This chapter has more info on the Guardians and other stuff so it may be boring but please don't skip it.

Serenity's POV

Me: In that case, welcome to the army!

Thalia: The army?

Me: Yes, the army, it's a group of people, chosen by me and the Unknown, Percy's Dad, who go on quests or missions, whether it is easy or difficult, safe or dangerous. It can be a solo quest or a group mission or one where the whole army will be part of...

Percy: Who will be part of this army?

Me: You, Jason, Leo, Nico, Thalia, Calypso and some others.

Percy: Who are these others?

Me: People you know... Don't worry, you'll meet them soon...

Jason: So in return for doing these quests or missions, we get to stay here?

Me: Yes...

Thalia: Are we staying in the forest? Not that I mind since I've been a hunter and we camp outdoors most of the time...

Leo: We can't stay in the forest! We have to stay somewhere where there is a warm bed, bath house, maybe a spa with lots of food and beautiful women!

More groanings and glaring, by Thalia and Calypso, while I started laughing...

Me: You all will live in the castle, along with me and those others.

Leo: We're living in a CASTLE? Can I be King?

Me (laughs): Nope... Well, come along, I'll lead you out of the forest...

We start walking through the forest, nearing the nesting grounds for the monsters. As we pass the grounds, the six look around, surprised...

Leo: Don't they attack?

Me: No... It's a rule if you want to stay here, you can't attack any of the beings and if you do, you'll find yourselves outside the boundaries of this paradise.

Nico: But why do you keep monsters here?

Me: Like I said not all monsters are evil. No monsters are born evil... It depends on who influences them... If they are influenced by good, then they will be good, like Mrs. O'Leary but if evil influences them, they end up evil... It's not just monsters; even demigods, like Octavian...

Percy: Are all monsters here to reproduce?

Me: No, but most of them are... They give birth to their off-springs and leave them here. We take care of them, teach them the basics they need to know and send them out into the world. They don't stay for more than five months...

Percy: Ohhh...

Nico: You are the goddess of power, right?

Me: Ya... Why?

Nico: Can you give us back our powers?

Me: Yes, somewhat...

Nico: What do you mean by somewhat?

Me: The only other way I can give you power is if you form a contract with one of the guardians... By doing so, you will have some of their power which cannot be removed by the gods or anyone but me...

Nico: What are these guardians?

Percy: When Serenity was created, she was too powerful and because of that, she was a bit... or a lot... out of control after we got married... Father, not Poseidon, drew out her power and made them into beings with a will of their own called 'Guardians' who obey only her and not anyone else, not even father.

Me: Yes... There are about 53 guardians and each control and protect a specific power. There are three supreme guardians who have powers over the earth, water and wind respectively. They are called elemental guardians; Windy, Watery and Earthy. They basically rule and take care of those in their respective element. They, on their own, are thousand times more powerful than the Gods. Then there are supreme guardians; Light, Dark, and Firey. After that there are seasonal and weather guardians, offensive and defensive guardians, entertainment guardians etc... I came up with the categories; I know it's kinda stupid...

Thalia: What do you mean by offensive and defensive guardians?

Me: Each guardian has a physical form; offensive guardians are those that have the form of weapons like the sword (Not referring to the guardian Sword...) I used on Leo... Defensive guardians are those that can be used to aid in escape rather than killing, like stopping time, or illusions, or putting up a forcefield or trapping your enemies in a maze or putting them to sleep etc...

Nico: What about the entertainment ones?

Me: There are some that don't prefer fighting; some are harmless and mischievous but can defend themselves...

Jason: Where are they now?

Me: Out and about... I give them the freedom to roam around whether here or in the other planets, including earth... Most of them are here, helping about or creating mischief

Calypso: Wait... We are not on Earth?

Me: Not exactly... You are in another domain which connects to all the planets...

Calypso: So the Gods can't enter here?

Me: Like I said, anyone can only enter if I or Percy's father allows it... Though animals and monsters in need are able to come in and out freely...

Nico: Why would you let them roam free? What if they don't return?

Me: Who? Are you talking about the Guardians? They are a part of me and loyal to me... I let them have their freedom because I know they will come back...

Jason: I have been wondering, what kind of mission will you be sending us on?

Me: Depends, sometimes bringing back endangered or certain species or creatures, most of the time, as an army, battling wars and helping to keep peace in the universe.

Calypso: What kind of creatures?

Me: Well, for example, when you are ready I plan on sending one or two of you to retrieve the Ophiotaurus, or as some of you call it, Bessie...

Percy: But why? It's safe in Olympus, right?

Me: Why did they disown and try to kill you? Because, to most of them, you are dangerous, so how much more will they try to destroy the very creature than can bring down the Gods? They did not do it then because you were there and Poseidon sided up with you but now that you are gone, why won't they destroy it?

Thalia: That makes sense, I guess...

Me: So here we are... Allow me to welcome you to Paradise...