Angel: Hi guys! I'm finally posting the first chapter of the remake! I'm only doing the first season, I won't bother with the other ones because I already have stories to do...I've changed a lot of things from the original, including Amy's clothes.

I sigh as I look around my new bare room. There's light hardwood flooring that look a little worn out and they don't look that sturdy to me, either. I prove my theory by pressing my foot against the floorboard and it almost breaks off. The wallpaper doesn't look so hot either as it's peeling off, but I could tell that it used to be pink. Now it's moldy and gross. Not how I imagined moving in with my mother today...

My name is Amelia Elizabeth Smith, and I'm 15 years old. I had just moved in from Florida to New York this morning. Walking in a new city after my early morning flight was a little...different. New York is almost as I expected it: a walking environmental disaster. I picture what this room would look like when I'm done with it and all of my furniture would be in place, but right now, I just can't see it. Why couldn't I have just stayed in Florida? Just when I was starting to make friends back home, all of this unexpected...circumstances, I had no choice but to move in with my mother. But truth be told, I don't know anyone here. How was I supposed to adjust when I hadn't seen my own mother for years? Well, on the bright side, maybe this change will be good for me.

I actually had just started gaining a friend in Emily, but we mostly talked and we never had a chance to exchange numbers or anything like that. How convenient for me.

But hey, it's New York! I'm sure I can find a friend here, right?


As I'm losing myself in my thoughts, there's a knock on my door, well, the old door that looks like it's breaking apart. I really had to get this room's priorities in order.

"Come in," I call out as I see a window, which was probably the only thing that was mostly intact. The door opens to reveal a woman in her 40s, with shoulder-length light brown hair, brown eyes, tanned skin, and a slim waist. She wears a white buttoned blouse with long sleeves and blue jeans, while wearing black flats for shoes. Her face is heart shaped, and she has a beauty mark on the left side of her face. She smiles at me.

"Hi..." She murmurs, as if not knowing what to say after all these years. I smile back at her.

"Hi Mom."

She hugs me and I return it, rolling my eyes playfully. Mom could sometimes be a little emotional and overprotective, but right now...she's all I got when it comes to family. Her name is Nadia, but I obviously can't call her that (I tried and I almost got smacked).

Mom lets go of me, placing her hands on my shoulders. "Sorry, I'm happy to see my little girl after so long."

Mom is a scientist, more specifically a biologist, and she lives here for work. I'm not sure what exactly that company needs to study amoebas for, or where she works, because it's kept a secret. I'm never allowed to ask what their purpose is or what they do, I just know that she works at a building that's not so hard to miss. Dad used to work there and even though I had to move here because of him, I still want to get to know my mother. It feels like it's been ages since I've seen her.

...Dad. I still miss him. You see, before I moved to New York, he...disappeared. I came back from school one day and he was just...gone. He didn't leave me a note, a phone call, or anything explaining what happened to him or where he went. No trace of him and yet his car was still there. The police tried to help, but they found nothing and I eventually gave up after two months without any leads. And since I'm 15 and I couldn't live by myself, I either had to go into foster care or stay with my mother. I chose my mother, because there wasn't any way that my father would've survived what's explained as a kidnapping or...worse.

"Would you like to go out tonight for a tour?" Mom asks, bringing me out of my daze. It's been two months now, Amy. You need to move on. He's in a better place now, wherever he is...and as long as he's happy with how his life turned out, then I'm happy...

"Sure," I smile at her. "We'll go around midnight!"

Mom has an unsure look on her face, but she nods in agreement, since it was what I wanted. She looks around my 'room' in disgust.

"But first things first...this room needs to be fumigated."

I laugh at her uncomforting look, even though it's HER home. I'm surprised that she let it be in this state for so long without complaining.

"And maybe after we're done, we can watch Space Heroes?" I ask hopefully. Space Heroes is my favorite show EVER. I have all the episodes and I've gone all of the conventions, and I have all of the action figures! It's cool! I discovered it when I was young, and I haven't stopped watching it since then.

"Mm, sure," Mom smiles. Yesssss...I just wish I had someone to watch with besides my mom...But I had just moved here, and since I don't actually go to school, there was a slim chance of that hope becoming reality...

No one's POV

In the sewers, deep underground underneath all the police sirens and bustling about of the people, there is an intense air around a completely done room in Japanese décor, having a large tree in the center. There is a skylight grate nearby illuminating the center of the room. It includes green folding partitions, a ninja arsenal of weapons, 13 rugs, and a personal shrine as well. Two mutant turtles, believe it or not, are kneeling in front of each other. The first one, who is called Raphael or Raph, has dark green skin, green eyes, as well as a small, lightning shaped chip cut out of his plastron across his left shoulder. His shell shows distinct battle damage, and the tails of his red mask are tattered and worn. He wields two sai on his brown belt, and he also has bandages on his hands. He also wears kneepads and elbow pads and is shorter than the turtle in front of him. In terms of who's older, he is the second oldest and is the angry turtle.

The second turtle has brownish green skin, and his name is Donatello, or simply Donnie. His body shape is much thinner and taller, leaving his height at almost 6 ft. He has brown/red eyes, wearing a purple mask where his mask tails are longer, but not longer than the ones his brother has in front of him. His ninja gear consists of brown knee and elbow pads, light brown bandages wrapped around his ankles, wrists and white bandages wrapped around his fingers. His weapon is a 6 ft bo staff behind his back, or a stick, as it's commonly referred to, but it can turn into a blade. Donnie is the third oldest and is the smartest one.

