Good morning, dearest readers!

Boy, I am on fire these past few weeks. I've written more one-shots than in the year since I joined the Fairy Tail fandom.

I'd like to thank you all for your support and for inspiring me. Most of my stories are actually a product of your encouragement and some ideas were brought up by readers. (I'm talking ship-ambrosia from tumblr, my amazing adviser who writes wonderful Gruvia/NaLu/Jerza/anything stories and Lieutenant Myst, whom I still owe a prompt)

Also a big thanks to Star197, MasterGildarts, glodenglowingsnowdemon, R011ingThunde, Mikasa-Chan, Zerza and so many more. You're all awesome and I truly appreciate the support.

Now let's move on to the actual story. This idea came to me while I was rewatching sad scenes from Nicolas Sparks movies about two weeks ago (trying to get my angst on). Once I saw the letter scene from Safe Haven, it just hit me how perfect that movie would be for a NaLi/NaLu story.

With that in mind, this masterpiece was born. (lol I am so modest) I am proud of it because it's my first time writing a NaLu story and I think I managed to capture both of their personalities.

Then again, I guess you'll be the judges of that. Please, let me know any critics you might have about this one-shot.

Writing is, after all, all about learning and improving.

Ps: I was too lazy to write the scene in which they got together, so consider this a kinda sequel to the NaLu chapter of 8 Colors Why I Love You.

Happy reading!

October 15th, X793…

After Natsu unexpectedly confessed his feelings for Lucy and they shared that amazing kiss which would be forever a happy memory, he took her aside—away from the prying looks of their friends.

"This feels like a dream." She admitted once he had guided them towards a secure spot outside the tent.

"Yeah, it does." He was smiling, a faraway look on his face.

"I can't believe you actually confessed." Lucy shook her head. "I had it all planned out; the most romantic confession, but you ruined it."

"Sorry." He replied, still looking distracted.

"Is everything okay?" She inquired, worried.

"Yeah, everything's fine." But it clearly wasn't. She knew that emotion which he was trying to conceal. Sadness.

"What are you thinking about?" Natsu sighed.

"I thought that I could do this, but I'm not sure anymore." Her brows furrowed in confusion.

"Do what?" He remained silent, looking away. "Natsu, you're scaring me!"

"Sorry. This is just…so hard." Lucy realized that his hand was picking something from the pocket of his tuxedo.

"What is that?" There was now a purple envelope in his hands.

"A letter." He swallowed hard, staring at it sadly. "From Lisanna." Silence fell upon them at the name's mention.

Lucy had heard a lot about Lisanna Strauss, but nothing could've had prepared her for the truth about how she had died. It was a story so sad and tragic that you'd think of it as part of a book, not real life.

Mirajane had told her the whole truth years ago, once they returned from the war against Oracion Seis, but Lucy had never forgotten it. Sometimes it would haunt her dreams as she imagined all of the pain and heartache Natsu had gone through.

Back then, the two of them had barely been friends, but from the moment she learned about his past, something changed.

Looking back now, Lucy realized that it was because knowing about Lisanna had placed the question of her feelings for Natsu for the first time.

She remembered so clearly how Mirajane had looked away once she'd pointed towards the little girl with short white hair and blue eyes in the picture

It never ceased to tighten her heart when she thought about the sad expression on the older girl's face or the lonely tear that fell down her cheek.

It quickly became clear that the topic of Lisanna Strauss wasn't an easy one, but still, Lucy needed to know.

She would be forever thankful to Mirajane for opening up. No one did; whenever she asked about Lisanna they would just change the subject or ignore her. Even Natsu.

No one wanted to talk about the ghost that seemed to constantly haunt them and Lucy quickly understood why.

When Mirajane told her how sweet and lovely Lisanna had been and how much everyone had loved her, the celestial wizard figured out why the guild members avoided talking about her.

When the oldest Strauss mentioned how Lisanna and Natsu had been dating—in secret, of course, but everyone had known. Despite the fact that the two of them never went public about it and always denied it, their feelings had been clear.

If she were to be honest, Lucy couldn't help feeling a little jealous. Even if she hadn't loved him yet, learning that another girl had once been as close to him as she was hadn't felt right.

