Morning light greeted Yusuke when he reached Genkai's compound. Even though it was just past dawn the temple bustled with activity, demons of all shapes and sizes working together to make the old woman's wish come true:

The halfway house.

Inhaling, he caught the distinctive scents of sweat, sawdust and–

He paused, sniffing again. The specifics of the aroma remained elusive but man, did it smell good! Everything great about home-cooking rolled into one. Many hailed him as he trotted down the hill, addressing him by his official title. He waved dismissively, throwing off-handed greetings back and slipping through the back door.


He found her in the kitchen, stirring a pot from atop a wooden stool. Smoke trailed from the cigarette in her mouth, one hand remained steadfastly behind her back but he knew she'd heard him.

Yusuke sauntered to the stove, poking his head over the pot. "What'cha cooking?"

"Back off, dimwit." Though he knew it was coming, he couldn't block the blow from her free hand. "This isn't for you."

"Ow!" Yusuke winced, clutching his throbbing forehead. "C'mon, Genkai! I'm hungry–"

"You should have eaten before you left."

"But I came here to see you–"

"And who's the idiot who left on an empty stomach?"

He backed away, muttering something about 'ornery old hags', which she graciously ignored.

"This is for the workers." She tapped the cigarette into a nearby ashtray, eyes never leaving the pot. "It's an old recipe – takes all day to cook. If you want some, make yourself useful."

So he did. For the next twelve hours, Yusuke sawed, hammered, and hoisted wood into place, secured metal beams, lined clay shingles, all while inhaling the sweet aroma of Genkai's cooking. He caught himself drooling multiple times and tried to imagine what the soup would taste like.

During that time, he also got to know the halfway house workers: he learned their names, birthplaces and dreams. Their backgrounds couldn't be more diverse, though each desired the same thing – a future for themselves and their families.

Soon enough, he forgot all about the food.

A/N: Yusuke and Genkai. Humor and Friendship.

Prompt: Drooling.

350 words.