to, just.. please... don't leave me out here. I love you so much."

Negan pushes himself up off the ground. "You're fucking insane. Just go."

She sobs, her gun still aimed at him. "No."

Negan takes out his own gun and aims it at her. "Go." He orders firmly.

Sarah shakes her head. "I'll never leave. I love you." She smiles, and under the circumstances it looks almost psychotic.

"Fucking go!" Negan clenches his jaw, the whites of his eyes red as he bites back tears.


"Sarah.. please," Negan pleads with her. "Just go."

Sarah raises the gun a little higher, aiming for his chest. "I'm yours.. and you're mine. I'm not leaving. If I can't have you, then no one else can." Her finger twitches as she teases the trigger.

Negan sees her arm tense up, and he pulls the trigger, watching as she falls to the ground with a thud. He can't breathe, and he can't see, his vision blurred as tears fill his eyes. "No," he barely croaks, his lip trembling before he drops to his knees. Negan crawls over to her, cupping her cheeks as blood pours from the hole in her forehead. "No, no, no." He shakes his head. Negan let's out a scream so low and broken that it's almost a growl.

Negan sits on his sofa with a glass of whiskey in his hand, his eyes all red and puffy.

He stares into the distance, his mind a million miles away as Simon walks through the door.

"Boss?" Simon steps closer. "Negan?"

Negan glances at Simon and knocks back his whiskey. "Simon." He nods before grabbing the bottle off the coffee table and filling his glass.

Simon swallows thickly. "Is.. is it done?"

Negan rubs at his temples, his eyes shut tight. "She's gone."

Simon sits down in the chair opposite Negan, resting his elbows against his thighs. "What do you mean when you say gone?" Negan looks across at him, his eyes bloodshot, and Simon needs no reply. He puffs out his chest and clenches his jaw.

"You got something you wanna say, Simon? Then say it. I can take it."

Simon grinds his teeth, his hands balled into fists. "I.." He jumps up off the chair. "I fucking warned you. I told you not to mess with her!" Simon spits.

Negan looks down at his glass and nods. "I know you did." He places the glass down on the table and rises to his feet. "Is that all you've got to say?"

Simon pulls back his arm and punches Negan square in the face, Negan's newly set nose breaking once again.

"You.. you fucking did this to her! You knew how much she fucking loved you!"

Negan cups his hand beneath his nose, catching the drips of blood. "Yeah, but it's not like I knew she'd do what she did. You think I would've messed around with her if I knew that?"

Simon huffs, then shakes his head in reply.

Negan wipes his hand on his pants. "But.. it's still on me. I accept that."

"Maybe if you'd let me go with her.. then maybe-"

"Come on, Simon. You and I both know that was never an option. She wouldn't have fucking left, and you know it."

"But maybe-"

"She couldn't be here anymore." Negan shakes his head. "But.. she.. she wouldn't leave." Negan turns away from Simon as tears fill his eyes. "I fucking had to, okay. You know I had to."

Simon nods before dropping back down into the chair. Negan heads over to his drinks cabinet and grabs another glass. He fills it and hands it to Simon.

Simon downs the whiskey, grimacing a little since he never had liked it much. He wipes at his moustache with the back of his hand. "Dwight went out straight after burying Sherry. He.. he buried Grace right beside her."

"Where's he gone?"

"Looking for the group that attacked us. Guess he wants to keep busy."

Negan looks down at his glass. "Pretty sure I'll be doing the same. When we find this group, they're gonna regret fucking with us, that's for damn sure."

Simon nods. "Oh, I found out why John and David weren't at the Satellite outpost when it got attacked."

"Why?" Negan asks, not really interested in the slightest.

"Alden says they've been seen sneaking off to some cabin in the woods. He thinks they've taken the food that's gone missing too."

Negan waves a hand. "Right now, I honestly couldn't give a shit what they're doing out there. Probably making fucking moonshine. Just leave them to it."

"You need me for anything tonight?" Simon asks. Negan shakes his head, then Simon reaches for the bottle, pouring himself another glass. "Good, because I've got a bottle of gin in my room which I intend on emptying." He downs the glass then places it on the table before heading for the door.

"I am sorry," Negan says. "I know you liked her.. probably more than I did."

Simon stands with his back to Negan. "I liked her a lot more than you did. Things would've been much better if she'd loved me. But she didn't love me, so it doesn't matter." He leaves, closing the door behind him.

Negan pours himself another glass, leans back on the sofa, and stares into the distance.

This was on him, and he knows it. He reaches down the side of the sofa, pulling out Sarah's knife. He hadn't been sure whether he should bury her with it, but then he'd decided against it. He'll keep it himself, as a reminder of what he'd done.