Another pair of turtles are kneeling in front of each other not too far away near the grate. The third one, Michelangelo or Mikey, is a light green turtle and has freckles. His mask is orange, and the tails are the shortest ones. He is shorter than the other turtles, most significantly shorter than Donatello. He also seems to be a bit more pudgy. He has baby blue eyes and is the youngest of the turtles. He's also the wildest one. For his weapon, he has nunchucks, which can turn into a kusarigama chain. His gear is the same color as Donnie's.

And finally, the last turtle is emerald green, and he is referred to as Leonardo or Leo. His eyes have sapphire blue irises with black pupils. He wears a royal blue bandana mask where the tails length range between Donnie and Mikey's. His green skin is slightly darker than the others. His height ranges between Raph and Donnie's. His ninja gear includes brown knee pads and elbow pads, and beige rolled bandages wrapped around his wrists, ankles and fingers. His weapon of choice is a pair of katana, and they have red and gold on the handles, like Raph's sai and Mikey's nunchucks. He's the oldest of the turtles and as such, is the most mature.

They are the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and they were preparing for a spar. It's Mikey against Leo, with Raph against Donnie. An older brother against a younger brother.

Leo stands up, twirling his sword so that it's in front of him. Mikey holds his nunchucks in his hands. The oldest and the youngest stare at each other intently, wondering who would go first. Ultimately, Leo is the one who strikes first.

"Oh yeah!" Mikey exclaims, charging forward while spinning his nunchucks. "Michelangelo is on the move!"

Mikey could be a little immature sometimes and unfocused and Leo plans to use that to his advantage. He swings his sword and Mikey leaps over him, landing behind his brothers. Leo turns to look at Mikey showing off.

"You don't know what to do!"

Leo decides to go in for another attack, but Mikey ducks and leaps away. He then rolls away as Leo swings his sword again. "I'm here, I'm there."

The oldest glowers at Mikey's attitude, as sparring was something to be taken seriously. It wasn't meant for cockiness.

"I could be anywhere!" Mikey's eyes widen and he ducks once more, Leo smirking as he eyes Mikey. "How do you stop what you can't even see?" Leo holds his sword in the other direction and Mikey runs towards him. Leo eyes him and finds the right timing before he knees the handle into Mikey's stomach. Mikey rolls away, holding his stomach, sticking his tongue out as he lets out a pained breath and falls onto one of the rugs.

"Like that?" Leo asks, not even bothered by it. Mikey holds up one of his three fingers.

"Good one, Leo..." He murmurs in pain.

Donnie spins his bo staff, holding it in both of his hands. Raph doesn't look fazed as he lets his arms drop. He cracks his neck and gives his brother a serious look.

"Alright, Donnie. Put down the staff and no one gets hurt," He warns, as Donnie hasn't beaten Raph at training. Most of the time, Raph gets his staff and beats him.

"Ah, you said that last time, Raph, and then you hurt me," Donnie points out, putting his staff down.

"Yeah," Raph looks slightly surprised. "But less than I would have," He slightly shrugs.

"Yeah right," Donnie states in disbelief, attacking. Raph rolls away from the staff and jumps away, Donnie spinning his staff. He jabs forward and Raph narrowly misses it. He spins it again, yelling as he slams the stick down. Raph moves away from it. He ducks from another swing and Donnie continues his attack before moving forward and slamming it down. Nothing happens and he feels that something is wrong. He opens his eyes and his suspicions are confirmed when he sees that his staff is out of his hands. He gasps and as he looks up to realize that Raph has his weapon. He spins it before breaking it in half using his knee. He grins maliciously and Donnie looks nervous. "Should've dropped the staff?" He asks knowingly.

"Should've dropped the staff," Raph repeats smugly and he spins both parts before advancing towards Donnie, who runs away, but Raph hits him with his broken staff on his shell.

"Okay, okay, ow!" He protests. "I'm down!"

Leo watches them until Raph turns around, as they're the only two left standing. Donnie sits next to Mikey, who sticks his tongue out at him for being beaten so easily. Donnie narrows his eyes slightly. Leo kneels onto the rug, still holding one of his swords. Raph does the same.

"Onegai shimasu," Leo says to his younger brother. This was going to be a prominent battle, as Raph, having a temper, would butt heads with Leo sometimes.

"Whatever you say," Raph dismisses the Japanese and Leo points his sword at Raph. Raph spins his sais and when Leo charges first, they block weapons. They glare at each other and Raph goes in for the attack, but Leo swings his sword. Raph and Leo stare at each other, Raph spinning his sais again before yelling and charging forward. Leo swings downwards, but Raph ducks and hits Leo with his elbow. Leo sweep kicks him and holds his sword. Raph backflips onto his feet and Leo charges towards him again. He manages to throw one of Raph's sai away and it lands between Mikey and Donnie. Raph and Leo grip their respective weapons, Leo holding his sword near his head.

Raph charges with another yell, two swipes getting Leo's sword knocked out of his hands. Raph takes Leo's arm with his one sai and pulls it forward, Leo getting knocked down into the ground. He groans as he rubs his shoulder, Raph standing over him.

"Nice try," Raph brags with a smirk and a door opens.

"Ya me!"

