~Part 1: Thoughts~

I always thought love was the best feeling you could ever have...

Feeling warm hearted, safe, happy...

Those were false accusations...

They were lies in plain sight!

Love doesn't exist, nowhere to be found.

Not loved by ones family, by friends, by no one. Not loved by even ones parents.

People are just all liars! Play with ones feelings! Only to be fooled with the naked eye!

I was stupid.

I fell for it.

I was stupid enough to fall for their traps.

They promised they wouldn't hurt me.

They said they would stay.

What was it?


Or just empty love?



Skylar: What time is it?


Skylar: Oh, ok. It's just 8:30...

Skylar: Wait?...

*Clears eyes*

Skylar: Shoot!!! I'm late!


Today's my first day ima ruin it! Shit! Fuck! Fuck my shit! Im late!


Skylar: Ok! Put this on! Ok!!!

Skylar: Where are the keys?!?!?!?!?

*Looks desperately for keys*

Skylar: Who moved them?!?!?!? Oh wait there they are

*Goes to car*

Skylar: ok! We in!

Skylar: Step one, ear buds in... CHECK!!! Step two, do whatever... CHECK! Lets go to work.

*Starts car*

Skylar: I'm faded! So lost! Im faded!!

*Singing while in the car*

[20mins pass]

Skylar: Ok im here shoot its 9:15!

*Walks into Dream Taster*

Bob: Your late Skylar...

*Continues reading newspaper*

Skylar: Im sorry! I was staying up all night studying and I-

Bob: I don't need to know your personal life, just wash your hands and start checking in orders.

Skylar: Yes sir

*Rolls eyes*

Bob: Oh Skylar!


Shoot he knows i rolled my eyes at him, STUPID!!


Skylar: Yes boss?...

*Smiles shyly*

Bob: We have a new employee, show him how to work here.

*Reads newspaper*

Skylar: Ok boss!

*Breathes in realif*

Bob: Don't think I didn't feel those eyes roll...

Skylar: I didn't

*Laughs nervously, goes behind counter*

Bob: Kids!

[9:30-Behind counter]

Skylar: I'm so dumb.

Skylar: Stupid! Stupid!


Stranger: Why is such a pretty girl calling herself stupid?

Skylar: Oof!! I forgot there was someone here...

*Smiles in embarrassment*

Stranger: Dont need to get embarrassed.

Skylar: Im not!!!

Stranger: Fiesty!

Skylar: Hmph!

Starnger: Hey sorry

Skylar: I dont need ur pitty -_-

Stranger: Hey! sorry to get on the wrong foot... I'm-