There is no Harry Potter or Naruto Uzumaki in this story as they don't exist. Instead, the main protagonist is an OC. The OC unlike most stories won't be the Lord of numerous Houses. Rather he will only be the Lord of House le Fey. Even though Naruto Uzumaki won't exist in my story, a female version known as Natsumi Namikaze will.

The story is a Harry Potter and Naruto crossover with elements from Fate/stay night such as the Age of Gods, which will be explained in the story.

There will be no Slash, Yuri, Lemons, Harems, Mpregs, and Futa in my story.




Chapter 1

On the outskirts of London resided a building called Kindred Spirits Orphanage. Inside one of the many bedrooms of the orphanage was a child that was seven years old child sitting on his bed.

The seven-year-old was tall and slim for his age, though he was slightly underweight from the lack of food at the orphanage. He has straight black hair that was like the night's sky that went down to his shoulders, and his skin was fair white. His face was oval-shaped with aristocratic features developing. His eyes were silver in colour and seemed to glow with power every now and then. The boy was also quiet and reserved most of the time.

Resting on the index finger of his right hand was a silver ring. The ring was peculiar as it had the markings of waxing and waning crescents surrounding the full moon on it going around the ring.

The matron of the orphanage a stern old woman named Margaret had come across the child during one of her many walks. Margaret was going for a stroll through the woods when she heard a baby crying. Wondering what a baby was doing out in the woods Margaret went to the source of the crying and found a baby, in a cave that was full of crystals resting in a basket with no one in sight.

The only objects found in the basket were a silver ring attached to a chain around the baby's neck that Margaret presumed to be left by the baby's parents, and a blanket with the name Revan inscribed on it. Not willing to leave a baby in such a place she took him with her back to the orphanage to be raised. She could only presume Revan's parents had abandoned him when the police couldn't find any trace of his parents.

Revan had a difficult time growing up in the orphanage as he was constantly bullied by the other children there. They often did this because of the weird things that would happen around Revan while he was growing up, and for his abnormal eye colour. They would pretend to be his friend only to then play a cruel prank on him, like knocking him down when none of the adults was looking and steal his belongings. These actions resulted in Revan gaining a deep distrust of people in general.

The ringleaders of Revan's cruel treatment were two older boys called Jack and Alex. Both of them were large boys making them physically stronger than Revan, meaning he would have to run away from them as he stood no chance against them in a fight. The two boys constantly bullied Revan because they were jealous of his ring, as they had nothing to remember their parents by. When Revan became four years old he would spend most of his time in a nearby grove he had discovered, to get away from the cruel treatment by the other children.

It's here where Revan discovered his ability to speak to animals in a fashion. If Revan focused hard enough on a type of animal he could get a general feeling of what they were saying. The animals that inhabited the grove didn't have much to say and weren't very intelligent, but Revan enjoyed their company over the other children at the orphanage. Plus he had always enjoyed the feeling of nature. Therefore he didn't mind spending time by himself in the grove.

For the next year Revan would spend most of his time in the grove enjoying the company of the animals, and the feeling of nature he got resting there. One day when Revan was six years old everything changed for him. As Jack and Alex had managed to track down Revan to the grove, and grabbed him before he could escape.

"Hold the freak still," Jack ordered preparing to beat up Revan.

"I've got him, he's not going anywhere," Alex said holding Revan's arms behind his back who was struggling to break free.

Just as Jack was about to land the first blow he caught a glimpse of a chain under Revan's top. Smirking cruelly Jack reached inside Revan's top and yanked on the ring breaking the chain and freeing the ring. Jack then held up the ring in the sunlight to get a better look at it, and to show off what he now had to the freak.

"Give that back," Revan exclaimed angrily trying to break free of Alex's grip.

"I don't think so freak, it's mine now," Jack said harshly studying the ring closely.

"Does the ring look valuable?" Alex asked trying to get a look at it while holding the struggling Revan in place.

"It doesn't look like much," Jack replied before looking at Revan with a cruel look in his eyes. "But we might get a bit of money from a pawn shop for it."

This caused Revan to thrash around even more since he didn't want to lose the only thing he had of his parents.

"No you can't, it's mine," Revan said trying to desperately break free. Fed up with Revan's complaining Jack punched him in the stomach causing Revan to wheeze in pain.

"Come on Alex, let's go and see how much money we can make by selling this pathetic thing," Jack said walking away.

"See you later freak," Alex said letting Revan drop to the ground, and jogging to catch up with Jack.

Revan was on his hands and knees wheezing in pain watching Jack and Alex walk away with the only thing he had left of his parents to remember them by.

'No I won't let them walk away with my ring,' Revan thought trying to stand up and failing. Watching them leave with something so precious of his caused Revan to feel an unknown power flow throughout his body. He instinctually raised his right hand towards the bullies without him even realizing it.

'It's mine,' Revan said in his mind with all of his strength. This caused the ring to suddenly fly out of Jack's hand and into Revan's. All three of them had a surprised look on their faces from what just happened. Recovering quickly Revan slipped the ring onto his index finger of his right hand to keep it safe, and to make it harder to steal. Recovering from his shock, Jack's face changed into one that of pure anger.

"I don't know what freakishness you just did, but nothing will stop me from taking that ring," Jack said angrily walking towards Revan with Alex following behind him looking angry as well, though with a slight nervousness in his eyes that he couldn't fully hide.

With the pain having gone Revan stood up to face the bullies and looked at them with a cold expression on his face, which froze the two of them in their tracks because of the fear they felt.

"No you won't, in fact, you'll never bother me again," Revan stated icily with a look in his eyes that promised pain to any who crossed him. Being spoken to like this only angered the bullies more.

"You'll be saying something much different when we're done with you," Jack replied walking towards Revan while cracking his knuckles to appear intimidating. Revan seeing Jack approaching him raised his right hand.

"If you think your freakishness will protect you from me then think again," Jack bellowed. Before he could throw a punch at Revan, Jack was suddenly thrown backwards by an invisible force and skidded across the grass. Alex gained a look of absolute fear on his face when he saw Revan perform his freakishness on Jack.

"What was that?" Jack asked with a terrified expression on his face.

Revan simply ignored him and calmly stared at Alex. Feeling fear swell up inside of him from those cold silver eyes staring at him Alex went to make a run for it, but only made it a few feet when he was sent flying into a nearby tree face first. The force of the collision broke ended up breaking his nose.