They turn to a tall brown rat with a maroon robe, brown eyes, and a green staff. He is their sensei in the art of ninjutsu and also adopted father, Master Splinter. Leo walks over to his already kneeling brothers and sits down, bowing to his beloved master.

"You all did very well," He congratulates.

"But I did better," Raph grabs, Leo staring at him in disbelief. Was his brother really that arrogant?

"This is about self-improvement, Raphael," Splinter informs as he stands behind them. "It is not about winning and losing."

"I know, Sensei," Raph grins, "But I won and they lost," He places his hands behind his back. Splinter pressure points Raph on the neck and he yelps. "But what's really important is that we all did our best," He says quickly. "Good job, everyone!" He falls onto the floor, Splinter chuckling at his trick.

After their training, the turtles are in their kitchen, enjoying their 'delicious' meal of worm and algae. Leo eats his worm with no complaints while Raph eats like he's really hungry. Donnie sticks his tongue out in disgust while Splinter eats.

"There's a little more algae and worms left if anyone wants it~" Mikey sings as he stirs a pot. "Anybody? Anybody?"

"No thanks," Leo denies.

"I'm good," Raph looks at what he has now.

"All yours," Donnie states.

"Well, I guess no one left room for..." He hides something behind his back, "Cake!" He reveals a green and blue cake with a single candle on top. They all gasp.

"It is a cake!" Donnie exclaims as Raph tries some of it.

"Made of algae...and worms," He deadpans as a worm crawls out and then crawls back in. Every day, it was always the same...

"What's the frosting made out of?" Leo wonders, pointing to it.

"You don't wanna know," Mikey denies, pulling the cake back towards him. He then puts on a smile. "Happy Mutation Day!"

"Happy Mutation Day!" The others cheer, smiling. Their 'Mutation Day' was like a birthday, as it was the day they were turned into who they were today.

"Ah, yes," Splinter speaks up, "15 years ago today, our lives changed forever and we became the unlikeliest of families." He smiles fondly.

"Tell us the story, Master Splinter," Mikey places a hand on his cheek as he smiles in excitement.

"Michelangelo, I have already told it many times," Splinter tells him, and it's true. He's told them every year. Mikey brings his hands together, as he couldn't go a Mutation day without hearing it at least once.

"Please! Pleeeease!" Raph suddenly covers his mouth.

"Please, it's the only way to shut Mikey up," He tells Splinter, who looks on with a smile.

He heaves a defeated sigh. "Very well. Many years ago, when I was still human, I was leaving the pet store with four baby turtles." He still remembers that day back when he had moved to New York recently on his own.

"That was us?" Mikey speaks up.

"Yes. Don't interrupt!" Mikey becomes silent to let him continue. "I passed a strange man on the street. Something felt off about him. I decided to follow."

Splinter accidentally stepped on a rat's tail, making his presence know. The two strange men walked up to him.

"Go no further."

"This place is a place where you are not allowed to be in this place. We have been seen in this place by you, so this is not a place that will be left by you."

Two other me surrounded him and Splinter quickly attacked. He punched one of them holding a strange glowing green canister and it flew in the air. It broke into pieces, the four turtles falling into the liquid and becoming exposed to it. Splinter, also exposed to it, turned into who he was, the same thing happening to the turtles.

"That was the beginning of our life together," Splinter holds up the broken canister in his hands; he had kept it all this time. Notice the broken glass where it broke apart. "It was the mysterious substance in this canister that, in a way, gave birth to us all."

Mikey takes it and hugs it close. "Mom." Everyone stares at him before deciding to ignore it and get to the point.

"So, sensei, now that we're 15, I think we're finally ready to go up to the surface, don't you?" Leo asks, the others hopeful. They have never seen the city above the sewers, as Splinter would warn them time and time again that it was dangerous. The people wouldn't exactly be all open arms to four mutant ninja turtles. They could be kidnapped by the government for experimentation, or worse. So, to keep themselves safe, they couldn't go up top. But that doesn't stop their curiosity. They wanted to go up there so badly and see what it was like. And, now that they were 15, maybe Splinter would let them go? They believed they were old enough.

"Yes," He simply answers, the others cheering happily. They would finally get to see the open world!

"And no."

They all groan. Or maybe not. They should've expected that.

"Oh, man, come on."


"I hate when he does that."

"You have grown powerful," He starts off, "But you are still young. You lack the maturity to use your skills wisely," He stands up, placing his hands behind his back.

"So Sensei," isn't that just no?" Donnie wonders.

"Yes. And no," Splinter states, "Wisdom comes from experience, and experience comes from making mistakes." Donnie manages to find a loophole when he says that.

"Aha! So in order for us to gain the wisdom, we have to make the mistakes. So we can go!" Leo smiles at his reasoning.

"No," Splinter denies, shaking his head.

"And yes?" Donnie asks expectantly, hoping for reverse psychology.

"No!" The rat makes his point clear, Donnie groaning in defeat. Leo decides to try next.

"Sensei, we know you're trying to protect us, but we can't spend our whole lives hiding down here," He says, not wanting to think about that possibility. They could handle themselves for one night.

Splinter looks away, stroking his beard. He cared about his sons' safety, but he also cared about their wishes. He thinks about it and looks to see all of them kneeling, with puppy eyes. He lets out a sigh.

"You may go, tonight."

