Hello everyone,

I am in love with this story but I don't know if I want to keep the pairing the way it is or change it.


Naruko: 16

Sasuke: 16

Itachi: 17 at the beginning but changes 18 in the summer.

Past SasuNaru

Future: ItaNaru

Future: SasuSaku

Enjoy my new story.

Naruko couldn't believe this was happening. She was getting told that she couldn't be with the love of her life who she has known since she was thirteen his name was Sasuke Uchiha. They have only been together for a year but she loved him longer than that. Yeah, they were sixteen but that didn't mean they weren't in love.

"If you don't leave my son I will make sure you don't go any farther then high school." Fugaku Uchiha threatened.

"But I'm happy with him and he's happy with me," Naruko said not wanting to talk about her other problem.

"You just want to be with my son for his money and I don't accept your relationship. I will never agree with him trying to marry you or anything. I will disown him immediately if he decides to stay with you." Fugaku said.

"What do you expect me to do?" Naruko asked tears coming down her eyes.

"I don't care what you do I just don't want you to be with my son," Fugaku said not caring that he just hurt the young girl and not knowing she was talking about something else altogether.

Naruko got up without hesitation and ran out the door right into Itachi.

"Naruko what's wrong?" Itachi asked pulling the blonde to the side away from his father's door.

"Your father told me that he didn't want me to be with Sasuke. He is threatening to disown him if I don't leave him." Naruko mumbled out while tears flowed down her eyes.

"We can work something out don't worry," Itachi said giving the blonde a hug.

"You don't understand Itachi I'm pregnant," Naruko said making Itachi go wide-eyed.

"Did you tell my father?" Itachi asked.

"No, I didn't get the chance to," Naruko said.

"Let's go tell him he won't make you leave my brother if he knows you are pregnant," Itachi said not knowing that he was wrong.

Itachi pulled Naruko back to the room knocking on the door getting confirmation to come in.

"Why are you still here?" Fugaku asked annoyed ignoring his son's presence.

"Father," Itachi stated firmly making the man look up at him.

"What is it Itachi?" Fugaku asked.

"Tell him Naruko," Itachi said gently pulling her in front of him.

"Don't tell me you want to be with my older son now," Fugaku said.

"No, I just wanted to tell you that I was pregnant with Sasuke's baby," Naruko whispered the last part.

"What?" Fugaku asked angrily.

"She is pregnant with Sasuke's baby," Itachi said pulling Naruko behind him.

Fugaku didn't look at either of them as he pulled out a checkbook and a pen as he wrote on it.

"Here take it," Fugaku said holding out a check.

"What is this for?" Naruko asked confused.

"That is for an abortion. We don't need a child from you." Fugaku said brutally.

Itachi's face hardened at the words coming out of his father's mouth. He couldn't believe what his father just said he was appalled. Naruko ripped the check up throwing it back on the table at Fugaku and ran out of the room.

"What is your problem?" Itachi asked completely cold and detached.

He was never this angry at his father but his father had crossed the line completely. He didn't care if his father was going to say something or try to control him he just didn't care. His father was wrong and he wasn't going to listen to what his father was saying without saying something.

"Why are you angry?" Fugaku asked.

"Because you just treated that poor girl like shit. What is wrong with you? Do you get off torturing sixteen-year-old girls?" Itachi asked furiously he didn't care that his father was going to have a problem with what he said.

"How dare you speak to me that way?" Fugaku said shocked.

"How dare I? Look at how you just treated someone that didn't do anything wrong. All she did was love your son. That was the mistake she did huh?" Itachi snapped.

"Get out of my office," Fugaku growled.

"With pleasure, just telling you now I am leaving this house," Itachi stated and walked out of the room.

Fugaku wasn't sure what was wrong with his oldest son or why it even mattered that he gave the girl money.

"Dear can you tell Sasuke to come here?" Fugaku called out to his wife.

"Yes honey," Mikoto said walking to get her youngest.

