Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, The Vampire Diaries and The Twilight Saga. They belong to their respective authors. I am writing this just for fun and no money is being made.

Pairing:Klaus Mikaelson/Harry Potter/Edward Cullen.

Rated:NC-17. Contains mature content.

Warning: This is a smut between three men. It has a story, but it contains EXPLICIT ADULT CONTENT. This isn't exactly a BDSM story, but it falls in the category of Porn with Plot. Though this is 70% smut (and the smut is not entirely realistic), therefore I apologize in advance, because this is my first m/m slash, so I don't know what I am doing here. If this is not your cup of tea and if you are not of legal age - please stop reading now. Major character deaths.

And finally, the characters are not exactly similar to the ones you have seen or know. They are OOC. And the major characters are going to be DARK!

I would once again like to warn you, that this story has been marked as MA/NC17. Acts of sexual nature follow. If you are underage, I would like to request you to stop reading. In case it gets removed, you can find me on Ao3 as well.

AN: I am not sure if I should post this, but anyway here it is. It has a story, but it is PWP. In case you find any mistakes in the smut, that's because this is the first time I am writing smut, so please be patient with me.

I've changed almost everything and this is a short story, you'll understand once you read it. I mean no disrespect to anyone, this is written just for fun.

I would like to apologize for any mistakes in advance. Please be patient with me, this is my first-time writing slash.

And I hope you like it.

Please read the end note. It's important.

Summary - Edward, Harry and Klaus were lovers. Edward was killed in 1300's. Now years later, he and Bella are getting married. Everything changes, when two men come to his house, claiming that he is their lost love. He is sure he knows them, but how? He hasn't met them before. He gets his memory back, but who will he choose? His lovers, who had been waiting for him for centuries or Bella, who he has promised a forever to? Reincarnation!

The day started normally. He picked Bella up from her house and brought her back to his house. Alice wanted her to 'break-in' her wedding shoes, while everyone else was busy preparing for their wedding tomorrow. He was standing in the living room staring at the vast forest in front of him, thinking about everything that has changed in the last year.

Life since the war with Victoria and the newborn vampires has been a lot different. He had proposed to Bella and she said yes. She had finally taken the decision, chosen him and not that dog, but he was skeptical about her feelings towards him. She had told him that she loved him more, but the way she had kissed him... He knew that Jacob had manipulated her, and that's why she had kissed Jacob on the mountain but she kissed him back, responded like she won't be able to live without him. She had been wild and frantic when he had revealed to Jacob, that they were going to marry. He had always known, that some part of her wanted Jacob because of what he could give her – a family, children, a normal life, which he couldn't. He knew she felt guilty about the kiss, but he didn't know if she should. He wanted her to be happy and to chose someone with least regrets. He would support her even if she chose Jacob. The way she had broken down after coming back from La Push after saying goodbye to the mutt didn't settle well with him. She hadn't had the same reaction when he had left her. He felt horrible for comparing two different situations, but were they really that different? He didn't know and it didn't matter. They were getting married soon. Everything was ready, but he couldn't just shake the feeling that something wasn't right.

She wanted him to turn her as soon as they got married and that's why she had said yes to marry him. She told him, that she wanted to become a vampire because she didn't feel his equal, but she had loved him knowing that they were part of two different species. Was it really love or did she just think what she had for him was love? She was a teenager in true sense after all, unlike him. Would she still have married him, if he would have been a normal human? He didn't think so. Bella hated the idea of marriage and he didn't blame her for it. She wanted him, but he just wasn't sure about it and he didn't want to hurt her either. He couldn't talk to anyone about her. She already was the part of his family, no one would understand. Maybe, Carlisle and Esme would, but it would divide his family and he didn't want that.

He was too afraid to talk to her, he was too afraid of hurting her.


He came back to himself, when he heard two loud cracks right in front of their house. He heard as everyone in his family stiffened and came running to the front porch. He and Alice pushed Bella behind them as they stared at the two humans standing there.

He hadn't seen anyone coming and there wasn't a single car parked there. Did their vehicle broke and they found this place for help? How none of them had heard them?

The man had dirty blond hair and blue-green eyes. He was well-built, possessed a delicate and yet masculine face. The other man was lean, with a lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead had untidy midnight hair, bright green eyes and eyed that looked like they held all the secrets of the universe. Both were dressed casually and were wearing jeans with shirt and a jacket. He himself wasn't short by any means, 6'1, but they were both tall, standing at 6'4. These men rivalled Emmett. As he stared at the God like men, he felt the need to submit to them, bare his throat to both of them and he took a step forward to do just that. But Carlisle shouted at him in his mind, while Bella held his hand tightly and he came out of his trance and his eyes widened. What was he doing? Who were these men?

He felt a sense of dejavu, like he knew both of them, but he had never seen them before. He tried listening to them, but he got nothing and his eyes widened even more. The quietness of their minds fascinated him, but it baffled him so much, that he pushed into their minds, trying to get something, anything, but was shocked when instead of the thoughts, he hit a wall and both their gazes snapped towards him.

He looked at them and they were staring right at him, and he shivered under their gaze. He didn't know why, but he felt like a pray and these two were the predators as their eyes pierced him. He could hear similar thoughts from his family, and Bella - she seemed curious like always. Jasper was ready to fight, even though he himself couldn't understand why he wanted to fight with the two humans. Their scents were foreign and none of them had crossed something like this before.

"Hello. My name is Carlisle Cullen and this is my family. Can we help you? Are you lost?" Carlisle asked politely.

"Yes, you see, we are here to take back something of ours." Klaus answered with a smirk.

Carlisle looked at the men confused and then asked, "Something of yours? What is it?"

"Edward Andrew Marston." The raven-haired man said as he stared directly in Edward's eyes and Edward stiffened. He didn't know why, but it felt like he had heard the name before.

Every Cullen stiffened, but Carlisle said, "You might be mistaken. My son's name is Edward, but there is no Edward Andrew Marston here."

"You don't remember us, love?" Klaus said mockingly. He hated these 'vegetarians', his patience was running thin and he wanted to get it over with.

"Niklaus!" Harry snapped at him.

