
Disclaimer: I, wolfYLady, own nothing as I am nothing more than a humble writer whose entertainment comes from manipulating fictional characters. The anime/manga: Inuyasha and Fairy Tail, belong to its respective owners and creators. Again I own nothing! Long live FANFICTION!

Summary: Kagome appears within a new land full of wizards. Curious and in need of money Kagome wonders into Fairy Tail. Now a part of Fairy Tail Kagome is making new friends and going on crazy adventures, and come to understand her place in this magical world. *Starts before the Fairy Tail series*

Makarov Dreyar eyed the girl before him with interest, just as she stared back at him with curiosity. It has been a long time since he had heard of her kind, thinking they had died a millennia ago. They were the embodiment of pure magic, their bodies being their vessel without the need for any magic circles, hand signs, or weapons. But even then they varied in strength, and for all, he knew she didn't even know of the magic in her veins.

"What can I do for you, little lady?" He beamed in greeting. The girl stood at 5'2, her raven hair falling around her heart-shaped face in thick waves, her sapphire eyes a swirl of changing blue framed by thick black lashes. Her youthfully curved body dressed in thigh-high black socks, a navy skirt, and a white kimono styles top with the bell sleeves decorated by red and purple sakura flowers.

"I was curious if you would be taking any new members?" She asked plainly. Around them the guild had silenced, dozens of eyes swiveling towards the two. Guilds did not accept just anyone that walked in off the street; the Fairy Tail guild was no different, you had to be worthy.

"And pray-tell what makes you worthy of being a member?" His dark eyes narrowing. "What magic do you possess?"

She gave a heavy sigh, scratching at her brow. "I'm not sure if it has a name, I have been practicing other magic though," she muttered in thought.

When the well had brought her here, to this strange world, after the battle, she had woken at the bottom completely confused with a handful of books as a guide. The well was full of them, and overhead light streamed in through the cracked seal boards covering the opening. Crawling out, Kagome had been surrounded by a building littered in magical items and literature. And outside the well-house stood a dense forest, her beautiful sacred tree standing taller than the entire forest.

She'd tried to go back, but the well's magic refused to open to her. Whatever the situation, she was brought here for a reason. No doubt it was the cursed gems fault, Kagome'd wished on it and then she was here, it made sense.

Mourning for her family and friends, Kagome refused to allow herself to wither away to the depression already eating at her. She would learn and grow stronger to be able to return to them. That's what brought her here, she'd gone through every book, twice, but nothing so she sought out the strongest guilt in the hope they could assist in her desire to gain more information.

Kagome also needed money, being in a guild was the only way she could legitimately take paying jobs.

"Oh really?" his brow raised at the lost look in her eyes.

"I could show you," she shrugged.

"And would you do that," and then in a low whisper "miko," his old eyes watching for her reaction.

Her eyes narrowed into slits, glowing pink in a show of her pure magic.

A large welcoming grin spread across his face; his eyes pinched in glee. The girl was a miko, a fiery one at that. His guild would be gaining another influential member, this one a miko on top of being a wizard. Though he'd be needing to understand why or how she found her way here, accepting her meant she was becoming one of his children. The look in her eyes told of a level of pain that his children knew all too well.

"Then welcome to Fairy Tail my dear," every member in the guild hall sharing a surprised gasp. "What shall we be calling you?"

"Kagome Taishō," the girl tipped her head with a small smile. Using the name made her feel closer to her friends like she was honoring them and the new power she inherited, plus if Sesshomaru was alive using his father's name might reach the daiyoukai and he'll come looking for her.

"Kagome Taishō," he grinned, tasting the oddly familiar name. "Well darling why don't we talk upstairs, and Mirajane will give you your mark,"

Kagome nodded, her brow raising at the shared cry that filled the air.

"Ignore them," he waved it off, turning to Mirajane who had a look of disbelief on her innocent face. "Follow us,"

"Yes sir," She shook her head grabbing the magical seal. Her silvery white hair falling over her slender shoulders.

"Master! What is the meaning of this?!" A stern voice erupting over the guild. Turning the two saw a redhead quickly approaching. Her dark violet-brown eyes narrowed in a mixture of concern and confusion. The woman was powerful from the feel of her aura, but as threatening as she looked, the girl wasn't at all about to fight as those in the guild expected. "Only S class are allowed on the second floor,"

He nodded. "I know, she'll be joining you in rank,"

"What?!" A pink haired man roared in the background. "This is so unfair!"

"But master-"

He cut her off. "I can tell she is strong enough; I don't need to test her," looking back to Kagome he offered the confused girl a smile. "Come we have much to talk about,"

Kagome swallowed thickly with a nod.


The new guild mark on her right shoulder in a shimmer of silvery gray now branded her a Fairy Tail wizard.

The girl, Kagome, told a tale of time traveling magic, of demons and humans fighting over a magical artifact Kagome possessed from birth. According to their theories, Kagome either had jumped an unknown amount of time into the future or jumped into an alternate dimension. Either way, Kagome was searching for a way home.

"So what magic have you tried?" Makarov asked.

She grumbled. "Anything and everything in those damn books- fire, water, and wind are the easiest. But mostly anything that can further my own miko-ki and youki," Saying that pink and white flames erupted in her palm. "I've been working on perfecting my holy fire,"

"You control both?" Makarov asked with wide eyes.

She nodded. "I can only do basic element magic, but these two are apart of me, they make me what I am,"

Sweat gathered on the Master's brow, making Mirajane concerned. She no idea what those two magics were, but if it made him nervous, it must be impressively dangerous.

'No one should be able to control both! The demons still roaming don't even control youki, they use magic they were made to use,' Makarov thought nervously. That kind of power doesn't need testing, even if it went against the usual testing for 'S' class, he knew that she would be a greater asset as a high-class wizard. There would be those who opposed his decision, based on her not going through the trail, but it would be pointless as she would undoubtedly win he'd rather save that trail for those who've been working hard this year. "You're blood magic is quite impressive,"

'Blood magic!?' Mirajane froze, her eyes wide with fear. There were several forms, many of them forbidden or forgotten and then there were those born with an ability that came without the use of magic spells, circle or incantations which differed from those who were born with the predilection for magically forms.

"So you were born with it?" Mirajane blurted.

Kagome's blue eyes switched to her. "Yes, I was the only one born to my family with miko-ki and once I took in the jewel I was gifted the youki within it," she explained.

Mirajane could only nod. There were things she hadn't said, as if it were just an overview of her life. But what she spoke of, passionately with great urgency, was returning home. "What if you can't go back?" She asked sadly. For all, they knew a higher power could be at play.

Her shoulders slumped forward and eyes darkened. "I have to try,"

"Do you have a place to stay my dear?" Makarov asked.

Her silence was her answer. She could always go back to the well-house, but since moving the books, to protect them, her personal library was now available with a mere thought, and her seals were currently protecting the well-house. Journeying to and from would take too much time, once she could take jobs she'd have to find a place close by to the guild.

"Your welcome to stay at the guild, there are rooms available for anyone in need,"

Kagome bowed deeply. "Thank you,"