Sasuke walked into his father's office shocked because he was wondering where Naruko was because he was sure his father wanted to talk to her earlier in the day.

"Sasuke sits down," Fugaku said.

"Where's Naruko?" Sasuke asked.

"That's what I want to talk to you about," Fugaku said.

"What is it?" Sasuke asked sitting down in front of his father.

"I want you to break up with her. She's not good enough for you and from her background it's clear she is only going after your inheritance." Fugaku said getting straight to the point.

"She isn't with me for my inheritance. She wants to become a chef and make her own restaurant." Sasuke said confused.

Sasuke was confused what was Naruko's background like that his father is addressing it.

"Son I don't agree with your decision on being with this girl and if you choose to be with her I will cut you off the moment you hit eighteen," Fugaku said not wanting to bring up the aspect of his son getting the girl pregnant.

"What about my feelings for her?" Sasuke asked not wanting his father to cut him off.

"It's either her or us your family," Fugaku said.

Sasuke didn't say anything just walked out of the room and went upstairs.

'What should I do?' Sasuke thought to himself as he pulled his phone out to call Naruko to see where she was and where she went after talking to her father.

(Phone Call)

"Hello," Naruko said sounding as if she was crying.

"Naru, where did you go?" Sasuke asked saddened by hearing her crying.

He knew what he was planning was going to hurt her and he knew she wasn't after his money but he couldn't disobey his father.

"I had to get out of there after talking to your father. Do you think you could come over so we could talk about the things he said?" Naruko said in a small voice that was nothing like the girl he fell in love with.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Can we just talk at school tomorrow?" Sasuke asked trying to prolong the situation as much as possible.

"Sasuke I really need to talk to you," Naruko said and a sob came out.

"I will be over in fifteen minutes," Sasuke said breaking his hold on himself.

"Okay, I love you," Naruko said and didn't get anything back from Sasuke only a hang-up.

(Phone Call End)

Sasuke walked out of his room and ran into his brother. Itachi was only two years older than Sasuke but they were still close. Sasuke wondered if he should talk to Itachi about this but ignored that feeling and walked down the stairs and out the door. If he did talk to his brother about it then it would have been solved easier but he didn't.

Itachi watched as his brother walked out the door and he knew exactly what his brother was planning to do. It was clear to him the right thing to do was to help the blonde through this trying time for her and that's exactly what he was planning to do. That led to him packing his belongings all the ones he needed and leave right after his brother. He was going to wait because he knew Naruko was going to call him right after it happened.

Sasuke got to Naruko's apartment and didn't want to ring the doorbell. He was scared of him he didn't want to leave the blonde but his family meant the world to him. Maybe he could change his father's mind about her within the separation. He could only hope but he wasn't sure if it would happen.

He finally knocked on the door and Naruko looked a crying mess. He knew she knew why he was here.

"Let's go inside," Sasuke said softly with a sad smile appearing on his face.

"You're going to break up with me, aren't you?" Naruko said not even moving for Sasuke to get in the house.

"Let's talk inside Naruko," Sasuke said and this time she moved for him.

Naruko shut the door not bothering to lock it because it was going to be quick she knew it was. Naruko got to the living room where Sasuke was sitting on a chair away from the couch.

"Naruko... I think maybe it's for the best to break up until my father accepts you. I know I can change his mind if I tell him all your good points. I know I can." Sasuke said and Naruko kept shaking her head tears falling out her eyes.

"He is never going to accept me. He hates me because I don't have a rich background as you do. He told me nothing will get him to accept me. I could do everything in the world by myself and he would still think I am after something from you or just using your name." Naruko said crying in her lap.

Sasuke wanted to comfort her but his body wouldn't move.

"I can't stay with you and then risk being disowned at eighteen. What would I do if I don't go to college?" Sasuke asked trying to reason with her.

"Its fine Sasuke do what you have to," Naruko said sobbing in her lap.