"What? I am not your Edward. I haven't ever seen you before." Edward said, even though he was panicking inside. He couldn't understand the feelings bubbling inside him for these men. Why these two were affecting him so much?

"Of course, you don't remember, love. It happened in early 14th century." Klaus said placatingly, though it did anything but that.

"What? Are you crazy? I think you hit your head." He yelled losing all his composure, then he lowered his voice and whispered to Carlisle, "Carlisle, I think you should check the humans."

"You wound us, love. We're perfectly fine." Klaus said satirically.

"What? But… how did you… You're humans." Emmett asked perplexed.

"But, we never said we were humans." Klaus smirked.

Edward wasn't paying attention, so he didn't hear Rosalie's thoughts until she moved forward and attacked the man. His dread increased and his instincts were telling him to rip her head off and save the man. He was about to move when, the blonde man's sclera turned red, while his iris turned golden, black veins started pulsating under them and his fangs descended from his mouth. Everyone stared in horror as with speed which rivaled theirs, he caught Rosalie by her throat, slammed her on the ground and growled at her. Emmett ran forward to save her, but the raven-haired man waved his hand; and Emmett went flying back and crashed into a couple of trees.

They didn't know what these two were, but it was clear, that they were more powerful than all of them.

"If you tried that once more, I will rip out every single part of that pretty body of your slowly, until you beg me to kill you." Then he looked into her eyes and said, "You won't do anything until I ask you to, you won't speak until you have my permission, you'll remember everything, but you'll only do what I ask you to do, like a good little slave. Do you understand?" he asked her softly, while holding her throat tightly with one hand and the other was caressing her cheek, like she was a toy for him to play.

"I won't do anything until I have your permission, like a good little slave." Rosalie replied in a monotone voice, after which he released her.

Everyone took a sharp breath and their eyes widened, when they heard her repeating his words, like a trained doll.

"Rosie?" Emmett called as he came near them.

Rosalie didn't reply just stared at him, eyes full of panic.

Emmett turned to the blond man and roared, "What did you do to her?"

"Nothing much, she's just my slave now." Klaus answered. Then he turned towards her and said, "Rosie. Why don't you go get me a drink? The best smelling human you can find and alive. I don't like stale food."

Rosalie didn't reply, just blurred through the forests, Emmett glared at Klaus, but followed her, intending to stop her from doing anything which she would regret.

The remaining Cullen's, were staring at them with open trepidation and fright. They were ready to fight these men, even if it ended with their deaths.

"What are you and what is it that you want? We haven't done anything to harm you." Carlisle asked angrily.

"She shouldn't have attacked me without reason." Klaus shrugged.

"Niklaus, enough! We are not here to harm anyone." Harry said in a tone which left room for an argument and Klaus gritted his teeth, but didn't reply.

Just then, a wolf came barreling from the forest and slammed into Harry, claws digging into his stomach and jaws wide-open, trying to tear Harry's head.

Bella's eyes widened as she saw the wolf, she knew it was Leah and her breathing increased.

Edward's throat clogged up and he blurred forward without a conscious thought to kill the wolf, that was trying to kill the raven-haired man, but before he could do anything, Klaus reached forward, plunged his hand into the wolf's chest and pulled her heart out. The wolf didn't even have the time to notice anything, as the breath left her body. Klaus dropped the heart on the ground, picked the wolf off Harry, threw her aside and kneeled down to check on Harry. He wanted to do things his own way, but Harry wanted to talk civilly. He heard many howls and his anger increased. He would kill them all if he needed to.

Everyone else was frozen with fear as they saw Leah's body transforming back into her human form, heart lying beside her, blood pooling around all around her. They had never seen such brutality before, even Aro killed humans by drinking their bloods, not like this.

Edward was staring at the two men, feeling like he had seen something like this before, not understanding where; he was relieved that the man was fine and afraid of what would become of him and his family now.

Klaus was fussing over Harry when he said, "I'm fine Niklaus."

Just then, 8 wolves came from the woods and started growling at them, one whined and went to the girl lying on the ground and started nudging her as Carlisle covered her naked body with a cloth.

Out of nowhere, a russet brown wolf lunged onto Klaus, but he swiftly turned around and held him by his throat, the wolf dangling in the air as Klaus tightened his hold and the wolf whined.

"Jacob!" Bella shouted as she tried to run to him, but Alice held her hand in a tight grip. "Please, don't hurt him!" She pleaded to Klaus again as she pulled against Alice's grip.

Klaus looked at the girl, then at the wolves and growled, eyes flashing golden and every single one of them backed away, before they lowered onto their bellies and surrendered to the wolf, who was stronger and more powerful than anything they've ever seen.

Their new Alpha!

"What?" Jasper whispered as he stared at the wolves. What was happening? He hadn't heard about anything like this ever. And what were these two men?

Klaus released his grip on the russet wolf who fell on the ground, breathing heavily and smirked down at him.

"We came here in peace, to talk, we never intended to harm anyone, but you are forcing us to do things, we don't want to do. Would you let us speak now or someone else wants to die?" Harry asked them calmly, like he was talking about the weather.

"You killed Leah." Bella shouted as she stared at the two.

Klaus's eyes narrowed at the human, what was she doing here in a house full of vampires? But he answered anyway in an amused tone, "She attacked my mate, darling."

Edward moved forward from her spot and asked, "What are you? And what did you do to these wolves?"

"We are the originals, love. First vampires created in this world, most powerful creatures of this earth and anyone else you've ever seen. And I am the new alpha of the pack."

"How can that be? Aren't you a vampire?" Jasper asked flummoxed.

"I am a hybrid. Wolf and a Vampire." Klaus shrugged.

Just then Rosalie came and dropped a girl in front of Klaus, who was crying hysterically, Emmett came after her, clothes torn and dirty. It was clear they've had a fight.

"Ah! Well done, kitten." Then Klaus compelled the human and gave her to Harry, who drank from her and his wounds healed. The Cullen's stopped breathing when they smelled her blood and Alice held Jasper tightly. Their eyes turned black, even though they stared at the poor girl in horror, but no one moved forward to help her.

After Harry was done drinking, Klaus compelled the girl to forget the incident and asked Rosalie to drop the girl safely where she had found her.

"Why isn't she dead or turning? You fed on her." Alice asked with wide-eyes.