Jack now looked positively frightened when he saw Revan was calmly walking towards him. Wanting to make as much space between him and the freak as possible, Jack crawled backwards in fear but it was for nought. As Revan had caught up with him and was looking down at him with piercing cold eyes.

"You will never bother me again do you understand?" Revan asked with a tone that promised pain if he didn't agree. Jack nodded his head so fast it looked like he would get whiplash, terrified of the person in front of him and what would happen to him if he disagreed.

"I'm glad we could come to an arrangement between us. Now take your friend and leave before I change my mind," Revan said darkly causing Jack to move as fast as he possibly could towards Alex. Once Jack had gotten Alex to his feet the two of them left the grove as quickly as possible, afraid of what would happen if they stayed too long.

When Revan could no longer see or hear them he collapsed to the ground, exhausted from using so much of his newfound power.

'I don't know what this power is but I'm very grateful for it,' Revan thought trying to regain his strength. 'The only problem is its very tiring to use, if they were here any longer they would have seen me collapse, and I can't let them see that I have any weaknesses or they'll try and take advantage of it.'

Once Revan had regained some of his strength he headed back to his room to practice with his newfound abilities. That way he will never be at another's person's mercy ever again.

After that eventful day, Jack and Alex were terrified of Revan and would flee the room the second they saw him. It didn't take long for the rest of the children at the orphanage to soon notice this. Their curiosity aroused they asked Jack and Alex why they were so terrified of Revan, but they remained tight-lipped about it. The only thing Jack and Alex were willing to spill was that Revan was a monster, and if you don't want to get hurt you should leave him alone.

Most of the children seeing how scared Jack and Alex were of Revan believed their story about Revan being a monster, and from that day forward left him alone. Some of the children however decided to keep bullying Revan, as they didn't believe Jack and Alex one bit. Those that did quickly learned this was a very poor idea. Whenever one of them tried to bully Revan they would always suffer an accident that would result in a serious injury.

Though it could never be proven all the children knew Revan was the one responsible for the accidents that befell them. Following this happening to them several times all the children at the orphanage soon began to fear Revan for his mysterious power.

This benefited Revan greatly however as it meant he would never be bullied again and would be left alone by the other orphans. It also allowed Revan plenty of time to practice with his newfound power without being disturbed by anyone.

Every day for the next year Revan would practice with his newfound power. After a year of training, he could move objects with his mind, manipulate and control animals, and if he so wished cause harm to the other children with but a thought.

One particular morning Revan was once again practising with his powers in his room. At this particular moment, Revan was practising his levitation skills on a book that was lying on his desk on the opposite side of the room.

'Up,' Revan thought at the same time as he waved his right hand. The book immediately rose a few feet above the desk. After moving it around for a bit, Revan waved his hand again causing the book to fly back to its place on the small bookshelf.

'I'm definitely getting stronger, as I feel less drained each time I move things,' Revan thought. As he was thinking this there was a sudden knock on his bedroom door.

"Come in," Revan called calmly. Opening the door was Margaret with a strict look on her face, and behind her was a girl about five years old. The girl has brown hair that went to her mid-back, her eyes were brown, and she had a cute face with a nervous expression on it.

Upon seeing him Margaret smiled. "How are you today Revan?"

"I'm fine matron thank you for asking, how are you today?" Revan replied neutrally hiding his dislike of Margaret, seeing as she did nothing to curb the behaviour of the other children when they used to bully him.

"Not so good I'm afraid, Stephanie here has just joined the orphanage," Margaret said mournfully indicating to the girl next to her. "I was wondering if you could show Stephanie around the orphanage to help her get acclimatised to her new home."

'Like I have a choice,' Revan thought annoyed he would have to give this girl a tour when he could be doing other things. "It's no problem at all, I'm sure we'll both have plenty of fun together."

"That's very good to hear, I'll leave Stephanie in your capable hands then," Margaret said happily before walking out of the room while closing the door behind her as she left. Once the door was closed there was an awkward silence as Revan and Stephanie were just staring at one another not sure what to say.

"You have very beautiful eyes," Stephanie commented before looking to the ground blushing in embarrassment. Revan couldn't help but blush as well, having never been complimented on his eyes before.

"Thank you," Revan replied trying to calm down his blush. "My name is Revan it's nice to meet you."

"I'm Stephanie," Stephanie said shyly looking up from the ground. Revan couldn't help but think it might not be so bad showing this girl around the orphanage. After all, she couldn't be that bad if she complimented his eyes.

"Why don't I show you all the interesting places around here," Revan said holding his hand out for Stephanie who nervously went to grab it.

"Don't worry I don't bite," Revan said jokingly. Stephanie couldn't help but let out a few small giggles at his joke. Once Stephanie had grabbed his hand she seemed to be completely comfortable around him. This confused Revan but he decided to ignore it for the time being.

"Come on you'll soon learn to like it here," Revan said not willing to tell her the truth on her first day that the opposite was in fact true. However, before he could take a step forward he was stopped by Stephanie's voice.

"You're going to end up leaving me like my Mother aren't you?" Stephanie asked in a scared voice with tears gathering in her eyes.

"Of course not I'll be there for you as long as you want," Revan replied quickly in a strong voice to reassure her while wiping away her tears. Revan wondered where this caring side of him had come from since he didn't usually care about other people.

For some reason, he didn't like seeing Stephanie upset. Wiping away her tears had cheered her up a bit, as she gave him a small smile in return. Revan then slowly pulled on her hand to get her to come along with him so he could begin the tour. Throughout the tour, Stephanie would ask questions about everything she saw, while she was latched onto Revan's hand like it was a lifeline.

When Margaret found them later after dinner she informed them Stephanie's room was ready, and it was time for them to go to sleep. Hearing this caused Stephanie to wrap her arms around Revan and refuse to let him go.

Once it became clear Stephanie wouldn't let go of Revan. Margaret allowed Stephanie to sleep in the same bed as him for one night only, to allow her to get more settled in at the orphanage. After hearing that Stephanie gave a smile that could of light up an entire room she was that happy.

"Why didn't you want to sleep in your own bed, Stephanie?" Revan asked when both of them were lying together in his bed.

"It's because you give off this warm feeling that makes me feel safe and comfortable," Stephanie replied. He found that weird to hear but before he could think about it more she snuggled up to him and in said a tired voice. "Goodnight Revan."

Making himself comfortable next to Stephanie, he couldn't help but frown when he saw her sleeping face.