"At least look at me, I don't want to do this," Sasuke said and he saw a glimpse of her eyes making him turns away.

"But you are," Naruko said. "I would have given up everything for you," Naruko said standing up.

Sasuke knew Naruko was a passionate person and it was going to show here.

"I want to be with you Naru I do but what would I do if I got disowned?" Sasuke asked standing up trying to grab her to sit her down.

"It's fine I guess I understand. You don't want to be alone with an orphan like me." Naruko said making Sasuke flinch. "I mean what can I expect you love your family and I don't fault you on that but you can at least fight for me. If your father knew how serious we were he would possibly change his mind. But no, he can threaten you and me and get away with it without a care in the world." Naruko said.

"Let me try to get him to come around Naruko. You're not even giving me a chance." Sasuke said.

"Why am I the bad guy in this situation Sasuke? Your father doesn't like me all because I am an orphan." Naruko said tears of anger streaming down her face.

"You're not the bad guy. What do you want me to do?" Sasuke asked sadly after seeing her crying more.

"Fight for me like I would with you. I would fight tooth and nail to be with you. Your father said if I didn't break up with you that he would prevent me from doing anything after high school can you understand how heartbreaking that is? I would give up everything for you." Naruko said exasperatedly.

"Maybe that's a problem. You're not giving up anything to be with me. I am," Sasuke said.

Naruko was shocked by his response and the tears stopped. She didn't even get to tell Sasuke that she was pregnant.

"Get out Sasuke, get acceptance from your father," Naruko said completely void of emotion.

Sasuke was shocked he never seen Naruko with no emotion on her face. This was the first time in the three years of him knowing her that he couldn't read what she was thinking.

"Naruko maybe it will be good for you to go to college and then we can be together again." Sasuke pleaded.

"GET OUT!" Naruko cried loudly making Sasuke move back from her.

"Fine, I will talk to you later when you're calmer," Sasuke said passing her and going to the door.

The moment the door shut Naruko dropped to the ground and started crying again harder. She heard the soft knocking fifteen minutes later and made her move to answer it thinking it might be Sasuke again to talk and tell her he made a mistake.

She opened the door shocked to find Itachi.

"Itachi," Naruko groaned out sadness seeping into her voice.

"Come here," Itachi said pulling her to him as she cried into his chest.

That night Naruko cried herself to sleep and Itachi stayed with her. The next morning wasn't awkward shockingly it was just calm.

"So, what are you going to do?" Itachi asked as they ate breakfast.

He knew he was going to get in trouble for not coming back home last night but he really didn't care at the moment.

"I am going to keep the baby. I just want to finish this school year and then leave in the summer where your father can't find me." Naruko said.

"Do you want to come with me to Suna?" Itachi asked.

"You don't have to help me Itachi," Naruko said putting her spoon down.

"I don't have to but I want to. You're carrying my niece or nephew with you and I want to make sure you're okay. Even if you weren't carrying a baby I would still want to be there for you." Itachi said.

Those were the words that she wanted to hear from Sasuke but couldn't because Sasuke was to stuck on getting acceptance from his father.

"What am I going to do with a baby Itachi?" Naruko asked tears falling from her face.

Itachi got up and went to her wiping the tears off her face.

"It's okay I will help you no matter what. My father can't keep me from helping you." Itachi said wiping the tears away from her eyes. "Don't be so sad I will be here you're not going to be alone I promise," Itachi said pulling her into a hug.

Naruko didn't understand why Itachi was doing this for her but at the moment she was happy he was here or she would have broken even more. He is at least keeping her sane.

"Thank you," Naruko mumbled into his neck.

"It's no problem really. Now let's get ready to go to school." Itachi said.


Naruko is about to be 5 weeks which means she is 2 months in the next chapter.

The next few chapters will revolve around her pregnancy and how it's dealt with.

Just to clear up anything which it will be showed in later chapters is that Itachi does like Naruko but he won't act on his feelings. He has liked her since they met when they were younger.