A/N Thanks for your reviews and support.

dogman999: thanks for your review, my friend. So glad you enjoy it.

DarkRavie: thanks for your review, my friend.

Happy New Year you guys. I hope you had a great holiday!

Shioon's POV

Dodging around the older boy was getting him nowhere. All it was doing was wearing down his ki reserves. If he was a normal disciple he would have run out of ki long ago.

Shioon wasnt just any disciple as no doubt Hyuk was beginning to suspect. He was the Guardian of the Forest and student of Goomoonryong. If that wasnt enough he also held the Nine-Tailed Fox within his body. It gave him more ki and chakra than most elders.

Shioon in the year that he had been gone created two new techniques. One was a foot technique that wasn't quite finished. Instinctively he knew he could push it harder to do more. It was just a matter of mastering it and being able to do so.

The name of the technique was 3000 Lightning Movement. At his current capabilities, he could only use it for about 2000 movements before it started damaging his body. On top of that, it couldn't be used consecutively without adding to the risk of damaging his body.

Perks of using it however far outweighed its risk. Lightning engulfed the body of the user. The first movement would be the only one that was seen by the opponent.

To them, it would be as if a streak of lightning came at them. With the movements, there was another disadvantage. He would be unable to use regular or elemental ki attacks using this technique.

So he would have to rely on the training that he put his body through to land a strike. At the same time, he would have to avoid the attacks directed at himself. Hyuk would not just stand there and take a full attack after all.

The second technique was a move of last resort. He named it Fanged Destruction and rightly so. In the two times he used it in practice it had destroyed everything within twenty feet of him.

One or multiple opponents as long as they were within that radius they would be incapacitated. Lightning coursing over their bodies shutting down their bodies.

The first attempt had taken Takeshi out for three days. It was another two before the man had been able to right his ki flow.

His second attempt had been with Chun as Takeshi refused to be a test subject a second time. Chun curious to see what he had done to the man allowed himself to be used instead.

Unlike Takeshi, he had not been laid up for three days. His ki flow had been majorly disrupted in a way he hadn't seen before. Like before the rook looked as if a tornado swept through it. Any and all-electric systems and appliances had been beyond repair. They all had to be completely replaced.

Chun told him under no circumstances was he to use it again. If he did his life had better be on the line. It was his sensei who told him about the moves of last resort.

For Chun, his was the Black Origin Threshold. It was Shioon's as well but Chun had gone so far as to say he would rather Shioon cross the Threshold than use Fanged Destruction.

Shioon did research on how he was using it to figure out why. When a Murim student completely drained their reserves multiple times they ran the risk of fracturing their center. A fractured center allowed ki to leak from the lines that sent it across the body. In essence, it would become like poison. Essentially if this happened to him he would have six months to a year to live.

That was what plagued the Snake Sanin but on a much larger scale. His center had been completely destroyed. This left the man unable to use jutsu or ki techniques. Chun didnt want the same to befall Shioon. Not after so much work had gone into training him.

Shioon had accepted the terms as they were. Chun was his teacher for a reason. He was still learning the ways of Murim.

If he wanted to be acknowledged then he would have to work harder than anyone else. Born in the Elemental Nations he didnt have the background people like Hyuk had. They were taught from birth how to use their ki as the ninjas were taught about chakra. The differences between the two were like night and day.

Shioon took a deep breath as Hyuk came at him again. He pushed his ki through the filter with his body. Lightning began to course over his body.

Seeing it caused the older boy to step back in surprise and fear. Allowing the lightning to flow through his veins he lunged as his first movement.

Around him, the world slowed. His second movement he slipped around Hyuk's guard. The third and fourth was to kick off the ground and came down with a lighting encased leg. His leg came straight down towards the boy's shoulder.

At the last second Hyuk, however, moved. When Shioon foot came down on the concrete it exploded.

Fifth and sixth movements had him chasing Hyk across the alleyway. Even as fast as he was it seemed the older boy could read every single one of his movements.

In the span of three seconds, they had destroyed alleyway. The blond boy that had come with Hyuk had to retreat into the safety of the street.

As he went to attack at the boy's back the dark-haired boy suddenly spun on his heel. Shioon was able to retreat but he had used the last of his movements. As much as he wanted to keep going he could risk breaking his body. If his body was broken then he wouldn't be able to keep fighting. Then he would be captured and used against his sensei.

Taking another breath he dissipated the ki. His technique dissipated with it.

Hyuk said looking at the destruction they had caused, "Extraordinary. Despite the differences in our strengths you have been able to fight with me almost on an equal level. What are you?"

Shioon replied with a low growl, "I am a student coming into his power. As long as you threaten those I care about then I will fight you with everything I have. Leave now. Otherwise, you won't be walking away from this."

It seemed that he would have to use Fanged Destruction. He could not fall here.

Hyuk commented noting the shaking of Shioon's body, "It seems you are on your last leg. Give up before you damage yourself even further. I have no doubt that technique you used did damage to your body. Even if you deny it the shaking shows more than words can tell."

Internally Shioon reached out towards both Sien and the Nine-Tailed Fox. Both landed him the strength of their chakras and ki. The ki was unpurified filling up his center once again.

If it was for any other attack he would be desperately trying to purify small amounts of ki to use in attacks. However, for Fanged Destruction, it all had to be purified at once.

Yoochun's warning of doing this rang within his mind. Purifying large amounts of ki all at once could overcome his body. This would turn him into a bomb that could kill everyone around him.

It was a risk he was willing to take in order to protect those closest to him. Chun took him in with Hayate and they taught him what it meant to have someone to look after him. What it meant to have a family and he would do anything to protect it.

Grabbing all of his ki he pushed it through the filter. Filtering it all at once rather than a little at a time. Lightning coursed over his body stronger than before. The strength of his will and the ki given to him by his two inner beasts fueling it.

Hyuk whispered taking a step back in fear, "This shouldn't be possible. You were on the last bit of your ki a moment ago. Where did this power come from?"

Shioon growled, "Never underestimate the power of someone who has something they want to protect. As long as you threaten those I care about I won't give up!"

The lightning that encased his body began to affect the single street light that lit up the alley. The blond boy that had been looking after Hyuk jumped back as the lightbulb exploded. He was just outside the twenty-foot radius. It would have to be good enough.

As the last bit of his ki purified he released it all at once. Fanged Destruction was released all at once. The windows of the buildings blew out from the force of his ki releasing.

Lightning encased Hyuk and he screamed in pain. The ki was more concentrated than it had been in his training. The twenty-foot limit still applied but being in a small encased alleyway rather than an airy open room made the difference. Most focused on the boy in front of him.

As soon as it started it was finished. The dark-haired boy collapsed onto the ground unconscious. The blond ran to his side checking him over. There was fear in his eyes when he looked upon Shioon. It was as if he was afraid that he would try to use it again.

Not that he could. That technique had taken everything out of him. He didn't have any strength left in his body.

Shioon's legs gave out from under him a moment later. An arm caught him around the chest. Looking up Shioon was relieved to see that it was Chun. That was the last thing he saw before his whole world went black.