"Because they aren't venomous. They can feed on a human easily without killing then and to turn into a vampire, a human need to be fed their blood and then die." Edward muttered as if in a trance, before blinking as he realized what he had said and stared at Klaus and Harry as everyone else stared at him, not knowing what to say.

"Ho… How did I know that?" Edward stuttered.

"You remember bits and pieces!" Klaus said with glee.

"Edward, our souls are bound together. We've been waiting for you for centuries. I placed a spell on you. You'll remember everything, if you allow me?" Harry asked as he looked at Edward.

"How do I know that you aren't placing false memories in my head?" Edward asked suspiciously.

"You'll know and we'll leave if you don't want us even after you regained your memories. I promised you that you can do whatever makes you happy and no one will force you." Harry whispered sincerely as he looked at Edward, straight in the eyes.

Edward looked at them for a long time and nodded. Everyone was staring at him skeptically and no one wanted the two men, to harm him.

"Edward. Don't! Please don't do this. We don't know who these people are and I don't want to lose you. We are getting married tomorrow." Bella said frantically as her lips quivered.

"You are getting married tomorrow and to this… this human?" Klaus sneered through gritted teeth, his eyes tightened as he stared at her with open disgust and she shivered under his scrutiny as chills ran down her spine.

"Yes. She's my fiancée. Now, do whatever you want to do. I don't want any more bloodshed because of me." Edward said in a monotone, as he shifted not so subtly in front of Bella and blocked her from the hybrid's view.

Harry closed his eyes, as far as he knew Edward, if he had promised a girl to marry her, he wont back down from his word. He just hoped that the memories would be enough to bring him back to them. Remind him of their love! Of their promise to each other.

He moved forward, placed his fingers on Edward's forehead and they both shivered at the electricity that ran down their bodies at the contact, but both ignored it and readied themselves. While everyone, the vampires and the wolves stared with dread in their hearts, not knowing what was about to happen.

Harry whispered, "I'm sorry. It will hurt."

And with that, he closed his eyes and started chanting the spell in Latin. Edward started whimpering and shaking, then he let out a deafening scream and blacked out. Harry, on the other hand, started bleeding from his nose, but he didn't loose the contact until he himself lost consciousness.

Klaus blurred forward and caught Harry before he could hit the ground, while Carlisle caught Edward. Esme and Bella came running towards him, while Jasper held Alice tightly to him who was trying to see the future, but wasn't able to see anything, but blackness.


Niklaus has invited everyone to from different towns to celebrate his and his family's shifting to the new town and his newly build mansion, but his family and Harrison knew that it was just to enlarge his social circle, which would increase the chances of finding the doppelgänger. Everyone knew Niklaus was hell bent on breaking the curse which was the reason they have invited every Lord and Lady which he could.

Harrison shook his head at his husband. He loved Niklaus, but sometimes he just wanted to kill the man, over his obsessive and cruel behavior. They had been together ever when they were human, he was changed along with the family as Esther and Mikael treated him like their own children. And because of the fact that he was a wizard, he had always been powerful and had helped them whenever he could. He and Esther felt a kinship towards each other because of the fact, meanwhile Michael liked him because he was 'perfect' at whatever he did. Which wasn't true in his opinion. He had a tough life before the Mikaelson's took pity on him and took him in. His parents were killed when he was a baby by an evil wizard, he didn't know how the wizard died, just that he was left on the doorsteps of his aunt's house. They weren't abusive, but he was nothing more than a servant, so he ran as soon as he turned 16, after which he met Mikael and helped him by his magic. He had thought that the man would kill him, thinking that he was evil, but it turned out that his wife was a witch as well, they opened their home for him and rest was history.

It turned out that almost all their children were of the same age as him, and he formed a close bond with all of them Kol had powers like his mother, and they got along as they pranked their siblings. He liked Nik from the first time he saw the man smiling, but Niklaus loved Tatia. Both Niklaus and Elijah were broken after her death and he had been there for his family after Henrik's demise. Harrison didn't know when Niklaus fell for him, but he just knew that one moment they were reminiscing about the time when they were human, and the next they were ripping each-other's clothes off. After a couple of years, they got married in a small ceremony attended by their family and the priest. He had always been thankful to their family for supporting them and making him a part of it.

Now, here he was. Consort of Lord Niklaus, greeting these obnoxious people, who thought of themselves as the deities of this world. He snorted, trying to cease the urge to kill his husband.


The first time both of them saw him, they felt an instant connection and realized that he was their mate. The final piece of their heart, which would complete them. The man looked somewhere around in his early 20's and was impossibly beautiful. He had an angular face with high cheekbones, strong jawline, a straight nose and full lips. He had had a slender and muscular body, sandy-colored hair which were messy, and greyish-green eyes which shined like diamonds. He was helping the servants to remove the boxes from the carriages.

He and Niklaus were mesmerized as they stared at the man and as if the man knew he was being looked at, his head shot up and his gaze snapped towards them. As he and Niklaus went towards him, his heartbeat sped up and blushed, but didn't look away.

"My Lord's." He greeted, as soon as they reached near him.

"I am Harrison Jamesy Potter Mikaelson and this is Niklaus Mikaelson." Harry said with a smile. The man's eyes widened and he looked surprised for a second, before smiling back.

"Oh! Forgive me. I'm Edward Andrew Marston."

"We have never been so glad to meet anyone before, Edward." Niklaus purred huskily as he took his hand and kissed the back of it. Edward blushed profusely and stared at them through his lashes.

"Edward! Come here right now! Carry these bags!" A man shouted and all three gazes snapped towards him. The man was the same age as Edward, both had the same hair color, but other than that, there was no resemblance.

Both Niklaus and Harrison narrowed their eyes, while Edward turned red with embarrassment.

"Sorry, that's my brother. I have to go." Edward said and ran towards the man.


A couple of days later, they found out that the man was Edward half-brother. His mother died in child-birth and his father married another, after a couple of months. Gawain was born a year later. Edward's father was a drunk and hated him because he 'killed' his mother. The family treated him like an outcast, a servant, and he was betrothed to a girl.