'I know once you interact with the other children you'll soon come to see me as a monster as well, but for the moment I'll enjoy this feeling, of someone who actually wants to spend time with me without ill intentions,' Revan thought before drifting off to sleep.

The following day Stephanie discovered that the other children at the orphanage used to bully Revan because of his eye colour. Hearing they did this because of such an absurd reason Stephanie decided she wanted nothing to do with them. Since she couldn't believe they would be so mean to someone so nice. This ended up resulting in Stephanie spending all of her time with Revan much to his joy.

For the next several months Revan and Stephanie were inseparable as they did everything together. Given that they were so close, they eventually became to view each other as brother and sister. Stephanie also had Revan completely wrapped around her finger. Revan would do anything she would ask, and if he refused she would give him her adorable puppy dog look that caused him to instantly cave in.

Like giving her piggybacks and having tea parties with Stephanie and her dolls, causing the other children to laugh at him until he gave them a cold look that would send them running.

One day Revan and Stephanie were sitting together in the nearby grove enjoying the weather and talking about different things until Stephanie asked. "Revan how come you never asked what happened to my parents?"

"I figured it was an unpleasant topic for you, so I never brought it up," Revan replied moving his head to look at Stephanie. This caused Stephanie to smile knowing how much of a caring person Revan is.

"Since you're my brother it's only right you know," Stephanie said.

"Very well then if my cute little sister wants to tell me, who am I to deny her," Revan said teasingly causing Stephanie to blush in embarrassment.

"Stop teasing me," Stephanie said trying to calm down her blush which only made Revan laugh harder. Seeing Revan laughing at her Stephanie hit Revan on the arm trying to get him to stop laughing. When Revan didn't stop laughing Stephanie pouted at him.

"Sorry I'll stop now," Revan said with a small chuckle seeing her cute face.

"I'll forgive you if you give me a piggyback ride to the orphanage," Stephanie stated with a huff. She tilted her head up and was looking down at him trying to appear regal, but ended up looking cute instead.

"Of course anything to please you, Your Majesty," Revan said playing along. This caused a smile to appear on Stephanie's face. It soon disappeared as she got into a comfortable position to start explaining what happened to her parents.

"I never knew my Father. Apparently, he died shortly before I was born. Growing up it was just Mom and me," Stephanie said sadly. Revan seeing this gave her a hug to comfort her. "Mom was never around to busy working. Sometimes I think she didn't want me at all since I rarely saw her."

"I'm sure that's not true, who wouldn't love someone like you," Revan said in a soothing tone to comfort her.

"Then why did I rarely see my Mother?" Stephanie asked miserably.

Revan smiled softly. "I don't know but any decent person would be proud to have you as their daughter, hell I'm proud to have you as my sister."

Stephanie stared at him with a hopeful look. "You mean it?"

"Of course, I'll tell anyone that'll listen that I have the best sister in the entire world," Revan said proudly causing Stephanie to feel embarrassed and happy. For a while, they just sat there enjoying each other's company.

"I take it your curious about what happened to my Mom for me to end up here?" Stephanie asked breaking the silence.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," Revan said cautiously knowing how much of a sensitive topic this must be to her.

"It's fine you deserve to know, my Mom had dropped me off at preschool and was on her way to work when she got in a car accident killing her," Stephanie said with tears coming down her face as Revan gently rubs her back to soothe her. "After that, I was brought here since I had no other family."

Revan smiled sadly. "I'm sorry that happened to you."

"You have nothing to be sorry about, and meeting you was the best moment of my life," Stephanie said happily.

"Really why is that?" Revan asked surprised.

"No one has ever shown as much care and affection as you have," Stephanie said cheerfully causing Revan's entire face to turn red in embarrassment. Stephanie couldn't help but giggle seeing the tables turned on him.

"Not so nice when it happens to you is it," Stephanie said. Once Revan's face had calmed down he playfully messed with her hair.

"Since you shared something so personal with me it's only fair I return the favour," Revan said.

Stephanie was about to say he didn't need to when Revan waved his hand causing all the branches lying on the ground around them to float a few feet off the ground. Stephanie opened her mouth in shock, flabbergasted by what she was witnessing. Revan couldn't help but look nervously at Stephanie to see what her reaction would be.

"That's awesome it's just like magic," Stephanie said excitedly.

"You don't fear me or find me some sort of freak?" Revan asked cautiously as he was still unsure of her initial reaction.

"Of course not silly, I know you'll never hurt me, and this is so cool what else can you do?" Stephanie asked eagerly. Revan was tremendously pleased to know Stephanie didn't fear him or find him a freak because of his powers.

For the next hour, Revan explained everything he knew about his powers to Stephanie as he showed them off. Stephanie was thrilled to learn her big brother was even more remarkable then she thought.

When Revan had finished explaining all about his powers Stephanie said. "You know I might have similar powers to yours."

"Really what makes you say that?" Revan asked.

"One time when I was really angry I changed my teacher's hair to orange," Stephanie said making Revan laugh.

"I bet your teacher wasn't too happy about that," Revan responded chuckling.

Stephanie smiled widely. "No she wasn't, but she couldn't prove it was me, meaning I didn't get into trouble."

"And this makes you think we both have the same powers," Revan said.

"I do, we've both had weird things happen around us, so what else could it be except for both of us having the same powers," Stephanie said.

"You have a point," Revan admitted. "In that case, I'll teach you how to use your powers then."

Stephanie gave him a hug and beamed at him she was that happy. "You're the coolest big brother in the world."

"I know, now can you let me go so I can start teaching you how to use your powers," Revan said amused.

"Sure I'm ready," Stephanie said playfully saluting Revan.

Revan was so focused on teaching Stephanie how to use her powers. He never noticed they were being watched from a distance away, with someone with fear and disgust in their eyes. Revan and Stephanie became even closer to each other, having found a kindred soul in each other. They were glad they weren't the only ones in the world with these powers, and they had someone to share their experiences with.

A few weeks later while Revan and Stephanie were having a make believe tea party at the behest of Stephanie in his room, where Margaret entered the room with an unreadable look on her face.

"I was wondering if you two could help me with something," Margaret commented.

'Thank god, a break from this stupid tea party,' Revan though in relief, as much as he loves Stephanie he can't stand her little tea parties.

"Sure what do you need?" Stephanie replied looking happy to help.

This caused Revan to internally sigh since she was always willing to help others, no matter what the situation. This often than not resulted in Revan scaring away children that would try and take advantage of her generosity.