They all cheer happily and Mikey holds up his hand. "High-three!" His brothers slap his hand.

Leo is watching his favorite TV show of all time, Space Heroes. He loved everything about it, the characters, the action, and the story. He cringes as the ship is being attacked. A black-haired man looks up.

"Mr. Crankshaw, status report!" Captain Ryan, their leader, demands. A younger black-haired man turns to him. He was Ryan's right-hand man.

"Status? I'll give you the status! We're gonna blow up in two seconds!" He starts to panic before he's slapped by Captain Ryan. "Thank you, captain." This happens often, and it was one of Leo's favorite moments of the show.

"Gentlemen, I have a bold and daring plan," Captain Ryan declares, Leo repeating his words. "There's no time for hesitation. My orders must be carried out without question!"

"Aye sir!" The others agree on the TV. Ah, what he wouldn't give to be the leader. The pride of leading a team, the satisfaction of doing a job well done, and his brothers actually appreciating him for once. But what were the chances of that happening? After all, there wasn't a reason to have a leader around since they stayed in the sewers all the time.

"You know this show is stupid, right?" Raph speaks as he sits nearby, reading a From the Sewer Magazine.

"Space Heroes is a great show," Leo defends, "And Captain Ryan is a great hero. Someday, I am gonna be just like him," He gestures to himself, looking proudly.

"Well, you do like to hear yourself talk, so you're on your way," Raph states, Leo staying silent. He wished he had someone who could relate to him on this show, someone he could share his love for it. Being a turtle, he couldn't meet any fans out there. Someone who wouldn't judge him for it or make fun of him...and who also didn't mind his appearance, for that matter. But that was like a million to one for that happening. Leo turns to his younger brothers approaching from their rooms. It was finally time.

"It's go time!" Mikey cheers, him and Donnie celebrating.

They all prepare their weapons, in case something ever happened. Donnie spins his staff in the air before holding it in his hands. He spins it on his shell and grasps it in his hands, jabbing it. He spins it a third time before holding it behind his back.

Raph grasps his sais and spins them in his hands. He spins them again and then another time before placing them near his face with a smirk.

Leo takes his swords out of his sheaths and swings them swiftly. He does it again and holds one of them near his arm and the other in the air behind his back.

Mikey throws his nunchucks into his hands and spins them. He spins them three times before one of them turns into a chain with a scythe at the end. He spins the other end of his nunchuck before throwing it.

Now, they stand in front of their master, as he would be giving them a short speech on what to do out there.

"You are going up to a strange and hostile world." He paces in front of them. "You must maintain awareness at all times."

"Hai Sensei," They all say unison, turning to leave, but he interrupts them.

"Stay in the shadows."

"Hai Sensei," They agree, and turn to leave again.

"Don't talk to strangers," He warns.

"Hai Sensei," They repeat a little tiredly and stop in their tracks again.

"Everyone is a stranger," He tells them sternly, as if they didn't get it the first time.

"Hai Sensei," They repeat, wanting to go out already. They loved their father, but his overprotectiveness would have them there all night if they let him go that far. They run up to the entrance of turnstiles.

"Make sure you go before you leave. The restrooms up there are filthy!"

"Sensei!" They exclaim, as they wouldn't need to stop to pee. He sighs in defeat.

"Good luck, my sons," He wishes and they smile in excitement, exclaiming about how much fun they were gonna have. They jump over the turnstiles and head off. "Look both ways before crossing the street!" Splinter calls out and lets his hand fall. He had to trust his sons, and he wished for their safety. Yes, he was aware of how he was acting, but they were still young. They only just turned 15, after all...

In an alleyway, a rat passes by and Leo lifts the manhole cover, looking around. He moves it and they all step out into the open city, looking at all the architecture, graffiti, and trash. There's a hobo sleeping nearby with a newspaper as a blanket. He turns around and lets one rip. They look around in awe.

"It's so beautiful," Mikey comments as they look at all the buildings around them.

"The city is just full of possibility," Leo says in excitement. "There could be an adventure around this corner," Leo looks around the corner of a shop. "Or-Or this one," He looks at another one. "Or this one," He peeks at a third one. All it is was a dumpster and a cat, who meows before crawling away. "There's not, but there could be!"

Donnie walks past a store window and sees something, peeking inside curiously. "Look at all the computers!" He gasps as he looks further. "Is that the next generation cadmium processor with quantum encryption?" He asks excitedly. Raph approaches him from behind.

"I don't know, Donatello. Is it?" He asks sarcastically, as he could care less about them. Donnie goes back to peek, not noticing the sarcasm.

"It is!" He was just too excited to care.

"Guys, guys, check this out!" Mikey points to a neon sign of a fortune teller shop. The purple hand is on. "And made out of light." It changes to a blue eye, as that's what it's supposed to do. Mikey gasps, as it was still amazing to him the first time he saw it. "Now it's an eye made of light." He gasps as the hand reappears. "And the hand again! Now the eye's back! Now the hand!"

"Come on, genius," Raph pulls his mask tails away from it, as he wanted to see what more this place had to offer.

"The eye!" Mikey shouts as he's dragged away.

"So where to next?" Donnie asks as they're standing on the road. A light suddenly appears on them and they stop in their tracks as a motorcycle approaches them. The pizza boy comes to a stop and stares at them. They all stare frozen in place before Raph decides to have a little fun. He makes a scary face with a growl and the pizza boy drives away as fast as he can, but he drops a pizza box in the process. Raph laughs at his reaction.