Edward was extremely shy and only talked when asked something. The both of them hadn't missed the bruises marred on his skin, while he was working, which he always kept covered under his clothing. They needed to talk to him, to tell him everything, to see if he would accept them. So, they decided to talk to him as soon as possible.


The next day found Harrison and Niklaus in the stable, where Edward was tending to a horse.

"Edward! We have men to do take care of everything, why are you tending to the animals?" Harrison asked Edward.

"My Lords!" Edward whirled around and exclaimed as he stared at them. Then, he said with a smile, "Gamin had been my friend since I was a child."

"It's Harrison and Niklaus for you, Edward." Niklaus reminded him politely, at which Edward shyly nodded.

"So, tell us something about yourself, Edward. What do you like? What do you do for work?" Harrison asked wanting to know everything about their mate.

"There's nothing much. I love spending time with animals and I work for my family." He whispered softly.

Suddenly, Harrison took a step closer to him, took Edward hand and asked, "Would you allow us to court you, Edward?"

"W… what? Bu…but… You want to court me? Why?" Edward stuttered with bewilderment, eyes-wide, heart beating wildly in his chest.

"You are our soulmate, Edward. A part of us that will complete us. We like you. Don't you want us?" Niklaus asked.

Suddenly he wrenched his hand back, eyes filled with tears and he shouted. "Are you making fun of me? Did Gawain told you to do this? I did everything they've asked of me and I even agreed to marry that girl. Why would he do this to me?"

Harrison's eyes widened at that, but Niklaus went near him and said, "Edward... Edward…"

"Everyone will laugh at me now because I don't like women. Why would he tell this to you?" Edward started uttering.

"Edward! Listen to us!" Harrison almost shouted.

Edward looked at them, red eyes filled with tears, looking broken and Niklaus took both his hands in his and said seriously, "No one's asked us to do anything. You don't have to marry anyone you don't like. You are our mate! You belong with us and we want you." He pulled one of Edward's hand and placed it on the front of his pants, right on his hardened erection and Edward's eyes widened even more, he hastily pulled his hand back and blushed profusely.

Harrison moved towards him and whispered, "You don't have to do anything you don't want and you can stay here if you like. You don't know us and its fine, you can take all the time you need, you don't even have to say yes if you don't want to, but still we are asking the permission to court you."

Edward's breath hitched as he stared at the both of them. Then his brows furrowed and asked, "What do you mean by 'mate'?

Harrison looked at Niklaus, who gave him a nod. He closed his eyes took a deep breath and said, "Will you come with us? We want to show you something."

When looked at them with suspicion, but Harrison placated and finally convinced him to come along. They took him to their chamber, which was on the other side of the tower and revealed that they were vampires. Edward didn't believe them until Niklaus showed him his face. His eyes were red, black veins were pulsing under them and his fangs descended from his mouth. Edward's eyes widened and he fell on his back, trying to find a way to escape. He looked like he would faint any minute and was crying, begging them not to kill him, but Harrison blurred right in front of him and finally succeeded in calming him down.

Edward was sitting on the edge of their bed. He didn't look at them, but tears were rapidly falling from his eyes. He looked defeated. Finally, after a long time, he took a deep breath and asked them in a quiet voice, "What do you want from me?"

Harrison kneeled in front of him, put his hands on both sides of his face, wiped the tears with his thumbs and said, "We were telling you the truth. Vampires mate for life, until they die and me and Niklaus are the originals. We can't be killed. We want to court you and marry you someday. If you accept us, you'll be a part of us forever. A vampire cannot live without their mate and you are ours. It's more than a marriage in human world, the bond cannot be broken once we've marked you, but you don't have to say yes if you do not want to. You are free to leave anytime you want. No one would harm you in any way."

Edward finally looked up and stared at them with an unfathomable expression. Then whispered a small, "Yes."

"What?" Niklaus asked flabbergast. He hadn't expected a human to accept them along with the concept of forever so easily.

"Yes. I accept." Edward said as he looked straight at Niklaus.

"Do you understand that this would be forever? You won't be able to undo it once you are turned." Niklaus asked.

Edward gulped nervously and fidgeted, but finally looked up and said quietly, "I've never had anyone to love me and if by giving you a chance, I get someone who would be mine and I would belong to them, then I agree to a forever with you."

Harrison moved forward and pressed his lips to Edward's soft ones. He stiffened at first, but then relaxed and pressed his lips back, returning the kiss. He had never had been kissed. Not even a peck, which mostly children get from their mothers when they are young. But this… this was heaven! Harrison's hands on his face, caressing like he was made of glass, the most precious thing in the world and his eyes filled with unshed tears. He felt someone's chest being pressed at his back, their erection poking his hips, soft lips moving up and down his neck and to his shoulders. Harrison's tongue tangled with his as he opened his mouth and moaned. This was the first time in his life, that someone was treating him with gentleness and it was a welcoming change. He could get lost in those hands and lips moving expertly over his body. He was hard and leaking, when suddenly a hand plunged down his pants, grabbed his cock and he screamed with overwhelming sensation. No one has touched him there, neither had he himself, but as the hand moved up and down, the thumb rubbed the head, he forgot everything and gave himself over to it. Harrison's hands were all over him, tongue into his mouth fighting for dominance and he surrendered happily. He felt like his body was on fire and he couldn't stop the sounds that left his mouth. A groan escaped him as he began to thrust into that hand. He never knew what sex was about, why people loved it so much, but the rush of pleasure he felt throughout his body, made him dizzy. He needed something. He moaned, gasped, whimpered and groaned before painting his tunic and the hand in his cum with a loud scream in Harrison's mouth.

When he came back to himself, he realized what he'd done, how wantonly he'd behaved. His family had been right. Father, mother and Gawain always told him, that he was a dirty whore and would never find happiness. No one would love him ever and now he realized, that they were right. He was nothing, but a whore. Harrison and Niklaus said they wanted him, but, now would they?

"What? What is it? Did we hurt you?" Harrison asked him looking worried and concerned and he couldn't help the sob that escaped him. He lost something that could have been precious because he couldn't control himself. His tunic was soaking wet and he had never felt so dirty in his life. He couldn't look at them, couldn't answer, so he just shook his head while looking down.

Niklaus put his finger under his chin, pulled his chin up and asked, "What is it? You can tell us anything."