"I'm glad to hear that, a nearby church has hosted a fundraising event for orphanages and we were one of the lucky ones to receive some of that money, I was wondering if you two don't mind coming down with me to the church to collect the money," Margaret said her hands shaking nervously.

For some reason, the story felt a little off to him, but it was probably just his imagination. Plus with Stephanie having already agreed it's not like he could get out of doing it. During the walk to the church, Stephanie was constantly talking and asking questions, but for some odd reason, Margaret was mostly silent and would only give one-word answers whenever she was asked a question.

They eventually reached the church after a twenty-minute walk. When they went inside they were met by a Catholic priest. The priest was a tall and slender old man. He was wearing a white and purple garb as well as white gloves.

"Welcome, how can I help you today Margaret?" the priest asked with a smile on his face.

"Hello Father Brandon I'm here to collect the money from the recent charity event for the orphanage," Margaret replied making Father Brandon looked at Revan and Stephanie with an unreadable look in his eyes.

"Of course the money is in the back I'll just get it for you, but first how about some refreshments you just had a long walk," Father Brandon said kindly.

"We'd love some," Margaret said with an unknown tone in her voice.

"Very well, I'll be right back with some refreshments then," Father Brandon said before walking into the back of the church.

Revan and Stephanie used this opportunity to look around the church in as they had never been in one before today. After a few minutes, Father Brandon came back out with a tray full of food and drinks and put it on a nearby table.

"Help yourself to as much food and drink as you want children, Margaret and I will be in the back room sorting out the money if you need us," Father Brandon said with a pointed look towards Margaret. Seeing his look Margaret quickly left with Father Brandon into the back room.

Revan and Stephanie helped themselves to the food and drinks and walked around the church chatting away. After walking around the church for several minutes Stephanie suddenly dropped to the floor unconscious making Revan panic.

"HELP," Revan shouted panicking as he wasn't sure what to do. "STEPHANIE'S FALLEN UNCOUSNIOUS."

He went to shout again when he started to feel a bit drowsy and soon fool unconscious next to Stephanie.

'What happened?' Revan asked himself as he started waking up. As he was feeling more awake he could hear voices talking not too far away from him.

"What are we going to do?" an older man's voice asked full of panic.

"I don't know, and why are you asking me? This is your fault," a woman's voice replied scornfully.

When Revan opened his eyes he saw Father Brandon and Margaret arguing about something. Ignoring them he tried to move but realizing he was tied to a chair. Knowing he wouldn't be able to escape without his powers he looked around the church for Stephanie but saw no sign of her until his eyes landed on the altar where he saw she was lying on her back. He was about to call out to her to see if she was fine when he realized she was lying perfectly still. Taking a closer look he saw her eyes were completely devoid of life.

Seeing this caused Revan to let out an ear-piercing scream of pain and anger, attracting the attention of Father Brandon and Margaret.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" Revan screamed at Father Brandon and Margaret. They both shared nervous looks before Father Brandon stepped forward.

"There was an accident while I was perfuming an exorcism on your friend, to remove the curse Satan had given her," Father Brandon replied nervously.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN CURSE?" Revan shouted angrily.

"Margaret saw you two performing magic a few weeks ago, realizing you must have been given magic by Satan himself, she contacted me to perform an exorcism on you, so I could save your souls by removing your magic. Stephanie went first since she would be the easiest to restrain. I was forcing her to drink saltwater but she refused to have any more. Thinking I was removing her magic I forced the rest of the water down her throat which sadly killed her," Father Brandon said looking at Stephanie's body without any regret on his face.

"YOU KILLED HER BECAUSE YOU THOUGHT SHE HAD A GIFT FROM SATAN," Revan shouted furiously before taking a few deep breaths to calm himself down. "How retarded are you?"

This caused Father Brandon to scowl in anger. "Don't take that tone with me boy, Stephanie might have died accidentally but at least her soul is in a better place now."

"She would still be alive if it wasn't because of you, so don't try justifying your actions to me," Revan said shooting him a venomous look.

"As if I care for your words boy, it'll be your turn soon enough and you'll be grateful afterwards that I removed the curse Satan gave you," Father Brandon said causing Revan to plan his next move.

"You were going to perform an exorcism on Stephanie and me because you believed we have magic that was given to us by the devil, is that right?" Revan asked coldly making sure he understood the reason they killed his sister. This earned him questioning looks Father Brandon and Margaret for his sudden change in tone with them.

"I saw you two using your magic in the grove a few weeks ago, and seeing such foul sorcery I knew I needed to save your souls as soon as possible. I'm sorry Stephanie is dead but at least her soul is now free of the taint given to her by Satan," Margaret said trying to persuade Revan to see reason.

"There is no such thing as the devil you stupid woman. Stephanie and I were born with these gifts, we made no deal with the devil for them, and seeing as you killed the only person who ever accepted and cared for me, I'm going to make you suffer," Revan said darkly before using his powers to snap the ropes binding him, gaining surprised looks from Margaret and Father Brandon.

Revan then held out both of his hands, and fireballs the size of a small football appeared in both of them. Father Brandon and Margaret froze in surprise and fear seeing this, and so we're unable to react in time when Revan threw the fireballs at them.

The fireballs quickly covered their bodies in a fire causing both of them to scream in pain. Father Brandon dropped to the ground and rolled trying to put out the fire, but was having no success. Margaret ran to the bathroom to get water to put out the fire, but the water was having no effect on her.

Revan calmly walked up to the altar ignoring the screams and gently picked up Stephanie's body before walking out of the church with her in his arms. Outside of the church Revan tenderly placed Stephanie's body on the ground hundreds of feet away from the church, to make sure it wouldn't get caught up in what he was about to do. With a dark look on his face, he approached the entrance of the church and started launching more fireballs inside the building causing the church to catch on fire.

Margaret seeing the building catching fire ran towards the entrance to escape but Revan saw her coming. The last thing she saw was the apathetic eyes of Revan as the churches doors closed by themselves, leaving her trapped inside the burning building.

Content they wouldn't escape Revan returned to Stephanie's body and started crying for the loss of his sister. Holding Stephanie's head against his chest he watched as the church burnt down with eyes that were full of satisfaction from getting his revenge. He soon started feeling tired from the emotional trauma he just went through, and from using so much of his power in one go that he soon fell asleep. With his last thought being how Father Brandon and Margaret deserved their fate.

When Revan woke up he looked around desperately for Stephanie's body before he realized he was in a large grey void that seemed endless in every direction.