"That was kinda fun!"

Leo looks around and knows that anyone could accidentally stumble upon them if they stayed on the streets during their tour. "We're too exposed out here," He looks up at the rooftops. It's dark, no one's barely up was perfect!

"Come on," He runs up to find a fire escape and Mikey comes to a stop when he sees what the pizza boy dropped.

Mikey took the box to his brothers because he wanted to know what was in it! There's red and white checker pattern on the square box, with a logo of a man winking. It says 'Antonio's Pizza.' "Pizza," Mikey slowly pronounces, as they've never heard of it.

"Should we open it?" Donnie wonders.

"Careful!" Leo warns. "It could be dangerous." It could be a bomb or something else, but Raph opens it anyway. They look to see bread under sauce, cheese, and weird little red circles on it. It's cut up into 8 triangle pieces. There's this fresh aroma coming from it.

"I think it'," Donnie says as they stare at it.

"It's not like any food I ever saw," Raph comments, but they wouldn't know, since all they've ever eaten was...worms.

"I'll try it," Mikey would try anything, so therefore, he was gonna make sure it was safe. He stares at it, wondering where to take a bite. He goes at the pointy end and they watch him as he slowly takes a bite. His eyes widen as soon as he tastes it. His brain would literally explode if that was possible! He swallows the bite he took and decides he wanted more. "Mmm!" He swallows it whole and lets one rip from his mouth. He sees his brothers staring at him and realizes he wanted this 'pizza' all for himself!

"Uh...yuck," He lies, "You guys won't like it. I'll take the rest."

"No way!"

"Nuh uh!"

"Back off!"

The others grab slices and try it. "I never thought I'd taste anything better than worms and algae, but this is amazing!" Raph exclaims in glee. The sights, the fact that they can't be seen, and the food? What could be better than this?

"I LOVE IT UP HERE!" Mikey screams, the birds flying above them.

Mikey jumps off a rooftop, feeling the adrenaline pumping through his body. Rooftop jumping was now another enjoyment of the city. They leap across to another building, hollering and whooping in excitement. Leo jumps from edge to edge.

They slide to a stop as they look at the view, their mask tails flying. "Alright guys, it's getting late. We should probably head back home."

The others immediately groan at this, complaining. They wanted to see they're turning to leave, Donnie sucks in a breath.

"Guys, look at that!" He points to a father and daughter. Donnie's more focused on the girl who can't be more than 16. She has shoulder-length ginger hair that appears to be tied up into a small ponytail and right-sided curved bangs. She also has a yellow headband. The girl wears an elbow-length black shirt with a yellow and white sport shirt with the number "5" over it, blue denim shorts, black leggings, brown bandages/bracelets around her wrists, white high socks with two blue stripes on them and black low-heeled boots. Though no one may not notice it, she has a patch on the right back pocket of her shorts. She's very slim also and has blue eyes with long eyelashes and freckles.

Her father, he's assuming, is bald yet has some orange hair and a beard. He has blue eyes and wears a brown jacket with a grey undershirt, along with tan pants and brown shoes.

Donnie's heart is pounding as he looks at her. She was so gorgeous and he finds himself drooling. "She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen..." He murmurs dreamily.

"Isn't she the only girl you've ever seen?" Raph points out and Donnie snaps out of his daydream as he looks at Raph.

"My point still stands," He huffs.

"Look! Another one!" Mikey points down as a mother and daughter are approaching the street the daughter and father are on. They couldn't really see the girl's face; all they could see was her outfit and hair. She looks to be the same age as them, and has waist-length light brown hair tied up into a high ponytail that goes down to her knees. She looks slim too, and wears a light blue long-sleeved denim jacket with a pink tutu skirt. Her shoes are pink boots that go up to her knees with a slight heel to them.

Amy's POV

Mom and I are just walking as she's telling me about New York. I'm not really paying attention as I take in the sights around me. She says I've been here a few times, but it doesn't feel like that. I feel like it's all new to me, but...I like it. It was a new change, but I could find myself adjusting to New York and my new life...

"Oh, hello there!" Mom suddenly says and I look up to see a girl and her dad turning the corner in our direction. Mom was always friendly; something I seemed to lack when she gave birth to me. If anything, I got her looks.

"Hi," The girl waves at us with a smile. "Taking a walk too, huh?"

"Yes," My mother smiles. "This is my daughter, Amelia," She gestures to me. "She just moved here and I'm showing her around. I'm her mother, Nadia."

"Oh, well, welcome," The father smiles at me. "I'm Kirby O'Neil and this is my daughter April."

"Nice to meet you," April shakes hands with me and I can't find the right word to say. Not making a good first impression already...

Before I can speak, a van screeches to a halt near us.

"What?" Mom asks in shock, as she doesn't seem to know them. I know I've never seen them before. A man steps out of the passenger seat, wearing a white shirt and jeans. He looks to be older. The back doors suddenly open to reveal strange men who all look the same as they're wearing the same outfits: A black suit, blue shirt, and tie. There's really nothing that tells them apart, were they all related or something?

They start to approach us and April hugs her father's arm. I hide behind my mother as they look threatening.