"You wouldn't want me anymore, now. I am just a whore." He whispered so quietly, that they wouldn't have been able to hear it without their vampire hearing.

"What? Who said that to you?" Niklaus roared and Edward backed away in fear.

"Niklaus!" Harrison snapped, the turned towards him and asked softly, "Why would you say that?"

"Father and mother always said that no one would love me, that I am just a whore and now I have lost you with my atrocious actions." Edward replied numbly as tears fell on his cheeks.

Niklaus tangled his hands in Edward's hair, turned his head to look at him and told him, "You are our mate and we enjoyed what we did to you. We will marry you someday and we would like to do more to your body. You are not a whore. Don't ever think that and if you are, then you are ours. Mine and Harrison's. You will be our husband someday and no one else will have the pleasure to enjoy your body, other than the both of us. I will kill anyone who even tries."

Edward shivered at the possessiveness and nodded, believing every single thing that Niklaus told him.

"Now, I have to go find your family. They wont live to see the end of this day." He muttered furiously and both Edward 's and Harrison's eyes widened.

"NO! Please don't! Please! They are my family! I don't want to see them hurt because of me. I beg you!" Edward said frantically as he looked at him with wild, frightened eyes.

Niklaus's was seething and his jaw clenched, but he nodded. Edward visibly relaxed and Harrison looked at him proudly.

Harrison embraced him and kissed him tenderly on his whole face, removing any evidence that he had been crying, softly brushed his lips to comfort him, and Edward had never known anything so sweet, so pure… so innocent in all his life. Edward turned into the embrace, he tentatively slipped his arms around Harrison and tightened his hold around his waist, trying to crawl inside the other man.

Edward suddenly pulled back and asked miserably, "But I'm betrothed, what about it?"

Harrison smiled at him and said, "I'll take care of everything. You don't have to worry about anything. And we aren't letting you go, love. You'll be staying with us."

Edward looked at him with awe and his heart skipped a beat at being called 'love'. He leaned forward and buried his face in Harrison's neck as someone ran their fingers through his hair. He nuzzled his face in the neck happily, as he had never felt more safe or peaceful in all his 20 years.


When the celebration was over, everyone left, including Edward's family, after they were compelled. Niklaus found that the girl he was betrothed to was only because of money. Her father came from old money and had promised to give a large amount in exchange of marriage. It turned out, the girl was unstable and needed a caretaker every moment of the day. Apparently, everyone knew that because of his kind and caring nature, Edward wouldn't abandon his wife. He had wanted to rip their hearts apart, but stopped himself because he had promised Edward.


It's been months since they met and now preparations were being made. Harrison and Niklaus were getting married to Edward. Everyone in their family loved him and he loved them all. He had never felt happier in his life. He had never imagined he would get two persons who would love him unconditionally and not only his two mates, he gained a whole family and they loved him as well. He was closest to Rebekah and Kol out of them all. They loved showing off their strengths and powers, they spent every day doing one thing or the other. He had always wanted to learn how to play music and they taught him that.

But, he had also seen the more gruesome side of being a vampire. His family drank blood, human blood. Harrison didn't want him to see that part of being a vampire, but he had begged them to let him watch. He wanted to know what would he be becoming one day, but Nik agreed, even though no one else did. He saw them drinking blood from others – men and women who offered themselves eagerly for the rush of pleasure it provided them, and others, who were compelled and fed on forcefully. He didn't know if he would ever be able to force anyone for blood, but he accepted the 'nature' of his family. He had seen Nik killing a couple of people, who had betrayed him and tried to kill him, but Edward couldn't bring himself to pity those men. He himself wanted to tear those apart, who wanted to harm Nik and Harry, and even his family.

He had always been curious, and when he saw those men and women, writhing with pleasure, finding their release even without being touched as Nik drank from them, he couldn't help the surge of possessiveness and jealously that shot through him. He wanted them to drink from him and not anyone else, so without his permission his feet moved forward and wretched the man away from his love. The man cried because of the loss as he fell on the floor, but Edward didn't care, Nik looked at him wide-eyed, thinking that he was angry for drinking from a human, but suddenly Edward closed the distance between them and smashed his lips to Nik's bloodied ones. He licked all the blood from Nik's mouth, inside and out, tongue swirling to get rid of every single trace of blood that wasn't his. He pulled back, once he was satisfied with his work and looked at Nik.

"Love, what…?" Niklaus asked, still confused what had brought this one.

"Drink from me, not from anyone else." He demanded and Niklaus's eyes widened, his mouth fell open.

"I… I don't want to hurt you, darling." Niklaus whispered, even though the idea excited him.

"You won't! I trust you. I want to know what it feels like. I want to be the one to satisfy your needs, to give you anything you want." He tightened his fingers in Nik's hair and brought his mouth closer to his neck and whispered, "I want a part of me to be inside you, Nik. Please. I love you."

Niklaus groaned as he kissed and licked Edward's neck, marking a spot, then slowly and carefully bit him. The first gulp of his blood was pure pleasure and he moaned in tedium with Edward, who's eyes rolled at the back of his head as he clung to Nik tightly, urging him for more. Both were hard and leaking, need for each other the only thing in mind, as Niklaus's hand went inside Edward's clothes and to his butt, caressing it, before his fingers moved down to the crack slowly, before drifting even lower and rubbing them over his well-used hole, where he and Harrison had been just a couple of hours ago. Hot liquid was gushing from his hole, soaking Edward's pants and his hand, and he plunged two of his fingers into it without warning and Edward screeched. Finally, when he felt Edward's sphincter relax, he started pushing his fingers in and out, finding his prostate and hitting it again and again as Edward moaned. He felt the muscles around his fingers tighten as he took one last gulp of the divine blood and they both came groaning.

Edward's limbs felt heavy as he fell limp on Nik, who was still rubbing his internal walls with his fingers and was hitting his abused prostate every once in a while, and held Edward tightly to him with his other hand.

"Nik, stop, please, no more, I don't have anything left." Edward begged still clinging to him, even though his hips were gyrating and he was pushing himself back onto those fingers.

"Of course, you can love." Niklaus whispered as he licked the spot where he had bitten him.