"How did I get here," Revan asked out loud as he stood up.

"That's simple, I brought you here," a gentle woman's voice said full of love and an undertone of power, causing Revan to turn around in shock. The source of the voice was a beautiful woman with dark black wavy hair. She has green eyes, fair white skin, and red lips. She was wearing a black dress and was smiling at him with love clearly visible in her eyes.

"Why did you bring me here? And who are you?" Revan asked cautiously wary of any more adults in his life. Despite not trying to he couldn't help but feel happy at seeing this woman for some unknown reason.

"I brought you here so we could talk," the women said with her smile increasing. "And for who I am that's simple, my name is Morgana le Fay and I am your Mother."

Revan's mind had stopped working from the surprise he had just heard. He couldn't believe this woman was his Mother. Morgana le Fay was a myth she wasn't real, she had to be lying. In spite of thinking this woman was a liar, the statement just felt true to him. He saw the love in her eyes, which matched the love a parent has for their child. He had also never felt as comfortable as he does now in her presence as he has with anyone else. With all these contributing factors he decided it wouldn't hurt to at least hear what she has to say.

"You're my Mother?" Revan asked hesitantly.

"I know how ridiculous it sounds, but yes I am your Mother," Morgana replied not seemingly bothered by his hesitance to believe her.

Revan hesitantly walked up to Morgana who as soon as he was in range gave him a hug. Revan's first instinct was to break free after the last adult he had met broke his trust, but the love he could feel from her and with her feeling so familiar to him he decided to return the hug. He was coming to believe that Morgana was telling the truth, and she was in fact his Mother.

"Let it all out," Morgana said softly rubbing his back. As soon as he heard that Revan burst out into tears from all the pain he was feeling from Stephanie's death. He wrapped his arms around Morgana clinging on to her afraid she would vanish like Stephanie.

For the next several minutes Revan cried for the death of his sister while saying how it wasn't fair, and how he wished she was still alive. At the same time as Revan was crying Morgana soothingly rubbed his back trying to comfort him.

"Are you feeling better now?" Morgana asked once the tears had stopped. Revan nodded wiping away the remainder of his tears.

"Why did I grow up in an orphanage and not with you Mother?" Revan asked desperately wanting to know the answer.

Morgana smiled sadly at hearing her son's desperation. "It's because I'm dead my son," Morgana replied gently causing Revan to freeze in shock.

"Then how am I talking to you right now if you're dead, wait I'm not dead as well am I?" Revan asked fearfully. Morgana couldn't help but laugh at the question, with Revan finding he liked the laughter of his Mother as it sounded like bells to him.

Morgana let out a few giggles before answering. "No you're not dead my son, we're actually inside your mind at the moment."

"If this is my mind, how am I talking to you right now then if you're dead?" Revan asked curiously.

"Several months after you were born I put a portion of my magic inside of you, so if anything happened to the original me, I could still take care of you and teach you the things you would need to know to survive in this world," Morgana said while stroking his hair. "I was supposed to wake up in a few more years when your mind was more developed and could handle my presence without any side effects occurring to your mind. Not that there will be any since your mind is more developed then I thought, but your recent emotional trauma ended up waking me up earlier than expected."

"Magic is real then?" Revan asked excitedly.

Morgana gave him a fond look. "Yes, it's been magic you've been utilising for the past year my son."

"I can't believe I'm a wizard," Revan said astonished.

"You'll become a powerful wizard in the future from what I've seen in your memories," Morgana said looking at Revan proudly. Her son would even one day surpass that old manipulative bastard Merlin.

"Wait you've seen my memories," Revan asked apprehensively while Morgana smiled hearing this.

"Yes, when I woke up I decided to look through all of your memories to see what your life was like, imagine my surprise when I found out we were in the future," Morgana said adopting a thoughtful look.

Revan blinked in bewilderment thinking he had misheard her. "Did you just say the future?"

"My son you were born in the year 479AD," Morgana said with a calm look on her face.

Revan was stunned from hearing when he was born, however he quickly got over his shock. "What! How is that possible? It's 1987 now."

Morgana tapped her chin. "My last memory is of me placing my magic inside of you. Meaning I have no idea what happened to the original me, or what caused us to end up in this time period."

"It's hard wrapping my head around the fact I was born over 1500 years ago," Revan said trying to comprehend the fact he was born in the middle ages.

"I'm sure you'll get used to it soon enough," Morgana said giving him a comforting hug. "Anything else you want to ask me that is on your mind?"

Revan was hesitant to ask his next question but he pushed on. "Are you the same Morgana le Fay from the Arthurian legends?"

"I am yes," Morgana said with a neutral look on her face.

"According to the legends you were the darkest witch to ever live, is that true?" Revan asked warily not wanting to offend his Mother.

"I am a dark witch yes, but dark does not necessarily mean evil my son," Morgana said waiting to see Revan's response.

"I understand that, but according to the legends you did some pretty evil things," Revan said.

"I did perform some actions some people would consider evil, but I'm not as bad as the legends make me out to be, as history can become twisted over time," Morgana said and was surprised when Revan hugged her when she finished speaking.

"I don't care what you did in the past, you're still my Mother and I love you," Revan said making Morgana smile in relief that her son doesn't hate her for her past actions.

"And I love you as well my son," Morgana said returning his hug.

"Mom I was wondering who is my Dad?" Revan asked once he let go of Morgana.

"Actually Revan you don't have a father," Morgana said making Revan look at her like she was a fascinating creature he had never seen before.

"Everyone has a Dad," Revan said with a tone that said are you a complete imbecile. That only amused Morgana instead of offended her.

"You are the exception to the rule my son," Morgana said smiling at Revan's mystification.

Revan still bewildered asked. "How is it possible to be born without a Dad then?"

"It's because your other Mother was a Goddess," Morgana said completely serious.

"What that can't be true Gods don't exist," Revan said in denial.

"Just like how magic isn't real or I'm just a myth, the world is a bigger place then you realize my son," Morgana said serenely.

Revan thought of all the revelations he had learnt today, and if magic and myths are true who's to say Gods aren't as well.

"Let's say I believe you and my other Mom is a Goddess, how do two women have a child then?" Revan asked still not fully believing her.

"Instead of telling you how I got pregnant, I'll show you instead," Morgana said as that would help Revan believe the truth.

"How will you do that?" Revan asked inquisitively.

"I'll show you my memory of when I first met the Triple Goddesses of the Old Religion," Morgana said resting her hand on Revan's forehead. "This might feel uncomfortable but bear with it." Before Revan could say anything he felt a foreign sensation invade his mind.