"What is this?" Mr. O'Neil demands. They hold out their hands to us and April gasps. They look like they wanna kidnap us, are they gonna kidnap us?! I don't even know what brought this on, I'm pretty sure we don't know them. I definitely would've remembered seeing people like them before. I don't think there's anything we can do...

They grab us, taking Kirby and my mother by the collar.

"Help! Help!" April and I call out and there's no response. Are we the only people here? Does that mean no one was going to save us...? They throw Mr. O'Neil and my mother into their weird glowing purple van.


I turn to the new voice and see a...turtle...? Am I really seeing this or am I in a dream? If I am in a dream, then why would this feel so real...? He punches the man in the stomach. He has a red mask over his green eyes and looks to be tough. Were they...helping us? Where did they even come from? I've never seen anything like this...

Another turtle is flipping away from one of the men.

"Still standing, huh? I'll fix that," The red turtle takes out two forks, is that what they are? I struggle to break free from my holds as I hear a bump. I don't look up as I assumed someone bumped into him.

"Watch it!"

"You watch it!"

They must be in the same group since they're familiar with each other. The man punches the ground, leaving a hole without a scratch on him. Whoa...just who are these guys...? He seems much stronger than red turtle... Red turtle backflips and another turtle, with a purple mask and is really tall, bumps into him.

"Watch it, Donnie!" He warns. 'Donnie' fights one of the kidnappers with a stick...lame much? But he seems to be efficient in his weapon.

And then another turtle appears, with a short orange mask and nunchucks, I think they're called. They accidentally get stuck in red turtle's forks. He rolls away and continues the fight. There's a fourth turtle (how many of them are there?!), but I can't see him clearly from where I am. The turtles don't seem to be experienced with fighting actual people, because they weren't doing too well. They keep bumping into each other and their weapons, which makes them unbalanced, if that makes sense. Do they not know how to fight together?

Red turtle takes his fork into his opponent's arm and twists it, pulling on the arm. Nothing happens, though. I guess he was supposed to flip onto the ground. "Oh come on," he mutters before being punched in the face. The man lifts me over his shoulder and the same thing happens to April.

"Hey, cut it out! Stop! Ow!"

"Let go of me! Put me down!" I demand, wiggling around. The purple turtle sees April's dilemma and throws his staff at the man, who lets go of April. Donnie, I think, catches April in his arms.

"Gotcha!" She looks up at him and he smiles at her. She screams and he screams at her reaction, dropping her. Real nice...

"No, no, no. No," Donnie protests, "Don't worry, we're the good guys."

She still screams and he steps towards her, trying to calm her down. "It's okay."

I see that I'm headed for the van and struggle in the man's grip. You know, for a slim-looking dude, he's pretty strong!

"I said let me go!" I scream and I'm suddenly out of his hold and into a pair of warm arms. I rest my head on his plastron in instinct and I feel my savior moving. He stops after a few seconds and places me down on the street. Oh thank goodness...

"Are you okay?" A kind voice asks me and I hear him behind me, so I turn around.

And time stops.

I look up at my rescuer to see the fourth and final turtle. His eyes are a royal blue, covered by a blue mask, but he's looking away from me. It turns out he put me behind the van. His muscles are amazing and he's something out of science fiction, like Space Heroes...A crimson blush hits my face as I can imagine how he got his muscles. I'm so shocked by him I can't even answer his question. He...saved my life...I'm definitely certain that I'm dreaming, because he's so beautiful, there is no way he can be real!

He's about to move, but I grab one of his green three-fingered hands between both of my own. His skin is cool and hardened, rough also.

"" I finally speak up and he whips around slowly to see me. His eyes widen as he looks at me, like he's never seen me before. Or maybe because he's never been thanked heart is pounding, I can feel it.

I keep holding onto his hand as I can't take my eyes off him. He doesn't say anything, he just watches me and doesn't move, as if he was taking in the sight. Either that, or he was trying to figure out what he just heard.

There's this...warm feeling in the air, I can feel it...

Leo's POV

This girl...she's so...mesmerizing. I've never seen anyone like her before. Not only did she not scream at me...she thanked me. No one's ever thanked me like this. I swear, it felt like something of a dream when I looked at her. Those two words I never thought I'd hear repeat in my head. you...

Her voice is so angelic, I wish I can hear it again to remember it. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I could touch her warm hand. There was no hesitation in her movement...she really meant it.

She's petite, but also cute. Her top is a white t-shirt that I couldn't see before, with a green A in cursive on it. Was that her initial? Her eyes are like emeralds, like Raph's eyes, but they were way prettier to look at...her face was so adorable as she looked at me like she wanted me to stay with her right there...

Nothing else mattered in this moment...just her...

Two of those strange men come near her and I immediately kick them away from her. I don't know why, but I just had this instinct to protect this girl...I wanted her safe. I turn back to her and she says nothing as she looks at me in awe. I chuckle to myself since she's probably never seen anything like me. I bend down to her and look at her in the eye.

"I'm not going to hurt you," I tell her gently and she nods in understanding, staying silent. "Stay here where it's safe, okay?"

"Okay..." She nods slowly in that voice again and I swear my heart skipped a beat. I don't wanna leave her, but I have to help my brothers...I give her a look of longing because I definitely didn't want to leave her alone. But I have no choice, they needed my help with these guys.

I jump back into action and Mikey, my youngest brother, twirls his nunchucks and accidentally hit him in the face. Donnie turns to him with a glare.