He ripped Edward's clothes and just pulled his cock out of his clothes, without bothering to remove them. Then, he spun Edward around and pushed him towards the wall with his back towards him, Edward whimpered, but unable to control his need for Nik's cock any longer, he spread his legs, reached behind and held his crack open, exposing his angry-red, swollen hole, which was still wide-open and leaking, to Niklaus. His thighs were wet, so Nik didn't wait, just rammed his cock inside him and Edward screamed, eyes screwed shut at the pain, Nik's chest pressed against his back. When he didn't move even after a long time, Edward whined and said, "Move."

"No." Niklaus answered simply.

"What?" Edward asked bewildered.

Niklaus leaned closer to him and licked his ear, then said, "I wont move, but you will slam yourself onto my cock and I don't want you to stop until I fill you full of my cum."

Edward turned red, but his hips moved forward on its own accord and then he slammed back on the thick cock and moaned obscenely. He bit his lower lip, head thrown back and resting on Nik's shoulder, mouth open in wanton ecstasy as he impaled himself on the hard cock again and again. Harder, faster and deeper. He clenched each time he took the cock, growing wilder by the seconds. He felt so wanton and dirty, while Nik just stood there with his palms against the wall.

His hand went towards his cock, but Nik held both his wrists and pinned then with his own and said, "No. You will not come, but I want to see how dirty you are, how desperate for me to fill your hole with my cum."

The words were making him miserable, but they were turning him on as well. His hips moved faster with his own violation this time, intending to finish it faster, but he felt his belly fluttering and he knew he was about to come. Niklaus's hands were roaming all over his body, tugging and pinching his already hardened nipples, lips kissing wherever he could reach, marking him. He was seeing flashes of white as he felt hot cum filling him up and leaking out of his ass, as his hole was already loose before this. He could feel the release at the back of his tongue, but suddenly his cock and balls were held in a brutally tight grip and he felt like he might cry, tears gathering on the corner of his eyes.

"Nik." He almost pleaded.

"I'm sorry, love, but you will have to wait for Harrison to be back tonight and then we'll see how many times can you come in one night."

Edward whimpered, but relented. Nik pulled his cock out with a wet squelch sound and he blushed, embarrassed as more come slid from him, wetting his thighs.

He turned around and his eyes widened as he felt himself growing hot. He and Nik hadn't been alone, there were at least ten people standing there. Three were the servants of this house, and the other seven were 'the food'. They were staring at him, how hadn't he seen them before?

He looked at Nik with narrowed eyes, who just winked at him and blurred out before he could say anything, leaving him there hard, soaking wet and nude!


Edward blushed when he thought back on the first day they had touched him, made him feel things he'd never thought possible. They had come a long way. Now, they shared a bed every day, shared what lovers did and he understood the importance of it in life. It was a means to show someone how much you love them, how much you cared about them and his disappointment at his father actions towards him increased. He wasn't a whore. Well, maybe he was, but only for his mates. The loves of his life! He loved it when they did all those things to him, rammed their tongues, fingers, cocks or even their whole arms inside him; teased him to the point where he went crazy with need, became incoherent, begged them like a whore, but they never treated him like his own family did. It didn't matter anyhow, he had what he needed and he would never let it go. He loved that they took care of him every single time afterwards, no matter how many times they did it or how long it's been. Those were the people who loved him and he loved them back.

Edward blushed furiously, as he thought about all the dirty words his mates loved to say, especially Nik.

"Our messy whore, leaking from your cock and your hole, princess. It's a shame that you leak it all out. We should find a way to always keep you filled with cum, breed you until your stomach is bulging with it."

He groaned at the idea of being kept full with his mates cum, he would feel so full… and he wondered and bemoaned the fact, that he couldn't bear his mates children. He wanted his belly to swell… filled with lots of children…

Harry had found him one day when he was melancholy, sitting in the garden and had begrudgingly told him about 'it'. Harrison had looked at him strangely and then had promised him to look into it. He was a wizard, it shouldn't be impossible for him, nothing was and so, he held onto the hope.

His life had never been better.


It was his wedding day and he had invited his family to be there with him today. Everyone told him not to, but he didn't listen to anyone stubbornly and because of it he was lying here, in the puddle of his own blood. The sword still buried inside him, as he heaved for breath. He wanted to wait for his mates and apologize to them, but he knew he wouldn't be able to, he didn't have much time.

Gawain came into his chamber, just before he was about to get married and he had never been happier. Thinking that his brother was happy for him and had come to congratulate him, but how wrong had he been.

He didn't understand what had happened until he heard the sickening sound of the sword plunging in his body again and again, his hand went to his stomach, where Gawain has left the sword, he stared as the blood gushed out and he fell on his knees, still not knowing what he ever did to make Gawain hate him so much, to end him this way.

Probably, he should have let Nik kill his family when he had first offered!


Niklaus came to see Edward one last time before the wedding. Harrison had been feeling strange all day and he trusted him to believe that, but he won't let anything bad happen on this day. Finally, Edward would be theirs in every sense of the world. They would turn him and mark him today.

As he entered into Edward 's chamber, everything inside him froze for a moment. He didn't know what he was seeing. Edward lying on the ground with a sword still inside him, blood all around him. His ears were ringing, so he wasn't able to hear the fading heartbeat. The injuries were extensive, he didn't know if Edward was even alive! He roared the first name that came to his mind, the only person that could help his mate.


He flitted to the floor on his knees, next to Edward, his arms supporting his head and bringing him gently to his chest. Tears filled his eyes when suddenly the door burst open and someone screamed, but he didn't pay attention. Someone fell on their knees and hastily tried to check Edward. He looked up and saw Harrison frantically searching a way to bring Edward back to them, waving his wand.

They looked down, only to see the eyes they loved staring at them, filled with pain and apology. He didn't want the apology, he just needed his mates, so he hastily bit his wrist and placed it on Edward 's mouth, but instead of going inside, the blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"Do…n't f…orget me." Edward said, as he struggled to breath.

Edward knew it was the end. His only regret was that he was leaving his mates behind. He had never been happier, he had everything, even if it wasn't for a long time. He was glad that they hadn't marked him or they would have suffered. Tears, one after another, slid down his cheeks. He longed to touch their face one final time, but his limbs felt heavy, his head was getting fuzzy and just like that, darkness swallowed him.