Morgana's memory 479AD

"Curse you Merlin," Morgana said pacing around her room with eyes full of intense hatred. "I was this close to killing Arturia and gaining the crown, but you just had to interfere at the last second and save her life didn't you."

While Morgana was cursing Merlin vehemently three different coloured lights that were white, red and black flew into the room through the wall. Morgana seeing the lights stopped her cursing and drew her wand ready to defend herself. The lights glowed more intensely for a few seconds before there was a flash of dazzling light causing Morgana to cover her eyes. When the light died down Morgana was suspired to see three extremely beautiful women that radiated power standing in front of her.

The first woman was extremely beautiful and was wearing a white dress. She was tall and well built with shoulder-length black hair, and light silver eyes that were full of youthful curiosity. She was Ninniane the Maiden Goddess.

The second woman was the most beautiful out of the three and wearing a red dress. She had long silver hair that went down to her lower back and a face of regal beauty and large soft silver eyes that were full of love for the world. She was Rhiannon the Mother Goddess.

The last woman was the least beautiful of the three but still more beautiful than any human could possibly be. She was wearing a black dress with her black hair barely coming down to her shoulders. Her face was pale and dark silver eyes that seemed to lead to an endless abyss. She was Ceridwen the Crone Goddess.

Morgana recognizing the three women as the Triple Goddesses of the Old Religion a magical religion she worships she immediately dropped down to one knee and lowered her head in respect for her Gods.

"How may I be of use Triple Goddesses?" Morgana asked reverently.

"You may raise Morgana," Rhiannon said smiling at the respect shown to her and her sisters. Ninniane was staring at Morgana with curiosity while Ceridwen had a face devoid of any emotion making it impossible to tell what she was thinking. "We have visited you today because I wish for your help with a very important task."

"And what task is that Lady Rhiannon?" Morgana asked respectfully. Wondering what she could possibly do for the Goddess of the Moon and Magic.

"What I'm about to tell you mustn't be repeated to anyone else, do I make myself clear?" Rhiannon asked sternly with her voice carrying an undertone of violence.

"I would never betray your trust Lady Rhiannon," Morgana said seriously. Knowing only a fool would betray the trust of the Triple Goddesses.

Rhiannon studied Morgana for several seconds before feeling satisfied that Morgana wouldn't betray her. "The Age of the Gods as you know it is ending."

"Wait does that mean you're fading Lady Rhiannon?"Morgana asked incredulously. Not wanting to believe the Gods she's worshipped most of her life are fading.

"Ever since the turn of the millennium Gods all over the world have started to fade, the major pantheons like the Greeks and Romans have already faded," Rhiannon said sorrowfully for what that meant for all of the Gods around the world.

"How's that possible? You're Gods you can't die," Morgana said hoping what she was hearing wasn't true.

"Despite what you might think Gods aren't immortal, in fact, we are created from the belief of humans. With the decline of magic in the world and humans praying to the Gods less, it was inevitable we would start to fade. It didn't help when Uther Pendragon outlawed our religion and replaced it with Christianity, as that just sped along our fading since there were fewer followers to worship us. The only reason we have lasted so long is that our domains have slowed down our fading," Rhiannon said bitterly.

Morgana looked defeated. "It's final then, there's nothing you can do to stop your fading."

"The Age of Gods is coming to an end, that fact is irrefutable. My sisters and I have made peace with this, but we can ensure our religion lives on," Rhiannon said with the other two Goddesses watching Morgana more intently now.

"Arturia is a follower of Christianity just like her accursed father," Morgana said spitting the word father with hate and disgust. "And I can't see her converting anytime soon. This leaves one thousand followers of the Old Religion left in the country. How can we ensure the Old Religion lives on with so few followers?"

Rhiannon was pleased Morgana understood how dire things are for them. "You're right if nothing is done the Old Religion will become extinct, that's why we need a champion."

"A champion, you mean someone blessed by the Gods?" Morgana asked wondering if Rhiannon is thinking of making her their champion.

Rhiannon narrowed her eyes in anger. "No I blessed a person once before but he turned his back on us, I won't make the same mistake twice."

"Who was the person you blessed Lady Rhiannon?" Morgana asked wondering what fool would turn their back on the Gods.

"It was Merlin," Rhiannon said furiously.

Morgana was shocked Merlin was involved in this. "Why would Merlin turn his back on the Gods?"

"Merlin never desired to restore the Old Religion to prominence like he promised to do, all he wanted was power from me, and once he got it he left to carry out his machinations," Rhiannon said.

"What do you mean machinations?" Morgana asked.

"Despite how he might present himself he is a manipulative old man who believes he knows what's best for Britain, that's why he tried to manipulate the prophecy concerning the Once and Future King of Britain," Rhiannon said.

"How did he try and manipulate the prophecy?" Morgana asked wondering what that bastard Merlin had done.

"When Merlin heard the prophecy that foretold the Once and Future King of Britain he deeply desired to find that person, so he could guide their actions down a path he believed best for Britain," Rhiannon said.

"So Merlin set out to find the Once and Future King of Britain and use Arturia her for his own benefit then?" Morgana asked for clarification.

"You would be correct when Merlin discovered the child had not yet been born he decided to do everything in his power to bring about the Once and Future King of Britain," Rhiannon said preparing herself for Morgana's reaction. "Merlin using his seer powers foresaw the King would be born from Uther Pendragon so he approached him about the prophecy, the only problem was Uther desired a woman already married."

Morgana got furious hearing this having already figured out where this explanation was heading, and in a tone that promised unimaginable suffering said. "That bastard will suffer a painful death."

"Merlin didn't care about that so he made a deal with Uther. He would help Uther sleep with the woman of his desire and if a child was born from their union, Merlin would raise the child instead of Uther," Rhiannon said waiting for Morgana to erupt.

"Merlin killed my older sister, helped Uther rape my Mother, when I get my hands on him he will suffer a fate worse than death for all the suffering he's caused my family," Morgana said maliciously with her eyes filled with cruelty.

Rhiannon's eyes glowed with dark delight at Morgana's reaction. "I'm sure he will suffer in due time, but continuing with the story. Merlin cast an illusion on Uther to make him look like your father, who then visited your Mother to finally be with the woman he had lusted after for so long. The only problem was Uther never planned on you seeing through his illusion when he arrived, because of the powerful magic you possessed at such a young age. When he threw you out of the room because you wouldn't let go of him, it caused your magic to go out of control and disrupt the illusion allowing your mother to see who it really was."