However, she had quickly let it go, knowing it was silly to feel that way about someone who was long gone and had done nothing wrong.

As Mirajane proceeded to describe Lisanna's death and the horrible events that led up to it, Lucy's heart was shattered little by little.

When she learned that Elfman, after losing control of a beast, sent the poor girl flying away and caused her to land on a field of poisonous roses, she understood why he was insecure about using magic and so intent on protecting Mirajane.

Becoming aware that Lisanna's suffering lasted for 2 weeks as her body battled the poison while everyone attempted to find an antidote was heart wrenching.

Listening to Mirajane's broken voice once she described every attempt that had been made to save Lisanna's life and how Natsu had even gone as far as asking the missing Igneel for help was too hard.

Lucy never felt sadder in her life than when she heard of the nights he had spent crying for Igneel to come back and help him save the girl he loved.

Even worse was picturing him, sitting by Lisanna's bedside, holding her hand and telling her it would be okay even though he didn't believe it himself.

Of course, as sad as it all was, the worst moment had to be Lisanna's death. Mirajane confided in her about all the details— to the bed where she had died to everyone who had been there.

The oldest Strauss spared nothing as she described the moment Natsu had come into the guild hall, shouting desperately, before everyone had followed him inside the infirmary only to find their worst nightmares.

Lisanna had been in pain, unable to lie still as the poison caused her to break into a high fever and sweat to cover her body. After two weeks of trying to get rid of it, it had somehow only gotten stronger.

She hadn't stood a chance, as Mirajane made clear. Without an antidote, there was nothing they could've done to save the poor girl.

Natsu had pleaded again and again for the master, for someone, to find a solution. Had cried like a little boy once he was told it was too late.

Only Lisanna's soft voice had prevented him from completely losing it and he'd quickly come to her side as she'd requested. Mirajane told Lucy how in that moment, as he held Lisanna's hand and they stared at each other, it became clear as day that they were in love.

When Gray pointed it out—ever so mockingly—Natsu had simply cried harder, much to everyone's surprise. Lisanna had squeezed his hand and given him a sad smile.

Then, she'd whispered the words that had been etched in Mirajane's mind, and would now be in Lucy's. "It will be okay, Natsu. You'll find love again, I am sure of it."

This had caused all of the guild members in the room to break into tears, unable to hold it anymore. Even Erza and Gray had found themselves crying, but not nearly as much as Natsu.

He'd been completely devastated, Mirajane said, and the memory of him holding onto Lisanna as her life was drained would forever bring back tears from anyone in the guild.

"Lucy? Are you okay?" The celestial spirit was brought back to the present at the sound of his voice.

Quickly shaking away the heartbreaking thoughts, she put on a smile. "Yeah. I'm fine."

He stared at her suspiciously for a moment, before sighing. "So, can you read it?"

"Read what?" Confused, Lucy tried to remember what they had been talking about.

"The letter that Lisanna wrote." Natsu showed her the purple envelope once again.

"Oh." She extended an unsure hand. "Sure. I can…I can read it."

"Why aren't you taking it?" He inquired, raising a brow.

"I just…I'm scared." She admitted.

"Don't worry, it's nothing bad." Seeing her unwavering frown, Natsu allowed a small smile to cross his face as he stared at the letter. "She wanted me to give it to you."

"She did?" Lucy's eyes widened. How could that be? Lisanna had never even met her before, so how could she write a letter to her?

"Yeah." He pushed the letter into her hands. "It would mean a lot to me if you were to read it."

Thinking there'd be no harm in reading a simple letter, Lucy nodded. "Okay."

"Thank you." Natsu leaned over before pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. For a moment, his lips lingered there and his eyes closed as painful memories resurfaced.

He quickly recomposed himself, though, and walked away, giving her privacy to read the letter.

As Lucy soon found out, much like learning about Lisanna's death, nothing could've prepared her for what was written in it.

So, what did you think? Were they in character? Did my twist on Lisanna's story make sense?

I'm afraid she had to stay dead in order for this to work. For NaLi fans, next chapter will include a heartbreaking flashback and Mirajane will make an appearance. You'll also get to read the letter and I'll warn you in advance that even I cried while writing it.

I wish you all have a nice day.