"Never, love." Niklaus whispered as his eyes flittering over Edward 's face, memorizing every inch of him as his hand came to cup his cheek and swallowed a bile as he said, "Don't do this to us, love. It's our wedding day and how would the grooms look without the bride?"

Then he looked at the sky and added, "Today was going to be the first day!" A tear fell from his eye, when Edward didn't glare at him or threw something at his head for calling him a bride. Pain immobilized him, as his love died in front of him and he couldn't do anything to help.

Harrison swallowed the lump in his throat, eyes wet with tears which were rapidly spilling onto Edward 's face. He was dead!

He looked at Niklaus and said, "Niklaus, I bound his soul to ours. He will come back again until we find each other. He's not lost to us, love. We will see him again."

His voice hoarse, but full of passion as he whispered to Edward slowly, his hand caressing his hair. "I will never forget you, love. I have done the first part of the ritual and I will complete the rest. I will do everything in my power to bring you back. You just have to find us soon."

Harrison leaned down and kissed his forehead, closing his eyes and finally allowing a sob to escape him, which turned into two and then the dam broke.

Harrison's words gave Niklaus hope, that Edward would come back to that. He was determined to find his love again, no matter even if it took a thousand years.

"We will find him again. And we will kill everyone who took him from us. We promised each other eternity. Always and forever, together." Niklaus whispered, before roaring in the night sky.


Edward's eyes opened and he looked around wildly, his hands went to his stomach where Gawain had plunged the sword in him.

"Edward?" Esme called him tentatively wanting to go to him, but not knowing how would he react.

Edward's eyes landed on Harry and Klaus and without thinking, he rushed towards them and threw himself on Harry, who caught him without falling down.

"Harry. I am sorry. I am so sorry. It was my fault, all because of me. Please… please…" Edward babbled, as he hid his face in Harry's neck, as he used to do when he was human.

"Shh… My love, it wasn't your fault."

"It was… It was all my fault. I died on our wedding day. Everyone told me not to invite my family, but I did. It was Gawain who killed me."

"We know." Klaus said from behind them.

Edward whirled around when he heard Nik's voice and jumped on him, literally.

"Nik, Nik, Nik…" he chanted reverently as he was held tight and took lungful of scents of his mates.

"We are here, love, as promised. We never forgot you. Always and Forever!" Klaus whispered as he held his mate to him after eons.

"Why would he do that? We were so happy." Edward bemoaned.

"Because he was forced to marry your betrothed." Klaus answered.

He pulled back and stared at Klaus with a dumbfounded expression and asked, "Gawain married Beatrice?"

"No." Klaus replied shortly.

His brows furrowed, as he asked again, "Then what?"

There was a tense silence, as everyone stared at the three of them.

"Nik! Harry! What is it?"

"He couldn't marry her because I killed him along with everyone in your town." Klaus told him with clenched jaw.

Edward stumbled back as if he'd been hit and stared at Klaus with wide-eyes, breaths coming in harsh pants, even though it wasn't needed.

"You… killed…" he tried, but couldn't complete his sentence.

Esme ran forward and hugged him to her, as he stared at Klaus and Harry like a statue.

"Why?" he whispered.

"Because he took you from me!" Klaus roared deafeningly and all the wolves and vampires backed away in fear.

Edward stood rooted on stop, comprehending everything. Nik has slaughtered his whole town, but he couldn't bring himself to be angry at him. Now that he himself was a vampire, he understood what a death of a mate did to them. It was a miracle, they were still here, waiting for him, holding onto him. They were here, and nothing else mattered to him.

"Do you hate me now?" Klaus asked monotonously.

"NO… No. I could never hate you, Nik. Don't you know that?" Edward asked.

Klaus gave him a small smile and said, "Now that everything is solved, let's go home, love."


Bella screamed as they turned towards the voice and Edward closed his eyes.

"You can't leave me, Edward. We are getting married tomorrow. I love you. I can't live without you. Please!" Bella cried as tears fell from her eyes.

He had forgotten about his life here, his family, his fiancée – Bella. He already left her once and he had promised her he would never leave again. On the other hand, he had promised his mates forever and they never even got the chance to begin. He felt suffocated. He didn't know what to do. He remembered them, but did that mean that he should leave Bella, just the day before their wedding. How could he abandon her when they had been through so much together? She had chosen him, now it was his turn and he closed his eyes as a searing agony swirled inside him, realizing what he was about to do.

Harry studied Edward and closed his eyes which filled with unshed tears. Edward loved the girl and even if he didn't, he won't leave someone the day before their wedding.

"You aren't coming!" Harry exclaimed quietly and Edwards eyes snapped open, which he had closed unknowingly and stared at Harry with pain filled eyes.

"What?" Klaus bellowed as he stared at Harry, then at Edward as understanding dawned on him and he raged, "You are choosing a human girl over your mates? We have been waiting for you for centuries. I never gave up on you even though you died in my arms twice."

"Niklaus!" Harry gasped horrified and everyone's eyes became the size of soccer, but Klaus ignored him and continued, "Now I realize loving a human was a mistake! Trusting them, waiting for you was nothing but a mistake. I wish I would've never met you."

Tears filled his eyes as he said this, but he waited centuries for his love, and now that they have a chance of forever, he didn't choose them even after getting his memory back. He turned away from them and called, "Come on, kitten. Let's go."

If he was unhappy, he won't let them live happily as well. He'll decide what he wanted to do with the blonde later and he blurred away from there without another word, ignoring all the screams and chaos behind him.

"NOOO… Rosie…!" Emmett screamed as he tried to follow them, but Harry stopped him.

"Don't follow him or else he'll kill you. He won't hurt your mate until he gets angrier. I'll try to convince him to remove the compulsion, but I cannot promise anything other than the fact, that she won't be harmed."

"Please, she is my daughter. You've lost you mate, you know how it feels." Carlisle pleaded, but Harry stopped him.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot do anything. After Edward died the second time, my husband became a bit… mad. He even tried to kill me, and would have succeeded if it hadn't been for my magic. I cannot promise you anything much and I apologize for that."