"Even though the illusion had disappeared that didn't stop Uther from raping my Mother. I remember hearing her screaming for him to stop but he never did, my hands were covered in blood from pounding on the door for so long. Then nine months later my Mom gave birth to Arturia and died shortly afterwards," Morgana said heatedly thinking of the fate that had befallen her Mother.

"Uther could not make a girl his heir even if she was fated to become King one day, so he gave her to Merlin as he promised. Merlin didn't care for the sex of the baby since he was confident she would one day become King like the prophecy foretold," Rhiannon said after waiting for Morgana to calm down.

"Then when Arturia was sixteen years old she pulled Caliburn from the stone becoming King," Morgana said disgusted Merlin's plan work.

"That is true, but did you know Merlin enlisted the help of the fairies to make him Caliburn?" Rhiannon asked.

Morgana's face twisted into something terrible when thinking of Merlin. "No doubt Merlin did this as another part of his plan to crown Arturia King."

"You are correct, Merlin had the fairies create Caliburn and place it in the stone, so when Arturia pulled the sword like he knew she would, there would be no doubt of her legitimacy to the crown. As only the promised King could pull the sword from the stone" Rhiannon said.

Morgana clenched her hands in anger. "That manipulative old bastard has been pulling everyone's strings for years."

"Then you'll enjoy this piece of information, that despite all the manipulations Merlin's done so he can guide the King down the path he believes that's best for Britain. Arturia doesn't trust him in the slightest and keeps him at arm's length, making it impossible for him to accomplish his goals," Rhiannon said smugly clearly enjoying Merlin's failure.

"I guess Arturia is smarter then I give her credit for if she doesn't trust Merlin. Take that Merlin all the trouble you went through and the King doesn't trust you enough to listen to your advice, all that time and energy you've invested has been for nothing," Morgana said laughing viciously at Merlin's misfortune.

"Due to the blessing I gave Merlin he is too strong for you to defeat in a one on one fight and I can't remove a blessing once it has been given. Despite that, I have another way you can defeat Merlin where he will learn what pain truly is," Rhiannon said with a cruel smile. "But that is for another time, for now, we need to get back to the matter of my champion."

"If you're not going to bless me Lady Rhiannon, how are you going to have a new champion?" Morgana asked.

"That is why I have come to you, I wish for you to carry my child," Rhiannon said calmly like she was talking about the weather.

"WHAT you must be joking?" Morgana asked in disbelief completely ignoring the fact she was talking to a God who could easily squash her like a fly.

"I am completely serious. In a few decades my sisters and I will have faded from this world. To possibly delay this, I want my child to show off the power of the Old Religion," Rhiannon said calmly not bothered by Morgana's shouting. "When the people see a demigod amongst them performing unimaginable feats they will know the Old Religion still exists increasing my followers. This will in turn hopefully delay my fading."

"You could easily go to any witch to carry your child, why come to me?" Morgana asked still in shock of what was being asked of her.

"Because if my followers discover I have a child they will treat him like a messiah, and that won't be a healthy environment for my child to grow up in. But if he grows up with you I know you'll treat him like a normal child," Rhiannon said smiling reassuringly at Morgana. "I also know you desire a child yourself but are reluctant to let a man touch you after that particular incident. This way you can have the child you always wanted and I get my champion."

Hearing her reasons made Morgana think of all the pros and cons of this deal. She would get the child she's always desired, and wouldn't have to have sex with a male to get one. Her child would one day surpass Merlin since he or she would be a demigod. She would unfortunately be out of commission for several months, but she could use that time to manipulate things from the shadows to destroy Arturia and Merlin.

"Very well I agree with your proposal," Morgana said making Rhiannon smile joyfully. "How will I get pregnant?"

"I will put some of my life force into your womb making you pregnant with our child, but hold still while I do so, as it may feel a bit disconcerting," Rhiannon said eager for what was to come.

Ninniane interrupted before Rhiannon could proceed. "Before you do that sister I want to ask Morgana a question."

"What question might that be Lady Ninniane?"Morgana asked surprised Ninniane is talking to her.

"Will you care for the child, love him as your own, or will you simply see him as a weapon to use against your enemies?" Ninniane asked sternly.

"All I've ever wanted is to have a family, there is no way I could possibly treat my own child as a weapon, my child will be the most precious thing in the world to me," Morgana said passionately not cowering before Lady Ninniane. After studying Morgana for a few minutes to look for any deceit Ninniane smiled seeing her honesty.

"I believe you, because of that I want to give some of my powers to your child," Ninniane said happily surprising everyone in the room.

"Why have you decided to do that?" Rhiannon asked completely confused.

"By giving him some of my powers I'll be his favourite Aunt," Ninniane said clapping her hands together excitedly.

'You're giving him powers just so you'll be the child's favourite Aunt,' everyone couldn't help but think in disbelief.

"Thank you Lady Ninniane for blessing my child," Morgana said respectfully not sure what else to say.

"You are confused I'm not blessing the child, I'm going to put part of my essence in the child, so if I fade the child will still be able to use my abilities," Ninniane said giggling at Morgana's misconception.

"Does that mean if you fade Merlin will lose the blessing you gave him?" Morgana asked Rhiannon.

"That's correct, a blessing will only last as long as the God that blessed you still exists, so if I fade Merlin will become significantly weaker," Rhiannon said with Morgana making a note of such information.

"I also decided to give the child some of my powers," Ceridwen said in a deep voice filled with power that was beautiful and depressing at the same time. Morgana couldn't help but shiver at Ceridwen's voice.

'I suppose it makes sense I would feel uncomfortable when she speaks, she is the Goddess of Death after all,' Morgana thought.

"Why have you decided to give some of your powers to my child as well?" Rhiannon asked suspiciously not trusting Ceridwen, seeing as she is apathetic to everything including her own fading.

"The child will face a great threat in the future, in which he'll need my powers to help overcome," Ceridwen said in a voice devoid of all emotion.

'What does Ceridwen mean my child will face a great threat in the future,' Morgana thought worriedly.

"What sort of threat would the child face in the future that it would need all of our powers to defeat?" Ninniane asked confused. Ceridwen didn't answer her instead she kept looking at Rhiannon blankly.

"Thank you Lady Ceridwen for giving my child your powers, it is an honour," Morgana said when it became clear Rhiannon and Ceridwen would keep staring at each other in silence. Ceridwen didn't acknowledge Morgana instead she walked next to Rhiannon.