"Oops, sorry about that! Watch out!" They both are kicked into the garbage. I hear a scream and turn around. My heart stops as I see that the girl I saved is in the van with the other red-haired one and both families are taken away in the van.

No...I failed...

"They're getting away, they got the girl!" Donnie exclaims and we all turn to look at him, as there's more than one. "I-I mean, girls. I meant girls," He chuckles nervously. Uh huh. Donnie grabs his staff and I run next to Raph. It wasn't over yet. No matter what, I would save her!

"You just jabbed me with your sword!" Raph argues.

"Well, I didn't know you were gonna land where I was stabbing!" I retort back. We didn't do so well out there. It was so different actually fighting out on the surface, that we didn't know what we were doing...we were unfocused, and it all just happened so fast.

That girl...I want to see her again...and make sure she's safe. There's something about her...

"So, um," I cough, getting Raph and Donnie's attention. "That girl was really cute, huh?"

"Which one?" Raph asks expectantly.

"The one with the brown hair," I murmur in thought. I didn't even know I could think about a brown-haired girl like this.

Raph and Donnie come to a stop, staring at me like I was crazy. Then they both start laughing. I blush in embarrassment as all my thoughts were on her all of a sudden... I can't get her out of my head.

"That chick?" Raph asks, wiping away a tear. "Good luck with that one!"

"You didn't see her, she...she wasn't scared of me," I try to explain, "She's...different. She...actually thanked me."

"Wow, she said thank you," Donnie deadpans, "What two words to say to get you all rattled."

"I'm not, I...I!" I sigh in defeat. "Forget it!" I tell them, as I knew they wouldn't understand...

We've gone into walking now as we've lost the van. Mikey runs up to us, looking frightened and confused. "Guys! Guys! You're never gonna believe this!" He exclaims, but knowing him, it probably wasn't anything new. He points to his left. "That dude, he-he...had a brain!"

Really? "We all have brains, Mikey," I point out to him.

"Not all of us," Donnie points out, holding up a finger.

"In our chests?!" Mikey shouts, gesturing to himself. I close my eyes and shake my head.

"No, Mikey, not in our chests," I explain to him.

"YOU'RE NOT LLSTENING TO ME!" Mikey shouts and I decided that he needed to stop, so I slap him across the face. He gets defensive as his eyes widen. Not the best method, I'd admit, but it got him to stop. "Did you just slap me?"

"I was calming you down," I state calmly.

"WHY WOULD THAT CALM ME DOWN?!" He screams and we all stare at him. Mikey could get carried away sometimes.

"I think he's delusional," Donnie explains and Mikey waves us over.

"Just-Just come here! I'm telling you, the big guy was a robot," I stare at the others. Raph shrugs and decides to follow. "And he had a freaky weird alien brain thing in his chest." We follow him to another alley so he could stop. "You gotta believe me!"

"I'm sure we do," Raph replies skeptically.

"Oh yeah?" He leads us to a park. "Well, you'll change your tune when you see that he's-" We look down the alley to see nothing. "Gone?" We all walk away from him.

I should've known it was too good to be true. Mikey was probably just imagining it.

"And so your inability to work together allowed them all to get away," Splinter scolds us in the dojo when we've arrived home. And he was right...we didn't work together at all...and worse, we didn't save the girls...including the one who actually thanked me...

"Well maybe if I didn't have to waste time arguing with hero boy, I could've saved them," Raph speaks up. There is no way that I was entirely at fault, he was totally bumping into me!

"Hey, if you hadn't gotten in my way, I could've done it!" I argue, jerking a thumb at myself. I look at Donnie, since he's the one who started the whole thing by going after them. "And you went flying off on your own. How smart was that?"

"Well, it would've worked out great if somebody hadn't hit me in the head with their NUNCHUCKS!" Donnie glares at Mikey.

"Well...none of this would've happened if..." Mikey turns to blame someone, but there's no one else. "Somebody hadn't trusted us to go up there in the first place!" Mikey gestures to Splinter, who stops moving. We all stare at him as he registers what Mikey said. "Oh, geez. Sensei, I didn't mean to-"

"No, Michelangelo," Splinter explains, "You are right."

"I am?" Mikey asks, because Splinter has definitely never said that before.

"He is?" The rest of us ask as we turn to him. He just admitted that MIKEY was right!

"You were not fully prepared for what was up there. I trained you to fight as individuals, not as a team," We all look down as that was definitely true. "And as your teacher, your father, the responsibility for that is mine. Perhaps in another year we can try again."

"Wha-another YEAR?" Donnie speaks up in shock. Normally, I don't disagree with Sensei, but Donnie had a point. "Ha! Has everybody forgotten that people were kidnapped? They don't have a year! Sensei, we have to do something now!"

Splinter stares at him, wondering whether or not Donnie was right. Personally...I do think he's right. We don't know what could happen to them if they're left alone for a year. Anything could happen...anything...

"You weren't there, Sensei. You didn't see the way that girl, the red-haired one, looked into my eyes. She was scared. And she was counting on me, us," Donnie corrects when we gave him a look. "To save her, I mean them!"

Splinter looks up in thought and I look at the hand that girl touched. It was like...she wanted me to stay with her. Her hands...felt so soft that I can't believe I touched them...and she was...grateful to me. She's the first person I've ever met that didn't scream at me. She accepted me for who I am, I could see no fear in her eyes. I want to see her again. I want to know her, to talk to her. She's...someone I don't want to forget, couldn't forget. Especially not for a year.