"Why did he tried to kill you? He loves you more than himself. And second time? I don't remember that." Edward asked, numb from everything that had happened in the last hour.

"Yeah. I cannot give you your memories of that time, but I can tell you. It was 17th century, when Elijah saw you and told us as I was the only one who could have returned your memories. Your family had recently moved to America from Italy. Your name was Edoardo Antonio Maurizio Giordano and you were the son of a wealthy merchant. It took us long in travelling and to find you. By the time we reached you, it was already too late. You were fighting a man, trying to save your mother and sister. We reached there just when he slit your throat. Niklaus killed the man and took your mother and sister safely to your house. He never regretted killing your first family, but he always felt guilty that he broke his promise to you. He tried saving you, but you died in his arms, again."

Harry stopped and took a deep breath, then continued, "Niklaus couldn't bear it and turned his humanity off. He was sure that I would leave him one day along with our siblings. He tried to dagger me, to keep me safe," he snorted, "in a coffin. I immobilized him and left. I returned 70 years later, he was angry but repentant for what he tried to do, and we forgave each other. Rebekah and Kol are still daggered." He finished.

Everyone was staring at him wide eyed, not knowing how to react. Circumstances like these would justify why the man had no humanity left. They didn't know if the guy deserved their pity or not. He had killed Leah and they didn't know what he would do to Rosalie.

Bella was holding onto Edward's wrist, like if she would never let go, then he would leave her in the next moment and maybe, it was true. Edward's eyes were filled with venom, his dead heart breaking for what they went through because of him. Maybe, Nik was right. Maybe they shouldn't have met him, then they would have been happy. He always made people who loved him miserable.

Harry moved forward and in front of Edward. He didn't want to do this, but he knew he had to. He wanted Edward to be happy and if it was with this human, then he would set him free.

"Edward!" he said quietly and Edward's gaze snapped towards him from where he was staring at the woods. Where Niklaus had vanished.

"I apologize on behalf of Niklaus. He's… not himself right now or he wouldn't have said something like that to you." Edward throat felt clogged, so he just shook his head, indicating that there was no need to apologize. But stopped when Harry continued, "I once told you, that you don't have to do anything you don't want to do and I still mean that. I… If you want to marry the human, then I want to congratulate you on your upcoming nuptial."

Harry pulled Edward's hand in his as Edward looked up at him, closed his eyes and muttered something under his breath. They both felt like all the air was being pulled out from them, then in the next second, nothing. Edward felt like there was a hole in his heart and he couldn't breathe, his hand went to his chest where his frozen heart was. He couldn't understand what was happening to him, he had never felt like this. It felt like he was dying, maybe even worse.

Harry opened his eyes, as he staggered back, panting. Then he looked at Edward and said with a sad smile, "I want you to have everything you want or need to be happy. Our souls were connected together, you would have always felt us inside you and you wouldn't have been happy, so, I… broke the bond. You can live the life you want now, we won't be holding you back anymore."

Harry then turned towards the others and said, "I once again apologize for all the chaos today, for the one you have lost. I will try to convince Niklaus to release your mate."

He then turned towards Edward once more, who was frozen, staring at him unblinkingly, he would have been crying if he could have. Harry looked at him and whispered, "We both love you, Edward Andrew Marston and we wish you all the happiness in the world. Don't forget us, my love." He tried to joke, but it came out as a choked whisper. Then, he leaned forward and touched his lips to Edward's for a brief moment, before pulling back.

In the next second, he vanished from the spot and everyone stayed rooted where they were. No one had expected things to turn out like this. Reincarnation! It was true. And their gazes snapped towards Edward, who had yet to react. Bella was still standing there holding onto his wrist, happy that he had chosen her. That he was her mate in this life.

Edward's knees buckled and he fell down on the ground with a loud wail, he curled in a fetal position, dragging Bella along with him.

'What did he do?'

Esme, Carlisle and Alice ran to him, distressed to see him like this. They tried to talk to him, console him, Bella tried everything she had, but she knew that she had lost him.

"Edward!" Esme screamed, when he didn't respond to him and he looked up at her. His eyes were vacant, not a single emotion in them, it looked like he was dead and they all gasped.

Esme shook him harshly, like she had never done to anyone before and said, "Listen to me, Edward Anthony Masen Cullen. You'll answer me everything I ask you, do you understand?"

He looked at his mother and nodded. He was sure she must be disappointed in him, but he couldn't focus on a single thought. It was all jumbled in his head.

"Were they your mates?"


"Do you recognize them? Were they telling the truth?"

"Yes. I remember. They loved me." He said and sobbed tearlessly.

"Do you love them?"

"Yes, with everything that I am." he whispered quietly.

"You foolish boy! Why did you let them go?" she screamed at him and everyone's eyes widened. No one has ever seen her like this.

"I promised Bella. How can I leave her at the alter?"

"And do you think marrying and turning her, when you clearly are in love with someone else is the right thing to do?"

"Esme!" Bella gasped, looking betrayed.

"Stay quiet for once or there wont be a bride for the wedding tomorrow." Esme growled at her and everyone around her stared at her in astonishment.

Then, she turned towards Edward and said, "Not everyone gets another chance with their love, but you do. Everyone can see that they love you, they waited for you for centuries. Don't let it go, dear."

"What about the Volturi? They will kill us if we don't turn her."

"Don't worry about it. We'll handle it together." She told him lovingly.

Edward looked at Carlisle, who also nodded at him with a smile.

"But they are gone."

Esme rolled her eyes and shook her head at him fondly. "You can follow His scent or Rosalie's. We have to bring her back home as well."

Edward smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek, when Bella screeched, "Edward! You love me! You promised me an eternity with you! You can't leave me!"

He closed his eyes and sighed. He was feeling ashamed because he was doing this to her, but he couldn't bring himself to care much more than that. He was going to his mates and this time, he would fulfill his promise of Forever and Always with his family!

"I am sorry, Bella."

And with those words, he was gone.

EN: Even if you don't like it, I request you to not leave flaming comments. You can politely tell me that, smut isn't my cup of tea. Its my first try at it, so please be lenient with me.

It's a two-short story. I'll post the 2nd and last part today or tomorrow. Just left with the editing.

Have a nice day everyone! :)

Oct 2nd, 2018