Rhiannon knowing she wouldn't get any answers from Ceridwen turned to Morgana and said. "Very well then, I hope you're ready for what's about to happen it will be painful."

"I am ready," Morgana said confidently.

Rhiannon brought her hands close together and created a glowing ball of red light that gave off waves of magical power. Ninniane did the same but created a ball of white light that gave off the feeling of nature, and felt peaceful.

Ceridwen created a ball of blackness that seemed to suck in all the light from its surroundings and gave off the feeling of death. The feeling alone made Morgana want to run away but she held her ground.

The Triple Goddesses then combined the three orbs together creating a flash of light, and once it had died down the orb was full of three different colours swirling about. Rhiannon approached Morgana with the orb giving off even more power than before. Rhiannon once she was a few feet in front of Morgana gently pushed the orb into Morgana's womb. Once it was completely inside Morgana's body Rhiannon stepped backwards several feet, waiting for Morgana's reaction to what she just did.

"That wasn't so ba-" Morgana said before dropping to the ground and screaming in pain. She had never felt so much pain before in her entire life. It felt like hours to her but it was actually only a few minutes before the pain eventually subsided, and she stopped screaming.

"That was much worse than I expected," Morgana said in a croaking voice while massaging her throat.

"Your body had to adapt to the amount of power that was just inserted into your womb, and that process as you found out can be quite painful," Rhiannon said calmly not bothered by what just happened in front of her. Hearing Rhiannon explain what just happened to her so calmly caused Morgana to glare at her.

"Don't give me that look I told you it would be painful," Rhiannon said not bothered in the slightest by Morgana's glare.

"Yes well, I didn't think it would be that bad when you said that," Morgana said having regained her breath.

"Now that you're carrying our child you're going to need to go somewhere safe, where you can give birth without the worry of being attacked by your enemies," Rhiannon said.

"Where would that be?" Morgana asked still annoyed at the Goddess in front of her.

"There is an island called Avalon that is off the coast of England, you will be safe there," Rhiannon stated.

"Very well I'll start preparing for my journey to Avalon then," Morgana said waving her wand making her clothes and various other items fly into boxes for transportation.

"We will see you again in nine months when the baby is born," Rhiannon said before turning into a red ball of light with Ninniane and Ceridwen turning into their respective lights, and flying out of the room. Morgana put her hand on her womb and couldn't help but wonder what the future now held for her and her child.

Present Day 1987AD

Revan couldn't help but stumble a little bit after seeing Morgana's memory. He had learned so much from that memory. Gods existed at one point, he was a demigod, his Mom is Rhiannon the Goddess of the Moon and Magic, the mythical island of Avalon exists and he would face a great threat in the future according to Ceridwen.

"That was a lot to take in," Revan said trying to gather his thoughts.

"I imagine it was, but now you know where you came from and who your parents are. I'll explain more in the future when you've had time to process everything you've learned today," Morgana said.

Revan nodded absentmindedly his mind elsewhere. "What do we do now then?"

"Now you'll have to explain what happened at the church when you wake up, which should be in a couple of minutes. Don't worry I'll tell you what to say to the police officers when they ask their questions," Morgana said.

"That's good to know, as I can't really think of what to tell the police at the moment, seeing how I can't tell them the truth. If I did I would get thrown into a mental asylum for admitting to killing someone with magic," Revan said tiredly the day's events taking their toll.

Morgana pulled Revan into a hug and ran her fingers through his hair. "Don't worry my son, leave everything to me, I know what to do."

Revan smiled thinking how nice it was to have a Mother to rely on. The next thing he knew he was waking up in a hospitable room. Outside the room, he saw a police officer talking to a Doctor. Revan wondered how he was going to explain what happened at the church to the police officer.

'Just do everything I say and you'll be fine,' Morgana said in his mind making Revan jump in his bed.

'You can talk inside my head,' Revan thought surprised.

'Seeing as I reside inside your mind, I can talk to you at any time now,' Morgana said while the police officer was approaching Revan.

During the questioning, Revan followed Morgana's instructions and told the police officer how Father Brandon and Margaret planned to use an exorcism ritual on Stephanie and him. In an attempt to remove the magic, those two believed Stephanie and him possessed. Revan explained how Stephanie died during the ritual by forcing her to continuously drink water.

As Father Brandon and Margaret were arguing about Stephanie dying during the exorcism he grabbed Stephanie's body and made a run for it. When he was running away he noticed Father Brandon and Margaret were going to burn down the church killing themselves in penance for killing an innocent child. He made sure to get out of there as quickly as possible as the church burnt down around him.

While Revan was explaining what happened at the church to the police officer. Morgana was instructing him how to wandlessly cast a Confundus Charm on the police officer. This way the police officer would have an easier time believing the story.

After Revan's story checked out thanks to the Confundus Charm, the Doctor said he was entirely in good health and he was escorted back to the orphanage. The police officer on the way back to the orphanage told Revan Stephanie's funeral would be held next week at a nearby cemetery. When it was revealed that Margaret had died in a fire at the church by the police officer, a lot of the children blamed Revan but was too terrified of him to do anything about it. Revan however ignored the other children and went to his room to rest from the painful day he just had.

Revan was lying on his bed when a thought occurred to him. 'Mother, what was the name you gave me at birth?'

'I named you Revan Morgan le Fay,' Morgana said smiling fondly at the memory of his birth.

'Revan le Fay, I like the sound of that,' Revan thought happy to have such a strong name.

'I'm glad you like it when I was picking out baby names Revan seemed like an appropriate choice,' Morgana said.

Revan raised an eyebrow in question. 'Why is that?'

'Revan means star and what better place for a star than in the moonlit night.'

'That makes sense,' Revan said nodding as it was only appropriate he had a name that was somehow related to Rhiannon the Goddess of the Moon.

Morgana feeling Revan drifting off to sleep said. 'I suggest you get as much rest as possible for tomorrow as you can my son.'

'Why's that?' Revan asked confused.

'Tomorrow I'm going to start your training, and I expect the best from you do I make myself clear?" Morgana asked firmly.

'Don't worry I'll give it my best,' Revan thought excited to start his magical training tomorrow. Not knowing how much of a slave driver his Mother is.

End Chapter

This story takes inspiration from Broken Angel by I LIKE FEAR 1-2, and Sealkeeper: He Who Binds by Syynistyre.