Splinter turns around to look at his mantle, the one that showed his past life as a human...

"Yes, you must save them," He turns around to us.

"I agree, Sensei," I try to hide my enthusiasm as I speak, "But in that fight, we weren't exactly a well-oiled machine."

"Like that robot with the brain thingy," Mikey states.

"Give it a rest," Raph tells him.

"Hm," Splinter strokes his beard in thought. "If you are to fight more efficiently as a unit, you are going to need a leader."

This is it, this is my chance! "Can I be the leader?!" I raise my hand.

"Why should you be the leader?" Raph asks. "I kicked your butt, I should be the leader."

"Hey, I'm smarter than all you guys put together, it should be me," Donnie argues, crossing his arms.

"No way! It should be me!" Mikey exclaims and we all stare at him for an explanation. "I don't really have a reason. I just think it would be neat." Well, at least he was okay with not being the leader...I'm the oldest, the most experienced when it comes to the art of ninjutsu. This is my chance to show what I can do as a leader and as a ninja. I can be like Captain Ryan, my dream could come true!

"This is a difficult decision," Splinter opens the door to his room. "I will meditate on it." He closes the door and not even a minute later, he opens it. "It's Leonardo," He closes it again without anything else to say. Yes!

"No hard feelings, Raph?" I ask, because Raph was really confident in his skills.

He growls as he stands up and leaves. "Stick it in your shell."

Later that night, we're on one of the rooftops near a billboard, watching the building that's across from us. "Explain to me one more time what we're doing here," Mikey whispers and the rest of us groan at his ability to not pay attention to almost anything.

"Mikey, we've been over this," I inform, pointing down, "That building has the same logo as the van that was used to kidnap the families. So if we wait here long enough, one of the kidnappers will eventually show his face. And when he does," I punch my fists together, "We'll make him tell us where they took them." I smile at the plan that I came up with. It was a pretty good one, if I say so myself.

"And then we got ourselves a van!" Mikey cheers and I facepalm.

"Just hit the guy I tell you to," I explain.

"Will do!" He gives me a thumbs up and I shake my head.

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Raph asks skeptically.

"Trust me, they'll be here any second," I smile widely.

It's been hours and nothing. I'm standing at the edge, keeping a close eye. I couldn't move, because if I do, something could happen and we could miss them. Time was of the essence here. The others are sitting around and I hear something hit Donnie, the culprit probably being Mikey. They sleep, jump rope, and play games while I stand there the entire time.

"Okay, I'm thinking of something green," Mikey says to Donnie. "Ga-reen. Ga-reen," he elaborates as if Donnie didn't know what the color was.

"Is it Raphael again?" Donnie asks tiredly.

"Man, you're good at this!" Mikey complains, as they've been playing that game for a while now.

There's still nothing, not even a single person. "Give it up already," Raph insists to me, "The guy's not gonna show."

"We have to be patient," I reply, as things like this take time.

"No, you have to come up with a better plan, cause the four of us standing here with our thumbs up our noses-"

Mikey stares at his thumbs. "I don't think they'd fit," He comments.

"Is pointless."

I raise a brow and smirk. "You sure about that, Raph?"

"He just showed up, didn't he?" Raph asks knowingly. The same van parks in the alley right next to the building. "I should've complained two hours ago!"

I see a man step out and I prepare to get them ready. "Gentlemen, I have a bold and daring plan," I say in my best Captain Ryan voice. "There's no time for hesitation. My orders must be carried out without question." I do it like he does, but my brothers don't seem to care as they're already gone. "Guys? Guys, wait up!"

I leap off the building and grab onto a ladder, sliding down it. We approach the man slowly.

"Alright, buddy," Raph starts off, "We can do this the easy way, or my vote, the hard way," We take out our weapons.

"Yeah, look at it logically," Donnie tells him, "There are four of us and one of you. What are you gonna do?" He chuckles and the man pulls out a weapon! He shoots lasers at us and we jump in the air, landing on a fire escape.

"You had to ask!" Raph yells at Donnie before we jump down, but it's too late as the van drives away.

"He's getting away again," Donnie turns to look at me.

"No he's not," I scowl as we jump up to the rooftops. We have to know where they are so we can rescue them. We jump across to follow the van, Raph landing on the roof. He hangs on as the driver throws him off and I catch him going right. The rest of us jump across and manage to track him down. I guess he must've seen us from his mirror, because he pulls out his laser gun and starts opening fire at us. Mikey and Donnie jump down while I continue running before jumping and throwing one of my shuriken, or throwing stars. I hit my target, one of his tires, and the van crashes into a pole before rolling to a stop on the streets. I land on a building nearby as I see that he can't move, which is good.

"Now we're getting somewhere," I smile slightly. We hide behind a building around the corner, in case anything happens. I give my brothers a signal using my left arm.

"I don't know what that means!" Raph whisper-yells in frustration.

"Go around back," I elaborate.

"Why didn't he just say so?" Mikey wonders and I silently roll my eyes. We slowly approach the van, which is laying down on its side. Some items had fallen out the back due to the crash. Raph opens the other door, only for something to fall out of it and to hit Mikey's foot. It's a container with blue glowing liquid, and it's one that we all know too well from a long time ago...

"Mom?" Mikey asks in shock.